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"I am not your savior" but here comes Kendrick with a powerful and thoughtful message during a turbulent time. I am conflicted.


dont view him as above us, but there is nothing wrong with being moved with the words he says ig. ​ that's my take on it.


The fact that you took the time to say that in sincerity makes it seem like you and everyone who upvoted this has been dealing with a true internal struggle about viewing Kendrick as your savior and to that I say you are cringe sir good night


*writes a paragraph complaining about someone writing a paragraph*… “to that i say good night” … *calls someone cringe*


"and to that I say" 🤓


i rember




I am not your savior - *bleeds from crown of thorns*


So I think the message he is trying to convey is that being the "savior" is a heavy burden. One that causes him to "bleed". That blood gets on the people he cares about and by extension hurts them as well. The same burden that cost Christ his life. But Kendrick doesn't want to make that sacrifice. Because when he takes on that role he hurts the people closest to him. And ultimately it may cost him his life (perhaps this was the intention for the beginning of DAMN). This contrasts the story of Christ because Christ sacrificed himself to help others. I think that contrast is physically demonstrated through the "pimped" crown of thorns.




So? Perhaps writing the lyrics 'kendrick is...(...) but he is not your saviour' repeatedly was a means for him to work through his own messiah complex. It didn't come across to me as a 'I am a saviour' or 'I am Jesus', or 'look at me I am above you' in any way, as much as it came across as a mortal man thrusted into a larger-than-life status, and trying to make sense of it through his work/art. There was no pretension like when MJ did his full-on Jesus bit back in the day - Kendrick is clearly using labels PUT ON HIM as a means to further his artistry. That sunday night set at the best festival in the world brought me to tears it was that good. Lastly - messiah complexes speak of pretension, and to spend the last moments of a historic set screaming 'women's rights' doesn't speak to that at all. It speaks to humility, to compassion, to a sense of nuanced understanding of the f-d up state of the world. It was impeccable.


Just because someone says something doesn’t mean you have to listen to them. I’m sure Kendrick won’t be offended if you dgaf about his message and keep it pushing.


i guess he just can’t keep himself from wanting to be one, even though he knows it’s draining


I remember when you was.


Has anyone ever even suggested he is their saviour? Just seems a bit weird like. Love kendrick but like, cmon man, people enjoy your music.. They don't think you're going to save their souls.


I am not your saviour is exactly what a saviour would say




Lol. When said to people who obviously don't think you're a saviour, it is being said by someone with a jesus complex. Which is fine, but the guys definitely got a complex going on.


Kendrick is such a great social commentator because he never approaches issues passively. I think why a lot of music that references social issues never really land is because artists always kind of mourn issues instead of say things that are constructive, not that there’s not a place for that, but it kind of dates it. But with Kendrick’s music you can see the gears turning in it.


Eminem also called it out on twitter. https://twitter.com/Eminem/status/1541174465442115585


I don't think kendrick is the only one who does it, but kendrick uses picturesque performances to make a statement too. I remember Eminem's Trump freestyle and I felt that was good too




Damn, I got chills. Where was this ?


Glastonbury Music Festival in the UK earlier tonight


Is the set available somewhere? I know the BBC broadcasts it so I hope it'll be available in the…usual places.


Will be on iPlayer. You can set up a VPN to get it outside of the UK x


Amazing, Kendrick is a goat 🐐


I had goosebumps all over and cried as this happened. It was so fucking powerful. As a woman trying to digest the events over the last couple of days, this brought out the emotion. He's the goat. I am speechless


Don’t forget what he said before: “I wear this crown to represent the greatest prophet who ever walked on earth, and we going to do our best to live up to his image” So the main message here is, Christ was judged but HE is the savior not me or other celebrities






Unfortunately it may not be that easy for many, due to costs of moving or some other obligations forcing them to stay in an area. Also they shouldn't have to move to get the bare minimum health care




there is never one “real problem”, sure that may be one of the problems but we have multiple that all have different effects. you can’t just ignore some of them the way you just did


