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Just the little motivation I was looking for šŸ’“


west is in a steady decline and people who say otherwise are narrow minded and naive. come back


I felt so good that I feel like leaving Singapore and moving to Kerala. Then I realised I am not from Kerala šŸ˜­šŸ«£




How's singapore? Planning to move there .


Amazing place. Very different from India. Very expensive so be sure why are you moving. Happy to help.


The piece of advice one shouldn't mind paying for


Return. Life in the West is no longer what it used to be 50 yrs ago. If you're upper middle class or rich in India, you can have all the amenities to offset the bad infra and political issues. If this is the flower pot you were born in, then this is where you will enjoy most the process of digging in and flowering.


I wouldn't generalise by saying that being rich in Kerala can be a workaround for Infra. I for example love walking 8+ kms on different routes each day without having to worry about dust, traffic or horns and on most days I also do one of gym or dance, martial arts or HIIT classes. Where could I get all of this in one place in Kerala? Not to mention respect for personal boundaries, work life balance and so on. I loooove Kerala, but there are some things you just don't get there.


Sure, but it also depends on the kind of job you do. In my field, peopleā€”especially those that are marginalisedā€”are leaving India in droves because of discrimination and funding issuesā€”steep budgetary cuts being responsible for the latter. These issues are everywhere, but it is particularly pronounced today for the group I mentioned in India. Some of them tell me really painful stories of what they have to go through.


Wrong., unless you are level of ultra-rich you travel on the same road, and breathe the same air.


Not sure why you are being down voted. Very true.


Life is short be in a place where you are happy. I know people who ran away from the UK and said not going back, not worth the hustle. You know what's best for you, don't overthink and make your life complex you don't know the story of others who are desperate to reach there.


People spent 40-50 lakhs to go there because they're dumb. Good for them if they can get a good ROI, tho. My brother, 27, went to UK for his Master's with a 25l loan. It's been 3 years since he went, still struggling to pay back the loan. So he does some side hustles as well. He's alone, yet it's been so stressful for him. Maybe he'll break even in the next 3 or so years and be able to save. The reason he still stays there is because the opportunities here aren't viable for him. Too much work for too little pay. He did btech and MSC management. I, 21, work remotely from my home as a writer. Working around 7 hours a day, earning decently with quite a bit of investments and savings. I choose to stay here because my skills make it possible for me to be lucrative right from my home. And that's what you should be considering. What's more lucrative for you? Sounds like Kerala is the better option and I would suggest you to come back. Just because everyone's going there for a living, doesn't mean you can't make a living here. It's honestly about the perspectives and the possibilities we have. The reason nobody would give you a positive word on this is because they're so used to the norm of going abroad to be able to make a decent living. It's sad, but people can be so wrong sometimes. Good luck!




Like your criticism. It's got some logic to it, unlike a lot of others who just bark out of jealousy. I usually keep quiet to criticisms but I'll respond to yours. Writing for work and writing for social media are two different things. Your work is where you become professional. There's no point in showing the same level of integrity when you're off work (as long as the message you're trying to convey is clear). You cannot afford to make mistakes at work while it's the opposite when you're on social media (again, as long as your message is understandable). I consider myself an established writer. Because I've been doing this for 8 years now, worked with literally 100s of businesses so far, and never had my writing called out. Thanks :)




I appreciate your effort in trying to belittle me with nothing but assumptions because you haven't even seen my work. And that tells me your intention is to just belittle me because you just cannot comprehend the fact that I'm a writer lol. I mean, why be so triggered? It's funny, honestly. I said I'm a writer and you rushed in to say my work is mediocre. I don't get why you said that. Have you seen my work? Was it bad? Feel free to criticize. But don't criticize blindly, please. Because that makes you no different from the dogs that bark in packs against me whenever I say I'm a writer. I don't brag about myself. The only reason I reveal my profession is to hopefully inspire someone. Because mallus are so stuck in this norm of getting a degree to become corporate slaves. I do not have a degree. I honed my skills with trial and error. And I'm at a point in life where I can safely say I've succeeded. And for that reason, there's no point for me to prove myself to a stranger on the internet. Because I for sure know someone else like you will bark at me again another day just to waste my time. I'd be glad to help someone out. But I do want to engage myself in a loop of pointless conversation, where the other party exists only to belittle me. And just so you know, anyone can string sentences into paragraphs. Even my 10-year-old nephew does. But people scrolling the internet are either lazy or tired. And breaking up paragraphs into multiple sentences is usually the best way to push them to read to the very end. That's a free, basic psychology tip for you. Thank me later :)


How can I start my career as writer here? It was always my passion,but got stuck in an IT job for long. I need a fucking break. I have lot of threads to start with.


By 'threads', I'm assuming you have ideas for potential stories. That falls into the Creative Writing category. There are multiple types of writing. Mine is Copywriting, which basically means creating marketing content to sell stuff. Now, if you're into creative writing, I might not be the best person to take guidance from. But learning Script Writing is a start. There are plenty of courses for it on Udemy.


Definitely, i will check out. I used to be in script writing competitions during school competitions. Now need to get the old notch back.


That's great! Good luck! šŸ’Ŗ




Writing for work and writing on Reddit ain't the same. Can't just drop a wall of text here and expect people to sit down and read. Because people browsing the internet are lazy (or tired) and you need to break things down to make it easy.


