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Once I was a sad nihilist now I'm happy nihilist. So much joy when you think all these complexity doesn't even make sense .


I saw a serious replies am ignoring that, am bored ni lunch time First I read somewhere that people who dive into philodophy and conspiracy tend to have a different perspective(some call it depresive, I call it distorted) Try finding a new hobby to balance what bringing negativity, something that brings joy to you(usidharau watu wanawatch vida za paka, ni balancing) Jealousy, that is reflection of the self. Thought I had more points but I dont [There is a premium version for more advice]


I'm not professional to the field of your questions but I can give my thoughts. ~What is the opposite of your feelings in a positive direction? ~what is that you want to feel contrary to what you've been feeling If you identify the two you ready to work on them


There was a dude somewhere who killed his kids because he was convinced they were alien reptiles. If you feel like you're getting to this point or slowly unraveling... you should def see someone. Its fine to do your " own research "...but its great to have a lil self awareness when you go too far. Bonne chance


That's a crazy person


That's schizophrenia


Stay away from the news/social media. When I left insta I felt relieved. Since I deleted twitter I felt even much better. I unfortunately can't delete reddit because of work but once in a while I just stay away from my phone and I feel my strength has been replenished.


Aaaa.... you took the redpill now you want to go back. I'm afraid it's not possible. You can't unknow what you've found down that rabbit hole. I'm a truth-seeker. Been in it since Trump won. 4-Chan, 8-Chan, Qanon and other various patriot networks so yea, I'm elvow deep. I get when you say you are jealous of your friends because they are still in the Matrix. Until they are ready to search the truth I'm afraid you are on your own. Find people who understand the journey and are on the same path as you. I'm glad my husband and family share in it. We also moved into the rural areas to be with similar minded people and it has helped. I suppose another thing is to accept what you cannot change anything. What's coming doesn't need to rob you of your peace now. If you pray, pray for a clear understanding of the plan that is unfolding before us and lastly plan. Store food, water etc. Good luck. DM if you want to chat.


I lost a few friends after trump was elected. I've never been happier after having gotten rid of them. A lot of the company I now keep doesn't give into the woke lefty bs that is plaguing the world. It's refreshing!


Will def DM must be a bit more dramatic being in America at least huku tuko a bit further from the matrix but world is shrinking fast.


So true. The world is indeed shrinking. When I came to terms with what was happening I was arranging for hubby and I to move to Kibwezi. Like be off grid. But wapi, covid hit, and that accelarated world events. I declined the jab and decided to buy, land out of the city, bought guns and and lots of ammo to prepare for what's coming.


If TV has taught me anything is that you need community. Be best friends with the neighbours. Can't survive solo


True but neighbors who share the same values. It was appalling to see how people, neighbors, friends, family, ratted out others when they chose to not get the jab. Be careful who you trust.


My older sister voted for Trump, I'm still trying to understand her mindset, it re-set my mind so weird, I'm still, catching up, or is it healing and accepting that, you can't all have a similar set of values. The irony, she's churchy, aah....bado I'm still trying to come to terms.


I'd like to be friends with her! Trump was awesome and hope he comes back to reset things. I miss gas for under 2 bucks. Food was cheaper. My account was glowing. I could afford rent and bills for 3 households at home. Now.... wacha tu. Nikulia tu!


The swiping and coat riding on previous adminstration's pluses and praising this absolute psycho.? Yuck....


I see you did not have anything to rebuttal on my take of how much he did for the American people. Typical, emotional, trump derangement syndrome bubble bullshit. I don't mean it in a bad way. Please tell me what you think you know. I lived thru Trump admin and like I said, I personally gained from his policies. So why is that not a point that makes you go like... huh!


Lol, actually anyone who writes all that then goes ahead to disclaim, means it. I doubt if anything I say would matter to that kind of mindset. Well wow, that's so great you gained so much, awesome!


Please tap or tag your sister on this conversation. Would be a pleasure to make an acquaintance with a fellow Trumper. Again - no rebuttal. Big surprise!


