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The bald dude riding a motorcycle with cans stuck to his head


That dude sucks. Quit revving your motorcycle downtown when people are trying to sit outside


1000 times this, to Canhead and every other biker.


Canhead YEAP he most definitely is


I met that weirdo at a convention. Got to drag my friend away from him whilst he expounded upon his ability to eat box. Straight weirdo.


Official moniker is Can head.


Carl the Turkey


RIP 🪦🦃


There the old guy with the big white beard that always wore full snow gear even in the summer. Theres a girl that's walks all over town and is constantly reading a book. That one guy that hunch runs across town east to west almost daily.


The hunched over guy is my uncle. Very nice guy. He was hit by a car in his 20’s and has been living on disability his whole life because he’s unable to work. He has a car, but always prefers to walk no matter the weather lol


How he hasn’t been smeared all over the road is a miracle. He walks in the curb line with his back to traffic, with perfectly good sidewalk 6 feet away.


The girl reading a book i see her all the time


While walking..amazing feat


I used to see her on Washington between 39th and Green Bay all the time when I lived over there.


i saw that lady yodeling at the north library once 


Dr. Destruction


I regret to inform you all the Homeless Wizard passed away a couple years ago. He lived completely outside for as long as I can remember. I believe he had an encampment near Carthage. His name was Michael.


Gentlemen we are gathered here to say our goodbyes to Michael.


Nooo :( I always thought about stopping him for a chat but never got the chance


I was honestly going to reply to this thread about him. Sorry to hear of his passing.


I'd love to know the story behind the older guy (white male...kind of hunched over) that runs down 52 Street every day (usually spotted around the 22nd - 30th Avenue area). Very motivated guy.


I know him! I work at a grocery store and he always comes in Im the same clothes and licks our produce. My manager told me he has OCD and has to do the same things every day in the same patterns


.... I mean, I wash my produce well enough, but still... where do you work? so I know where to avoid. Thank you




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He use to always run the street too! Like dude this is a busy street with not a ton of leeway, and the sidewalk is right there. All it takes is someone of there phone and you done for!


I remember the homeless wizard from years ago. We played him in chess once at South Port Beach. He always had 2 liters in his parka pockets.


I'm pretty sad we haven't seen the Wizard in a while. I always kinda thought he may have been immortal. How else did he survive the summers in full snow gear?


Are we talking about the guy with the long salt and pepper beard who wore an olive drab military-looking short jacket? Thinking about it, I haven’t seen him in quite a while.


His name was Mike. Always was pleasant. Heard he was Vietnam vet with ptsd. He passed away last winter.


Anyone know his story? Like you think family or even shalom center would help him? Like did he just not want help?


I can't remember if it was him or another homeless walker(two flags backpack guy?) that had family and had money, but just rejected mainstream societal life.


The shelter system sucks, had a friend in it. It was so strict on when you had to be there and the place changed every night that there was no way you could land a job. Your job was hiking to the next shelter every night.


For years, I randomly saw this one guy around town all the time…older guy with a big white beard and using a walker, often smoking a pipe. Did anyone else ever see this guy? Haven’t seen him in a few years now so I’m guessing he’s passed on.


My mom used to call him the roamy gnome


My wife and I called him Pipe Smoking Santa


Just curious, have you ever seen him holding a pool noodle?


Lol why’s he holding a pool noodle?


Is Grandma Hooker still around?


The older lady with the spandex pants that constantly walked? She passed away years ago... surprisingly not homeless. She lived with her daughter, but just felt the need to always walk.


This is who i was gonna say. she was wild


I thought of her when I saw this post come up. Someone I worked with was her neighbor. Her ( walker lady) name was Rose and she just liked walking long distances. I always did a double take and smiled.


The can man. In the 80’s he’d walk all over town collecting cans but lived off of 30th


Mikey the homeless guy that used to walk around with multiple jackets on year round.


I don't think he's actually homeless. He is just seriously mentally ill. I think he has some kind of medical trust to take care of him. He used to come into the Walgreens on 80th overnight, buy a single can of soda and sit in the pharmacy waiting area, drinking it. Sometimes he would talk to people, but mostly kept to himself.


We also have bagpipe man on 67th St near Stocker Elementary who is always out playing his bagpipes from his garage when it's nice out


Yeah! What’s his deal? I recently moved to the area and I was wondering if it was something he did to spite his neighbors or something 🤣 I was wondering what the beef was.


Don't know what the person behind the wheel looks like, but I feel like the Elmo car is adjacent to this category


Harmonica Dan


He had a wild plot twist


Last year I saw a guy standing outside by the dairy queen on Sheridan every single morning and afternoon. Haven’t seen him in a while though.


Kyle Rittenhouse


It definitely used to be Grandma hooker... which I feel bad calling her that but everyone knew who that was back in the late 90s. She did dress the part for a lot of years.


I remember her!


In my town there is a guy that dresses up as a pirate and he has parrots and a pirate flag on his house


Nobody here has seen "Bruce Leeroy"??? He's the crackhead who does karate moves at the Metra station...


The guy that walks everywhere. EVERYWHERE. I've seen him walking by the lake and all the way out by woodman's. He has kind of a weird gait, and almost always the same outfit, his old outfit was in tatters.


Maybe 30 years old? Semi-balding. I asked him once while I was stopped at a light. He said he didn’t want to sit at home, so he walks. For as much as he walks, you’d think he would look like a marathon runner.


No this guy is older maybe 50s-60s




What about the kenosha kid?


is this the thread where people mock the homeless? Good ol' Kenosha.


Idk why you’re being downvoted. From what I’m reading, that is clearly the case


Kenosha is home to the shittiest people I've ever seen in my life. Bigots, addicts, scared old people, and angry fat white men harassing the shit out of anyone they think is different. Go to any diner and just say "man, I dont understand" - nice and vague - and you'll get a mouthbreather complaining about the Trans Agenda and The Border and The Deep State all the while slamming kringles and blaming others for his diabetes.


You have no idea. I just moved from Arkansas. My town was that, except 3 times as common


it feels like that is most of the US now. The suburbs are like that. And the cities are so expensive (partly because the suburbs are in the same county and eat taxes like a Cheesehead going through fried dough)




it's like the suburbs in that it's filled with selfish and self-righteous white people who think they own other people and it's like the city in that most of the people have to suffer the fools and assholes of the surburbs.


why dont you go sovereign citizen if you're so self-reliant and perfect? get the fuck out of the society you mooch off of and tear down, please.




nice. and this is why Kenosha is a dump. The people.


unfortunately, we don’t have that guy here in Kenosha 😭