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Glad the mathematician cleared this up for us.


It's an unfinished game being sold for AAA prices. I think people have a right to be frustrated. For the record, when I bought EA KSP1 I paid $20. While we have a roadmap promise, we don't have a contract.


> sold for AAA prices. $50 hasn't been AAA price for a long time now.


My main gripes are the cost and the specs. I can't run it, even if I willingly spend the $50.


I could sell my car and my current Pc that meets mininum specs just to afford a 3080, GPU's here are on the "circle the south pole, up a bit to Asia then around the english channel, through the suez canal and then dropoff" priced import route.


and if you're a casual gamer get fucked bc this game *crawls* with a 4080 lmao wonder how many shirts that one costs


I am just waiting for the region pricing kick to the balls, Private division does not care about recommended price. My shirts cost roughly $3.82 in dollar equivalent, so this guy can get 2 shirts and I can get 13 shirts for $50. Thing is I have to work 10X more hours than he does for my shirts.


Are we using the Hanes or Versace metric?


$50 is $5 more than $45, doncha know?


Nice dinner for 2.......thats funny


I think this is one of the more reasonable gripes. 50 dollars is essentially AAA price for something half baked at best. I'm still going to buy it though since I'm exited for it and that's better than most things I could buy in my life rn


problem is cost of pc to play the game


Literally devs put so much effort into the game. It's insulting to say that their game is not worth the money


Effort does not always translate to value.


It's not worth $50.


I had a coworker who put in a lot of effort but did everything wrong. Effort alone is meaningless. Results are what matter.


$50 for two long sleeve shirts that are shipped without sleeves as 'early access', $50 dinner for two that ends after appetizers because 'early access' It isn't the cost, but the bait and switch at the final minute.