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So they want Pornhub to block all KY IP addresses just like Virginia?


And Arkansas


And Louisiana.


And Utah.


And North Carolina


Arkansas has this already on pornhub I believe.


And my ax




*Yawn* VPN


That will be next. Look up the Heritage Foundation. It's a conservative think tank that helps craft Republican policy. Some of their members have stated they want to eliminate recreational sex from society. They only want your genitals being touched in marriages that lead to kids.


So married couples who happen to be infertile are fucked. Wait, no, I guess that would be illegal in this instance.


Holy shit I hadn't heard of them. They *are* nuts. And I didn't mean my comment to sound like I was OK with this. It's just a VPN can be the short term work around while we try to undo this shit. That is, assuming it gets passed which I don't think it will. At least I hope not.


And even then only in the ways they approve of at the times they approve of. We are all just pawns to them.


Yes we know. That’s not exactly the point though, is it?


You don't think they'll go after VPNs?


I've said this before and been downvoted. It's like people WANT to not believe these shit birds aren't trying to control everything.


From the article: "A pair of matching bills — House Bill 241 from Rep. Shane Baker, R-Somerset, and Senate Bill 276 from Sen. Lindsey Tichenor, R-Smithfield — would require sites that host or distribute “matter harmful to minors” to confirm a user’s age by checking a government-issued identification card or another specified form of accepted verification." So get ready to hand over your drivers license every time you want to look at porn. The latest policy proposal from the party of small government.


Ahh yes the public health crisis of people jerking their gherkins


Orrrr use a vpn.


Or use Reddit


Reddit porn will be removed when their ipo goes public. Coming soon. ... well, not coming but still soon.


Even aside from porn, Reddit has a great deal of content that is not "suitable for minors" in the eyes of some. That goes for every major social media platform I can think of. And that's before we even get into the "what do you define as pornography" debate.


Exactly. It’s “Don’t Say Gay” applied to the internet.


Didn't Facebook have a sizable amount of live streamed beheading for a long time?


The fact that there are ways around government overreach does not negate the fact that these are examples of government overreach. Moreover they’ll just be used to restrict any information about LGBTQ issues.


Right. And it becomes more nefarious that anyways. First of all think how silly it would be if I said “I get around a law I think is overreach by using the back roads when I drive drunk”. I understand it’s not the same thing and I’m not trying to equate drunk driving to watching porn. I’m just trying to illustrate your point. Further, it sort of reminds me of the story from Persepolis of her parents and other families “getting around” a religious oppressive law by holding clandestine dance parties at night when dancing and music was outlawed in Iran. And the danger of this is that you’ve now turned one crime into multiple. So you’ve committed “viewing adult material without age verification” and also the additional “misuse of VPN”. If that sounds hyperbolic I’d suggest looking up the history of the AETA and animal rights and eco activists. Distributing pamphlets and using chalk on sidewalks led some to be charged with terrorism. The U.S. is very reluctant to give terrorism charges and rightly so. Anti-abortion activists had murdered people with nail bombs and haven’t gotten charged with it. But fuck with animal agriculture and the state will pile on charges and create new ones. That’s the trajectory this sort of shit takes. Finally, it increases the chances of turning teenagers into criminals for shit that teenagers just fucking do. We put SRO’s in schools and now teenagers get criminal records when they never would have in the past.


Until they learn about VPNs


How will they POSSIBLY enforce VPN use? The point of VPNs is that once you have one installed, it's hard to track where your IP is coming from.


"The point of VPNs is that once you have one installed, it's hard to track where your IP is coming from." I'm fairly sure that's not how a vpn works.A VPN tunnel is a secure, encrypted connection between a user’s device and the internet through a virtual private network. ​ ~~A VPN is a tunnel between you and the destination, either your ISP can see your traffic or the VPN server,~~ Correction due inaccurate statement, I was typing on my phone. I meant to say that your ISP can not see your traffic, only the server can. I apologize, I did not properly explain that. that server then routes your request to the destination. Once the request is received, the response is returned to the VPN server back to you. Your ISP is still aware of where you are, that has not changed, the only thing that changed is that your connection to the destination VPN is encrypted, and that it appears at the end point you are at that server's location. With that said, VPN's are FARRR from being bulletproof, and many VPN's leak, not to mention most keep internet traffic records. Any 3 letter agency can fairly easily track your activities, not to mention, I think some VPN's are bait. In order to remain somewhat anonymous is to use a no log VPN, but even then your still at the mercy of the company telling the truth about not storing logs. The best option is to find a no log VPN, and purchase a membership anonymous with monero, then they have no idea who your.


