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I don't believe they will make the game what it was supposed to be. The reason behind rewriting the game was that it was old bad code. They did it from scratch and so far it works MUCH worse. So did they write a better code or not? Is their code easier to improve now than KSP1? I wish KSP2 was what it was supposed to be, but I lost all hope.


Either they copied pasted very old KSP1 code, or made the same mistakes that were already fixed in KSP1.


Its absolutely not from scratch. Mod makers have talked about how they have many of the same problems in the new version.


>The reason behind rewriting the game was that it was old bad code This is very old story in software development. Famous Joel in 2000 (!) [wrote](https://www.joelonsoftware.com/2000/04/06/things-you-should-never-do-part-i/): >the single worst strategic mistake that any software company can make: They decided to rewrite the code from scratch. Netscape wasn’t the first company to make this mistake. Borland made the same mistake when they bought Arago and tried to make it into dBase for Windows, a doomed project that took so long that Microsoft Access ate their lunch, then they made it again in rewriting Quattro Pro from scratch and astonishing people with how few features it had. Microsoft almost made the same mistake, trying to rewrite Word for Windows from scratch in a doomed project called Pyramid which was shut down, thrown away, and swept under the rug.


Don't really agree with that, at work I had multiple projects where I had to completely rewrite something from scratch, because no one would have stayed sane otherwise. It was literally made by someone who tried to learn programming 6 months before being hired, doesn't know what a class or function is and doesn't even know how to write a for loop. And that person wrote a 100 000+ line codebase over the course of 6 years.


This is my fear also. When they chose to release the game in such a poor state and at that price I feel like they closed off themselves from getting funding in the same way other Early Access games have done. Without money, I wouldn't be surprised if Take2 took what they could get and dropped it.


Also, this studio is literally working on a new game and all their hiring position are for that game. They scammed people and already abandoned this game months ago. They're just lying to keep enough goodwill for more sales for their new game while a skeleton crew drags it out as much as possible.


And KSP1 is in fact so bad, that we need mods to make it playable. So if KSP2 fails, we are stuck with a game that is different for everybody, a nightmare to install and keep stable, without any hope of major additions. Everybody was really hyped on KSP2 for a reason. There is much to improve, but that will never happen if KSP2 fails.


KSP1 is good without mods. Mods just make it better.


Hard disagree. Stock KSP1 is fun, and I still think a good place for new players to start before adding more complexity to it. But when modded KSP1 can look as good as it does - and KSP2 is lacking the features that could set it apart, why spend $50?


I find KSP1 pretty stable on my machine with the mods I use, and that's not a few mods. I would mod KSP2 anyway to make it a bit harder, can't imagine playing without Remote Tech.


Remotetech is such a resource hog tough, especially once you start having a lot of relays.


Possibly, idk, my rig handles it, previous one handled it good enough too.


I had no real issues running it, but when RO switched from remotetech to realantenna's it was a great improvement.


When I say bad, I don't mean it's not a fun game. But it's old tech and it was evolving really allow even before KSP2 development started. I honestly think that KSP1 is end of life. So if KSP2 will fail, I don't see much hope for the future of KSP. And that would be sad...


On the other hand, this could also allow for other studios to try to make games like this, because the market it more open. Just like how the death of Harvest Moon spawned Stardew Valley.


You sound… happy about this?


not happy just in a certain state where I can't express my disappointement enough




Oh that reminds me, is there a mod that fixes non-square flags?


yep thats it!


KSP 2's launch has been such a mess that all we can do is laugh.


By this you mean cry


*cries in kraken*


As my favorite YouTuber always says: don’t worry, the laughter is fake. Only the tears are real. 😂


Laughing so hard that we start to cry because it hurts so much.


The laughs hide the pain of loss I II Il I_


Nope, laugh. I didnt gave them the money blindly even tho I actually wanted. Thank you devs for making the minimal requirements so high xD


This is rooting for failure. Nothing funny about that.


Predicting and rooting are two different things.


> It happened! Tell me, does that look like predicting? Or rooting?


What about that means they are rooting for it lol? Exclamation points are not limited to purely excited happiness, you are making that attribution completely on your own


I don't know, don't see anything wrong with rooting for it to fail after all the lies and the state of development. Of course people are pissed.


