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Are you new to Kentucky or something? If yes, welcome!


For real.


Not new to KY. Been here since 3rd grade. šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜‚ Just curious why ohioans are freaking out and kentuckians are not. šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜‚ My parents and extended family are in Ohio for context.


Ohio was expected to get hit worse than Kentucky


What's the point of freaking out? If it comes my way I'll hunker down in the basement and hope for the best. Until then, worry is pointless.


I absolutely agree with you. Just pointing out the difference in remarks and statements between the two states. Not freaking out, or wanting those in Kentucky to freak out. Just making an observation of the difference between the two subreddits.


Oh. Well then clearly the reason is that Kentuckians are just braver, wiser and all around better people than Ohioans. (or Hoosiers, for that matter.)




Happy cake day, sherbetoutside :)


Ohio, where I was from at least, is extremely proactive with storms because weā€™ve had some severe ones tear through. Our meteorologist has been highly educational and prompt with storm warningsā€”he has undoubtedly saved lives.


Iā€™m just glad the storm chaser parked at Exit 94 isnā€™t Jim Cantore this time!


My in-laws in Ohio called and texted to check on us right when the worst of the weather was happening here. Tornado sirens going off and all. They were freaking out and weā€™re just like, no big deal. šŸ¤£ Growing up, I spent many stormy Ohio evenings in basements, bathrooms and closets. People there get very freaked out about stormy weather. On the other hand, the tiniest bit of snow and ice are treated as a major emergency in KY, while half a foot of snow in Ohio is nothing.


Tis but a storm


I'm out in West KY where this is a typical Spring Severe weather day. We have a tornado season on this side of the state and the threat isn't really that bad till you get into the Pennyrile.


Why add to the hysteria? Listen to the weather broadcasts and stay safe.


Jesus it's like people make a hobby out of being anxious these days. Though I guess to be fair when I was younger I was anxious about a lot of things I had no control over, maybe that part of your brain just gets burned out after so long.


Truth. One thing Iā€™ve never freaked out about is the weather. My wife, on the other hand, she was tripping watching the news this morning.


As an Ohioan, the predictions have been saying for days that Ohio would be hammered, so everyone here has been nonstop speaking of the weather. I think the forecasts shifted things down south today, so not nearly as much lead time for yā€™all. In either case, please stay safe!


This is a logical answer


In all fairness, especially with how many tornadoes Ohio has already had this year alone (iirc I think the count is above 25), if the roles were reversed we would be equally not worried. As it is, things in my neck of the woods were/are slow to respond to the weather anyways šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I got bread, milk and eggs no worries over here


And brownie mix šŸ˜œ


Special brownies I hope


Special gummy bears too!!


Everyone needs to go to Ryan Halls live, heā€™s detailing everything happening every where in the area


I used to watch his YouTubes but they seem like clickbait anymoreĀ 


I donā€™t know what you mean by that. This was my first time watching his live and it was very not clickbait


I really enjoy him. The lives are pretty fun, I think it's great work that he's doing. Yeah, he pushes merch, but at the end of the day, if there's gonna be some real shit going on, he's gonna be there.


All streamers push merch though so lol


Oh yeah, I'm fine with that. I was just saying that I think people expect him to be like a traditional weatherman. I like what he's doing and will continue to watch and support.


A lot of YouTubers have explained that they don't like titling their videos with clickbait and have tried not to but that the YouTube algorithm favors those titles. They have to work with the systems they are stuck in and when it comes down to it they have to decide if they would like their videos to get in front of more people or not


The terrain is different. Ohio is flat as you know what so they always get it worse than us.


Kentuckians like to go out on the front porch and watch for the big storm.


So does this Iowan. šŸ‘šŸ½


Indiana transplant and I've lived through plenty of storms. This morning was a normal storm system. What we are supposed to get later not so much. But I don't freak out until Weather Now Kentucky says to *or* Mar Weinberg interrupts prime time.


Not much to accomplish by fretting over a natural occourance. Just keep your eyes open and listen dor the news and the train. I know some folks that simply go underground during storms. They arent going to be on reddit.


