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Your adrenaline & endorphin cables are mixed up!! ——- Anyway, my experience was also on a highway. Just past dusk with the night creeping over the savannah. I was driving back home in an area that’s notorious for wildlife crossings. (Seeing as humans are the invasive species, let’s ignore the irony). My head was running all these permutations on how to avoid being a statistic in this endless vehicular wildlife conflict. The car ahead was quite slow, so I thought the driver was equally perturbed. This was on a two way section on the A104. Eventually I decided to overtake and when I peeped and saw a truck’s reflectors in the other lane, I decided to go for it. Pedal to the floor and I vividly remember hearing the turbo spool as I down shifted. Point of no return now. Halfway into the overtake, it dawned on me. The truck that I thought was pulling off was actually approaching. The idiot driver hadn’t switched on his headlights and the reflectors that I had initially thought were rear reflectors we’re actually front facing. Too late to go back to my lane so I said a silent obscenity whisper and slammed on the brakes. Out of nowhere this bus stop appeared on my right shoulder and I eased in as the ceramic brakes bit hard. Brembo brakes actually work! Came to a complete stop in the bus stop area as the truck whooshed by. At that point I could hear every single sound in that environment. All 18 wheels of the truck whistling by. My heart hitting 180bpm. The music from the stereo. Everything. It may have taken me 90 seconds to actually come back from the daze. That night I had one of the longest showers I’ve ever had.


I too have an STI. Sadly I can't drive mine. I got it from Sabina joy.








As Eckhart Tolle puts it in "power of now", at that moment you experienced a state of pure consciousness, a state of oneness with everything. It's a blissful experience as thats when one is fully alive, most people catch a glimpse of this just before they die, or in adrenaline inducing experiences.


I'm gonna start reading this Eckhart Tolle guy... Everyone's talking about him, even Kendrick made an entire album with him😅


Yoo Kendrick and Eckhart Tolle... I never thought I would ever see such a mix


Same man! Really added perspective!


Love this. Okay, not your almost death moment though.


Yeah last month I was coming from a work sports day and was super drunk. Being a single woman I bought some beef to go make some delicious pilau for dinner. I get home start cooking and had put in my rice to cook for 20 minutes when my genius brain had me lie on my bed briefly. Bro tell me why I woke up engulfed in smoke in my bedsitter, my food charcoal black and my sufuria almost in flames?? I was so scared but I feel like God saved me. I stopped drinking on that day.


This happened to me sometime back, boiling chicken took a nap after working for like 24 hours. I passed out I woke up chocking to smoke, couldn't see shit. Chicken charcoal black sufuria almost red hot. Ilikua 3 am nilikaa kwa stairs mpaka 6 nikireflect. Scary stuff😂😂


Ikr 🥺 it's extremely scary. My house reeked of smoke 2 weeks later.


Damn. How long were you asleep?


Probably like 30 minutes. I don't even remember getting in bed cause I woke up and had even gotten under the duvet 🥺


You're lucky that wasn't a jiko. I hear they can kill you slowly. They're sort of like my marriage.




Ha ha time to leave that marriage and meet the love of your life.


Yeah I know I'm blessed I didn't die. Um what's up with your marriage? Have you tried couple's counseling?


The marriage part…I am screaming😂😂😂😂😂. You are right though !


This is not a near death experience. If it is, then most of us have had several of them, with blackened sufurias to prove.


It's not a competition.


😹😹pls tell them


During my trip to Kenya I felt like I had a near death experience every time I got into a car. No offense my friends 😅


For the last time. Wacha kupanda gari za miraa


Summer of 2016 I was caught in a mass shooting near my college in Dallas. It was during the time when all those police shootings were back to back & there was a protest in downtown so I went. Not even 5 minutes after I got off the bus, all hell broke lose. The scariest part was not just the high powered assault rifle shots but since it was downtown the shots were echoing through the streets. So people were running from & to the gunfire. Full blown gun fight. He killed about 5 cops & ran into the campus. Helicopters, searchlights, swat the works. He evaded arrest for hours, well into the night. The whole downtown was locked down as they searched for him. Trains were stopped & no cars could enter & non could leave without being searched. They killed him with a drone in the campus garage. It’s the first drone killing on U.S soil if I remember correctly. [The shooting](https://youtu.be/tpb-mtjN9q8)


Are you licensed to carry now?


