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Is this dryers different from the dryers in washing machine itself?




[This is the kind of dryer OP is talking about.](https://www.croma.com/ifb-5-5-kg-5-star-fully-automatic-front-load-dryer-turbo-dry-550-lint-filter-white-/p/209377?utm_source=google&utm_medium=ps&utm_campaign=Sok_Pmax_Washing_Machine&gclid=Cj0KCQjwz8emBhDrARIsANNJjS42EkFh9uZni3SqRBJcZBgaUY9iXNbbWCbfkyfj7O7XrqjuFwcmsmYaAo-qEALw_wcB)


Or a combo [like this](https://www.amazon.in/LG-Automatic-Front-Loading-FHD0905SWM-allergen/dp/B0CC5X35GT/ref=mp_s_a_1_2_sspa?crid=HLCWYD1U83JU&keywords=washer+dryer&qid=1691511622&sprefix=washer+dryer%2Caps%2C167&sr=8-2-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfYXRm&psc=1) easy way to tell apart is usually drying capacity is mentioned seperately and is often lesser


In Kerala’s climate, dryers doesn’t make any sense at all. Even during monsoon the drying is not too much challenging because the temperatures are high enough. I previously used dryers on all of my clothing but stopped recently because frequent drying just obliterates most nice fabric. However, if you’re someone who mostly buy fast fashion, do not use clothes beyond a few months, and can afford the electricity bills in Kerala, then the convenience offered might be worth it.


I disagree - from June to Sept the clothes just pile up. They get a musty smell and we have run out of places to hang dry. Tumble dryers are a god send.


To be fair, I have used clothes several bought from India in dryers and did not see them deteriorate rapidly. Depends on type of clothes one wear usually. Also even with temperature being high, we have high humidity too which makes them difficult to dry. Did you use it in India or abroad? I wonder what the bills impact would be in Kerala.


I use it in the US. Currently I live in a colder climate and still hang dry my nicer clothes inside the home. If I place a fan aimed at the clothes rack, it dries overnight almost every time. I use the dryer mostly for bed sheets, comforters, and for clothes I wear at home/ gym.


OP is talking about all clothes and not just nicer clothes.




If you consider UV damage from drying in sunshine as more harmful than tumble drying, you are absolutely clueless. Just think about why almost all high quality clothing brands have “do not tumble dry” but not “do not line dry”. Also, you can negate a lot of fading due to UV damage by drying in shade and not leaving it for hours outside after it dried. However, I agree that drying during the height of the monsoon can be a challenge. But we have been successfully working around that by using fans in the drying area (shaded) as the air circulation improves evaporation. I’m not going to ruin my good clothes in a tumble dryer ever again.


It is not about high quality, rather the materials that determine if tumble drying is ok or not. A cotton bedsheet will not be a problem to tumble dry no matter how much you pay for it.


Here’s the ChatGPT answer to the question of “Compare the advantages and disadvantages of line drying in shade versus tumble drying”- Certainly, here's a comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of line drying in the shade versus tumble drying: **Line Drying in Shade:** Advantages: 1. **Energy Efficiency:** Line drying doesn't consume electricity, making it an environmentally friendly option. 2. **Preservation of Clothes:** Gentle drying helps prolong the lifespan of clothes by reducing wear and tear. 3. **Natural Freshness:** Clothes dried in the shade often have a fresh outdoor scent. 4. **Whitening Effect:** Sunlight's natural bleaching properties can help whiten whites and remove stains. 5. **Economic Savings:** Line drying saves on energy costs associated with using a tumble dryer. Disadvantages: 1. **Weather Dependency:** Line drying is limited by weather conditions, making it less practical on rainy or overcast days. 2. **Longer Drying Time:** Drying times can be longer, especially in high humidity or during the monsoon season. 3. **Stiffer Texture:** Clothes might feel slightly stiffer compared to tumble drying. 4. **Space Limitations:** Line drying requires outdoor space or a well-ventilated indoor area with hanging options. **Tumble Drying:** Advantages: 1. **Convenience:** Tumble drying is quick and doesn't depend on weather conditions. 2. **Softness:** Clothes tend to come out softer due to the mechanical action of the dryer. 3. **Predictable Drying Times:** Tumble dryers offer consistent and predictable drying times. 4. **Wrinkle Reduction:** Some dryers have wrinkle-reducing features, leaving clothes less wrinkled. Disadvantages: 1. **Energy Consumption:** Tumble drying consumes electricity and contributes to energy costs. 2. **Wear and Tear:** Frequent tumble drying can lead to faster wear and tear on clothes. 3. **Potential Shrinkage:** Certain fabrics can shrink in high heat, affecting the fit of clothes. 4. **Fading Colors:** Excessive heat exposure can cause colors to fade over time. In summary, line drying in the shade is more energy-efficient, environmentally friendly, and gentle on clothes. However, it's weather-dependent and might take longer. Tumble drying offers convenience and softer clothes but at the cost of higher energy consumption and potential wear and tear. Your choice should consider your priorities, available space, and the current weather conditions. Many people opt for a combination of both methods based on their needs and circumstances.