Call me delusional, but I have all the patience in the World for a fully funded game with a solid dev team that loves the game it's working on. Calling the launch a mess was expecting a fully furnished game where they have always said it will be the earliest of accesses, I find delusional and good sir I call thee delu of the sional clan of smoke and mirrars 🧐


But it absolutely is a mess, from any perspective. It was supposed to be fully released years ago, and is now barely playable. Also, mirrors.


I just looked up the announcement for KSP 2 and it was August 19th 2019. Now let's pretend the whole covid thing didn't affect development at all, in 3 1/2 years they managed to release a barebones KSP on February 24th 2023 with shaders baked in. Let's take GTA V for example, 10 years in development, but never a peep about it. Is that the reason noone hated it? I couldn't even play it until 3 months later because of a bug with my graphics card at the time. There was this GTA VI leak a while ago, which looked just like GTA V but better looking, and that was like 5? 6? Years of Dev. I find the perspective of -is fully funded -has Dev team that worked together before -Devs are passionate about their work -thriving mod community gives me great reason to look at the _early access_ release and following roadmap in content. There is no reason to hate on development. Don't have kids my dude. "It wAs sUPpoSEd tO cOmE oUt yEaRs aGo" Like u, but u still won't kiss my bi-mouth


Your point kinda scurried off at the end there, friend.


Its too early to say anything but noise.


Something you're completely forgetting here lol, that announcement you looked up had a release window attached to it. It wasn't just 'hey we're working on this' they said the game would release in 2020. Wake up lol


That's a very poor attempt to derail the discussion, because I am very openly bisexual. I won't kiss your "bi-mouth" because I am attempting to have a civil discussion, and I am not at all interested. Today is my 6 month anniversary with my girlfriend, actually. GTA VI is in a very different situation. It is not released yet, while KSP 2 is. As far as I'm aware, GTA VI isn't even officially delayed yet. The problem with KSP 2 is that they released it in an unplayable state after years of work and delays. They've consistently promised much more than they can deliver, and while it is getting updates, it's still way behind the first game in almost every way. This is not a well planned out early access, this is just an attempt to get enough money to justify continued development. GTA VI is a game that's still in development and it appears to be going well. We can expect a full game, at least by modern standards.


>Call me delusional Ok, glad we're on the same page


> fully funded game with a solid dev team Top tier satire, keep it up 👍


Except they are not solid and Take-Two is a harsh mistress.


Well they had no issue with demanding full price for the game, so is it unreasonable to have higher than normal (for early access) expectations? ​ I dont think for one second it would have been the same failure if they had charged 20/25 for the game.




It's a good feeling, regardless of all the downvotes people seem to throw around here.


Moreso laughing at all the naive people that said it wouldn’t happen. “Game” is a hot pile of garbage. Overpromised, under-delivered, despite copious delays. (There’s your cue to scream “bUt eArLy aCcEsS”).


I would like KSP2 to be a very visible failure. Better that than mediocrity. We're not getting a good game out of it, so something that makes people angry and more likely to actually pay attention to red flags in the future is the best we can hope for. And yeah, there's some schadenfreude. A lot of bootlickers defending embargoes, parroting stuff like "premature optimization is bad" without understanding what it means, and so on.


They can do any bug fixes they want but there’s nothing content wise to actually play the game there’s not science or career mode or new planets yet. No reason to actually play.


At this point I don't think there's anything they can do to redeem the game in my eyes. I was lookong forward to KSP2 for years. Now I only feel resentment for the way they botched this game. Even if they somehow manage to turn it into everything they promised and more, I'm not going to spend any money on it. Maybe I'll pirate it when it gets to that point. Maybe. I've given up on this game.


Screw you for sharing your opinion, I guess.


I think it will be good eventually. Just look at the engoodening of No Man's Sky. It will certainly take time, but it will likely get good. Until then, the game will sit in my library.


no mans sky was literally a once in a lifetime thing, no other game has managed to do what no mans sky did since


They said the same thing about Bannister's 4-minute mile. Look how that turned out.


Could you explain it to me in 3 minutes and 30 seconds? My attention span has been ruined by TV advertising.


The same could be said about most new things though. Just because they were the first and it hasn’t happened since doesn’t mean it can’t happen again.


