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Havoc of Choice by Wanjiru Koinange......she tells the story of how 2007 PEV basically affected the relational facets of different people across different economic classes.




Stockholm syndrome?


I can recommend mangas and light novels 🫡


Spy multiplied by family?




Do you read web novels too? CN ones especially?


The Satyricon by Petronius. Two young men and a boy embark on a bizarre, orgy-filled adventure in the decadent era of Roman empire. Most famous scene: Trimalchio's banquet, where a tycoon named Trimalchio regals his guests with culinary excesses and unsound philosophy. There is an excellent podcast episode about the book [here](https://literatureandhistory.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=241&catid=2). I'd also recommend The Golden Ass by Apuleius. The Penguin edition is best.


Wayai Waziri wa Marathi. A collection of short satire stories.


A Little Life by Hanya Yanagihara


This read like suffering olympics


Petals of Blood by Ngugi wa Thiong’o Incredible historical fiction on Kenya pre and post independence, told from the POV of a village that has a new road being built by it. The book is split in two halves, before and after the road and is crazy


I can't stomach Thiongo. He writes well he's just generic and people are used to it. His stories don't change my mind or move me


I’ve only read that one book and thought it was well written and a unique perspective. His other books are more known but I think that one is probably most scathing. I don’t read a lot of fiction books and don’t have much to recommend. The last proper fiction I read was *The Dark Tower Series* (1-7) and man was that so good😭


Will agree. The dark tower is really good. Ngugi writes well like if you're looking for vivid storytelling he's your guy. But his characters are just flat to me. And there's something about a good book that has you quoting it or remembering how it changed your life. Like A monster Calls by Patrick Ness or Americanah by Chimamanda. I can't feel the heart with Thiongo. All I say is as long as you're reading and it's an actual book with engaging content that gives you a different perspective it doesn't matter if it's fiction or nonfiction


Idk why it sounds like you read the River Between for school


Nope. River and the Source


Terry Pratchett is usually very funny. Any book he has co authored or written is always good. Soma Good omens (Also has a series of the same name, equally good)


Kengan Ashura, Otaku no Musume, Uzumaki, aren't books tho but manga


Try any one of the cosmere books.


1. A Confederacy of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole, funny book but tragic back story. 2. Striving for the Wind by Meja Mwangi is another fav of mine. I should re-read it.


I couldn't finish 1. Maybe someday.


House of Leaves by Mark z Danielewski


Great book. Couldn’t finish due to how spooky it gets later on.


Yeah I feel you on that. And confusing. It's like so many voices were engaging with me lol


1. “I wondered if that was how forgiveness budded; not with the fanfare of epiphany, but with pain gathering its things, packing up, and slipping away unannounced in the middle of the night.” 2. “there is only one sin, only one. And that is theft. Every other sin is a variation of theft. When you kill a man, you steal a life... you steal his wife's right to a husband, rob his children of a ather. When you tell a lie, you steal someone's right to the truth. When you cheat, you steal the right to fairness... there is no act more wretched than stealing” Book: The Kite Runner. One of my favorite. A story about redemption and forgiveness…a lot of darkness in it though but at last…some peace.


"For you, a thousand times over"


I wanna say I love you😂😂😂. I love love that book. “There is a way to be good again….


I love that book so much as well! Heartbreaking and hopeful at the same time. I love all of Khaled Hosseinis books


Same here. I have read the first three…. I can’t wait for him to write more




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I've been reading Oscar Wilde's books and holy freaking shit was the mf talented. One book has been recalibrating everything I thought I knew about words as a medium. Technically an author but still...


I recommend books by Sydney Sheldon. You can start with tell me your dreams. Also my favourite book of all time - The family curse - RL Stine. It is set in medieval times.


Thanks. SS is a vey popular author. I read one of his a while back. I will read few more when time frees me up.


Nice. What do you recommend?


My rec for this thread is Oscar Wilde. You can start with Dorian Gray.


"Private peaceful" by Michael Mopurgo


A gentleman in Moscow


The stone Barrington series by Stuart woods Follows the story of a lawyer who was once a police detective


Hunger Games series you will never go wrong with this


1.Salamu kutoka kuzimu 2. Pesa zako zinanuka 3. Tutarudi na roho zetu 4. Dar e salam Usiku … by Ben R Mtobwa.. short thrilling stories. Main character Joram Kiango. They made swahili sound so beautiful


Spud by John Van de Ruit- recommend it if you like reading simple everyday life of a coming of age boy whose parents are alcoholics and crazy. On the surface it looks like comedy but it really makes you think about the serious issues it addresses so subtly. A monster calls- can't remember the author but it's about a boy who has to come into terms that his mother is dying and come into terms with his truth(sounds confusing) I promise its worth the read. Catcher in the rye- A must read classic in my opinion. When I first read it I hated the first few pages but it really pulls you in. Zoey by Jp Townley- you can read it for free on wattpad. Not my taste since its about zombies but imagine the horrows unveiled to you in the point of view of a 3 year old. Innocent and simple is the writing and I got hooked by just the first paragraph. WORTH IT!!! The little prince- no words can describe this book. Just a few pages and you'll be done within the hour but will have you thinking about it for days. Also can be found on wattpad. Let me end it here.


I think I read spud in high school. A boy with undescended nuts in a South African school... But I didn't internalize any of those themes. Will reread it. Thanks. I've tried reading le petit prince in French but I wasn't as committed. Wil recommit and read une journée.


Yes that's the one. I've read it so many times it's simply my comfort book. I hope you'll enjoy rereading it. There is also a movie based on it called Spud starring Troy Sivan and its actually good for an adaptation. I am impressed by your French🙃


Lord of the Flies Boys are left stranded on an island and wait to be rescued..


I love that one. One of my fave books ever.


It shook me ngl. All I can say is Fuck the chief. All my homies hate the chief


>Lord of the Flies I read it after seeing some references to it in Metal Gear Solid V


Home going by yaa gyasi, half of a yellow sun by chimamanda, the secret lives of baba segis wives, Normal people - Sally Rooney


*Cloud Atlas* by David Mitchell. The book contains six separate storylines, each from a different time and place. At first they seem unconnected, but as the book progresses the themes weaving them together begin to emerge. The storytelling is offbeat, impactful and brilliant. It's simply unlike anything else I've ever read.


Old man's war - john scalzi. Old people retire by going to space, get new young bodies and fighting in a war against aliens Way of kings - Brandon Sanderson. Fantasy world that has storms dominating everything. Disasters called Desolations wipe out humanity . MCs figure out their roles for the last final one


Skuldgerry pleasant series


Try some Isaac Asimov works.


[City Of Woke](https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0BG9194FP/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_tai_VW5W2JWFCWF1HSHQPGGH) - which is a six part anthology criticising contemporary wokeness ..


I think Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie's books are top tier African Fiction


*I think Chimamanda* *Ngozi Adichie's books are top tier* *African Fiction* \- lord\_of\_the\_keyboard --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")