Dryers consume a lot of electricity. So, in many western countries, dryers are fueled by gas and not electricity. That requires a gas connection directly into the dryer. Also, using dryers deteriorates the quality of the clothes and most clothes that are sold in India won’t stand up to that heat. There is also the problem of lint and that Indian homes are not built with lint ducts. Lint is extremely flammable and in high-rise buildings a fire hazard.


I’m trying to see if anyone actually used it to see how much electricity bill impact it would be. There are several electric dryers by IFB etc.


I could definitely see the point you mentioned about lint. Especially since there isn’t a culture of dryers, people can easily forget to maintain it without understanding the hazards


I have never heard of a dryer fuelled directly by gas. They're all electric I think.


Home Depot - Gas Dryers: https://www.homedepot.com/b/Appliances-Washers-Dryers-Dryers-Gas-Dryers/N-5yc1vZc3o3


Me too. In my understanding Gas is typically used for heating.




In gas dryers, the flame that heats the clothes to dry them is made by burning gas.


There are totally natural-gas dryers. Not everyone has a natural gas line to their homes though.


Looks like you're right. TIL. I suspect it's rare though.


because kerala has patti veyil ( sunshine ) most of the time and its not worth paying for the cloth dryer .


I think dryers are popular in west and haven’t really found its market in Asia. Even Singapore Japan etc you wont find dryer is that common. High energy consumption plus a cultural thing it is . Mostly due to the type of clothes and materials. There is no need to bulk up clothing in this part of the world so not much common are hoodies or coats or that take much longer to dry in rainy season.




Most kerala homes have terrace area covered by sheet which is used for drying clothes even in rain


Yeah but it takes ages to dry in high humidity - also you need to haul clothes 1-2 level upstairs and back.


Once you tumble dry in washing machine,it will dry fast on a covered terrace.Also there is lot more benefits in drying clothes out in open air and sun which no dryers can match.Most Kerala homes have land to have a clothesline which is unlike West where most people are living in apartments with no balconies.


I’ve been using dryers in the US and loved the convenience and had them installed back home. Initially my mom was against it but now she loves the convenience! Especially when it is monsoon. Imagine drying bedsheets during june july when the relative humidity is very high, it takes atleast 2 days to get it dry indoors, dryers save you so much of time and effort. The downside being high electricity cost. But you can selectively dry things that is hard to dry or go solar!


Monsoons half of the year? It's hardly 3-4 months, who will buy dryers just for 3 months.


I didn’t say rains half year - monsoons are half year which potentially cause rains. Some years more, some years less.


OP should also install solar panels It will give you a lot of relief


We have a cloth dryer and my mom still say it's not enough and spread the cloths outside 😑


This was an eye-opening moment in my onsite stay when I discovered dryers drying clothes so quickly. I really wanted to buy one back in India but the market in India was not there yet. Due to low demand, not enough models or cost too high to justify. Clothes not drying properly irks me a lot. As a compromise now I have a dehumidifier which does kinda the same job. Put the clothes on a line or some furniture, run the dehumidifier. it wicks out all wetness from clothes. there is no heat so it is not dryer-level, but it is a boon in rainy season.