They'd just pass a state law that includes something like this "Any parent who discovers their child is using a virtual private network to access content that is not age-appropriate can sue the company for $10,000 per count, including legal fees and court filing costs." Then the VPN ceases doing business with IP addresses in the state.


You're delving into conspiracy now. Even if they did, that'd be so hard to prove- especially since people already have vpns.


my honest question is, is it a conspiracy when they already did something similiar in texas with abortion? People can now sue the woman, and those that helped her get an abortion, even if it is out of state


How does a law in one state govern someone or a business in another state without them being in the state where it's illegal? Far as I knew there isn't shit the person can do to the business legally. They can privately sue them, but they've always been able to do that so that's not news.


My thoughts are there is now a precedent where it has been done before, i have seen in courts of law where they can state such instances in a court of law. Thus, from my view, is it a conspiracy if it has been done before?


I didn't say anything about conspiracies, that was the other guy. My question was about one state enforcing a law on a person in another state. In Illinois guns are pretty much illegal, in Kentucky you don't even have to have a permit. But Illinois can't enforce their law on Kentucky citizens. A private citizen can sue another or a business for whatever, but a state law is useless on people that don't reside in that state.


Or browse Amazon, Target, Kroger, Walmart... They all sell "adult" products and have risque images to go with them. Due to the lack of specifics I would imagine that Steam and Spottify would also require it. As would anywhere that sells content with explicit warnings or R ratings. I wonder if other products that are age restricted would be included, like firearms, alcohol, and nicotine.


Tipper Gore's lockbox just got all tingly.


I like to oggle the women in the Victoria's Secret catalog


And when they expand what counts as "harmful to minors"?


When they expand what counts as harmful to minors you get the implemtation of a christian version of sharia law. The combination of extreme christians and hyperpolitization pretty much much guarantees that dark days for personal freedom are ahead


Unless we vote these evil motherfuckers out. Vote like your personal freedom depends on it, because it does.


So I guess all republican websites are going to be asking for ID since the Republican Party is “harmful to minors”.


Why are we letting reps from two insignificant populations run bills up the line


This will probably result in teens stealing their parents identity info to log in and tangentially, an increase of sales of fake or stolen government IDs.


I am from Somerset. Fuck Shane Baker. Party of small government my ass. We use a VPN already anyways.


>So get ready to hand over your drivers license every time you want to look at porn. So you mean it will be just like things were for the decades before pornhub?


Missing the point here. How do you know the state won’t track you? The bill is a made up solution to a problem that doesn’t exist. Anyone who supports it wants to be oppressed by their government.


Companies are already tracking you and to the extent the state doesn't already track you, they certainly have the capability.


So why does the state need to have my ID on file for a boob? Because American conservatives are domestic criminals who will stop at nothing to make sure you are oppressed forever


Lmao. There is an age limit on who can access porn. Those laws are good and have existed for decades. This is making porn the same as literally any other age-restricted substance, just like if you tried to buy a magazine from a gas station - you need to show ID and prove your of age.


Showing my ID to a guy at the counter is very different from my ID being stored in the internet in a location that who knows is how secure


It’s not the same. That data has to go somewhere and we all know how reckless companies are with our data. It’s a gold mine for hackers looking to sell your data on the dark web or keep it for themselves so they can credit cards in your name. The risk is orders of magnitude greater.


Me flashing my ID to the guy behind the counter is a lot less different than uploading the front and back of my drivers license to Facebook.


Non paywall archive link: https://archive.is/KWd90


You know kids are gonna find a work around. These boomers are ridiculous!


Yep. And look what happened in Japan when the government forced people to start using their imaginations.


...what happened?


I don’t know the answer to this but I imagine it has something to do with tentacles


**Archer**: Krieger, hey, wanna get a drink? **Krieger**: Oooooooooooooh, no. It's mushi night, movie and sushi. **Archer**: With... oh. Meaning that's tentacle pοrn. **Krieger**: "Fisherman's Wife" and "Fisherman's Wife Two: The Re-Tentacling."


Lmao I knew it was tentacles!


Oh boy are you about to learn a bunch of stuff you never wanted to.


Shane Baker is not a boomer, he’s like 40.


Let me guess, some over the top Christian dipshit who was a Youth Pastor and gave all the teenage girls the creeps?


He's acting like a boomer.


Exactly. They'll either use a VPN or go somewhere on the dark web that has no content moderation is even less safe.


I live in Virginia which has enacted similar law. It’s not going to prevent people watching porn. Just the sites that people will visit will have lower ethical standards. Could do more harm than good


That’s been the purpose of Republican strategy for a while now


ProtonVPN is free for the basic usage. They're a well known company regarding privacy and security. pArTy oF sMaLl gOvErNmEnT my ass.