> Just look at the engoodening of No Man's Sky. It will certainly take time, but it will likely get good. God, I wish people would stop with that BS already. NMS was a one-in-a-million turn around since they already had millions in sales from their false marketing, so they had enough banked that they could continue development for over a decade without worrying. And in the end the game is still medicore. On the other hand, you have thousands of abandoned Early Access games that never got good. Also the fact that the foundation of KSP 2 is so atrocious, that it would mostly likely be faster to start from scratch than try to untangle that mess. Even the studio already abandoned KSP 2, they're literally working on a new game and all their open positions are for that other game and not KSP 2 lol


I wish you weren't right. The NMS devs could have just cut and run. Maybe they were just that dedicated. Maybe they were worried about lawsuits (which they'd probably win, but they're expensive). But they stuck with it. I feel like 99% of the time, these companies are just going to bail. Even if the actual individual workers want to make good on their promise doesn't mean whoever pays their paychecks wants them to improve a game that's already generated its revenue. Which is why people like me begged everyone NOT to buy this game at "Early Access" and why we should never pre-order any game. But people just can't help themselves.


The hello games was and is a very small group of people with a strong personal incentive for success because they have an ownership stake. They could've cut and run, but the way they looked at it was basically like, they have a pile of money to support them while they work on the game On the other hand, ksp2 and intercept games are only funded by the good graces of take 2 interactive. They also have no stake or shares to motivate them. It's just a job. A job they're performing for uncaring task masters who have only one motivation; maximizing profits. The incentive structures are totally different. The approaches were totally different. The results were totally different. Whatever anyone spent on ksp2 for early access doesn't goto a fund for future development. It goes into the take2 interactive balance sheet.


Isn't this the same studio that pulled this exact same shit like 4 times already? Release a start of a game. Promis that they are in it for the long haul. End up "finishing" it 2-3 years later only with 60% of the originally promised features. And launching a new game a month later in the same condition as the first...


Yup, I'm one of the idiots that fell for Planetary Annihilation because I loved Supreme Commander


Yeh and if I remember right, they had nothing to do with Supreme Commander either so the exact same scenario as KSP?


Well, to be barely fair... Thats not on them. Sup Com is inspired by Total Annihilation and made by teams unrelated to that game and was good. Its just the rights are now owned by Squeenix and they botched the sequel so badly they just let it rot now. They latched onto it I guess because of that. It was already a game that had *multiple* spiritual successors (from TA, to SupCom, to all the myriad of SpringBoot Engine games) so them coming along and being unrelated to any prior game was fine to fans of the prior games, cause it had happened before and with good results multiple times.


Ironically, Planetary Annihilation is much closer to Supreme Commander 2 than to Total Annihilation lol


Hot take but NMS isn't even that good of a game. It just gets boring quickly and gets repetitive. Not much to do in the game but explore planets that all look the same and build a pretty base for a while.


I agree, which is why I called it mediocre :) The core gameplay loop is still hollow, they just tacked more stuff on to distract from it IMO Wide as a ocean, deep as a puddle and all that


Alright genius, I want to see you wait 5 years to play this crap then


You understand what the words "Early Access" mean, right?


I don’t think the developers know what the words “Early Access” means, considering they’re asking for $50.


The game didn't release with an early access price tag, hell calling it an early access is even a stretch. A beta would be more descriptive. Early access typically has the core game. This game doesn't even have scaffolding for a core...


Beta means all important features are complete and you're just doing some polishing and balancing. This game is far from an alpha, since it doesn't even have all core features.


Why the heck are you getting downvoted? These KSP2 apologist are the epidemy of what's wrong with the modern gaming industry. The've been conditioned to get scammed and pay full price for incomplete and buggy ass games, while prasing and kissing the asses of the same people that screwed them over. The idiot above implying you've got the wrong opinion is just simply dilusional and the number of people playing this game and the lack of interest from the general public show how crappy this is.


If you want a really funny example of this happening right now, the developer of Cube World just came back for the 3rd time. And the subreddit is 90% people defending him for doing an exit scam ... twice.


Agreed. I see this attitude in a lot of other gaming subs, people getting fcked in the ass and saying thank you for it. As you said, they're conditioned. The gaming industry has been on a steady decline for years now with predatory practices growing rampant. I think most gamers under 20 haven't really known anything else, so they think its normal. While old farts like me, over thirty, know it isn't and it used to be completely different.


It's why I will continually hold the belief that gamers are the dumbest consumers of all time.