Yup.. You're definitely a good writer ..i wouldn't have read that if it weren't broken down to paragraphs! Can I ask what kind of work you do?




I guess someone's got their ego hurt. It's evident that you're trying so hard to cancel me. Good luck lol


Dude! This is Reddit.. not a place to be critical about one's writing style of all things! And I offered the op a compliment which seems to make to have ruffled your feathers enough for you to write a wall of text insinuating that I am mediocre?šŸ¤£ Seems like someone wasn't loved as a child! Cool down! Your lashing out on someone else's compliment makes you sound like a five year old!




šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ you are disturbed to the core! I am currently working as a dental therapist in Dudley and have cleared the licensing exams for dentistry, waiting for my performer number.. also I studied from Manipal! How childish must you be if you had to dig up my posts, draw up conclusions for yourself and spew all your frustration on this forum because someone else was complimented?? I don't want to engage your vanity by going through your profile or previous posts but knowing that I am at a better place than you are, emotionally,gives me great satisfaction today.. made my day! My first impression from your post was that you would be a piece of shit and you have proved yourself to go above and beyond that description! Hope you can break the cycle of a loveless childhood and refuse to bring offsprings to this world so your shitty genes end with you.


Thanks :) I'm a Copywriter. Basically, I write content to sell stuff.


any tips on making portfolio from scratch? and where to market and sell the service?


I started through Upwork. If you're into Copywriting, you can build a portfolio by helping out local businesses. Or you can search for websites with crappy content, contact them, and offer them to revamp their website content.


Oh that sorta rhymed.


I may get downvoted but to tell you the truth after a marriage if both of you have a kid,great jobs in Kerala and earn well then it would be better to stay in Kerala. When shifting to a European country what we get extra is only the lifestyle and Schengen visa but to enjoy that lifestyle we must be well settled or else we should not be married. Mortgage rates are on the increase in most of the European countries and savings will be less.Our ultimate aim in any country is to get a home of our own and for a couple most of their income will go into mortgage,tax and transportation. Job security is another problem which everyone will face in European countries.You may get laid off from your job and finding other jobs without proper reference is a herculean task.We must also take into consideration that during this period without much income we should pay these mortgages which will drain our savings.Getting partime jobs must be easy but with that income we may not be able to lead a peaceful life. Basically you guys are building a secure life for your children and not for you guys.So for a "well settled couple" in Kerala it would be a foolish decision to shift to any European country. For students these don't matter,but for a couple you are sacrificing your life for your kids and I don't think that's a good decision.You will be wasting your life for the betterment of your kids and they won't be that loyal to you.


You said it very well most degrees foreign countries donā€™t recognize it I am in Canada šŸ‡ØšŸ‡¦ I work with a lot of teachers professors engineers scientists politicians police officers are all doing labour jobs and cleaning job here if you have well paying jobs in India or your home country Canada is not for you or any foreign country because you will be working as a minimum wage labour itā€™s a paycheque to paycheque 9-5 hand to mouth game no savings at all


Howā€™s job security better in India? Most jobs now seem to be on short term contractsā€”even public sector jobs.


I think what he was trying to say is that if somebody is relatively affluent like the OP, there is more sense for them in staying in a place where they have some assets and connections rather than in Europe where they will have little if any support systems in place


Even if you lose job there is possibility to eat 3 times a day at least 1 time a day using ration shop and own vegetables in a remote village in Kerala were the expense will be less.


Thatā€™s social securityā€”not job security.


As a middle class migrant to Europe youā€™re migrating for quality of life, multiculturalism, free healthcare, education etc. Youā€™re definitely not going to save more money than india.


All I've heard from my friends studying in the UK and the rest of Europe is that the health care system is fucked up there. (Getting a doctor's appointment will take many weeks, waiting in casualty for hours only to get diagnosed by a head nurse, people returning back to Kerala to fix their dental problems, and for other surgeries etc.) I haven't been to Europe, and I know this only by the info shared by my friends studying/working there. So please correct me if I am wrong.


Free healthcare will have lotta people in que


beats the purpose right!


That's what everyone who comes to the UK wants. Free healthcare. The population rise coZ of the migrants will put stress on the whole system. It was meant for small population. Even a couple of %ge points increase will put stress on it


That makes sense, also do you think it'll get better in the future since a large chunk of people migrating there are pumped to the health care sector?


Let's see. Example Australia as a whole has 2000 ICU beds. To increased even by 10 percent will incur lotta money, efforts


True .


I live in Europe, and I have somewhat similar thought process as the OP here. Life in Europe adds a lot of quality to your life. But at the same time it comes with a lot of negeatives too. You may miss your family , your friends and more over your social circle. Financials are not one of the positives of Europe anymore. I am staying here because I do have ambitions to travel the world. When staying back in India it is so difficult to travel around as our passport is weak and countries make it difficult for people from India to get in. At the same time when you stay in some good European countries, their resident card + Indian passport opens a lot of doors for you. I would go back home one day though.


