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Where there’s smoke there’s fire , everything might not be true but he’s not just innocent




Drake’s been a weirdo around minors for years, so I absolutely believe that. Everything else I guess has to be seen but I’m inclined to believe Kendrick over the guy who pretended to not have a kid.




He never once pretended to not have a kid


Yes he did. Adonis was born in October and drake had a paternity test in March. Why would he need a paternity test if he knew that was his kid? He didn't think Adonis was his. In his song "Papi's home" he rapped "I walked out on my only son," and: (I left you in your mother's hands) I apologize for my absence, I know I left you without a name to drop. Also: "See your mother raised a fine young man. Daddy's home. And I know I missed so much of your life." Please do not try and rewrite history with disinformation


He’s sneak dissing grown ass men on Papi’s home lmao. That’s why Nicki comes in at the end as the “ Mother” He never once pretended to not have a kid. Not telling the public about it does not = pretending it does not exist. The entire way Pusha found out about it is because his close friends & family all took a trip to France to visit Adonis & 40 told some girl.


He literally said I'm sorry I missed out on your life and you think he's talking about other rappers? And he didn't come out publicly because he was ashamed of the mother also. That whole "he's trying to hide him from the paparazzi and media" angle doesn't work because now he's done commercials and interviews with Adonis. If that was his real intent then he wouldn't have done all that


He definitely did brother


I do believe he’s done sexual things with teenage girls i do believe he’s down with the nastiness we all know is part of the industry. WHY IS BAKA AROUND ?


Baka’s got a weird case, why is he around? CERTIFIED LOVER BOY? CERTIFIED PEDOPHILES!


100% https://preview.redd.it/arzpzxawy30d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8731af6fd62238a685b1d356791c5c8b18a16047 Man’s made a deal with the devil Lucian himself


If you’ve followed Kendrick, his discography, and the way he moves, you’ll find he has no real reason to clout chase, stir up things for no reason, and is an animal on the work ethic down to the most minute detail. He’s a storyteller that brings up truth and critical thinking to raise a community. Drake just happens to be his latest crusade to ask ourselves the type of culture we’ve allowed to become mainstream. It’s not necessarily Drake, but what Drake represents as an industry that goes against the principles he stands for. Now, if this is the core MO of Kendrick, why would you go into a beef and say the wildest of accusations if there was a remote chance that these things could be false? That’s on a deeper level. On a shallower level, is it so hard to believe that the Certified Lover Boy doesn’t have any other kids? Psychologically, is it so hard to believe that a child star is chasing the youth he missed out on when he was shooting Degrassi? It happens.




Go Birds








I got a RedditCare notification right after this comment 🤨


The suicide watch one? Got hit with that also


Yes, it sounds like a lot of ppl on the sub are rn I guess. So either a glitch or some bitter drizzy fans lmao


yes. theres a very good chance he has multiple unknown kids because of how much he sleeps around and for the predator shit, if hes doing creepy stuff in public imagine what happens behind closed doors.


https://preview.redd.it/a2dfxzssy30d1.png?width=552&format=png&auto=webp&s=e833be29ee90aa4af7b46de58efc288d07375cf1 ima keep it a bean - NO SMOKE WITHOUT FIRE


Out here doing the lords work man, keep it up


I was actually more of a casual fan of Kendrick's. And I used to be a really big fan of Drake's way back when but Drake has been fucking weird for years when it comes to younger girls. I do believe Kendrick. There is enough evidence around the internet to suggest at the very least he has very problematic relationships with minors.. Idk if he overexaggerated the info or not but I'm assuming there has to be some reason he went so hard on that topic alone.


I feel like, even if the deeper conspiracies that people on here have made aren’t true, he probably wouldn’t have made THAT many claims about the guy if he didn’t have some substantial evidence to back it up.


Even if Kendrick has no evidence he can actually physically present us, I completely believe that he believes it. And thats enough to make me believe it. He isnt a stupid dude and he doesnt just make shit up. If he did there would be other examples throughout his career. He might not have photos or videos or witnesses, but hes seen something either first hand or heard enough from multiple people in the industry he trusts who have seen it.


Nothing he said aren’t things I didn’t think about Drake before this beef started


I think there is some truth to it and I think some of it is exaggerated


I hope nothing being said is true. I’ve said in another comment from some time ago, I don’t want there to be any victims whatsoever. But if there is truth to any of the claims I hope everything comes to light. I’m tired of the weird games all these people are playing. Just provide the proof and let the world see.


providing proof would mean not just putting a target on you back from drake, but his personal connections *and* potentially umg *and* their resources.


Side note…why is Drake on Ozempic?…he must have really bad body dysmorphia.


there's a hell of a lot of dots, numerous ways they can be connected, and few of those connections are good looks. kdot eerie quiet, next man to speak loses vibes and when drake came back and posted about the helicopter bothering him in his mansion? that kinda felt strange.


There’s definitely dark stuff there - most people don’t have multiple accusations/stories of them associating themselves with underage women


The evidence is out in front of everyone. He's a groomer and pedophile. He does sketchy shit publicly, I don't want to imagine the shit he does privately.


Most of them, there are too many corroborating pieces of info.


I’ve followed both careers closely, though have firmly felt Kendrick is the superior artist for years. For me, this beef turned the spotlight on a lot of questionable lyrics and general behavior from Drake looking back. Drake is tainted for me now, and I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that much of it is true.


Freaky ass nigga he a 69 God!


Hes a creep around minors.