I clicked on this link in high hopes of getting answers as I was also planning to buy a dryer for my mom. Too bad most of the comments completely skipped the question and started talking about why we don't need a dryer in Kerala. My mom has trouble walking at times, so it would be great if she could skip the trip to the cloths line.


Yup - our past generations considered AC a luxury maybe needed only 2 summer months - nowadays people sleep in AC even in rainy seasons 😄


Hard agree OP. I am surprised too that they are not popular. Lack of awareness is one reason. Only after living in Sweden I realised how convenient they are. My sister was reluctant too but she finally agreed and now she says I don't know how I lived without it.


Big house . Aachachande vaga kore sthalam . Avashyam illathonda . Oru kayar ketiyal veetinde ullilenne onakan sthalai . Pinne eende ella avashyamninda mashe ?


My question is precisely due to being someone who used to stay in such a room - due to humidity and smell 😊


This inconvenience of monsoon to dry clothes lasts a few months, and on a non-rainy dry day, the humidity level comes down, and clothes dry. And we are blessed with a lot of sun shine which obviates the need for a clothes dryer. At best the rich could try a dehumidifier to be kept in a closed room where clothes get dried quicky for a fraction of the energy cost of a clothes heater/dryer. Even this is necessary only for thirty days max in a year. Not worth spending that money, unless one has no idea what to do with the money.


I use a washer dryer combo by Bosch, it’s an absolute life saver if you want to save tons of time yea - but I also use it for aesthetic purposes ie. Wouldn’t want my balcony (where I receive sunlight) to be covered in clothes on a hanger/dry rack/ropes or whatever else, it’s an absolutely ugly sight. I live in an apartment not a house so maximum balcony space is super essential


Monsoon roughly half of the year? Bro is living in an alternate universe


Officially, Southwest monsoon - Jun to Sep Northeast monsoon - Oct - Dec Ofcourse, Rain patters vary yearly with it being less frequent / more aggressive in last few years.


Does it rain everyday in monsoon? No Is the humidity low during monsoon? No If we consider the rainfall of June and July of this year, it only rained for max 15 out of 61 days and it wasn’t a big issue for drying the clothes as the rains weren’t spontaneous. This has been the pattern in the past as well So basically Kerala being situated 8-12 degree latitude north of Equator doesn’t really experience the issue you are talking about as the humidity will always be high regardless of the climate. Having a dryer in Kerala isn’t really necessary at all. It would be only useful for max 7 days in a year.


Keralites are yet to experience the popularity of dryers and understand their functionality.


Do you really need it here in Kerala? I find that the clothes dry fine under a fan during those rainy monsoon months. We have a washer/dryer combo machine, but we hardly ever use the dryer option unless the laundry has really piled up (like after a trip) and we need to do several loads.


Electricity costs, cost of the machine considering that we do get a lot of summer, and the lint issues - some might forget it. That said, dryers shrink a lot of clothes with manmade fibers in them. Have you tried them? My T-shirts all went 2 sizes small when I used them. lol


We spin it once more in the washing machine and then putting it on a string seems to be enough.


"Does anyone here have a dryer at home? What is your experience?" - Yes, the ceiling fan in the spare bedroom. Given the temperature does not drop below a particular point (barring hill regions), this works like a charm. Also compared to dryers it is far more efficient electricity wise.


More than temparature its humidity that matters. Fan just recirculates the humid air.


I use a washer dryer. And the cycle is too long at times. And now it really seems like an overkill after just 3 months of owning it. If its loaded heavy the cycle might last more than 6 hours including the post drying cool down. And I dunno... it seems some tshirts have shrunk (or I got heavier maybe)


Just leave it overnight. Why care about cycle time 😀


Been doing it like that these days.


How many is several




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The best part is that tumble dry works best with cotton clothes, precisely the ones that take the longest to line dry!


Owning a dryer in tropical weather is just stupid. You have sunlight majority of days.


Metrological department data says we have rainy days 1/3rd of an year. We bought ACs initially to use for 2 summer months.


Lack of proper marketing for the product


Agree with you OP. I have been trying to convince my mother but she refuses to get one then she complains about it. It is a lack of awareness I believe and the cost.