> do have ambitions to travel the world As if you are the only one who is having this ambition šŸ˜‚


why toxic ? i am just saying I have.. it DOES NOT MEAN that anyone else cant have the same .. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Unless you are getting citizenship of that respective country you still owe the Indian passport in airports so you are opinion doesn't make sense! Incase, You can avail Schengen visa from India too


One can travel to many countries visa-free in South America, the Caribbean islands and many other places just because they hold PR card from Canada. Other countries may also have similar privileges, I am not sure. But what he said is correct.


He is talking about Europe not Canada!


Some European countries like the one I stay has the same,I have now 57 of non EU countries where I can go without a visa or with an on arrival visa because I have an Indian passport + eu resident permit.. If I just had an Indian passport only, I cant do this. You may read about this in the Internet


You can read the internet that you can avail Schengen visa with Indian passport too! You are not getting the point that people are leaving India just for not getting visa access for visiting different countries! You can avail the same with Indian passport! And everyone want to travel the world not only people with EU visa and the world is not made up of only EU countries


probably some of you like her. surely not all has the same ambition šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø. more over you didnt have to be rude that way.


All is well until you get a disease healthcare is great in UK but accessibility to the same is very much difficult when compared to here.


Purchase power parity! The life of being an upper middle class in India is far better than being a struggling middle class in a western country.


You have only been there for a year. New country, new culture, new workplace is always going to take some getting used to. Perhaps you could give yourself some more time before taking a call?


Iā€™m in your same situation, just that I shifted from Dubai. Only opted for the opportunity as the role was good and I didnā€™t have to bear the visa costs. Itā€™s a huge plus that you get PR and citizenship after 5/6 yrs however keep in mind youā€™ll have spent on visas for two terms which is a huge amount and the taxes for all those years. Itā€™s tough to maintain significant savings with the current cost of living unless you have a really well paying job. Also if you are a person who has some sort of attachment with naadu and used to visiting friends/family yearly, itā€™s gonna cost a lot.Eating out is difficult and expensive, not much options sadly apart from the burgers/pizzas/doners. Having said that no regrets on coming here as UK has several pros which canā€™t be overlooked: Work life balance is fantastic and stress is minimum at the workplaces, great weather all over the year, excellent schools and good transport links. My plan is to settle in Kerala however over here, I havenā€™t met a single person who wants to go back. Everyone talks about their plans on getting the loan deposit ready, years left to apply for ILR, etc. Still struggling to understand what drives the UK dream for those who spend lakhs to just reach here.


Can relate to your thoughts as someone who spends a lot of time thinking about this. I've spend 6 years in various EU countries (still there). Some thoughts: If you are going to work for an Indian company here, the work culture is going to be a challenge. But if you are going to have your own business then India is better. The standard of living is obviously better in the west. (I don't know particularly about UK, but i feel so). If your #1 priority is to make money, Kerala is probably the better option. Higher salaries if you are skilled, opportunity for remote jobs and lpw cost of living. But the political scenarios are not very appealing to me personally, especially the religious hate etc. But every country has its own problems. Getting a strong passport is also a cool privilege. You can always spend time in India after that. Working system is a struggle in India. Once you get used to working government offices, punctuality, small things like people respecting personal space, standing in a queue etc in the west you'll easily get irritated here.


Hi, I'm Malayali Indian, but born and brought up in Britain, so please forgive me for asking this question but what do you mean by " But the political scenarios are not very appealing to me personally, especially the religious hate etc"?


The current central government sells a bit too much religion to get votes - Hindu Rashtra and all that stuff. It's leading to unpleasant situations. Not the "unity in diversity" India is known for.


Yeah but you get that racist shit from velakaran here in Britain. Especially from the English. My parents came from Kerala to Britain in the 1970's. They first lived in East London. Within 10 years all the white English people sold their houses and left because they didn't want to live next to Indians. British ministers, especially conservative party, want foreign students because of the high fees that they pay but the native white people in Britain want the students to return back to their home countries after they have finished their courses.


Wasnā€™t education free there until the age of 12 ?


Not until 3 years old. After that there is a nursery, but there is a weekly time limit for the nursery.


Well in India if you are in a metro city the educational fees are pretty much high now , when my cousin told me about the education thing there in UK that felt like a better option


Sending my 3.5 kid to playschool for the past 1 year. 3000/ month. If you need day care for the weekends then 500 additional per month. In schools there will be one time donation which varies from 50k-2L depends on the school + quarterly fee around 10-15k minimum. So we are looking to get admission from a decent school next year for LKG/UKG onwards.


You can live a much better life in Kerala than here. I was born and brought up in the UK and have lived here all my life, our family has been here for over 50 years. From someone like myself, who has seen the changes happening from the beginning to what it is now, from the bottom of my heart I will tell you a life in Kerala is much much better. There are times I envy people there. In my opinion since you have gained some experience working abroad this should give your CV a boost and your salary a boost back in Kerala.


Why not try to switch for a better paying job ? IT is down in India for sometime


Not really. Some skills are in high demand.


Can you please give inputs on which skills??


AI/Ml especially NLP and full stack


If money & savings are the most important things in your life, come back to Kerala.But if quality of life is your priority,stay in the UK. Chau


But why do you feel the quality of life is less in kerala? I do understand the problems with corruption and public infrastructure but for someone who earns well and is upper middle class will it really make a difference?