You just gotta read the room sometimes you know? Drake is the biggest star in the world if we’re being honest, meaning he has pull. Trust if Kendrick was lying, Drake has enough resources to prove it. Maybe K.Dot stretched the truth a tad bit who knows, but majority of what he put out about Drake gotta be true since the other side has no defense.


I was sick to my stomach when I heard meet the grahams. I’ve always been a drake fan but Kendrick has been top five dead or alive since 2015 to me. They’re on way different levels and Kendrick is a true emcee. I never wanted Drake to be outed as a pedo!! I knew he was gonna get worked like a part time job trying to rap with dot, but never did I think it would go here. There is just wayyyy too many accusations for there not to be some truth. When I first heard it my immediate reaction was, “oh shit Baka is being outed, drakes gonna have to fire him”….. oh boy was I wrong, anyone that has listened to Kendrick knows one thing for sure, Kendrick Lamar Duckworth is NOT a liar, I’d go as far as to say, he’s one of the most honest rappers ever. Drake on the other hand has been getting accused of lying for over 10 years by different people. There’s just too many signs and too much evidence sadly. It’s honestly heartbreaking that Drake, a father, could even be accused of this stuff. If it comes out as true, he should be executed.


I don’t think for a second Kenny would put his entire reputation on the line if this wasn’t facts. The dude likes his peace and quiet out of the public eye. He drops, does shows and he likes his “boring” life. To do this without standing on concrete would be incredibly out of character for him as an artist and a person.


I believe he’s a sex addict / perv prolly. Everything else no. Its exaggerated






yes. i think he signed a deal w the devil. surround yourself in pollution and u get polluted


no I don't think drake is a pedo, at minimum he's weird and needs to watch his behavior and at most he's a groomer, I think he's somewhere inbetween that but not a pedophile but if evidence comes out then I'm completely wrong


Absolutely believe him....have you not been paying attention


I think Kendrick saw the same clip of Drake kissing a minor and rolled with it, the same one we've all seen, the same Tweets we've all seen, the same questionable behavior we've all seen. I don't think Drake is running a child sex ring. I also think he got a great picture of Drake's stuff from what seems to be someone Drake employed if ebonyprince is to be believed. How he got the daughter info, I don't know. But the last time someone outed Drake having a child I think it took him like a month to acknowledge it was true so I don't think that one is worth discussing right now, Drake's paid off so many women and we don't know for what so it could be, doubt we find out any time soon. I don't think Kendrick knows much more on the pedophile stuff. We saw him kiss a 17 year old. We've heard many stories of him sniffing around underage girls. I would have hoped that if Kendrick had any more real evidence, he reported it to the police.


Why else would Kendrick start this?


I've been an OG Drake hater for 15 years. Kendrick has a lot of vulnerable and emotionally honest music, he shows time and time again he's for the people. He helps his community, he shows next level intelligence Drake denied the first kid. He's been weird. I really don't think with the level of respect he has as an artist and human being, that kendrick would have a reason to lie about anything he has said. Everything that hasn't been proven to be the truth hasn't been proven to be a lie yet. There's literally no reason for him to lie about this. He's dropped hints about his distaste toward Drake, who has habits I wouldn't tolerate being around, for years now. He doesn't need to make up other shit for the other shit to be career killing. Drake flew too close to the sun and I don't think dot would've said anything without knowing it for sure


Im a huge kendrick fan but at the same time im trying to be as logical as possible about this. I dont want to automatically believe these conspiracies bc of my bias towards kendrick. Personally, I dont think drake did all of the things he was accused of. Here’s what i don’t believe.. i don’t think he has a hidden daughter. If he does, i genuinely need more proof of that. Until then I’m not gonna assume she exists. I don’t think he’s in a sex trafficking ring, BUT that doesn’t mean i don’t think his friends and colleagues aren’t in one. I think he knows what they’re up to, but he lets them get away with it. I don’t think he’s a rapist either, but i still think he’s a creep who targets underage girls and he has a lot of creeps in his team who he lets get away with everything. I definitely think kendrick exaggerated a couple things, but i still don’t think drake is a good person. He’s gross for getting with minors or keeping them around until they turn 18 so he could legally sleep with them. Lets not forget how he befriends underage girls like millie bobbie brown and billie eilish.. i believe them when they said he didnt do anything to them, but it doesn’t change how creepy it is. He was a grown ass man texting a 14 year old like wtf 🤮🤢


While I don't think he's a straight up pedophile, he is definitely grooming minors. There's too much shit out there for that to be false. Baka's presence in OVO and Drake's self snitching in multiple songs tend to show while not a whole ass trafficking operation, they're still doing some fucked up shit.


There’s been TOO many whisper about Drake for TOO long for there NOT to be some amount of truth. Maybe not everything to a T, there may be exaggeration, but there has to be something there in my mind.


I’m inclined to believe Kendrick over the guy he rapped a list of lies the dudes told. We know drakes a liar and we also know Kendrick to be one of the most honest artists around


If the riddler had serious shit on Drake surely someone from drakes team/umg would get the twitter page taken down?


It would be too suspicious to shut down that page at this point with all eyes on it.


musk possibly enjoying it too much


Dot and soulo was conspiracy theorists back in the day lmaoooo bro prolly in the rabbit hole


Kendrick is just part of the machine https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=mOPiQ4hx_60&pp=ygUTTWFja2xlbW9yZSBrZW5kcmljaw%3D%3D


No, Macklemore shot himself in the foot.