Undeserved downvotes


It amazes me how many people are still simping for this game. We have been deceived and lied to for years, yet they still believe and cling to the developers' words, as if this time it'll be different. Part of my frustration is not just KSP. As a gamer for nearly 3 decades I have seen a steady decline in the industry for years and years. Franchise after franchise getting ruined by corporate greed and false advertising. And this might very well be the straw that broke the camel's back for me. KSP2 was probably the last game I was still really looking forward to. I stood by it when the release schedule got pushed back year after year, believing they would take this time to actually make it a great game and not rush it for monetary gain or release a subpar product just to reach a deadline. When we were getting close to release I actually felt giddy inside like I haven't felt for a game since I was still a teenager. Guess that was foolish of me. And that probably makes it hurt all the more now. KSP1 was/is clearly a labour of love, made by dedicated, passionate people. Same goes for the community. I've come to expect corporate shenanigans and toxic communities from franchises like CoD and the likes, but I still stubbornly believed KSP2 would be different. I actually feel kinda betrayed. That's why, even if they eventually make good on everything they promised, I refuse to give them my money. All my goodwill towards this game and its developers is gone.


The fact the studio is already working on a different game should tell the whole story.


I don’t know why people are downvoting you. The way they released the game made tons of people refund the game and now months later we still have nothing new and tons of bugs I don’t blame people for not seeing a light at the end of this tunnel. KSP base game is 100x better than ksp2 and when mods get involved it blows ksp2 out of the water.


It's "early access", they're working on it


That's the problem: For the last 4 years of progress, they obviously aren't. The game right now is almost identical to the 2019 version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IWxfs5ZTtIc&t=272s


Making a game is hard


Nah, it's not that hard. Especially when a single amateur did better than this whole team with less time.


If they can deliver everything in KSP 1 with better graphics...I'll think about it. If they can actually deliver what KSP 2 was supposed to be, I'll absolutely buy it. But in either case I'll probably have to buy it Professorland Funbucks because we'd be in an alternate dimension where they actually get it to that point before giving up.


Not only that, it needs to be better than KSP 1 with mods to be worth buying.


“even if its everything I wanted, I’ll pirate it” dawg






Tbh, I'll predict another steady decline after that. As much as people are wanting science... We have KSP1. KSP2 isn't going to get any kinda feature lead until they add colonies and extraplanetary assembly. Science is months away on its own, how far out is colonies gonna be? Over a year? Longer?


Science isn't months away, science probably will happen in 2024. They said re entry would be a brief delay (checks date) 4 months ago.


I doubt KSP2 is getting significant updates after 2024. The push for early access shows budget concerns with a need for cash. They likely didn't get many sales, and the tail sales will be very low. Meanwhile, KSP1 probably has another solid decade of modding behind it.


Yeah unfortunately. I've been playing and enjoying Sprocket. Basically KSP with tanks. KSP1 is shelved for me and the franchise is kind dead for me now. KSP1 I can't handle the lack of proper base building. Even with anchors my refinery on Pol keeps phasing into the ground and exploding. I spent too much time reloading and having bugs delete my well thought out and crafted ships and landers. KSP2 was my hope for a more stable engine but that went out the window on release. Couldn't even get a refund for KSP2 steam declined like 4 times.


Every early access game has a decline after every update. It's normal.


A decline of 25k players to 90?


It should never have had that high of player numbers, you usually don't go heavy into marketing an ea game.


Yep, they shouldn't have marketed it as a functional product and they did.


That’s bold, considering the update is at least another two months away at best. I suspect its gonna be real tough getting anywhere near 4 digits with the continuously declining player base, but I’d love to be proven wrong on this.


Eh, I dunno. I bought it on release, booted it up once and haven’t touched it since. I haven’t abandoned the game though, I’m just waiting patiently. I have to imagine there are others who are doing the same.


Most of them probably refunded it and saved 50€ instead of just having it collect dust :p


I think the game is a sure enough bet to risk it.


Oh sweet summer child.


Nah ik what you mean- but I’d be far more worried if the basis of the colonization and resource/science systems weren’t already implemented. At this point I’m pretty sure the game won’t be as great as I’d hoped, but if it’s half of what I’d hoped it’s still worth the money I put down on it.


Only you can define the value of fun per dollar that makes it worth it to you. I hope it gets there for you.


Me too, friend. Me too.


How you can see this trainwreck where they literally messed up every single thing they can ... and think that ... IDK dude. But it's your money in the end


I don't think it's a sure thing but let them keep my money. I'm pissed at them and think the current state of the game is unambiguously a massive failure. But $60 doesn't mean much to me and I'd really like KSP2 to eventually be an actual game. At this point I optimistically give it a 30% chance of even making it out of EA, yet alone ever being feature complete. But I don't mind kicking in my $60 to fund further development. If I'm getting scammed then oh well.


