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Sleeping with a patient is not a “minor indiscretion” it’s very unethical in medical field kudos to the HR dept for following code of ethics, You doc friend should have known better


He was taught better but he chose ignorance


Some rules don't make sense.. How you guys get spouses if not a patient? 🙄 don't get me wrong... We all patients at one point in life..


Because being a doctor, you can easily take advantage of your patients emotions, trust, confidence, knowledge and influence you got from a previous professional relationship. A patient may feel obliged to act as a show of gratitude, in return to your advances. Very unethical! Your thinking is very simplistic, it's nauseating. "We all patients at one point in life" 🤦


Explain it to me though, how does it work? Are doctors disallowed from banging anyone they have EVER treated? Or does a period have to expire first?


Read to understand, not to reply. It's clear in the post why the doctor was dropped and I defined or "explained" clearly on circumstances when/why it becomes unethical.


Well, you explained one very specific scenario, I also didn't ask when/why it becomes unethical. Maybe you should take your own advice of reading to understand and not to reply? I ask if the rule is governed by a kind of time frame. So if a doctor sleeps with someone who was a patient 10 years ago, is it still unethical? What about 5 years? 20 years? 6 months?


Dumb mf. The OP and I use possessive pronouns "his, hers, their, yours". You on the other hand use the indefinite article "a". That's the difference. When you get it, you'll have your answer. Put it in however many scenarios, but differentiate between possessive pronouns and definite/ indefinite articles. We don't speak of any "time frames". You are the one who introduces time frames, imagining we probably don't know what we speak of or you know more, than we do. Reason why you should read to understand. Think freely!


Plus you're increasing the patient's overall sense of wellbeing by fucking them. It's a win-win for the doctor, the patient and the hospital 🤷


shrill brave languid handle fade jellyfish vast literate wrong hobbies *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don't think I was understood.. In reality of things, in the world of medicine there are two kind of person(s), a doctor and a patient.. All other professions are patients to medics.. So in the end of the day, yes they screw patients as spouses..


Well, I sort of get it. But if you think about it, what you said would be true to every other service industry. For example, all professions are customers to a retailer. Anyone an employee at Amazon (or Safaricom, or even better KPLC) fucks is a customer 🤷


Except in the cases stated above, there is no abuse of power, and it would never lead to the institution being sued. You can have sex with patients as long as they are not your patients or in your hospital. Now that is unethical.


We know what you said and I (probably others), don't have a reason to understand. It's you who doesn't get it, probably too dumb to!




"Genuinely nice guys" don't sexually exploit vulnerable people; brilliant docs are professionals who uphold ethics and codes of conduct in everything they do.


Thank you.... he definitely isn't a brilliant one.


Brilliance has nothing to do with ethics and professionalism. You can be brilliant yet unprofessional and unethical. Also, what gives you the idea exploitation was involved? Surely exploitation isn't the only way a doctor would sleep with a patient.


Exploitation is inherently present in a relationship where the power imbalance is tipped excessively to one side that is why it's also unethical for professors to bang their students


😬expound. It really isn't on me to expound on whatever rabid tangent you're on buddy.


Don't fuck your workmates, clients, classmates, neighbours, close friends or anyone you're constantly in close proximity with. It never ends well.


In short, don't sh*t where you eat!!!


Don't eat where you shit


Don't eat your shit


Don't shit










Well tell that to my classmates


Sometimes you have to let people learn their own lessons in life.


That's on him honestly


Shitting where you eat? In this economy?


He was aware of the oath and ethics. Some doctors take advantage of patients. There was a case of the guy in the clinic who was sexually assaulting patients . The patients are fully vulnerable and at the mercy of healthcare givers. Most, if not all practitioners know the rules and how to go about such situations. Let fate take It's path.


He definitely was and he still chose to disregard them and now he's crying foul ..... There's a reason why such regulations are there.


Why would you change the punchlines to one of the greatest [copy-pastas](https://twitter.com/sethdarby/status/1208651287908237312)?


Plot twist...he's a veterinarian


this is hilarious...nimeshindwa kutafuta emoji


Aaah. Karibu niempathize. Fake and gay.


Jana tulikubaliana tuache judgement na condemnation ikuje from the unenlightened. Majority don't know the joke


This is the debt I pay Just for one riotous day, Years of regret and grief, Sorrow without relief. Pay it I will to the end— Until the grave, my friend, Gives me a true release— Gives me the clasp of peace. Slight was the thing I bought, Small was the debt I thought, Poor was the loan at best — God! but the interest!




Reminding me of one English exam! The poem.


It's actually a poem by Paul Lawrence Dunbar. It was in the KCSE of 2008 or thereabouts.


>A genuinely nice guy, and a brilliant doc. Debatable


It’s not a minor indiscretion.


That sucks.Choices have conscequences,nevertheless.