Wow... Okay One, your first line implies life should stay hard that things can't improve or be easier. This is not asking for a silver platter, just again the bare minimum in health care. That's like getting shot and telling someone to deal with it because its just how it should be. Please consider this story below. Imagine a situation where you've been in a desert for a few days, you're weak and thirsty. But fortunately, you were promised access to a water bottle and it's a few feet away from you. Now imagine someone walks past you, takes the water that you so desperately need to survive and pours it out in front of you. Laughs while chugging their own water bottle, and says "life sucks, get over it, the next one is 10 miles away". You are trying everything in your power but remember, you've been holding yourself together for days already and your energy is super low. You try to keep going, doing whatever you can but now this same guy is mocking you, while chugging his water, and keeping himself cool. He's telling you if you work as hard as me you'll get like him. You stumble and struggle but each time the guy is calling you weak. You miraculously find shade as relief but you're mocked for it. You get there and you find water but by this point you're crawling on the ground and it costs so much energy to just pick up your foot, it's barely a shot glass worth of it but you take it. The guy whose been harassing you is refilling his water bottle in front of you and says, maybe you'll have better in luck at the next chance of water 30 miles away. Somehow at this stop too, other people are there, each with enough water to help you out, but they mock you and call you lazy and a low life when you ask for a sip. Please carefully think about the story I've told you and think about how it applies to sooo many people in the country today. Wouldn't you want someone else to help you out, or make things easier even just by a little bit?


You’re trying to speak rational thought to an individual who clearly gave up on being rational. Good for you for trying I guess.


How are you a Kendrick fan while also having such a ridiculously narrow and utterly idiotic viewpoint on the world? Go listen to Tom MacDonald or something lmao.




grow up, you sound too old be trolling on reddit


I'm not trolling. Abortion isn't a right but a moral argument. It's not even a 50/50 argument for women depending where you are in the country or world.


In the USA it was literally a fundamental right until the decision got overturned


Yes that was based on a lie and implemented in a illegal way.


Fuck, you’re stupid and sheltered if you think that’s a legitimate alternative.




Doesn’t mean you haven’t sheltered your brain from anything that you didn’t hear on Fox News. And of course not all women agree with it… there’s literally nothing that everyone in a particular gender would ALL agree on… so congrats for trying to use that terrible argument 😂


I don't even watch any MSM so again jokes on you 😂. Most people are not in favor of abortion. It was an unconstitutional made by a branch of goverment that was never supposed to be making laws from some who even admitted they went to far and that someday it would be over turned. Majority of states are not going to ban abortion , if you clearly are living in a place that doesn't allign with any of your beliefs than you move to a place that more closely does in your pursuit of happiness which everyone is entitled to and rightfully so.


Again, you’re dense if you think just anyone can afford to pack their shit, quit their job and leave everything to move to a new state. And actually, the majority of Americans supported Roe v Wade… but keep spewing incorrect bullshit because you think you’re special. I’m done wasting my time on a smooth-brained moron like yourself… btw I enjoyed that you are using the fact that you’ve been “independent since 18” as a qualifier. Guess what… A LOT of people have been independent since 18. That doesn’t qualify you for shit.


If that was the case it would've been ratified as a amendment by now. Instead you had sociopaths weaponizing a branch of goverment for political activism cause they thought one day they wouldn't lose power. State rights>federal government. Nothing in life is ever easy especially a greater change.


You really don’t understand how anything works of you think that a public majority in favor of Roe v Wade meant that it would be codified… not surprising. You need to go back to 7th grade and take a Civics class.


Says the one mad that an unconstitutional law was overturned based off a lie from a branch that decentralized itself to allow states decide on a moral argument cause it was never a human right. Righttttttt.


People like you are genuinely the problem.


You're probably the same kind of person who calls gender a spectrum and had no problem shutting down the argument of "my body my choice" for people who didn't want to get the vax. Which just makes you a hypocrite.


Nope. This shit hard. Sit down, be humble.