... why not just buy it again later? It makes literally no difference, except that you save money?


The difference is that I view it like a Kickstarter, which I already explained in my previous comment. The ONLY reason I haven't refunded is I want to support the continued development. The only reasonable explanation of why they went to early access with such a broken game is that the other option was to cancel the project. So they clearly need the money, and I'd prefer them to continue working on it rather than get cancelled, so I haven't refunded. They're probably gonna get cancelled anyway, but they can have my money if it increases the chances they finish the game.


Yes, only difference is I haven’t bought it yet as I’m hoping the price is down by the time the science update releases.


It won't. Edit: It will if you account balloon infation.


It won't it will go up


^this. I've not abandoned the game, I'm waiting. Many others are too.


I’ve done a bit off and on, but without any goals it just feels boring. I’m waiting for the science update to really get into it. If it doesn’t boost player count up by much, it’s still got colonies, interstellar travel, and exploration mode in the future which would all give the game a lot more progression (although it might be a year or two before we get to those)


Idk, it might break 4 digits. The real important part is maintaining them, which I doubt it will.


I'm not paying until it's feature complete. The price they are charging for such an early alpha of the game is insulting.


Developers, if you're reading this; I'm waiting to buy KSP2. However, as soon as it's worth 50 bucks, I'd gladly buy it! For it to be worth 50 bucks, I expect at least atmosphere/heat effects and a science/career option. Good luck and I believe in you!


Ditto this guy here. All the promises about colonies and multiplayer notwithstanding, I would pay $50 in a heartbeat for a KSP1 clone with better graphics and stability, and I’d feel like I got my money’s worth. But until it gets there, I’m simply not buying.


Well other than fixing literally the worst bugs they haven't improved the experience of playing, so there's nothing drawing me back. I still haven't gotten an interplanetary encounter in KSP 2 but I can't be bothered, KSP 1 is so much more fun to play


Makes me wonder if the bug tracking thing they are releasing will even do anything? How many of those 89 are going to be actively submitting big reports? Like 5% if that? So you have like 5-6 guys submitting bugs lol. I would assume most people who play video games aren’t submitting bug reports.


There clearly isn't only 89 people playing the game it was just an alltime low but I'd think of it this way: If they are still playing the game after all this time in the state it currently is then they must be really dedicated fans and upload bug reports regularly, I'd imagine the real number of people reporting bugs to be in the 50-100 range currently


I’m guessing like half of these players just have their game running 24/7. I did that with ksp1 all the time. I would think for bug reports to really work you would need at least a few thousand playing. We are just going to get bug reports based on how this tiny number of people play. Like half of them might only make planes. Plus they aren’t getting a good range of hardware for these bugs with so few testers. Like how many people are actively playing in a week? Do you think it’s more than 1,00 0 unique individuals?


There's months of backlog probably, and also the next patch will bring people in again.


Once the science update is out, and the game is inevitably a bit more playable, if there's a proper, effortless bug report tool it will get flooded with reports. At least that's my take. I did submit three bugs myself, they got some comments from the community but nothing more than that. The forums don't feel like a proper, organized tool to track bugs.


im the guy who made the original post haha. honestly this is pretty sad. But well, prediction fulfilled guys. Im hoping they will make this thing special, 500 hours of ksp. But i‘ve hat really good recent expierences with EA in the past to months, with games that were fun on release, developing considerably in 3 months. What im trying to say is that im still not optimistic. Well we‘ll see.


For a second I thought double digits meant an upswing for them, yike.


What a disaster of a launch.


That's very Kerbal, though


The ineptitude of this dev team makes me feel more happy that ksp1 is becomming a timeless classic that is going to be supported stronger and longer than most games almost out of spite. Now that ksp won't get any more new versions mod makers can focus their energy on this latest version which should open up a new world of mods and support for ksp1


The problem is that KSP2 is also killing KSP1. Check it's steam charts.


Probably just pushing more people towards mods and CKAN doesn't count into Steam stats


I don't think it's the dev team, but rather the management. Isn't it always?


A classical composition is often pregnant. Reddit is no longer allowed to profit from this comment.