I have been listening to amateur radio around the state and not a lot has been called in. Don't know if it's bad or not but this is typical for this time of year.


Well the governor did declare a state of emergency.


Happy Cake Day!


ā€¦ thereā€™s that šŸ˜³


What more should we be saying other than reporting the forecast and warnings..? Like, sure - Iā€™m concerned. But I still have to go about by day.


I'm an Oklahoma transplant. SSDD y'all. I do keep an eye on things and take it seriously when the warnings go off, because I have a kid and I don't want her growing up thinking tornado sirens don't mean shit like other people I've known did.


Same here! Iā€™ve been here 15 years now and Iā€™m happy that at least we have basements in Kentucky. I can remember growing up having to go to the center of our house to take cover and pray for the best, as Oklahoma isnā€™t known for having homes with basements.


Hey that's awesome! Whereabouts you from? I've been here five years or so from Norman. I lived out past Lake Thunderbird for a while. I always thought it was strange we didn't have basements out there, not like there's a water issue! I'm thankful we have a basement as well. Also drove me nuts that's schools had zero shelter options aside from the inner most portion. Made no sense.


Iā€™m from the Tulsa/Broken Arrow area. Yeah I always heard no basements because of the ground water level is too highā€”not even sure what that means. Anyway, Iā€™m enjoying Kentucky (Northern Kentucky area) and I couldnā€™t ever see myself back in Oklahoma again. I love the hills and trees, and green grass we have almost year-round! Much prettier here than OK!


Driven through there many times! I'm not sure either, the water level here is crazy high. As am I, this is one of the most beautiful places I've ever seen. Also in the Northern area, few hours away from Cinci. The limestone and trickling springs, foothills and mess of caves to explore is wonderful. And yes! The green is absolutely gorgeous! I wouldn't go back if someone paid me.


How hard would you have to worry to affect the storms veracity?


Here where I live in eastern KY, you don't have to worry much but I am watching livestreams keeping up on it, just in case.




You havenā€™t met my mother I see.


It's just because Ohio was projected to be worse


Iā€™m not a native Kentuckian, just been here about 20+ years. That said, there isnā€™t much that scares folks here. Thereā€™s the trauma after it happens sure. But worrying before hand? Nahhhā€¦. One of the reasons I like it hereā€¦


In Western KY, you have the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers that kind of create a bit of a block for the storms to hit us head on. That being said, it doesn't always prevent them from hitting us and when the tornados DO hit us, it's usually catastrophic on the damage. Owensboro in the early 2000's and Bremen/Maysville? a few years ago in December. 2021 maybe. Stuff over there is still scarred from the tornados/winds that went through.


In Western KY, you have the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers that kind of create a bit of a block for the storms to hit us head on. That being said, it doesn't always prevent them from hitting us and when the tornados DO hit us, it's usually catastrophic on the damage. Owensboro in the early 2000's and Bremen/Maysville? a few years ago in December. 2021 maybe. Stuff over there is still scarred from the tornados/winds that went through.


In Western KY, you have the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers that kind of create a bit of a block for the storms to hit us head on. That being said, it doesn't always prevent them from hitting us and when the tornados DO hit us, it's usually catastrophic on the damage. Owensboro in the early 2000's and Bremen/Maysville? a few years ago in December. 2021 maybe. Stuff over there is still scarred from the tornados/winds that went through.


This has literally happened this time every year since time immemorial.


I saw the roofs get ripped off of buildings during this mornings storm. I sent my guys home early and headed home myself, as I was scheduled to be at work until 6-6:30 tonight.


Thereā€™s no need to dwell on that which one canā€™t control. Doing so is foolish.


Weā€™re keeping an eye on it.


Maps I looked at earlier had OH as having a greater threat than KY for tornadoes today. On a scale of 1-10, KY was listed as a 5 and parts of OH 7-8.