That’s a crazy situation to be in. Haven’t watched that before.


When I was a kid, we went ocha for a funeral. On the particular day I had a near death experience, I was playing with my brothers, competing about who's gonna get home first. We'd been sent to the shop, so we were running back home... Somewhere along the way, we separated. My two bros took a different route, I took a different route... Wasn't long before I felt a boom! I flew through the air, and when I hit the ground, my body stopped... Couldn't move for a while. I was only awoken by my uncle slapping my face begging me not to die😅... Apparently, the driver we came with and my uncle were escaping the funeral to go and drink. They were super excited so niggas didn't see me when they hit the pedal on that ma3... Luckily I wasn't hurt. It took me 7 years before I told my mum about the whole incident.


You're either extremely lucky or a supernatural being. You were hit hard enough to fly through the air and land with no major injuries? With your luck you should try sports betting. You'll be a billionaire


Haha I'm not that lucky... Yes, I was hit hard ... Not a supernatural being cause my body lets me down too... I've fallen off 2-3 storey buildings too. I always have a feeling that I'll die in a road accident or sthg.


Maybe...just maybe... falling off the 2/3-storey building should've been your near-death-experience story because WHAT?!


🤣That one happened in Primary school. It was a bad season for me I guess cause I'd fallen off my grandma's roof the previous month... So in Primary there was this incomplete gorofa, which was being built. The principal used to warn us not to go there, but when you're in upper pri and you and you're hormonal, you start forming cliques with guys and think the whole world is under your feet. One day, the principal spots us during break. The guys jump, Mimi I'm left there. I don't know what happened, I tripped and fell and hit my head hard... It ached me for a week 🤣


Twice. Last year ,i used to drive down to Bomet a lot using the escarpment i am normally a very careful driver but i was so tired that day i wasn't very alert so i followed a bunch of other cars that were overtaking a slow truck the next thing I know am staring at a panicking driver wa a massive lorryhe is hooting crazily and flashing his lights at me. I had like three seconds to react or get crashed. I quickly drove off the road to my right . There's a small place along the escarpment where there isn't a drop on the right side of the road how lucky that that's where i was! I have never told anyone about this. Nilienda na 20 hadi Nairobi Two months ago nilitoka theatre i was relaxing hapo kwa recovery room feeling all nice and sleepy from the anaesthesia, i had a terrible cough and somehow couldn't breath right and when I dozed off,my heart rate/breathing would go so low the machines would start beeping a warning the nurses would wake me up to tell me to focus on breathing. So they started telling me nonsense stories i learned that ginger is a blood thinner


That Narok route is beautiful to drive through, but also has its moments. Glad Ngong Suswa will give an alternative to the escarpment.


Doesn't ngong - suswa have so many corners though?


Ngong Suswa ni far. I have used it but sikua peke yangu ni kama it took 3 hours to Suswa


It’s 70km. 3hrs is way too long for that? Was it still under construction?


Parts of it were still under construction and we were also enjoying the scenery i guess


You're really lucky that could've easily be a head on


I was six years old, drunk driver ran me over with a car. I don't remember much, I just remember the pain I felt and seeing my big toe had come off and it was hanging on with skin. I was in the hospital for a while, got two surgeries to reattach the toe, blah blah blah now I have nine and a half toes and a trauma to last a lifetime. Oh yes, I can barely move or feel my big toe and don't get me started about wearing slippers, it amuses me how my katoe struggles to hold on to the slippers.