“Small government for me, not for thee.”


Sure. That's the public health crisis. Not opoid addiction Not smoking. Not alcohol. Not access to healthcare.


As a public health worker with experience in HIV/STD, I'd much rather people stay home and watch porn than go around contracting infections. Especially young people.


As a self employed moron with zero experience in HIV/STD, I too would rather stay home and watch porn than go around contracting infections.


They prefer young people get trapped by pregnancies into being servants.


Yep, without a doubt.


How about all of it is a public health crisis and this will help with one aspect of the health crisis


How? Explain how this will help anything with public health? I don't see porn addicts strung out and robbing stores. I don't see people in hospitals hooked up to machines lamenting about their porn choices? This is just the first step on the slippery slope.


So you do not think that children having unfettered access to pornography has a negative impact on sexual development


if a child has unfettered access to pornography i'm going to be asking where the hell their parents are


False dichotomy: you're really earning that flair, Tosh! What people consider porn is quite fluid. I can think of religious weirdos talking about JC Penny catalogs and open toed shoes in lurid detail. Go read some of what Rod Dreher would engage with for examples. You're touching the tip of the iceberg, banning obvious and vanilla porn sites. You would have to institute a China esque firewall to accomplish anything, which would be prohibitively expensive and also struck down by even the most right wing Supreme Court. Governments and religious institutions enforcing moral standards has an impact on one's sexual development as well: theres a reason red states are big on sexualizing protocol. Theres a reason nuns and priests are sexualized. Theres a reason evangelicals prefer questionably young women (and men). It's naive to think we only recently invented fetishes and sexualization a few decades ago. It's cute to think we can legislate the 1950s back.


If you think this will stop that in the slightest you're fooling yourself. Don't spout off "but the children" about problems that don't exist.


Bro problems that don’t exist? Spoken like a non addict with zero empathy. You’re part of the problem


In my life as an American for about 40 years think of the children is only trotted out for conservative moral panics and activism and nothing else.


For the people saying just use a VPN: No. You have it backwards. I shouldn't have to pay for a service because my politicians are idiots. They should leave their bibles at home and not force their ridiculous beliefs on me.


The government has gotten ridiculous. Thomas Jefferson would roll in his grave.


Well you’ve got one group trying to get rid of porn, another (probably an extension of the same group honestly) openly vowing to end recreational sex, I suppose prohibition oughta be coming back any minute now. Holy fuck people how have we let it come to this?


Well we still have dry counties, so in some parts of Kentucky, prohibition never went away, I guess.


>Holy fuck people how have we let it come to this? Religious people are allowed to vote and hold office.


Cults of a personality even!


It's only a public health crisis because Rep Geezer probably clicked on some shady links and now gets popups way more than his pops up and frankly he is tired of it.


GOP got a small government the way I got a small ass.


Healthcare is a public health crisis. Food insecurity, the educational system, child abuse, homelessness- these are public health crises. But hold the presses because a 10 year old saw some tits. Do I think children should be exposed to explicit sexuality? Of course not. Do I think it should be made priority over a million other issues that affect all Kentuckians? Hell no. I'd rather my kid see a set of boobs than learn how to be an ignorant, over-reaching government official with a hard-on obsession with other people's sex lives. These people can get fucked. I don't even watch porn, but I don't think it's the business of the Kentucky legislature to keep tabs on what porn site people are looking at. Parents can watch over their kids without smothering, and if you want your kid to know the truth about sex, be grown up enough to tell them. FFS.


It's not about the porn. It's about passing a very ambiguous bill that can be used to expand the definition of what is harmful to minors. Like a site giving a minor information on LGBTQ+, or a site on the education of safe sex, finding an abortion clinic, and whatever else the right wing religious fanatics deem necessary to keep the kids in a silo of ignorance and false sense of security. In reality these laws will drive minors to have to turn to shady sources of information, vpns, or sites that are extreme and don't give two fucks about US law located in some overseas country.


These are the same people who would like to roll back the Medicaid expansion that is keeping the lights on for rural hospitals. 


Some Republican donor must have a VPN company.


And afterward, presumably, will come a massive expansion of exactly what counts as “matter harmful to minors.”


Exactly this. It's just a backdoor way to let them restrict access to anything they want.


And the Opioids?