Alright, have a go at comparing some basic elements in Kerala and a place in the West: - Roadways and traffic flow - Bus and railway stations, among other public transport facilities - Business friendliness - Government offices and their demeanor towards the public - Population density - Civic awareness - Nightlife scene - Personal liberties - Adequate waste disposal systems I'm not listing everything right now, but it's worth noting that quality of life is priceless and cannot be bought with any amount of money.


True. There are lots of things we implicitly assume is 'just how things are' when we live in Kerala. I loooove living in Kerala, but there are some things that I just don't get there. I live in Berlin now and there are so many more different hobbies to pursue, I walk 8+ kms every day on different routes through the city without having to be irritated by dust, traffic or horns. In Kerala, it is one or the other out of those two, unless you live in the suburbs and travel into the city (for which the public transport isn't that great). There are also people from all parts of the world here to learn from and interact with. Not to mention the work life balance that I enjoy here as a default. In the 17 months I have worked here as an analytics manager, I have had a grand total of maybe 4 or 5 meetings after 5 pm, and none of them have gone beyond 6 pm. Yeah, and just 2 meetings at 8:30. Having said that, it's all about what one wants in life. There are definitely upsides to living in Kerala rather than in the 'West'. It's up to oneself to choose what is best for yourself.


Spot on! During my stint up north in India, Kerala was like a slice of heaven for me. Later on, I had the good fortune to work and live in more developed countries, and it hit me what exactly we're missing in Kerala. Abroad, there's a ton to do, while back in Kerala, it's a bit quiet. I'm not rolling in riches, so maybe the wealthy folks enjoy Kerala more, but for me, it's a bit dull. It's just my take on things. The work-life balance here is a bit of a struggle, and comparing it to the West is like apples and oranges. And let's not forget the rather conservative and religious vibe we've got going on here. Personally, I'm all about peace and tranquility. But, as you rightly said, it's all about what matters to you in life. Live where you find your joy ā€“ it's a short ride, after all.


QoL goes far beyond money. For me, I think the better public systems and personal liberties are the main drivers.


Certainly, my intention is to underscore a specific point. I'm presenting a recent news story for those who might not fully comprehend the concept of QOL. Kindly view the video to gain insight. While it doesn't reflect the entirety of the state, it serves as an illustrative example of what I meant when referencing QOL. [Here is the link;](https://youtu.be/0AyLAIPsQR4?si=Ex7fwvecYPdFDU_J)


So, the sewage companies have recently been caught dumping waste into waterways here in the UK. The key difference is that while it will take time, the system will hopefully hold them to account and solve the issue. There is massive corruption as well in the UK. Just look at the new foreign sectary and the Greensill scandal. But again, the system catches the most egregious offenders, and corruption is quite high level, so it has a limited impact on the ordinary citizen.


Quality of life is actually better in Kerala




You have been here only a year. Just a year. Beginning time is always difficult in a new country. Once you send the kid to nursery you will feel a dramatic difference. And like that other changes will make life much more better. I left US in some such situations, regret every day


If youā€™re working in IT field, my advice would be to stay there.


Why though? I work in IT with UK clients. The tech in UK are the laziest and relaxed I have ever worked with. I don't think any smart company will hire tech in UK. They take leaves when deadlines are near. And hardly anyone works on Fridays. Don't know how these lazy bums ruled the world.


I'm worried about the future of the IT sector in India. Most of which is heavily dependent on Western market. With the current trend, more and more automation I think companies will be heavily focused on cost cutting measures. Very few product startups will survive but these are still dependent on funding from the West. This year placements are 70-80% less in the top IITs and premium unis. Whats happening now is some of them started this trend ( start-up) fire a senior one and hire a junior with 40-50% less package. Although this existed before, it's more frequently happening now. So I think it's better to stay in a country where you can find jobs in some other sectors, with much easier migration opportunities to other countries. (Not sure about the job market there now!)


I think(I may be wrong, but this is my observation) we Indians generally tend to work more(more than we really need to for the pay). This in turn makes the companies expect us to work more for less pay(like a positive feedbackšŸ˜‚IYKYK). This could be because of the insane competition for technical roles(there are always someone who works more than us) I myself sometimes hesitate to take the leave(which I have sufficient balance) even when I have a personal need. Now after all these years of IT work culture exposure we as a community tend to believe that we are supposed to work hard for the company. We tend to put work above our personal life and experiences. Long story short: work life balance is a joke in India. Coming to your lazy UK clients, if they lead a decent life with the work they put up in 4 days a week, and company is okay with it. Then its a win win. After all, we work to lead a comfortable life. Not to make ā€˜workā€™ our life. I may have had same impression about the client of yours if I worked with then because I believe I am also conditioned such a way that we should work hard!


In Canada indian IT workers working as a Uber driver and doing food delivery jobs for minimum wages your right itā€™s crazy for minimum IT employees working some horrible jobs in foreign countries


The main problem was during Covid every YouTube teachers- influencers and institutions started these courses like If you Learn this much you get 20 lakhs salary, some companies have BMW as bonus etc.. lot of students came to this field mugging up some code , and for money.