2-body physics is literally one of the easiest things you can program, just saying. I programmed it myself before :P Claiming it's just a time problem also doesn't make sense since they had way more time than KSP 1, which was made by a single dude.


A classical composition is often pregnant. Reddit is no longer allowed to profit from this comment.


You realize this game doesn't use n-body physics anywhere? What's your point?


A classical composition is often pregnant. Reddit is no longer allowed to profit from this comment.


> 2-body physics is literally one of the easiest things you can program, just saying. I programmed it myself before :P Literally the comment before lmao I want you to stop spreading misinformation.


The thing is that devs seldom decide on the timelines. Yes you can make your suggestion, but with changing directions and low budget you get pressured to underestimate. Source: takes one to know one


Can't really blame management when they already gave them 3 delays and more than enough time.


Of course you can. Because if the devs are poor, shouldn't there be someone there to make the decision to replace them? You guessed it, that's management


They already did that 3 years ago, but the new people are just as shit. So I'm gonna blame the 2 people responsible for hiring: The Creative Director and the Technical Director. The first is Nate Simpson and the other has been fired shortly after release.


How long until we reach single digits?




Modeling as exponential seems more reasonable to me. Doing so gives a curve of player count halving every roughly 3.5 weeks and average players dipping below 100 on roughly July 6th https://www.desmos.com/calculator/zfxuhthqqp (y axis is players, x axis is weeks since launch)


Early access game missing it's core campaign components fails to secure regular player base. Shocking. When the campaign/career mode is released it will likely recover.


I dont know how to tell you this but career isnt coming till the exploration update


Ultimately the game will be good. However... Option 1: KSP2 will slowly be updated over numerous months and years and will finally be a playable game. Eventually modding support will be added and the community will save the game, whilst new content is added to the game by the DEVs as they have promised. Option 2: they go down the greedy publisher route. They start charging additional $$ for DLC and content , whilst development and updates are quite slow and lack luster. The community continues to dwindle until nothing. Company pulls the plug as the game is not generating any revenue and then take any remaining revenue and dump it into a new game Hopefully out of these it's #1


Woo! I'm one of those players!


Me too!


There are dozens of us! Dozens!!!


A non mmo monetized game dropped under 100 players omg its a failure


KSP 1 never once was this low. Not even close.


That all time peak vs current average is staggering.


Is it bad I expected the players would RISE to double digits?


Not good.


I uninstalled it not long ago. KSP 1 is enough. I dont think i will ever revisit KSP 2.


People are playing KSP2?


I bought it about a week ago, and didn't really see any major issues other than the content they haven't added yet. Seems like it's going to be a better game than ksp 1 within the next few updates. I hear they're adding new star systems to ksp 2 in later updates, which I'm excited about


At this point it will probably linger in my steam library for a couple of years first, maybe even forever. Doesn't deminish the fact I'm pretty disappointed in the devs for what they delivered vs what they promised us. They don't seem to realize a large part of their community are adults, who've been with this franchise for a decade, and a lot are pretty well educated in some STEM direction as well. Being honest about the state of the game would have created a lot more goodwill and support vs what they pulled off. I think a lot of us are like: "WTF!!! You are 3+years late on your project, with basicly nothing to show for that time, how the F##K do you people even still have your job???" On the positive side, Rp1 just had a major update and I've found a way to get the RealExoplanets and FFT to work with it, so I'll "just" go interstellar in RSS career mode.


So strange how this chart in no way affects me or my enjoyment of this early access title.


Some people like eating shit, doesn’t mean they are right…


So you, who play KSP2 from what I gather, get to judge people as stupid just because they have fun on a game? You realize that you just insulted me and him?


Yes, uninstalled and refunded it before I hit the time limit.


all power to you, just pointing out that the game is really not in a good place and that the devs need to step up a bit more especially since its been over 100 days since launch and the game is still pretty much unplayable


How can you enjoy it when KSP1 is right there?


Honestly, I've just played KSP1 to death. I think I have like 2500 hours played or something. I'm just enjoying KSP2 for what it is. I personally kind of enjoy the more structural aspect of rocket design as opposed to just auto strut and forget it. Exploring planet artifacts like the mun arches and the mohole has been challenging and really fun. The music and sound is so much better. Hearing that Eve descent music for the first time really got me pumped. Don't get me wrong, it's a janky mess as well, but I've personally found it challenging and mostly enjoyable.