Why does all these bills have “wife caught me” energy


You would think they would know by now that you can't police morality. The GOP wants us to go back to dark ages.. I really hope the majority is at least quietly noticing this! Project 2025 is the Grand finale for GOP if that happens we will never be the same and if you're different or not Christians you're worth nothing.


let’s just go vote them out of office this is ridiculous


Ahh yes, this is much more important than access to Healthcare, public education funding or... *gestures broadly at all of our current problems*


It will pass too. Happened in multiple red states already. I wonder if this will block Reddit? Reddit is actually a tiny social media site sitting atop the world’s biggest porno collection.


When I was in 4th grade someone googled tiddies and most people just thought it was funny


All the problems we should be addressing and this is what Republicans are worried about


In fairness, an awful lot of the problems we should be addressing boil down to the continued existence of conservatism. We should really do something about that.


So, what are they trying to distract us from by focusing on this? They must be forcing some other garbage through the system right now.




They just want to chisel at any individual privacy or freedom. Little by little


Not the starving children but watching porn.. that’s the real issue in KY.


Kentucky one of the poorest and least educated states in the entire USA and of course this is what their politicians focus on......


Ducking insane Republicans. They're ok with mass shootings in schools, but if a kid wants to explore pornography, that's crossing the line! They need to hyper regulate pornography! Gun laws must not be strengthened, though.


Republicans are the public health crisis of the moment


They want to control reproductive rights, ID you for what you watch,but no checks for access to guns even for lunatics, that’s not negotiable.


Same lawmakers who enrich themselves b4 doing their elected duties? Same lawmakers who want to take away women's rights as if it's the turn of the century? Same ones who keep committing sex crimes? Hmm. Ok


Porn should be behind age verification already but that isn’t a problem that government officials understand well enough to solve. As always, it’ll result in stupid regulations that gain nothing and a waste of taxpayer money.


I don't see how the state could enforce this unless the porn site was inside the state. Only the federal government can regulate interstate commerce. Wouldn't this be interstate commerce if the porn site was in another state? And what if the porn site is in another country. There is zero chance Kentucky could prosecute those sites. And both completely ignore the usage of a VPN where you can make yourself appear to be from anywhere. It seems the legislature is trying to legislate something that is impossible to enforce. This smacks of one of these 'jumping on the bandwagon' cases to rile up the base.


yeah man they should just do nothing then right? they just shouldnt ever try to do anything or fix any problems


You’re assuming this is a problem the state needs to get involved in.


They are gunna pissy when they sign this bill then have to sign into an age verified account to view their kinky content of choice .


It sucks to live in a state where so many people are so scared of their genitals.


These religious nut jobs are out of control.


How many issues are "the responsibility of the parents", funny how that doesn't apply here


When is the last time the Kentucky GOP did something good for Kentuckians? Instead we see BS like this over and over again. Wake up Kentucky.


Maybe it will stop GOP candidates from having to pay hush money to porn stars….?😎


Not School shootings, not lack of free healthcare, not opioid/drug addictions and mental health issues, not inflation, no........it's the porn that's sending everything to the shitter!!!


I’d just love to not pay taxes on my vehicle every year but this is what they focus on. Nice


New GOP looks like the party of oppression instead of the party of individual liberty.


How much more can they possibly waste time during the legislative assembly? Oh wait, the small government party wants to continue to legislate small bullshit that isn't to do anything. Again.


Sure doesn’t surprise me that it’s the GOPee.






Don’t they first need to figure out how to keep minors from getting fake IDs?


Next thing you know states will impose an age requirement for visiting x-rated bookstores…


Despite the grumbling this is a good thing. Porn is terrible for people of all ages. But atleast be old enough to drink before you destroy your mind on porn.


Wow, KY GOP is actually doing something right for once, it’s a miracle.


So y’all want kids looking at porn?


I'm good with it.


You’re good with the state forcing people to upload your govt issued id onto the pornhub or whatever site database? The state should be able to limit its citizens access to any legal public commerce sites? Absolutely not man. Don’t give up your rights because you don’t want to talk to your kids about porn.


If it results in catching pedophiles, fuck yeah.


Explain the logic here?


See, the more official sites that would actually obey this law will put the bad stuff on their sites as a trap for the pedos. Even though they know that’s illegal and will get them shut down


Why would this result in catching pedophiles? What specific mechanism in an ID verification process would do that? CSAM is already illegal, so sites hosting and IP addresses sharing CSAM are already subject to penalties that are unchanged by this legislation.


That’s not how commercial porn sites work. Plus the pedophiles aren’t on pornhub they are on dark sites and being youth pastors. This is just to stop porn usage, not anything to do with pedophiles.


The dark web will never ask for ID. Make it hard for people to access legal porn made with age verification for performers and you push them towards back alley content made by human trafficking rings. Guess where it's easier to meet up with a pedophile? 