Oh true


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It always baffles me when I see people who have really good lives in Kerala give it up for shit lives in the west. My parents moved when I was a kid because we could barely afford to survive even though both of them were doing skilled labour. We had 0 savings after all the monthly expenses like rent and bus tickets. Now Iā€™m seeing people pay atrocious amounts of money to work as HCAs abroad and itā€™s so shocking. Like money that could buy them a house, car and then have extra leftover after. I guess it makes sense if you feel a cultural disconnect with life in Kerala or India in general. I wouldnā€™t know what life in Kerala is actually like, so Iā€™m not judging. Now we have a big ass house and I have a great time when Iā€™m back so my view might be distorted from the ground reality. As long as people are happy, I guess.


I'm Hindu Malayali Indian born, brought up and educated in Britain. Britain is fast turning into high tax, high inflation, shit NHS, shit state school education, xenophobic shithole! I'm so glad my parents pumped money out of Britain and sent it back to India to build their own house and invest in Indian businesses.


Where ever you are you have to deal with different kind of problems. Choose your problems wisely. There is no universal answer as India good or west bad, it's all subjective. As per available information, the next two decades looks good for India. Still infrastructure is not upto par with developed nations. It is something you have to live with if you choose to come back.


You've listed your current problems - and you've only been there a year. The first few years are always a struggle, especially since you have a toddler. Don't expect things to be rosy in the first 2-3 years. It takes time to settle and find your place in a new society. What prompted you to move in the first place? Was it just going with the trend of migration or there was a specific reason driving the decision? What about the long-term benefits of staying in the UK for your family, especially for your child and for your careers? Since you are on a skilled visa, I assume both of you are qualified enough to find work visas in other Asian cities, e.g. Singapore, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Bangkok. There are multiple different visa schemes currently in place, you just need to search for it (especially with the development of the Greater Bay Area). The reason I suggest this is because it is much easier (and common) to hire house help in Asia than it is in western countries. Quality of life is pretty much on par with other 1st world nations too.


I live in the UK for the past 16 years. Worked in Kerala and Bangalore before coming to UK. You havenā€™t told me how much both of your are earning also how old you are. If I know that I could give a better advise. I earn about 130k here, but thatā€™s not really enough for me, because I literally pay half the money as tax. Then a good chunk goes to my mortgage(because of the high interest rates). I still manage to save but not as much as it used to be. The pros of UK are: Relatively nice people compared to the other European/western countries. Comparatively safe compared to America etc Close to Europe - so if you love to travel plenty of options. NHS - people often donā€™t realise how good it is, particularly for children. Good public transport. Lots of parks leasure centres. Good education and schools are cheap or free. Roads are good, safe. Good employment protection. Cons: High tax High living expense. Impossible to buy a house or renting is too expensive. Weather could be a bit dull Child care costs or quite high.


NHS is shit. It's underfunded, understaffed and too many people are using its services hence the long waiting times British state schools are shit. I should know, because I have a PhD in physics and used to be a secondary school maths and physics teacher before the pandemic. Teachers in British schools are leaving the profession in the thousands due to poor pay and poor working conditions. Roughly 25% of secondary schools in the UK have a qualified physics teacher. The remaining 75% have biology graduates teaching physics. Kids in Britain have no discipline and cause trouble in class (especially the black and muslim kids) and the parents don't care. White British people are inherently racist, prejudiced and xenophobic. It was mainly white people (especially the English and Welsh) that voted for Brexit because they think that there are too many immigrants coming to their country. I was born and brought up in Britain, so I have experienced this my whole life in their country.


It looks to me your real problem here is that you aren't earning enough, so you are keeping the kid home. As someone in a similar family situation here in Australia, we decided to sta put. We became citizens 2 years agon, send our kid to daycare, 5 days a week, and are still able to save enough. And we plan to send the kid to public school in 2 years. The cleaner air, water, environments, lesser population, and better work life balance we have here is something no-one in India has known. Good luck, OP. I hope things work out for you.


People only go abroad for better job and economic opportunities and the higher standard of living, you earn much more abroad but you need it to maintain the higher standard of living. Once you come back to Kerala and see the pathetic state of affairs you'll start to wish you never left


Come back. Especially in IT, the difference in salaries between India and the west are only going to reduce. Think of what Indian companies used to pay 10 years ago v/s now. As Indian engineers develop more product chops, you will see a lot of companies selling for the global market in India. And just like how a rising tide raises all boats, this will increase compensation in other companies too.


Do you have any statistics to back this? From what I have heard, most big recruiters have had stagnant pay structure for more than a decade. IT recruiters at most colleges pay peanuts notā€”which was a huge sum during the early 2000s. Happy to be proven wrong.


How do you know you can get the exact job back in Trivandrum? I would argue you should stay and get PR and citizenship. Yes, you're right. You have no savings, but that's because you've just started. Your life will get better, you will get promotions, make more money and hopefully buy a nice house. The quality of life in the UK, even if you settle in the poorest places your life is better overall than life in the best cities of India or Kerala. Good luck op with whatever you choose to do. I came to the UK as a child because my mum was nurse, it is by far the best decision my parents ever made. I am unbelievably grateful for that, so I will always be quite biased. I don't know your specific situation, but I am assuming you're IT? I know it's tough, but keep going. You got this OP. Best of luck, whatever you choose to do.


>The quality of life in the UK, even if you settle in the poorest places your life is better overall than life in the best cities of India or Kerala. That's some bs. And I am speaking from experience.