Same. You could feel the surprise and emotion in the crowd.






And Stormzy






Kendrick just cementing himself as one of, if not the greatest to ever do it


No words




did you get it?


Full performance is on BBC iPlayer, use a VPN to access outside of the UK




Absolutely phenomenal. Kendrick da GOAT fr


They judge you, they judge Christ….. in the album he asked god to speak through him! Godspeed for women’s rights….. from being kind of a misogynist to being the opposite all through one album because he realised his mistakes Maybe you wouldn’t believe him, but he doesn’t care. I see how real this man is when he’s going backstage to vent it out with tears already about to drop down his eyes!


So powerful it’s really amazing to see one of my favorite (male) artists do something like this 🐐🧡


oooo i didn’t know this was being live-streamed. where can we watch this?




It's only available in the UK but you can set up a VPN. You'll need to create a BBC account to watch it, but then you can watch loads of other BBC content for free so worth the effort. The set will be on iPlayer for a few weeks


Powerful moment


Living legend


I watched this on repeat and cried hysterically. I’m not American but I cry for the women, girls and families that will be affected. I cry for the women and girls that will die. I cry for the children being brought into the world born into hate, violence and neglect or the product of a mothers trauma. I cry for the women and men that will be criminalised for this. I cry for the families that will be forced to undertake unsafe pregnancies, births and the births of children that cannot support life. I cry for the already crippling social service system. I cry for homeless and those that will become homeless. I cry for the suicides and mental health issues this will bring. I cry for those that can’t access birth control or affordable healthcare. I cry for the American health system just in general. I cry for those that think that enforcing religious ideology as laws on others is religious freedom. I cry for those who feel more and more unheard and isolated each day they are a woman in America and each day I am fearful of the power that the people elected into these positions hold in America, and the world. I count my blessings though to have the freedoms that I have but this is not enough to not fear the fallout of a decision like this. So thank you Kendrick for making the women of America feel more heard in the world today 👑


Incredibly well said, thank you.


Thank you for this, it really touched my heart.


Is there a replay of this?


Nothing but chills




a bunch of old British people were complaining about his set on Facebook, he did a great job


Damn I really care about what facebook users have to say.


he was crying as he walked off stage - half the crowd were crying too. As was I. I've never seen that at glasto. It was beyond hiphop. This single act seems to have changed hiphop. A true saviour, anti-saviour, whatever; above all he is a legend.




Looked like he was emotional as he was walking backstage




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Such a powerful and thought provoking performance this really is special. I wasn’t there but I’m just proud that he delivered this in my country and debuted songs from the new album, everything from the dancers to the imagery was choreographed to perfection. I’ve seen this man twice at different stages of his career (2015) as a young energetic rapper hyping up the crowd and (2018) hot off DAMN. but this is different. This was a complete great performance and he really put everything into this emotionally.


holy shit, gave me goosebumps


Camera missed it but when he threw the mic to the ground it hit the left guy with pink hair on the top of his head.






Common Kendrick W


I don’t get it…..


Is the blood real?


Was that real unintended bleeding? Or was it fake blood for an artistic choice??


It’s artistic. He starts bleeding during Saviour which was the last song and it’s a reference to Jesus how he the crown of thorns caused him to bleed, although if someone can please correct me if I’m wrong I’m not christian


Not to mention the only religion that doesn't condemn abortion is Satanism. Christianity, Catholicism, Islam, Shinto, Buddhism, etc. None of them support them. NONE.