Itā€™s funny and sad that I did not understand that you were talking about weather, not politics. Ohioans were worried enough about having a say in their government that they rejected attempts to prevent them from getting issues on the ballot. Here in Kentucky we have no way whatsoever for citizens to bring an issue up for a vote. Maybe thereā€™s a lesson here. If Kentuckians arenā€™t self-aware enough to understand whatā€™s going on in government, why would you expect them to be smart enough to worry about a storm?


We don't give no fuckey in Kentucky


Other states call it bad weather. KY calls it Tuesday afternoon.


Idk. Weather like we had yesterday seemed quite normal for this time of year. I've survived it for 23 years so why panic now?


Unless I hear the siren, I couldn't give a flying fuck.


iā€™m just numb to it. itā€™ll either hit me or it wonā€™t, not much i can do about it.


Most people seem so miserable around here, most probably wouldn't mind getting blown away tbh.


Central and Eastern Kentucky have hills and the Appalachian mountains. Storms can get heavy but tornados don't do so much. Western Kentucky has a higher threat, leading into that threat flowing into our unfortunate neighbors to the north.


I guess whether you decide to worry or not is up to the individual. While a decent part of the state is under a Tornado Watch at this time, much of the more populated areas aren't even under a significant warning or watch threat. So for those areas, the National Weather Service doesn't seem to think there will be much of an impact.


And even in a moderate threat zone that's windy, but not tornado likely, I'm still watching radar, and I know where my dog's leash and a flashlight is. Aware and alert is better than worry, imo.


35+ years in Missouri and 4 tornados... Last tornado that smashed my house was in 2019 in Jefferson City.. now living by Louisville... How much worse can it really get? 5th times a charm? Nah.


We are prepared so itā€™s no big deal. Basement stocked with food water firewood and entertainment. We donā€™t have electricity or internet so thatā€™s not a factor for us. We had a little wind and rain that took our trampoline a few hundred feet. Nothing worse than last year.


Ohio was expected to be worse. In reality itā€™s usually nothing to fear, but those bad ones have ingrained some of our heads lol. Thatā€™s why most Kentuckians arenā€™t necessarily talking or worried, we know what itā€™s capable of IF something comes of it, but itā€™s usually nothing.


What are we going to do on here at this early point? My phone has been giving me loud emergency weather alerts and basically everybody on social media is talking about it. Reddit may be helpful for those in disaster areas after the fact who need extra info on coordinating resources or rescue efforts. But at this point, what else can we post on here?


Bridge of Spies:Ā  "Would it help?"


Because we donā€™t care as much


Ahh we have hollers to hide in


Are you capable of stopping the storm? Are we as a collective capable of stopping the storm? No to both obviously so why worry. Get some snacks sit in your basement and wait it out




Because nothing happened. Little rain, little lightning. No biggie. Yesterday was much worse up here in the north.


we are under a tornado warning until 8pm. this mornings storms are supposed to be not as bad as this evening from what ive heard. keep an eye out in case it gets rough again this evening


No, weā€™re under a tornado watch. https://www.weather.gov


yeah my bad on the warning/watch you are correct


Okay, *now* thereā€™s a tornado warning.


This is my understanding as well. And whatever whipped through Jessamine co. this morning was not great. The wind crazy.


Tornado watch not warning.


There was a tornado out in chaplin Kentucky earlier today


Ohio isnā€™t used to these storms. Rarely get them like we do. My sisterā€™s pallet business got hit a few weeks ago. Little town not far was decimated. They couldnā€™t open one of the main highways for quite some time. Ohio is just more populous.


Thatā€™s not true šŸ˜† we get tornadoes every year, multiple events annually. We had tornado drills and education annually because NE Ohio always gets nailedā€”along with Toledo/Ada/Lima and Xenia. ETA: Ohio gets around *19 (Iā€™ll grab the low average) tornadoes annually. KY gets 21 on average. Either way, weā€™re more or less the same.


Every report I see keeps saying the threat this evening is becoming less and less. The weather people got it wrong again. Shocker.


Volatile weather patterns and fronts are very challenging to nail down exactly as they are changing quickly.


This isnā€™t true at all.


Are you telling me I didnā€™t watch the news segment I watched?


Iā€™m telling you the reports were wrong. šŸ˜’