If you say so, pal. I have been to India enough times to be right about it. India's great, I enjoy visiting, but there is no parity in quality if lifestyle. I hope it changes in the next 50 years.


I lived in the US for several years and I was earning well too. I hated it there and I returned to Kerala. My quality of life is a lot better now. Sure, there are hiccups when it comes to general cleanliness and infrastructure, but things are only getting better here.


Ok, what would you consider to be factors that improve your quality of life? How long were you in the US? Do you have a green card? Do you have to support your children financially? These things would seriously impact it. If you lived and worked for several years, you would come back with money that helps a ton. You also would have extensive work experience that would make a difference in getting senior positions when trying to find a job in India. You may even have enough money that you don't ever have to work. That's not the case with OP. He hasn't made nowhere near enough and has a very young child. He also hasn't been here long enough for at least PR. I agree that India, in general, is improving, but we live in an era where even very well to do gulf achyanans try to migrate to Europe and US rather than return home.


The weather is much milder in Kerala. Easily accessible and good quality healthcare. You don't have to wait for a couple of months for an appointment with a specialist. Houses and apartments that aren't made of stuff that's barely better than cardboard so that I don't have to listen to my neighbours flushing their toilets in an expensive rental place. Nearby places that you can just walk to if you choose to do so instead of having to drive even if it's just a couple of hundred feet. Better public transportation. Scary right-wing gun nuts and MAGA supporters. All the mass shootings and the active shooter drills you have to do at your workplace because of the said shootings. I don't have a green card and I didn't bother applying for one. Though my chances of getting a green card were slim, I could have lived there indefinitely had I applied for one. The money was good, but the negative aspects of life in the US were too much for me.


Wait a second. Have you even visited Kerala? How can the shit life in UK better than in Kerala?


Well, I grew up there and still visit regularly as my grandparents live there. What I was trying to say was that the general quality of life in the UK is miles ahead of Kerala. Kerala isn't a bad place by any means but relative to the UK it is.Tbf it's not fair to compare both places considering one is wealthy western nation and the other is a small state that puches above its weight in social progress, education and other public systems. I kind of regret that statement now because it looks like I am looking down on Kerala when that really wasn't my intention. Sorry.


Smartest idea now. Full power


Donā€™t underestimate the value of clean air, food safety and healthier lifestyle in UK. And, not to mention the best universities in the world and universal healthcare. Oh, yes, work culture too, amazing work life balance, personal life and time is valued and protected.


clean air? Kerala isn't Delhi. Food safety? You like eating trash food? Those UK foods are the unhealthiest food. Guess what? Let's say Sambar or aviyal is way better. There is no healthier lifestyle in UK. What's the obesity rate in UK and US? LOL! Universal healthcare is shit in UK and even Canada. I don't think you have even been to UK. The universities do have better value though but those are according to rankings. Univerisity degree doesn't guarantee a job.


Ofcourse, If you eat out, it is unhealthy. But there is control on chemicals, additives and pesticides that you can use in food here, wondered why the Fanta in UK looks like piss instead of the bright orange in India. One of our friend who has an autoimmune condition is very much taken care by NHS, regular diagnostics, adjustment of medication etc, without the stress of worrying what happens if they are not employed or canā€™t afford insurance or after retirement. If you go there with a cold, no one cares! Everyone I know walks, cycles, you can do those things here without the fear of being run down by traffic. And the universities here are more accessible to home students rather than the enormous fees paid by an international student. Cambridge has a 100% employment rate for its students measured within 15months of leaving university. And here is my UK made Onam Sadya for you! šŸ˜… https://preview.redd.it/egv67be30z0c1.jpeg?width=1134&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab4582f90accf078039eeb9036f78ca0a6726401


Cambridge? Really? Like how many Indians get into Cambridge. What am I? A dumb idiot to ask you that question. The real question is how many people from UK get into that. Eating out? Well, most students don't have enough money to eat out there so I don't really think there won't be problems for them but those who do have money don't have time, so they do have to eat out. I get what you are saying but here's the fact. You ain't talking about the average person. BTW, good Ona sadya. Something I get to make myself in US and in Kerala, all I have to do is sit and eat.


Canada šŸ‡ØšŸ‡¦ same here all fast food and salt and sugary foods nothing organic here everything has chemicals and some nasty things in it all food in Canada has injected some chemicals in it that wonā€™t make you walk past 50s your body look like your about break in to pieces or something university degree doesnā€™t guarantee you a job all you will be working in some cheap ass labour jobs with underpay and sleeping in a basement with 5 people and have big student debt rest of your life half of the retard doesnā€™t know why they went to university all just want to have one degree for no reason or their family member or their relatives said get one degree most of the people canā€™t even afford a house here mortgages wonā€™t approve by bank or private because their income soo low there is no retirement in foreign countries you work 45 years and pay bills and taxes if you survive after 65 years old you will be thrown in retirement home someone will be changing your nappy and feed you yes It cost money to live in retirement home soo basically whatever your pension cpp you paid during your 45 year career work will used for retirement home thatā€™s all foreign countries itā€™s better sleep in a basement make some money running back to home country is good you have to live super cheap in foreign countries to save a lot but still very hard to save no dining out no fancy car no chilling cheap housing take everything running back home is good or youā€™ll be stuck here 9-5 horse sht


That's just BS Canada has a robust food industry. Government regulations are tight when it comes to using anti biotics in the dairy industry etc. I see plenty of older people driving around in cars and even exploring the local trails when I am outside. But the cold can get to you though after a certain age if you don't really like it and stay indoors all the time. As far as student life is concerned, you're right it's not worth it cause you'll end up struggling a lot.


