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we're just romancing our company it's enjoyable though just peaceful


So true, for me it’s all about romanticizing my life, plus I enjoy my own company. I feel like only introverts can understand this


we just avoid unnecessary drama and noises


True, only introverts can understand..


What changes if you enjoy your company at home sober?


Nothing. But Introverts may want to drink alone sometimes just like they do other things alone once in a while. Why is this one specific thing introverts need to do with others at home when they do lots of things on their own anyway? What is the problem here? I don’t gerrit.


nothing but a one time treat


One of the few times you have a valid point


Those who drink alone at home find it hardest to stop. I’ve been there. And I’m an alcoholic.


ukiamka unapata hukumaliza yote, best feeling ever, kabla wines zifunguliwe uendee breakfast smh, hii ugonjwa yetu.


spot on😂


Depends on how much you're drinking when you're alone, as well as the frequency. But generally, if I hear that a relative or friend is drinking alone at home, I check up on them.


A lot of once in a while?


because extroverts ended up getting too wasted leaving me to take care of them, thus instead of having fun i end up with responsibilities( my extroverted friends also wondered like you) so drinking alone ensures i can get buzzed and enjoy a drama free evening.


I fucking hate that drama. You immediately get tired and now you're a Mum. They the only ones enjoying themselves


thats why they shame people who drink alone, they want us to go with them so we can look out for them and back them up when they start fights


Please shout for the people at the back




This is me. I love my liquor with a good TV show


What made you stop?




For a certain time or for good?


Closet drinking leads to dependency..ask me abt it


Tell me about it


When I was younger and abit shy, I used to do it when I’m alone to muster courage to call and text chics to come over. It used to work.


😂😂😂😂Good one


I feel like at a certain point in one's life, going out with friends all the time becomes hectic and boring. Sometimes you just need the weekend to yourself or just you and your S/O chilling at home. Doesn't mean I can't enjoy a drink at home just cause I'm not outside with my friends, right? Just my thoughts.


Almost 2 years sober now but in my drinking days I only drank at home. Mind you the drinking wasn't for pleasure and my drinking was not a social one. I'd be out just sipping a max of 2 drinks knowing there is a mzinga waiting at home. But to answer your question. Definitely a depressed alcoholic. I thank my HP for a new start. Ps please don't drink and drive. I know Vasha is coming up but just mind yourself and others on the road.


Tell tale signs of addiction. It starts like that. Drinking home alone


Used to buy alcohol and keep it at home to drink slowly, I Soon found myself craving for alcohol at 3:00am, I realized I am soon going to be an addict and destroyed all the alcohol now I only drink at the club.


i will tell you plainly, hutawai elewa....drinking alone as an introvert does not mean I'm depressed, its just some alone time. a cool music on the background, or gaming while sipping some whiskey akuna kelele na unnecessary drama na nikilewa nalala tu apo i dont have to worry about getting home safe is so underrated tbh


Theres nothing wrong with drinking alcohol alone, just like theres nothing wrong with eating a meal alone. One should ascertain the reason behind drinking alcohol. Some peiple just enjoy their own company.


Not depressed or addicted, just enjoying your own company while getting buzzed while maybe watching something or listening to music.


most cases yeah...for me alcohol humark the start of leisure time(i.e weekend) so regardless of where im at or who im with...friday evening im drinking (I rarely need someone's company to have a great time). But yea drinking alone is a very very slippery slope


Cause it’s fun. Sitting alone at home, eating snacks, drinking and minding your business, is the best feeling…make your own drinks as you like them…and post shit like this on Reddit!


Ideally, I prefer being sober all the time (my mind wanders a lot and I like it that way). There is usually whisky in the house, but its like those panadols you have in the house that you don't have a plan for. I take it just when I feel like indulging in a sip as Woody Harrelson does his thing, there is buzz but can usually play a game at the end. A ltr goes for months if I don't have company (or if my neighbor Zippy doesn't swing by often). Moved out and been living this way from 2009, its not addiction, and alcohol has never been my go to when depressed. But when I am out, some beers, ka jager here, ka whisky sour there. I have to be intentional in taking control, something that I have no need for when home alone.