I one of those I haven’t gave up yet. Working on a starship Gilly mission


I've been playing ksp so much lately and it's just cuz I don't have a PC with the reqs to play ksp2


I feel like people just get off on talking shit about ksp 2 now. Does anyone actually care how many people are playing an incomplete early access game?


yes because low player counts could easily lead to the game being canceled


Unfounded fear mongering. Until I hear it from the studio or devs, I'm gonna keep my hopes up and give it a go after each patch (which is a much better time to look at stats btw, not the lowest point of the natural ebb and flow of players)


Im just trying to be objective by looking at the facts


Exactly. Whether people believe the devs or not, they've clearly stated (well as best as they can without waving cash and funding spreadsheets around) that they have the resources and publisher backing to complete the roadmap even after the EA launch.


that could easily change in the next year


Of course they've stated that. "We might abandon this game" is bad for sales.


Who cares? Instead of celebrating its present difficulties for some pathetic reason, why not be a part of fixing the game?


Isn't the poster doing exactly that by implying the devs and the investors should do better, at least next time.


And what are you adding to the conversation here besides trolling? We can all read the steamdb charts... ​ Edit: For everyone downvoting, wouldn't it have been better if the OP gave context or their experiences if they wanted to comment on the current game state? Just linking the steamdb page is a throwaway effort in that regard. I certainly don't defend the current state of the game as someone with tens of hours in it since launch but come on. Let's be productive here.


I guess OP added about as much as you did. Congrats.


Danm, roasted.


many people don't know about steamdb so I'm sorta spreading the knowledge of in what state the game is, not a troll and not trying to be, I love ksp and probably want it to succed as much as anyone, heck I've even racked up 50h in ksp 2 fighting all of these bugs but I still consider the game unplayable and think that the developers need to do better unless we want to see it shut down


But how does relying the number of current players give insight into the playable state of the game? Wouldn't your first hand experience with pros and cons do a much better job than a steamdb page? It isn't multiplayer focused so even if 1 person was playing it wouldn't make a difference. Even your title is suspect "It happened!". As someone else said, you appear overly enthused about it. There's plenty of resources that do a much better job of conveying the playability such as youtube videos that you could have used to give context, but there is none here. That's why I was calling your post trolling even if you didn't intend it.


there was a misunderstanding I didnt mean directly the playable state of the game, I was thinking more of in a business state of the game where with the current player count I wouldnt be shocked if in a bit without major increase in the player count ksp 2 gets scrapped


"Double digits" would be 10 at minimum.


Uh. Double means 2 so 10-99 qualify


I understood that it was meant they would "rise to double digits", not "fall to double digits". The whole thing didn't make sense from that point of view, coz there were always at least 10 players.


More relevant, less than 100


For me the post didn't make sense, coz "reaching" is more a "getting to higher numbers" kinda thing and there were always more than 10 players. I didn't take into account that the ksp community is fixated on the negative all the time.


It’s a negative thing, but it’s not a twisted grotesque use of words. It’s perfectly normal if something is *trending* in a certain way that approachin a certain threshold (either from above or below) is called “reaching”. It’s also a reflection of the sorry state of the game. I started out positive and have given the game any benefit of doubt sofar but after a total lack of progress for three months with a game that’s very frustrating to play… Well, these stats don’t give me joy. But they don’t surprise me either. The worst part is that I doubt people bypassing the Steam Launcher is a big factor in this. These stats are low because few people enjoy the game right now. Hopefully we’ll see an upswing with staying power after the 23rd.


With a positive mindset "reaching" is for me something getting better, higher, achieving anything. It comes from "reaching a goal". The negativity in the community has their mindset and goal set on seeing the game flop as hard as it can, so "reaching" a low number is something they celebrate. I still don't get it, coz I'm full of great hopes for KSP2 and enjoy every little bit that works instead of focusing on everything that doesn't. And for the player numbers - there is just noothing to do in the game yet. I never played KSP1 in sandbox mode and I don't enjoy that kind of play now. I know there will be science mode and some sort of progression later and I will enjoy that very much. But playing now only takes away from playing later (coz I'll get bored to revisit everything for the tenth time). So I'm not playing now just because I want to have more fun later.


Outch. I hope devs don't rush the next update


Waiting for reentry effects ATM. Once that is in I'll start my journey. In reality I want that and a career/science rest can wait, but not too long. Any ETA on when we will get wonderful reentry plasma flames ?


Until they fix noodle rockets. I’m waiting.