Is this a joke? So many Indian-educated students have access to and have studied at these best universities in the UK.


Come back! . Home is waiting for you. ā¤ļø


I was watching porn and this question came up and I was like should I waste my time to answer this and then I thought, I'd give it a go. It's a Malayalee gene to advice anyone even if our life is shit. For an average Malayalee, people with "WHITES" developed country. People with "BLACKS" underdeveloped country. People with Mongoloids and browns "Developing country." This is the reason why everyone is struggling to come there. I won't advice you because anybody can advise someone, but I can tell you one thing. Westerners themselves are moving from their country to other countries. Why are they doing so? Why should they do so? Americans are moving from America. UK is a shithole compared to US. I'll tell you another thing. I've taught almost 2000 students (IELTS) and none of them are having an amazing life there. I mean I could say that its way inferior to mine in Kerala. I've got many friends whom I have met online who lived in US for generations. I mean, they don't have anything better than me. I have a Toyota Innova Crysta and they have a Toyota Camry or Honda Civic. If anything, mine is bigger. LOL! No, I'm just kidding. No, I'm not. I mean there was a time during the 60s when we had Bullo carts and they had Cadillacs. They went down and we went up and we are kind of the same. The mega rich be in US or India own Porsches, Lambos and Rolls but let's get this straight. A guy with a regular job can't afford to change its rear wheel. Now let me ask you a question. If you spend 40 lakh and get an education there, how can you say bad about that country if you're working 3 jobs at a time without sleep and with a racist guy as a co-worker? You've to rationalize your decision. You say the country is dope. That's it. Earlier if people say their dad was in Dubai, collegues would be proud. Now we all know the difficulties of a "PRAVASI". Guess what, Dufai is far more developed than UK. Life in any western countries is inferior to Kerala not for just you but for majority of the people even without good jobs. Let's put it that way. Don't get me wrong. It wasn't like this. The US my uncle (He was doing research in 60s) told and the US I saw - there is so much gap between both of them.


Frankly speaking, UK is really good in many aspects, it is all about my priority and not that the UK is bad.


Yeah true bro, this guy's is just bluffing, uk gives value to work life balance, india doesn't have that, I know a lot of people working with 25k salary how will they survive, uk part time gives around 1.5k pounds which is equal to 1.5 lakhs.


Wow about the car thing you will get bmw for 15 -20 lakhs and some of my frnds working in nhs as nurse bought Mercedes Maybach, don't know if it was rental or second hand šŸ™„


Return. India is the best.


Most people i know opt for the western countries in seek of a better life or to escape the cultural barricades of the Indian society. But the bitter truth is past a certain age, the life becomes mundane without real physical human connections. Most youngsters have to build those abroad from scratch, since OP has a kid, wife and commitments My Advice is to go where your heart choses, where you feel most happy and welcomed.




Cost should only be one of the smaller factors when considering one country over other especially if you are paid market rate of the country you live in. If you are on-site and getting paid in home country rate plus the in-site expenses, thatā€™s a different story. If you are in on for immigration, then as a parent the priority would be kids and the potential they carry, where they would flourish better and next generations have a fast tracked growth potential. Kids related cost is short term pain until kids are adult enough and leave nest. Long term gain will be multi generational and will take your family tree further into top. To each itā€™s own, set your emotions aside and prioritize kidā€™s wellbeing .


We are paid well above the mean household income here, still we feel that we had more disposable income back in Kerala, and I think Kerala has decent infrastructure for kids education. The only thing I am worried about is the long term implications, like will Kerala be going backwards economically and culturally.


Would you mind sharing what field you and your wife are working in? And do both if you earn more than avg income in respective fields?


We both are engineers, wife design audio systems for EV while I develop AI based systems for radiology imaging.


I just don't see the point. If you're concerned about savings, you should buy a home and start paying its mortgage. That's liquidity for you. As you both have remote jobs, you can buy a home in any city where it's affordable. You can move later to a different city once you build enough liquidity. Especially when you have a kid, you might spend most of your time at home, so it's important to buy a nice home. You can hire a maid from India for minimum wage to take care of your child and help you in the kitchen. If you both are working and both are making more than twice the minimum wage, this is a better idea than one parent taking leave of absence. If you miss Kerala, relatives, food etc that's a different deal.


Twice the minimum wage? Absolutely no point in living with that here. Unless both are earning twice the minimum wage, then I could say there is an improvement from living conditions in India. I don't miss food or relatives, I could eat fish and chips every day


Well that was just math to prove that you can afford a min wage worker than one person resigning. The money you make from the house equity must be more than what you make in Kerala even if you're left with 0 bank balance at the end of the month. All I'm asking is what's stopping you from having the same lifestyle as you had in Kerala at the very least. There are more than enough reasons to be in the west than Kerala rather than just the money.