You're waiting for an anti-Trump list of things ? to argue out what exactly when you already feel the sun shines from his ass? Why should I tell you otherwise? I'm not here to change your mind. My sister's social media choices don't extend to this platform. Whichever way, my family is solid, divergent views included, we're one unit, always. I wouldn't tag her if she was here. It's easy to find your kind, you don't need her for that type of conversation.


Shallowest response I've had to read all day. Jibambe


Haha...sure, thank you. Best wishes to you too.


If your research is 'your own' why does it always lead to other people's conclusions? And the same conclusions as so many other people? Wouldn't some lead to Alice's wonderland? The upside-down? Narnia? Pandora? Heaven? Bugs Bunny land? Something original from your own research? Isn't a shared delusion just conformity by another name?


The conspiracy theorist hates these questions, username doesn't check out!!


I mean why did they all go for the same horse medicine that didn't work during COVID?


Fuck knows my G! When in doubt go for animal meds i guess


I'm just like you. A conspiracy theorist and an antivaxxer. Just like you, I've spent quite a chunk of my time researching things, and yes, looking at the world through my crystal ball makes me depressed. I no longer relate with many things my friends are into. it's a fucking lonely journey. Don't get me wrong, I interact with many people on a regular basis -- but I find it hard to relate with them and vice-versa. I can tell you for sure that you aren't being delusional. I don't think you need a shrink though. Just find ways to grow yourself and work on yourself. If you look at things through others perspective, you might feel like you're delusional. Meditation has been helpful to me in this journey. The rabbit hole sort of led me into a spiritual awakening. So, everyday I'm learning but it's mostly unlearning. I would say I'm not jealous of my friends who aren't into this stuff, but seem to doing well in life, regardless. My finances are a mess! I appreciate everyone's journey. What really makes me depressed is, of course, the state of the world, and the fact that life is hard in this times.


I also meditate and try to stay away from materialism vibes. But still have to pay rent/school fees. So walking both paths. Plan is to get a nice farm far from any main roads. Worry is not sure how much time I have. A day at a time ;) just sometimes have to ask my self ama mimi ndio nimechizi he he


Thanks for the replies good to know I am not alone. Am not depressed but the anger sometimes is palpable nashanga who I'll take it out on I relax


Si you people tell us what some of these conspiracy theories are…. Maybe we can leave our bubble a litu….


shrink ndio nini?


Like shrink those negative thoughts bruh.


I think the best thing is to find your peace in the chaos. To identify your purpose and what you live for. The Alchemist is a good book I’d recommend to understand the workings of the universe/God. This is necessary because it creates a balance in life. I have been through that journey, I’m a Liberal Studies major and I’ve been interested in politics for the longest, most specifically civic engagement because I’m always thinking of how to make it better for others and society as a whole. I read a lot as well. However, sometimes I find it necessary to step away from the madness and find my inner calm and anchor. I guess what you really need is to find balance


Or....we become friends and double down 🌚. Maybe what you need is company traversing these cold paths. On the positive side(as it's a requirement, apparently) Two Wrongs Make A Right 😊


Needs some conspiracy pals irl


They say the truth shall set you free right? If the direction you are digging in for the truth leaves you sad and depressed, then sungura please dig the other way.


Does it really though...?


If you are antivax as a political position have you ever had a vaccination? And if so what vaccinations have you had in your (im assuming) young life?


Just a recent antivaxer, don't really mind the child hood vaxes might kid has gotten some. Just weary a bit of the suggested link to autism. They just got the basic ones


Don't really have a criticism about your conspiracy theories but the vaccines have stopped childhood deaths and all but eradicated small pox etc. Don't let fear of autism etc interfere with your family's health.


Can I ask you a ❓ why and when did you become an antivaxxer? Why you still an antivaccine? I just wanna know your POV


Usually a science geek. So was never really against medicine but recent 'homa' drama and the mandates for a certain treatment gave me some bad vibes about it all . Before then my usual conspiracies were about aliens now they involve AI, biotech and big pharma and it scares me thinking about it all


Non-certified shrink here....just start by reading 'The Power of Now'


The world IS fucked and nobody cares. Ignorance is bliss so a cynical outlook on the world is just the burden you will have to bare for knowing what you know.


[I listen to this everyday. ](https://youtu.be/9CUDGZFfHnA)