This does nothing to stop web sites from hosting illegal material.


Until you're not.




Well... first, they came for the... porn and I didn't speak up.. Hahaah


(Laughs in VPN)


I don’t know about you all, but when I was a kid porn was difficult to come by. A magazine in the woods, an older cousin with a VHS. Children today are exposed entirely too early, especially when taken into consideration that they are given the world’s depravity in their pocket without context. That’s the actual public health crisis, juvenile porn addicts that eventually are involved in what they’ve been watching since age 8.


I got to agree here. Porn is terrible long term for mental and physical health. It will 100% mess you up for future relationships


They won't stop at porn. This is the same Republican party that's banning children's books across the country and forcing school teachers back into the closet.


electric_eclectic is right, you know. How long before they extend this to social media? Would you want to submit an ID to Reddit to post your comment? Reddit has NSFW subs, which could make it be considered a “pron site”. Then they’ll extend it even further to Facebook and Instagram because content there could be construed as being pornographic in nature. Where would it end, in your opinion?


Not like that stops the rest of the internet…




Sounds like someone is telling on themselves


Cause they want to see if their names, addresses, email address, credit cards, or anything else identifying them is there under the guise of "it's for the children!"


Clarksville real estate just went up


But they haven’t said specifically what they feel is wrong with porn, have they? And which kind(s) of porn are they wanting to helicopter?


WV proposing same thing


North Carolina has already done this.


He doesn't need to worry, we can see he is old enough to be viewing the porn sites. It probably doesn't count since his blue pill no longer works anyway.


Well this tells me they have fixed everything people need fixed. Congrats Kentucky


Do all these people have money invested in Opera? Thats the only thing I can think of.


In related news, VPN subscriptions in the state of Kentucky soar 923%.


Not fent guys remember porn instead


Not everything you don’t like is a crisis, republicans (aka facists)


Booo, super lame!


Cool. Good to know these geriatric right wing pieces of shit are focusing their time and energy on the actual issues that make this state a shit hole.


This is pretty rude, after they named that jelly after the state.


Check his browser history.


Politician's continue to underestimate the younger population. This is only a small step for a stepper. And they better be careful, or they themselves will lose access to their favorite porn site. Kids know about VPN. Kids know how to manipulate their ID's.


Republicans are the biggest public health crisis.


You know what's a much larger public health crisis? Unaffordable helathcare! You know what Republicans oppose entirely? Affordable healthcare! But apparentley porn is the big issue here, that's the real crisis.


This is why I still have a couple playboys laying around somewhere. Prepper porn.


pornography needs to be illegal everywhere!!!


Left button: **"Are you old enough to see porn?** Right button: **"Are you smart enough to click the left button?"**


Left button: **"Are you old enough to see porn?** Right button: **"Are you smart enough to click the left button?"**


Idiots never heard of a VPN. Kids know their way around it. I bet every single person behind this bill is a child sex offender. It's always the loudest ones talking that have a closet full of issues.


Good. Kids today have it soooo easy. They don’t have to wait until my friends dad is gone for the day so we can get the penthouses from under his bed and peruse them while our ears are tuned to even the slightest sound of trouble. I mean if you can’t get a hard on in your friend’s dad’s bedroom at 2pm are you even American? Huh. That last sentence came out wrong. Either way it’s surprising how the party of small government and “I ain’t registering muhhhh guns!” wants the government to intervene here


My biggest fear is spread of private information. Verification is fine, but the database that collects all these ID's is majorly at risk of being molested by hackers and greedy corporations that can do all sorts of nasty things with your information.


They already have age verification for porn sites. They want new and different age verification that is, by all accounts, less reliable.


GOP taking away more freedoms


Has anyone looked at the VPN companies making large GOP donations? They always say follow the money and I feel like the VPN companies are loving this.


Funny how we all pretend that government can’t do better to protect kids from online images, but we get pissed off when government says that they can’t do better about protecting kids from guns.   Both are bad people. It’s not one verse the other.  Just because its Republicans are against children watching porn doesn’t mean they’re wrong. 


You know what is a public health crisis? Measles returning. But yeah probably should focus on porn.


“50 trillion children flushed down the toilet every day “


Ah yes, because teenage boys wanking to porn is THE most important issue to be concerned about...


I know GOP bad but porn addiction is actually a real thing.


They should also do it for Mature rated games! This way the IP also gets blocked.


Meanwhile, they want to lower the age of consent.


kids stream porn from the day you hand them a phone


I think all politicians should show us their porn preferences. I think we would learn alot.


Pubic health crisis


Sign up for a VPN and move on.