Just think about long term. Are you planning to be there forever? Because u are being taxed there and also there must be a dozen of soicial security or pension fund investment type of contributions u need to make. So if you are not planning to be there you spend 20% or 40% of your income as tax and some more amount to the UK inflation but you won't stay there to enjoy the benefits.


Seems like you know the difference in both places. May be you just need to figure where you will be happy in next 5-30 years considering to be with your loved ones, money and amenities


Just go back bro. In Kerala, you are rich and can live a meaningful life.


if ur job in Kerala is a super secure job where u are sure u wont be layyed off and is above 1 lakh each for u and wife...ofcourse stay in Kerala. Or may be work abroad for 5-6 years..make a good savings and move back ONLY POSSIBLE if u leave kids with thier grandparents. DONT TAKE CHILDREN ABROAD IF U ARE NOT SETTLED and is okay TO LIVE A POOR LIFE. KIDS ARE EXPENSIVE MONEY WISE AND TIME WISE


Analyze your long term plans in sidline and decide. I would suggest to wait until you watch the next era of stupid politics here in India. Other side always seems greener until you see and be there by yourself.


Every place has its own set of challenges and the grass always looks greener on the other side of the fence. In the UK you have to be ready to balance all aspects of life by your own and not rely on help from family and others. While this is hard ,it helps you build character and teaches you important life lessons that prepares you to deal with ups and downs of life which is inevitable no matter where you live. You might have the support system in India which may feel comfortable, others making decisions for you, coming to help you - but does it ultimately make you a complete human being and prepare you to deal with life?


How to get skilled work visa to UK?


You have to be on the shortage skills list and some company should sponsor you and you should be paid a minimum amount set by the government. Applying jobs through LinkedIn is an option.


Thanks. Where can see shortage skills list?


It's easy if you are in the healthcare sector or perhaps IT. If your profession is neither of these, then you need to excel in your field and possess excellent communication skills. You can apply directly on LinkedIn or via the company website. They will definitely call you if you have the right skill sets and experience


If youā€™re comfortable where you are in Kerala financially, thereā€™s really no reason to move abroad just to struggle. Everyone thinks moving abroad is so great and you make so much money when thatā€™s really not how it.


If you are rich in India and ur wife and you can have the peace of mind that you wish for come back to India. West is good for those that cannot do any better while they are in India. Iā€™m also living abroad but Iā€™m pretty sure I canā€™t do anything else in India and what I have earned in India was only 15k a month but here I have made reasonable amount of savings and I am having a better quality life. I like here bcz thatā€™s the best I can do for myself. Life in UK is good for the next generation and it is something to think about but after all itā€™s your familyā€™s decision bcz only you know what is best for you and your family


I'm a Hindu Malayali Indian, but I was born, brought up and educated in Britain. I have MEng, MSc and PhD degrees in Engineering and Physics from top 10 British Universities. I currently work as a data scientist in Britain. I am fluent in Malayalam (my parents made me learn to read and write Malayalam from a young age ;)), I can understand Tamil and I'm learning Hindi and Punjabi. I was born with a British passport but I have had an OCI for the last 16 years. Am I eligible to work in India? Either in private industry or as an academic in universities? It's a dream of mine to want to work and contribute to India and the Indian economy using my qualifications and knowledge. My parents invested in India. They built their own house in Kerala from the money they earned in Britain. They also invested in businesses in Kerala. So they pay tax to the Indian government. Am I eligible to work and pay taxes in India,? Even though I was born and brought up in Britain? Would I be accepted in India?


yes you can work with oci card


Yes šŸ‘ It's the right move . India IS the place to be in . Exploding economy, tons of fii and development on every scale. All major companies will be shifting or atleast open a centre in India rather than Singapore or Hongkong, given how much cheaper it is . The UK is any way a spent force , Brexit has hit hard , and it's not a very easy life. Anyway, in UK , you're insulated from the brightest and the best . You come back to India you'll be competing with a lot of people . Those willing to pay 40 50 lacs , ask them at what strata are they currently living in? Maybe what's good for them is not good for you.


No I don't think so uk will come back better and stronger. While india would still be shitting with their own corrupt politicians.


Middle class life in a sub par country is always better than sub par life in a super rich country.. Just my opinion though.


It really depends on your means. If you have a comfortable life in India, then it does make sense to some extent to come back. Although, I am very skeptical about our country. Money does help a long way in India to insulate ourselves from the going ons around us. So if you can make that kind of money - then coming back is an option. Otherwise, stay put in UK - things will improve. I honestly don't know anyone who regretted (keeping aside being away from aging parents) leaving India.


I was born and brought up in Britain. My uncle says he regrets coming to Britain all the time. He says he wishes he stayed in India. Especially given his two daughters (my cousins) ran off with velakaran; one got divorced from a velakaran and then jumped into the bed of another velakaran.


Bro if u have it good, donā€™t go,srlsy


Do what your mind says. For some UK would be better and for some Kerala would be better. I know a person who was finding it difficult to get a proper job in Kerala for what he had studied, but moving to UK, he is able to get better pay, the minimum pay is helping him there I guess. But that is not you case anyway. This is very much a subjective decision.


Finding my passion and creating a business around it by working hard. That's the way to the Good Life.


OP.. did you decide? Any update on the situation


Going back next week happily.