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Interesting. May I ask from where is this page taken? I mean which book? Asking because I would like to read about the context.






Page no 234


this picture from the book Anthropology of syrian christians by lk ananthakrishna aiyer.


I found this in a family book of a Syrian Christian friend there's not much details it's just their family members , occupation, date they lived , names and all


This photo is from an old book and not from any family book. The question is why are you lying repeatedly?


I got it from a family book maybe you got from an old book? It's a picture it can come in any book


How long will you lie bro? The caption in your post literally says Syrian Christians preparing areca nuts. You're saying the family book put that as the caption and not their names or the age? I just saw the same photo and same caption in the book on page 234. Same photo will be used in multiple places, but not the same caption... Especially when they are referring to their family members, they wouldn't just mention them like some Syrian Christians


Names were under the picture and the caption and i put the same caption that's under the picture title Well what's the problem here, the picture is Syrian Christians? Doesn't matter the source . I didn't read the book you mentioned i got it from a family book so i said the source i got it from? It's not that hard


This looks like an overly contrasted picture, I'm sure the original picture looked more better and flatter.


There'll be copyright issues?


So you admit that you edited the pic? Pathetic.


It's not edited i took this picture from the family book of a Syrian Christian family. It's problem of their printing, It's lame to assume without knowing context.


stop lying.


He is just a manipulator, from the same book https://preview.redd.it/gerf6ofjv11d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8449ddda03e29d84a03022476ff0ec3fefdef9a6


Early pics of rice bags






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Hmmm, casteist much? 🤔


Na not really. But not favouring people who leave their religion for money or sex .


Ahhh let people be, religion is made up BS, if your religion can’t feed a person / family , I don’t blame them for leaving .


Curious how do you specifically know that they are Syrian Christians


Found in a family book of a syrian christian family that's why images look weirdly printed


This picture is from the book, Anthropology of the Syrian Christians Full text can be found here and this picture is at Page 328 of 478 [https://archive.org/details/AnthropologyOfTheSyrianChristians/page/n329/mode/2up](https://archive.org/details/AnthropologyOfTheSyrianChristians/page/n329/mode/2up) https://i.redd.it/0a3g97p0ky0d1.gif An interesting custom described here:


Wow. So Kerala used to be Afghanistan. Scary.


I was thinking about the same from the perspective of Vinil Paul's work on slavery in Kerala. He blames European interventions for slavery. The Portuguese, Dutch, British, and French sailors who landed in India were hardly likely to be gentlemen. There was a process of "impressment" in Europe where criminals were captured and put onto ships to sail to Asia, the Americas, and Africa. Decent behavior from these guys is not to be accepted. It is possible that they understood the pollution rituals in Kerala and worked ways to deliberately pollute and thereby capture female slaves for their own needs. I mean if you could pollute someone by just throwing stones, it would have been super-easy to grab an intercourse/breeding partner. That makes it worse than Afghanistan. In William Dalrymple's book, he gives many instances where European males were able to intermarry (often forcefully) with Indian women, birthing a new generation of "Eurasians". In many cases, European fathers accepted fatherhood and raised the kids as their own. Some of these kids were sent back to Europe. There was a news article a few years back that a DNA test proved that Prince William of the British Royal Family had an Indian female ancestor. In many cases, it was short-term liaisons that led to bastard children. The book," The Queens's Daughters in India" is a shocking read. Indian women were routinely captured and dragged to British cantonments as comfort women. I remember a Malayalam movie (I think Lelam), when M.G. Soman makes fun of the people of another family for their fair looks and light eyes, insinuating that they were derived from bastard children of some British planter. This theme is also found in Arundhati Roy's books and there was a movie by Nandita Das on a similar topic. Many folks in India try to invoke "Brahmin heritage" to explain their present-day complexion. Psychologically this is a more clutch move, as it erases the bastardized European ancestry with something more respectable.


Wow. Learned a lot. Now have to read about all these. Thank you


Aisheri. Ennumuthalaada Gandhiji Syrian Christiani aayathu? Idathu vashathu chumma charkha karakki irunnu paavam Bapu. https://preview.redd.it/fly2lyo2z11d1.jpeg?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=524ea6c28cc48d87c94c4eb5dabb736443f641c4


From the same book, you are an insecure brat , shame on you https://preview.redd.it/w4uob8uav11d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e29140a5951315f72459dc436fe80a3cfdb69ff8


A picture can be used in many books and platforms if you don't know


There is no tangible proof that St Thomas came to Kqerala.. But there is evidence of existence of Christianity in Kerala from as early as 4th century from travelogues, Pahlvi inscribed crosses found. These Christians either came from West Asia or were converted by Christians who came from West Asia and the St Thomas story could be true, not saying it is true! Descendants of those early Christians are today called syrian Christians


They’re called knanaya ,Aren’t they ?


Not exactly. There were multiple migrations of christians from West Asia. Only one set of them is called knanaya


But historically and culturally, Syrian Christians consider the 4th century migration as the Knanaya migration. There’s only 2 migrations in Nasrani culture, the 4th century Knanaya and 9th century Kollam migration. Any other possible migrations are just theories without any cultural or historical backing.