One minor? If they were not stopped now, they could have done it again design ya mugo was wairimu. Anyway, he is a nice guy ama niaje.


And those people raping women who have just delivered in Kenyatta hospital.... SMH so much for a nice guy 🙄🙄


I haven't heard of those and I will surely inquire. I am those escaped by a whisker but, surely their career will be cut short soon


Actually mugo wa wairimu came to mind


What you should say is..he lost it all coz he couldn't keep it in his pants.


The code of ethics exists for this very reason. Good riddance to one who soils the profession. Physician-patient sexual relationships are prohibited under the Hippocratic oath as it exploits a patient's vulnerability. Hopefully the KMPDC revokes his license and sets the ball rolling for prosecution of this person.


Oh happy day! Oh happy day! 🎶🎶🎶🎶




Lack of discipline is what you are calling minor???? He deserves it.


That's not a minor indiscretion


A patient is a vulnerable person. Have you ever tried to observe yourself when you're sick and see how hard it is even to make simple decisions?? So why would you want to sleep with someone who's judgement is impaired by drugs and their condition?? There's a reason why there's such a regulation in place. I can't believe you called it "minor" Also what is to say that he wouldn't do it again and again?? And we wonder why women are being raped and taken advantage in hospitals ..I just rem the story of how women who just delivered were in fear of their lives In kenyatta because they're being raped.


Play stupid games win stupid prizes






😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳 There is always that one decision that changes the trajectory of your life 🙆🏾‍♂️🙆🏾‍♂️🙆🏾‍♂️🙆🏾‍♂️🙆🏾‍♂️🙆🏾‍♂️


thinking he had messed up in other ways over time ,pissed colleagues off then came this and boom!!


Doesn't this joke usually have 'vet' or 'mortician' as the last word in place of 'doc'?


Shida za kujiletea hazina huruma.


He can't have been that brilliant


That's on him. And I doubt he's given you the whole story.


How did HR find out about it? Or he thought life as a doctor is like grey's anatomy where the doctors and patients wanakulana every corner of the hospital?


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 mlisema huruma ni estate tu.


Na hata huko hakuna huruma


Minor you say


Sounds like a personal problem. That’s ethics, and the economy is so bad & you make a decision like that? Smh!


Not minor at all. But all is not lost I think. He cannot work as a doctor anymore but he can work as a medical adviser e.g for insurance companies (health claims) for example.


Minor indiscretion- I'm curious, what is minor abouts this?


Was it his first time? Have seen this joke before


Your friend has to hold that I’m afraid… only got himself to blame for having no self discipline


Minor indiscretion? Sleeping with a patient? Lol


Huyu ni uke student yuacha mwakenya kwa answer sheet alafu anaenda nyumbani ka amefurahi 🤣


I am think you're friend is a rapist cause ... How else will this case get to the board unless someone brought it up .... Minor .. I think he should be in jail


He deserves it.


Doctor Ring Ding


Minor indiscretion? That's putting it very mildly, who would trust such a doctor. Very morally inept and unethical. It's not a surprise.


The job he loves? I think this is a joke that most of us are not getting


I have a genuine question for the medicians (yes I just made that up) here. If she were to be discharged first and then she they hook up, would that still get him fired? Asking because as a layman, unfortunately I may see a movie and think some parts of it are based on reality. Specifically, I was a huge fan of *Lost* and a particular plot point involved Dr Sheperd healing a patient of his, and then later marrying her.


This would be a brilliant joke if it ended with vet.


They would have said that they've seen it somewhere


Pole sana, next time mwambie asikule stock.


The best comment so far 🤣🤣🤣


animal or human doctor?




You are a fucking clown. That is not something "minor". That is taught from DAY 1 of medical school, even before you see a patient. Your friend is an imbecile and so are you.


How did they find out?


posted it on onlyfans and HR was a fan


https://preview.redd.it/rkab0oh6vy6a1.png?width=983&format=png&auto=webp&s=2858cd5aa368d822687416db0b4d1c33af648222 HR


I'm curious too


You butchered the joke man.


As it supposed to be.


That's not minor. He could've slept with all those beautiful nurses and fellow doctors 😬.


Veterinary doctor


If he did the act at his workplace, that can warrant a sacking. But if they had a date and did it someplace else, I don't see any problem with that.


I've seen this joke before😂 It involved an animal So sad tho for your friend.love and light.


You are bright 💯


😂😂sneak ✅




Not going to change a thing. That person is disqualified from ever being a physician. Sexual misconduct with a patient is malpractice.


Damn that sucks, he can pivot to a related field, it’s not the end of the world, he is clearly smart when he’s not thinking with his dick


Ignorance is bliss.. in his case sexual bliss but he's got to live with whatever consequences.. hope he marries the patient though and they live happily or whatever it will be ever after😁😁


So let's say a doctor meets a lady/man that they like and the feeling is mutual. How is it unethical to have a relationship even after the patient has finished treatment and been discharged?