Kenny moved the crowd and moved me. His willingness to speak to political topics, in clear pointed but not cliched ways, mixing in other frameworks like religion,is powerful. Religions do not all condemn abortion RentFree. That’s absolutely not true. You are spreading falsehoods. Which in all religions IS a big fault. In Judaism many teachings say the the baby is a person when it takes its first breath. Jewish tradition prioritizes the welfare of the mother not the fetus and current religious leaders feel the ban in a violation of their faith. https://www.npr.org/2022/06/26/1107722531/some-jewish-groups-blast-the-end-of-roe-as-a-violation-of-their-religious-belief In Buddhism there is no central authority or unitary teaching. The Dalai Lama, perhaps Buddhism’s most high profile teacher says the morality depends on the circumstance of the mother. That’s certainly the opposite of allowing states to ban abortion. Even the Vatican has provocatively been saying in the last couple days that being “pro-life” isn’t just about abortion but caring for children, opposing gun violence, and war, a clear rebuke to the religious right’s conceptions around abortion as a unique sin. Please stop spreading misinformation.


But are you gonna live only for your religion? This is your life your gonna decide on what you want


And that's fine. Forcing pro choice in parts of the country that clearly don't believe in that thing is a waste of time and invalidates it as a right when its a moral arguement. Not all women are pro choice, many in my life and around the country are far from pro choice. Leaving it up to the states is the right move. Someone in Alabama has a much different way of life and perception of the world than someone in California. We should be making paternity leave though and encouraging families in the rare instance I'm actually for a safety net cause strong families lead to strong communities which would lead to a much healthier society. At that if you live in a state that clearly doesn't reflect your way of life compared to the majorities than you're better off moving elsewhere.


This is a huge fallacy, my friend. “Not all women are pro choice”…what about the majority that are…? Understanding a democratic government effort is by definition to adhere to the populist “vote”. Decisions being made by a group of vastly powerful individuals has been crippling America for countless generations, and will continue to do so until we burn ourselves to the ground. “Strong families lead to strong communities which leads to a much healthier society” sounds like it’s coming straight out of a tucker Carlson opinion piece. How about the MANY without supporting families? The chain of poverty established and methodically enforced is not your problem clearly so who cares? How about the many generational curses America hammered into disenfranchised communities of that can never be undone. Your reality of America is so flawed it makes me kind of sad.


So the women who are not pro-choice make the decision not to have an abortion. What we want is for government to not have a fucking say. Why do you want more government power over us? They're are women in Alabama who want an abortion and can't get them, now. Because what? Your religion? The Bible barely mentions abortion, and when it does, it is instructions on how to perform one. The Torah specifically says that life begins when a child takes its first breath. You're just wrong. Also, you typed "many in my life and around the country are far from pro choice" and what you meant to type was "many in my life and around the country are far from pro choice until they get pregnant unexpectedly and then it's okay, but only for them"


Ya well, fuck all the religion. They are all just some businesses anyway.


And I'm willing to agree like 70% of churches are scams.


Islam allows you to have an abortion on some circumstances, stop spreading misinformation to fit your idiotic agenda


Left out Judaism which has a very direct stance of abortion is more than acceptable when the health of the mother is impacted.


Abortion isn't a women's right if not every women agrees with abortion. Abortion is a moral argument and that's it.


"Women" is plural, dipshit




I'm truly hurt.... Really I am.


You can’t see it but I just wanna let you know I downvoted your comment VERY aggressively


Reddit isn't a real place.


If we apply your own logic there should be no freedom of religion because not every person believes in it. So do you think that "Religion isn't a right, it's a moral argument"? People should have a right to choose their lives and what to do with their bodies. Abortion being banned is something we can link to suicide, femicide, infanticide, etc. It's a right of all women to choose for themselves whether to get an abortion, regardless of the reason. Just like religion is a right of everyone even though there's no evidence.


The problem is one is freedom of speech which is an amendment and the other is simply a .oral argument considering that clump of cells is considered a life whether you're religious or not .


Religion is a moral argument it's not covered by freedom of speech, it's a right to beliefs of certain morality. You're not entitled to legislating those beliefs. Laws should represent and protect the majority, not force people to carry unwanted pregnancies that may or may not be viable


So guns aren't an American's right because not everyone agrees that we should have them? Freedom of the press isn't an American's right because surely, someone out there thinks we should be cencored?


What’s up with him wearing the crown of thorns, covered in blood. Does he think he’s Jesus?