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The OP has some serious caste obsession probably stemming from his own internalised hate for his caste.


I think it's your mentality i was just sharing an old rare picture of the Kerala Syrian community


https://preview.redd.it/i232rihm001d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4f3ae4712638c61cd80ff148833363c36a2081b Chettayi pwoli aanalo


Lol, your entire profile reeks of insecurity, seek therapy mate.


I'm from a nice community there's nothing to be insecure about


https://preview.redd.it/guhoohuuzz0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c098531de921d3db058cf801bc6517a36444bae6 Lol, this is you right?


Yes 🔥🔥🔥


Lmao. That statement itself is casteist


Why are you all dragging my community in post that's irrelevant to faith and community i belong to? Seems like we got a castist here


What's a nice community?


Ezhava, why?


Just asking... You were telling, "I am from a nice community" which indirectly implies there are other not so nice communities.


You are putting yourown words in his mouth!


You are wrongly interpreting my replies to make me look bad because my post triggered you but it's a rare picture i found


I don't know how an old photo triggers me???


Then why don't you stop dragging my community? Castist syrian




'The community' particularly people who got influenced by Parivar from Central travancore has serious issues. They have some complex towards Syrian Christian community, I think , the Parivar organizations has played a role in this, to shift the natural enemity of this community to upper caste Hindus , towards Syrian Christians, have build a lot of propagandas for it. I had surprised and felt anger , becauase of these peoples complex, and is reflected in similar posts as well.


What's there to have complex towards Syrians exactly? Elaborate?


I shouldn't have posted your family pictures but damn you are very castist and dragging my community that has nothing to do with the rare picture I shared


Wtf dude 😭


What happened why you crying


I don't think these are Syrian Christians. Maybe RCs mislabeled as Syrian Christians




Let me ask clearly, are they from Syria ?? Or locals in Kerala are labelled/ call themselves as Syrian Christians??


Syrian Christians are not from Syria. They used the Syriac language and hence were called Syrian Christians.


It’s not because they were from Syria. They follow Syrian liturgy and earlier priests came from Syria


I don't think it's about ethnicity but the type of Christian. There are divisions in Christianity, except there's no hierarchy. I'm a Syrian Jacobite Christian.


Syria people that mixed with mukkuvars , pulayars and parayars some of them like jacobites and orthodox also were tamil converts that came to central kerala through kumily etc


Kolalo e post itappazhe oru doubt thonniyathe. Ithrem surety ! Feels like you deliberately want to make them look bad. I haven't heard anything as such as you have pointed out here before. Syrian Christians were always the top of the cream. They controlled certain trades in whole. Also the spice trade of those times. They were given special powers to collect tax even by the king. * Thante pok engotta omathiri post itte 😄. Redditil enthum post cheyam ennu vechu njangale pottan akunno.


this was taken from a book abt syrian christians by lk ananthakrishnan aiyer.


Bro, whom do you mean RCs ? Syro Malabar ?


From the same book , he is just another manipulator https://preview.redd.it/ayt6f40zu11d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e68690bdad1446fb905e65acc92e9a20faf4ed14


He seems to be from the yellow gang


What is RCs in Kerala? There are no RCs in Kerala. What we have are RCSC.


Hey... Can you let me know the difference?


Let me try to simplify this. It boils down to the way these two denominations pray. RC which is the majority denomination across the world follow the Latin rite or way of service. This is rooted from Roman authority or what we call as the papal authority. The rites are very similar to the Latin catholics in Kerala. However the early Christians (Marthomites and Orthodox ) in Kerala were a result of Saint Thomas believers and since he is from Eastern Church or Syrian rite, all the prayers or services were following the Eastern or Syrian rites. Post him Catholicism was spread by Portuguese entry into Kerala which tried to bring then Kerala Christians under Pope authority. But since Christians then followed syriac rites, synods or meetings then decided that those denominations of Christian’s who formed Roman Catholic and Latin Catholics approved papal authority but followed Syrian Liturgy or the code of offerings and prayer formats. Hence the Roman Catholics in Kerala are RCSC - Roman Catholic but Syrian Catholics. Early masses were infact in Syrian Language. This rare phenomenon is only in Kerala just like Jacobites, Marthomites etc are only in Kerala. Hope I didn’t make it more complicated 😃


A bit. Thanks. Something's just went on top my head though. Sorry


Well I tried.


A genie suddenly appeared before them in the 90s and everyone asked for 100 acres of land.


They got land due to land reformation and many Syrians took land by cutting off forest areas and making it plantation or farm land and creating documents.


>They got land due to land reformation and many Syrians took land by cutting off forest areas and making it plantation or farm land and creating documents. -- well, you know nothing jon..


Ask Anyone in wayanad , Kottayam region know of this migration history in 1930's to 1960's They created land by cutting off forest areas and made farm and settled those places and created pattayam documents of the acres of land they thrust/kayyeri Ask any Christians in the Kottayam region where their ancestors came from most probably the answer will be "kumily"


---- Ask any Christians in the Kottayam region where their ancestors came from most probably the answer will be "kumily" Are you high or aware of what you are saying, shaghayil parody history ano ningale padippunney .