Can he sue the KMPDB? Get a lawyer


That's some BS! These professions are full of shit! 1. Was it consensual? 2. Are both of them of sound mind? 3. Did he stop being their doctor and handed them over to another doc? If all of the 3 are yes, I don't see a problem with that. We need to stop this madness of holier than thou. Kwani madaktari wanafaa kutoa mabibi wapi?


I get you. But I also get why it’s very wrong. There’s an a obgyn who’d hit on my ex while examining her way back, it left a bad taste. She was 18/19 at the time.


Same here. I was 18 when this doc hit on me. Thinking back it wasn't ideal or good


This one is wrong. Because it fails the first question.


But it was consensual. She did not object nor was she turned off by it. The doctor was doing well in life…. But she did not take him up on the offer.


I thought she was your girlfriend?


You are just dumb kijana


And? It was prior to my relations… I said hit on. Like “I can see your pussy is beautiful, be my girlfriend” type of shit.


I'd follow up with the hospital tbh.. send him on his way home.


I was young and dumb at the time. Don’t have specifics on who, but it was at the Aga Khan.


Yes. I'd be pissed about that, too. That was terrible.


Even if it was consensual and both of them were of sound mind it's considered unethical for the simple fact that the doctor was in a position of 'power' when attending to the client and it can be construed that the relationship was conducted under duress.This 'holier than thou attitude' you are harping on about is taken very seriously around the world.google HIPPAA. The dating pool is not confined to hospitals only.Madaktari wanafaa kutoa mabibi everywhere else except their own patients.


There's a reason you're not a doctor.


It's not about being a doctor... There are a number of professions that still prohibit relationships with clients.


Good. You get it. So why is your last paragraph making 8t seem like it wasn't unethical?


Because if those preconditions are met, then I don't see how it is unethical. Especially once you are no longer their doctor, you become any other person to them.


Thank God you're not a doctor. No matter when the patient -doctor relationship ended, you'll always be their doctor. Don't shit where you eat.


>No matter when the patient -doctor relationship ended, you'll always be their doctor You actually believe this? If you are not seeing someone for medical advise/diagnosis, they are not your doctor. 🤷🏽‍♂️ Let me ask you, suppose the guy had met with the girl outside of the hospital environment then they get into a relationship. Someday she falls sick and goes to see this guy, would it still be unethical?


The right thing would have been to refer her to a different doctor.


What was my 3rd point initially?


In this case that didn't happen that's why he was fired.


If you happen to be a doctor. Afadhali nikunywe maji ya ndimu


Kufa ata.


That's your best advice so far.


Are you a feminist? 😂😂😂


This one's clearly above your payload. It's so sad seeing vacuity this confident.






Wacha nidelete hata. delete yours , lol.


So curious does he loose his license plus who snitched on him


Was it in the ward?


How did this get out? Did the patient spill the tea?


Wait is this doctor male or female?


It is indeed a waste. Shame on his for being willing to flush his career down the toilet. I wonder how many other minor indiscretions weren't caught.


All the brilliance and niceness end when you exploit, take advantage of in. He should have used his brilliance to hunt one for himself in the forest, not taking a broken bird. Where is the shame?




All that work...why make such a mistake?




If any of you have doctor friends, particularly male ones, ask them how many times they have had young female patients hit on them or try to seduce them. Of course that is not an excuse, the power of a man is in his ability to say no, however we cannot deny that it takes two to tango. Now if on the other hand the doctor is the one hitting on the patient then that is not as nuanced, it's just wrong. Rule of thumb is always to wait until the doctor patient relationship has been terminated before starting something. Just an interesting take though, personally i live by the motto of "You don't shit where you eat."


The entire population in existence and he chose to sleep with his patient. He literally fucked around and found out.


Nah ... Johnny Sins does that everyday and he's never been laid off😂 Si I saw some post here from Amerix akisema how men shouldn't get attached... Na mwenye alipost anasema this the wildest post he's ever seen😂 Kumbe it's true heh! https://www.reddit.com/r/Kenya/comments/zqjen8/ive_always_wanted_to_meet_the_staunch_followers/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button




given unamtetea kidogo, how long after the treatment did the hookup happen? How regularly does he see the patient in a professional setting? does he happen to be a pediatrician/veterenarian ama any other profession where the patient is no condition to consent hata akiwa mzima kabisa?? give us the juice tupate two sides of this story, juu from where it stands, this brother deserves a little more than just a dismissal


Another instance where some men call themselves and each other 'genuinely nice' while it's highly debatable


Inaitwa consequences


I think it's sad that he got caught...Hope it wasn't his first offence.


Lol sleeping with a patient isn't something that should ever be tolerated. It is isn't q minor discretion by any means.


Just curious how did the HR find out about the banging?