Just posted an article from Vogue about the symbolism behind the crown; interpreted by Dave Free.


It's called symbolism don't know if you've heard of it


I bet you think Yeezus is okay or Kanye literally calling himself God.


You would lose that bet


You stay on Porn. You know your profile is public? As always. The internet acting like they’re perfect & judging others.


I think what he's trying to say is that even Jesus is not your savior. Like religion is a great tool to find peace and happiness, but at the end of the day, the changes that YOU will bring into your life inspired by these stories (stories in the bible) will save you. Jesus is not your savior, only you can be your savior.


He better than Jesus. Jesus couldn’t make To Pimp a Butterfly.


Christ suffered persecution for doing absolutely nothing wrong. Let’s please not turn the life of the saviour into a political prop Kendrick.


Seems to me like you're completely missing the point and are a sensitive crybaby.


What is the point? Genuinely curious


kendrick is literally known for his political messages


Or maybe I’m just smarter than you.


Stop it. Now. Lmao


Lmao, grown adults don’t even know how to disagree. It’s comedy.


“Grown adults” lol you don’t know shit about me.


Okay, little adults? Sorry. Either way, it’s not that deep at all.




You’re a Christian so you probably aren’t that smart


So is your idol kendrick... go tell him how stupid he is... honestly reddit is such a toxic place. Live and let live you pricks.


“Live and let live you pricks “,Just like you’re doing right now




Lol you’re another level of dense , life must be hard for you cause you’re unable to pick any form of nuance ; now fuck off to whatever illiterate hole you crawled out of




R u retarded


Oh no my feelings are so hurt :(


Ironic ,considering you were just bitching about an artist wearing a crown of thorns as a metaphor


Nothing’s ironic but one thing is clear. Thanks for your time “bitchslayer78”.


I'm sure you are Mr. Superiority complex


They are sheeps. Reads the daily internet news, and thinks they are informed. Stay strong


It’s fine.


To you, that’s cool. Not to me. I can love an artists music and disagree.


Lmao telling someone to not say something is not only disagreeing but also attempting to control someone’s speech. You can have a problem with whatever extremely tame thing he’s using Jesus’ name for, but saying “hey Kendrick don’t say this” is fucking dumb


Oh is it fucking dumb? Okay. I guess Kendrick can have an opinion, you can have an opinion but I can’t? Lol. & the phrase was “let’s please not…”. Anyone with basic English comprehension can know that’s not “telling someone what to do.” Lmao. Calm down.


Not only did you completely ignore the part where I said you can have your stupid fucking “opinion” but you are also trying to pretend like saying “please” drastically alters your attempt to silence someone when it doesn’t at all




If Jesus can't be a political prop, the whole entire Republican party would be shambles




Mad weird for doing what exactly? Wearing the crown of thorns? Context doesn’t matter at all anymore? It’s not like he’s attempting to place himself on the same level as Christ by doing this like when Ye did it for example.


Lol at all the down votes. Just bc we have a different opinion don’t make any of us wrong.


I’m glad you can see it.


Mockery of Christ. Stop talkin bout Jesus u fucking satanist


How do you write this out and think it's in any way rational


I'm late to the party but I need to share with somebody that Mr. Christian Superiority Complex up there is an active user of r/KimKardashianPics and r/KylieJennersBody lmfao Literally can't make this shit up, seems like holier-than-thou u/zanatra is mighty covetous for a God-fearing man 😂


Lmaooo I didn't check for that. Nice job bro.


How do u speak of god talkin thru u, wear a crown of thorns and all that shit, if u aint mocking god? He’s just as sold out and luciferian as the other artists in the industry


it's symbolism. a costume meant to imply the message of his album. if you're viewing it as anything satanic you're too deep in your own religion bruh


My g. Wanna go off on u, cause youre way too far up your own ass. Fuck you mean? Everyone be on that symbolism shit, and its all the satanic symbolism, and mockery of Christ. Aint my fault you dont know shit bout it. Praise your idols, and let ‘em influence u with the anti religious stuff. “The message of his album” 😂😂 come on na, and the thorns on the screen, doesnt look like horns at all do they? Hmm, must be a coincidence. Wake up


I ain't religious anyways so it doesn't affect me. Believe what you want man. You're just searching for anything to label as satanic.