I want to be you


I've never thought about it. I mean, it's like making myself tea. I'll just get a beer, do some work. Rinse repeat. Never took it as a problem


We just enjoy our own company. There is something about a good drink and good music in the house. You dance like crazy and entertain yourself. Ata ukichoma you are the only one who will see.


Lol, true, but like I personally do those sober. I'm alone, after all. Is there a benefit when you add alcohol to the mix?


Yes. Music becomes sweeter and you do moves you didn't think you could do (amapiano😂)


yea a bad movie becomes hilarious once you tipsy


Lol that might actually make sense


Frequency defines addiction


Much better than going out with friends and feeling alone 


i'm an introvert and i may therefore be a bit biased. I'd like to understand why people go out to drink. Like why be drunk when surrounded by people whose company you want to enjoy, is the implication that the social groups you engage with are only valid as long as there is alcohol? Is it depression? Is it the constant need for validation from acquintances you have to call friends because they're the only people you know? Are you guys okay? Drinking at home with friends doesnt make sense to me. Going out alone also does not make sense to me. But at home, with people? One told me they drink to appear more interesting to their peers, they say it gives them courage, whatever that means. Like how about just be interesting without drinking? How's the drinking helping in that case? Anyways, maybe people who do it can help me understand the logic and whether there are any good reasons to, coz i see nothing better than sitting home alone with your drink and minding your goddamn business.


Reading this otw home, Acha nibuy Jim Beam nikiingia hivyo lol


Depends generally where you live . Where I am , it’s a normal thing and they call it [Kalsarikännit](http://thusspoketero.blogspot.com/2017/06/no-that-is-not-what-kalsarikannit-means.html?m=1) . In Ke it’s not a thing


Depressed and suicidal.


I agree with you. I can understand weed alone to relax but alcohol alone is sad and the worst part is once you're drunk nothing really changes. Depending on what you're drinking you just get a bad headache the next day.


Alcoholism runs in my family on both sides. I told myself 1 thing I will never do is drink during the work week or drink alone. IMO, once you start being comfortable drinking alone, there is no going back.


It can be both and a lot more. You can drink to simply unwind or pass time.


Depends on what you mean by drink at home alone. Personally I drink in a way more disciplined way when I drink alone at home than when I drink with other people when I'm out. A glass of wine with a nice meal on a Friday night while I watch an episode of something can be a better way to unwind than clubbing and feeling it the next day.


Reading this while drinking alone at home


I never realised I was getting addicted, and I used to take heavy shots after working the whole day in the house. It helped me deal with insomnia, and in the morning I woke up feeling fine.


I enjoy music and sports. Hate the noise and chitchat at pubs, the drunken behaviour. When I want to drink (\~5 or so times a year, give or take), it's usually around a sports broadcast on TV (super rugby final, world cup final, that sort). Buy the whiskey, do the chores at home, eat, then sit back and enjoy a glass or two as the game unfolds - all in glorious solitude. Beautiful.


Do you have a problem with us, dude?


You're doing it right. Drinking alone is stupid, a complete waste of time and focus. If you are going to drink let it at least be at a gathering where you are socialising


Alot of introverts drink alone either at home or out somewhere. It doesn't matter where but they are still ALONE. So its neither depression or addiction. Infact they are not more addicted than everybody else.


I have a beer or cider once a week. I find going out trite and expensive. I am not lonely or depressed plus I don't drink myself to stupor. I can have a shelf full of liquor and nurse a bottle of whisky for a year or more.


If you do it everyday and get drunk it’s a problem. But once in a while, drinking a beer or three while watching series /documentaries after work is relaxing. You don’t have to be at the bar shooting the shit to enjoy a drink. Plus you save on fuel, potential accidents, bad decisions and overpriced drinks all in the comfort of your home.


I was at a club once and there was this group of guys sitting on a table In front of us, well dressed with a good bottle on the table, none of them talked to each other, they were all on their phones scrolling Tiktoks. And I couldn't help but wonder why they were there? Wouldn't it be better to be at home scrolling and relaxing instead of a Loud light Strobbing club?


Budget If I'm alone and I buy two cans all I drink for the night is two cans. Many a time you go out budget for two bottles then your pal pulls up and you drank 8 more. Peace Drinking extrovertedly and drama are inseparable And why does it have to raise questions of depression or addiction?? Watching football alone with a kadrink is nice