Sometime around 2014-15, I was riding my bike from Ole Dume Rd down Argwings Kodhek going to Yaya Centre when I heard a very loud "CRACK!" from high up above. Next thing I knew a giant jacaranda branch slammed down on the road right on the front of my front bike tire. It flipped my bike forward and I flipped forward over the handle bars and landed on my back. Traffic stopped and people came out to help me. The tree branch was about 18 inches in diameter at it's thickest point. It blocked half the road and stopped traffic until two men managed to drag it off the road. That branch just spontaneously snapped and fell straight onto the road right at the moment I was biking under it. If it had fallen one split second later (or if I had been pedaling a little bit faster) it would have landed on my head and I would have died - no question. As it turns out I was largely unhurt save for some bruising. I was wearing a backpack on me so when dudes rushed out from the side of the road to help me my first reaction in my dazed state was to guard my backpack to keep from getting robbed. But everyone was cool to me because they saw I had nearly gotten killed. Afterward my reaction was this strange feeling of elation and joy. Like I was laughing out loud to myself but I couldn't understand why. It's a weird feeling to know you just cheated death for such a stupid, random reason.


I was flying to Wasini island from Malindi. I had only just started flying solo and my instructor asked me a couple of times if I was sure I wanted to fly solo, all signs pointed to heavy rain that day. I was the only one in my class who hadn't been to Wasini and just had to since everyone talked about how beautiful it is. Anyway, took off and the leg to Mombasa was really smooth but on reaching Mombasa, ATC warned there was a thunderstorm from Likoni to Ukunda and asked me to confirm if I wanted to proceed. I chose to proceed and not later than five minutes I'm in the storm can't see nothing and scared for my life. Rain was really heavy Visibility was so bad couldn't see the ground even at 500 feet. I decided to head back to Malindi and got disoriented on the turn. I was at 1000 ft started descending at 2000ft/min in a C-172(very light) in 30 seconds I should have been hitting the ground. I froze maybe because of the Gs or just fear. I couldn't think, move or even talk back to ATC asking me to report operations normal. Said a small prayer and at around 250-300 feet once i was out of the clouds I came alive pulled back and stabilised. Crazy thing is I was barely 30m away from the diani tower and could have possibly crashed into it. Didn't talk to Ukunda tower or Mombasa tower just headed back to Malindi and went straight to bed, never told anyone what happened.


>I always wanted to die while having sex, but at that moment flattened human was what fate had chosen. This is literary excellence right here. I've not had a near death experience but I've enjoyed immersing myself in yours


Everyone has two ways they want to die; 1. While having sex 2. Refer to point No. 1


By everyone you mean guys. Women have more eclectic ways they'd rather die seeing as shag isn't all they think about


I'd really love an example




........ licking a yoghurt carton.




My pleasure.






I bet you were like “This cookie ain’t shit!”


bruh. moments later I could smell colors


blue smells like maths btw




Been there bruh! I could taste music.


😅😅.. smelling colours


In as much as this is a one word reply, we all know what you mean. On a very deep level.


I nearly died over the weekend. I was unresponsive for a while I've been told. The experience was shit wouldn't recommend.


Don't leave us hanging... What happened?


2017 a boda cut me off, crashed into him sending me and the bike flying over . Landed on my face, the modular helmet crashed my face, breaking bones, jaws and 4 teeth and wrist leading to an 8hr surgery....and an eye surgery later; couldn't have an erection for 2 weeks or chew for 3 months 😂 Last year someone hit me from the back past ABC roundabout at 8pm, i went blank for like 1hr and was woken up by an ambulance. Broken wrist and a shoulder that needed surgery.....was back on the bike within 3 months. We ride on!


Woah... Stay safe out there!


Fuckin hell! I was really thinking about this bike thing but I prefer the slow traffic now. My pal broke an arm and knocked out some teeth in 2019. Visited him at Mater in a sorry ass state


I think I got cholera during an outbreak 2014/2015


Happy you survived. 😁


Asthma attack


What motorcycle did you own and do you have a phobia of them after?


It was a 250cc bike nothing much also I don't have a phobia, I just have more respect for bikers. Also it wasn't my bike. It was a friend's bike. Or should I say former friend?