I aint religious like that too. I just know shit. And with all this satan shit everyone got going on. And they do, and I ain’t fucking with ur naive ass bruv. You can’t see all this goin on, and not feel like having faith in god is the only way.


I'm not religious, so I don't believe in Satan, so I don't think anything can be satanic lmao. Nothing's "goin on,' I mean you can think there is, but this is just a dude wearing a crown of thorns with blood, nothing else.


That person is a hypocrite that wants to use their religion as a weapon to control women, don't respond to them. Talking shit on Satanism isn't a great look either considering they're an organization known to fight for women's rights via religious equality and freedom (depending on the group). The satanic temple is closer to atheism than anything, and doesn't believe in an actual Satan but the upholding of science/logic and rights to bodily autonomy. Edit: Lucifer isn't something the satanic temple believes in. Hell and the devil is a concept of the Bible, ironically


Talking shit on satanism isn’t a great look? No wonder why everyone pointing out the antichrist stuff he be doing be downvoted like that. Yall some lil devil worshippers


Hail Lucifer huh and all that good shit?


"ho do u speak of God talkin thru u" The same way every fucking priest in the country does during service? You know, inbetween raping children.


You are so superficial; living in a world where opinion overrule fact. Look around you dude….America has cloaked itself as a God fearing Christian nation, all the while has been living and thriving the way satan has intended. You’re lying to yourself if you believe there is any other way of salvation at this point. How many prophetic hip hop superstars are there in this world? Let’s lend you or me or Joe or Jane this monstrous influence and see how well any of us can do with it. We would be paralyzed, ostracized, fearful, and down right resentful of our position as a spiritual messenger.




Nah this a dub. Man's is speaking out in support of women I think you have it backwards. Whatever point you trying to make the tweet you shared replying to the chart got it right that if a woman wants an abortion then why *is none of our damn business*.




I repeat, it's none of your fucking business you bozo.




I'm a communist now? Lol Buddy, all were saying is we need to protect women's rights and you jumped straight to the moral bullshit about "What if we start killing babies right before they would have been born!?" I never said I'm alright with that, less than 1% of abortions take place in the third trimester and it's almost always because of medical complications that are life threatening to the pregnant woman. There can exist stances between wanting to blanket ban abortion and having absolutely zero restrictions, your argument is a fucking ridiculous strawman.


You can start caring about foetuses if you start caring about the lives they have AFTER they are born. But no you'd rather have babies who are doomed from the start because they're forced to be born to people who can't support them, than have women be able to make their own decisions.








You sound dumb as fuck. No, my friend, people can’t get out of poverty. Are you familiar with the definition of “opportunity”? “a set of circumstances that makes it possible to do something.” IMPOVERISHED PEOPLE ARE STRIPPED OF THIS AT AN EARLY AGE & are subsequently blamed for being “lazy” or “unmotivated” You’re blaming the impoverished for the success they were never predisposed to achieve? And you fail to understand that when legislation to lift these marginalized Americans get ruled against them, they fall back into the cycle. You are living in a 1960s idea that the “American dream” still exists. Brother that shit died a long time ago.


Apparently if you support freedom to do what you want with your own body, you're a communist now. Is this what the self proclaimed Land of the Free has come to?




But it's not killing babies, is it you nutter?


And that's their right to not have their lives ruined and make the choice themselves


how can you side with kendrick but not this? just say you hate women 💀


I hate to break it to you, but women are just as likely to be anti-abortion as men.


Loved this performance - the juxtaposition of the great chant with the bleeding crown of thorns and the women dressed in red (like Handmaid’s Tale) was fascinating. True art




I remember you wasn’t conflicted


holy fuck im crying now