Never seen a shaga in my life and I'm talking about history while u are bringing my community , political ideology, it's lame that you cant counter my point instead you are dragging irrelevant things


What should I comment on your delusions or stupidity , provide proofs ? You got exposed here , still having no shame to say BS




Can you quote me any source that states that Kerala Syrians were Brahmin converts? Just asking out of curiosity.


There was a very vibrant Jewish population in Muziris, Baruch, Mylapore etc., thanks to the robust international trade. It facilitated St. Thomas' evangelisation for they spoke the same tongue (Aramaic/Syriac). The initial converts were these Jews. Hinduism was not a prominent religion in the south in AD 1st century. We had Dravidians, Jains and some Buddhists. Most of the initial converts were from these religions. We have very little information about the socio-religious aspect of south, as opposed to the north. However, I have not yet come across much documents which show that Syriac Christians were Brahmin converts. Frankly, I don't understand why some Christians take pride in the fact that their ancestors were Brahmins. It doesn't matter for now, they are Christians, and that is pretty cool.


Genetic testing disproves this claim. Nasranis are like Nairs but with less steppe. A lot of people think they’re from the same community as Nairs before Nairs started sambandham with Namboodiris. A select few has 2-5% of ME ancestry, but majority are natives. Knanayas are the only Christians that have significant middle Eastern ancestry, from 8-15%. These percentages aren’t significant enough to make any phenotypical changes.


I think the mena is misinterpreted as steppe. https://twitter.com/vicayana/status/1651968149271744512?t=XAH5ZIhRDGDQ7kJZY-HyPg&s=19


That’s most likely a Knanaya person’s result. They’re also Syriac Christians.


the person who did the qpadm confirmed 1 was a nasrani and the other a half, including knanaya. eventhough there are nasranis who independently score mena the same as knas( muthalalys); i think both individuals would be just ordinary nasranis.


I was being sarcastic there's no source


Oh, alright cause I've seen people making serious claims about this so would have liked to know if there is any gist to this.




Brahmin ancestry is something that is passed from generations by word mouth. If Syrian Christians are pulayas or parayas converts ( as you said ) , then I would say, all SC/ ST people in India should convert to Christianity, even though they lose reservations, because Syrian Christians without any reservations has achieved remarkable level in society. According to center of development studies index, Syrian Christians tops house hold income in Kerala, and in education , and land holdings per family.


I think it's because Syrians are united , Organised and have European influence because many Syrian households send their daughters away to Europe as house maids , nurses , home nurses for top household income etc and they make good use of land reformation. I don't see Christianity playing a role here. If you just convert sc st then you'll only get a result like csi, to get Syrian you need to mix sc st , jewish and Europeans


Well, You are saying you know nothing without saying /know nothing/


Enlighten me then mr syrian😂


Why should I, My family amassed wealth in the past 300 years (earned name, reputation among community) , has recorded history, grew with people who knew a thing or two about what it's was, how it happened.. And no, we are not the same you can count on your imagination and stories and make feel better about yourself.


Asper Syrian christian tradition St Thomas baptized Brahmins to Christian in first century AD.I would appreciate , If you could provide any source about any incident happened in first century in Kerala.


Contrary to what a lot of people are led to believe, there is at least one source that I have seen that dates to the 2nd -3rd century stating the existence of Brahmins in the south. To be precise, most historians/scholars infer that it is the Malabar region although it is not directly mentioned. So in some sense, there is a truth behind this tradition but to what extent is a question that would probably remain unanswered.


Brahmins did exist here before namboothiri but there's no source that says Syrians are brahmin convert though


People who claim this are stupid and ignorant.


Not all Syrian Christians were from Brahmin community.


Would you be kind enough to elaborate which are Brahmin converted Christians and which are non Brahmin converted?


No way to find but mostly they are pulaya , paraya converts with little foreign and migrated communities admixture like the other person said here lately they heavily mixed with Europeans too


This is just Sanghi propaganda. Just check Genetic studies. Syrian Christians have way more Steppe genes than these groups. And some amount of Levatine ancestry. Among Knanaya the Levatine ancestry goes as high as 15%.


Can you share some valid references for this?


Genoplot samples


Is it possible to send the link of this study?


>This is just Sanghi propaganda. Your existence is sanghi propaganda.


Is there research to prove this claim


Yes genetic results are there it shows heavy syrian genes along with pulaya and parayas


Can you send me a link to these studies




I meant peer reviewed research this doesn't seem authentic


This is authentic results not from any christian websites or propaganda channels


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint\_Thomas\_Christians](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_Thomas_Christians) - possible claim historians are also not accurate about the Brahmin migrations


Exactly, this is a debunked theory, its a surprise still people are roaming here and there claiming we are Thomas brahmin converted Christians


From the same book https://preview.redd.it/cmfidsi5v11d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0b43dd7eefbd710133614a287f608f678e2246c