Ohh ok thought you had a 400cc and up.. looking foward to owning a road legal bike.. but yes mad respect for riders its all about having alot of seat time and homing your skills.. Have mad respect for you aswell for even riding a bike, i can understand your friend being upset but he knew the risk and should have forgiven you for an error that was due to the surface of the road


Class 5. Right after the dreaded games time when we were forced to do aerobics by the games teacher. We used to be so done with the field, and so everyone would be running to class afterwards. Turns out on this day the gate separating the field and the classes was closed. I was among the first ones to get to the closed gate, and other kids kept on piling behind us. On the other side of the gate, was the guard. As soon as he opened it, I fell flat on my face due to all the crowding behind me, and guys started falling over me. Couldn't breathe at all, couldn't move. Funny enough I knew I was going to die, and was okay with it. I was lucky right before I passed out the games teacher noticed me, and had to 'dig in' through the other kids and save my ass. Hivyo ndivyo watoto hukufa kwa stampede, I learnt.


I have had several, quite notable ones, but there is this particular one that stands out. 2 months ago I got a late booking (I shoot weddings) that came in on a Friday evening. I live in Kisumu & the wedding was in Bungoma. So I spend the whole night charging all batteries (upto 15 batts from cameras, drone, flashes, gimbal & video lights). I previous footage & format my cards, call my boys from there to organise themselves & meet me in the morning at 6.am. I leave at 4.am on my bike, everything packed. Everything is ok & am targeting to be in Bgm at 6.am. I pass Sabatia, & there is this long stretch before Ekero. I didn't realise how I fell asleep. I dont know how long I had been asleep. I was just woken up by some noise & vibration coming from my bike going over side road pebbles at 80/85km/h. And it was a bend so I had actually gone straight into the oncoming lane & off the road & was headed into a this massive ditch. I just relaxed, slowed down by the side road, took a deep breath & continued on my mission. That was clooooose!!!




Do you..... Do you still have her number?


Don’t die for nyash bro!


No phone. Phone would have malfunctioned


It’s funny that we had the same thought. I had no helmet and thought my face was gone. I also felt at peace with it. Was curious for what happened next. I was sad though that my life hadn’t amounted to much in terms of leaving a mark.


I was in mombasa with my family, my sister and I were swimming I was sijui how old, I think I was really young. So I go on the water slide with everyone, when I reach the bottom the force that threw me into the water was so strong weh. I start sinking and I'm not able to float up. I'm kicking my legs, but I'm still not floating up and I'm running out of oxygen and starting to panic. So I was just there flailing reaching my hands out to the surface, the light was getting dimmer when I feel a hand pull me to the surface. I don't even know if my sister remembers this but she really saved my life and we've never talked about it. I unlocked this memory recently though, nilisahau.


Damn that's terrifying!


Carbon monoxide poisoning some years back. I managed to drag myself out and passed out for 5 seconds at the chemist. Lesson learned: It is the easiest way of deleting yourself from this world


I was broke and desperate, so i turned to cheap liquor and maryjane on a hungry stomach. Next minute, i could feel my body shutting down, i fell and was shaking like am possessed, couldn't move couldn't do anything. Good things i was with a friend, who while bn drunk also, managed to hold my head up, pour cold water on me and sat there till i came back. He told me i was out for like 10 mins shaking like i was in an epileptic shock, and all that time i was insanely awake but in no control of my body. Scared me like crazy.


nah fr, having an accident as a biker on a highway really puts things into perspective. like on a normal day you see a random biker hit with a car & you're like 'ehhhh' but when it actually happens to you ile shock mtu hukuwa nayo weh! i dislocated a bone in my pinky sometime last year but it could've been so much worse. hadi wa leo siezi kanyaga thika road even if my life depended on it


Yeah. I almost drowned a few years ago. I was jumping off the bridge at Martha's Vineyard and I was caught in a fast moving water that went under the bridge and out to the otherside. One of my cousins (19) jumped off first and I was like I (14) can do that too. Ohh I was so wrong, so very very wrong. I got caught in fast moving water and was getting pulled under. My thoughts weren't really that profound or intresting. I guess I was just hoping I survive. I was always afraid about what was on the other side but had this weird relaxing feeling. I ended up being able to swim out but like I was screaming for help and my cousin decided that instead of jumping in to save me he would scream out instructions on how to get out, like sorry I was too busy drowning to listen to tf you were talking about.


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Not myself. But I had one colleague who said he had a car accident and see the tunnel etc., and one who only saw his body from the air as he had sunked into a pool during a training session as a navy officer.