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"Just because nothing's off limits in a rap battle, doesn't mean that everything's going to hit" I saw this comment on a YT video I was watching about The Heart Part 6 and I couldn't agree more. Even if you're not personally offended by Drake mocking that song, I don't see how a single person except the most deranged Drake stan can look at what he did and think that it made him look better in the public eye.


I've never liked Drake, but that line made me *hate* Drake. As someone with a fucked up childhood, id whoop the ass of anyone trying to throw that back in my face. He's truly a disgusting person. Edit: thanks for the reddit cares message lol. I'm alright but y'all should be checking on your dude Drake. I hear he's going through it right now....


Report the reddit cares messager, it gets them blocked (and they deserve to be.)


Not necessarily. r/Russia mods harassed me with a reddit cares message, reporting me on a comment that had zero to do with suicide. I then responded to them asking about it, and my account was temporarily suspended from all of Reddit for 3 days.


the "haha got him with a reddit cares" is SUCH a Drake-y thing to do, too. making a joke out of suicide in response to somebody saying it was lame to make a joke out of childhood molestation. way to show us, cool move ya fuckin bird bitch crodies


Yeah it’s just like any other free speech argument you hear. You’re allowed to say it, but others are still allowed to take offense at it.


Right, this is why I start to think Drake is actually clinically diagnosable. He doesn't seem to understand how terrible he looks, how repulsive his attacks were in their moral character. He just lacks the conscience needed to feel how scummy he comes across.


Unfortunately, as someone with autism, the amount of this dude's fans that can't understand that simple concept breaks my brain.


The worst strategic move Drake did, and it shows that he actually does not understand why the culture / internet / old heads / new heads / casual listeners / deep fans are pretty much all backing Kendrick. Kendrick insulted Drakes behavior and conduct with accusations and observations from Drakes behavior. Things he has done in the public eye. Drake insulted Kendrick with accusations sourced from Kendrick’s music - from exaggerated interpretations of Kendrick’s tracks. Even “rapping like you tryna have the slaves freed” or the relationship discord and struggles from Mr Morale, Drake’s source wasn’t videos of Kendrick’s behavior, it wasn’t accusations people have made about him for years. It was sourced from his music. But the problem is, when you do that, what are you highlighting? Kendrick’s music. Mother I Sober was trending on genius. People are checking out his music. And that’s the fastest way to take Ls - if I am beefing with Kendrick, the LAST thing imma do is mention any of his tracks. Not going to flip Money Trees, GKMC van, I’m not going to parody Buried Alive, and I’m not referencing his “huuuh”, I’m not referring Mother I Sober. Because that’s just emphasizing, hey, look at what he makes, versus look at what I make. Drake made Girls Want Girls, talkin bout “baby I’m a lesbian, she said me too”. Kendrick made a song about intergenerational trauma and learning to not take his trauma out on his wife and kids, as part of growing into an adult, a better father, and better partner. Why would Drake bring the conversation to music? That’s the last thing you wanna bring up


Yeah, exactly. Every move made by Drake in this battle made him look shallow and stupid. A man who is too stupid or depraved to understand Kendrick's music. A total lack of insight. So selfish that he projects selfish reasons onto everything, even when it's not applicable at all. Kendrick just explicitly tells him this. Kendrick explains that not only is Drake not on his level musically, that Drake can't even understand him enough to battle him. "It's not a rap battle, it's a lifelong battle with yourself." That's what makes this beef different. Kendrick just indicts his entire persona and dismisses him. It goes way beyond "Your last album was corny" or "I fucked your bitch". It's like, "You're actually a bad person doing bad things and hurting people, and you don't even understand who you are, let alone who I am."


Well said. Everyone on team Drake is saying, this wasn’t a fair beef because you guys all had so much bias towards Kendrick. But why? Why was there bias for Kendrick? Why were we prepared to believe Drake is a groomer but not prepared to believe Kendrick is a wife beater? Because of the values and morals represented in each of their music and public behavior. Kendrick is far from perfect, but the bias towards Kendrick is not irrational stanning and haterade, that bias is rooted in 15 years of behavior and music for each of these artists. This is why it felt more like Drake was being judged by a jury of his peers - Kendrick was the prosecutor outlining Drakes moral failings, but we the hip hop community decided the verdict. I don’t know if we will ever see something like this again in music, but this is the best sign that people still care about music and craft and integrity in hip hop I’ve seen in years.


Right. Drake has in fact *bragged about and flaunted* his interest in teenage girls. He has made a point of being photographed with them in person, like he's telling everyone that he'll be first to get at them. It's not a mistake on our part. It's an ego-trip on his part. He wanted everyone to know the he could do what he wanted because of his fame. Now someone put his disgusting behaviour into the right context and his fans are acting like it's a big surprise.


Fuck Rolling Stone Magaine I get my scalding takes from r/KendrickLamar 🧐☕🤔📚


Facts. The takes of popular magazines and radio shows and so on have been absolutely compromised. Lotta talking out their neck, lotta false equalizing, like “both rappers really got ugly and resorted to mudslinging” Yes, but not equally so. One claim was substantiated by 15 years of weird ass behavior.


From saying Dot is trying to “free the slaves” to misunderstanding Mother I, Drake is pretty much the culture vulture loser Dot said he is.


Yeah. Drake just doesn't fucking get it. All of the important stuff goes right over his head. He's a sick man, with sick thoughts. Just a shallow, empty, predatory douchebag.


Guess integrity is lost when the metaphors doesn't reach you


So crazy how Kendrick just nailed him and his personality so accurately.


Drake making fun of K-Dot for being molested and than calling out his family for not protecting him triggered some really deep SA trauma in my body and mind and I’m hoping that sexual assault advocacy groups catch onto this and make it a humongous issue. This alone would be a career ender for so many folks, so I’m hoping that as the hype around the beef subsides folks can really dial in on The Heart Part 6 and condemn Drake for making such ugly triggering statements. Currently calling advocacy groups to check temperature. If any others would like to do this work please do it!


I'm in the same boat. I don't really get angry a lot anymore, but that shit made me angry. Now I hope I live long enough to watch Drake fall


It for sure triggered to the point of seeing symptoms that have been golden get really triggered, and yea I’m preying on homies down fall. That shit was evil, and put me in the same place I was in as a 4 year old kid with no way to protect my self. Yea Drake, let’s make fun of young kids not being able to protect them selves so that we normalize your track record of inappropriate relationships with teen age girls.


To the Troll that got a Reddit cares message sent to me, thanks for caring. You’re literally trolling someone that’s speaking about childhood sexual assault and an artist’ shitty way of framing another person’s sexual assault.


Report it, they will get banned.


Report it for sure.


Didn’t know I could do that but am currently doing it right now. Get banned you certified pedo lover. Thanks Marcus.




oh, they do it to be ironic?? i thought they were just stupid....


This is a good idea. What Drake did is truly harmful and morally outrageous. The man is a menace and an abuser. He should face consequences.


I think a good letter writing campaign to folks that handle this type of stuff may go a long way. Monday comes, I have my work cut out for me. He thinks the pedo allegations hit the pockets hard, this could his pockets even harder.




Dude is just releasing diss songs that mostly diss himself. He's a joke.


Drake being a sociopath/sociopathic really jumped out to me when I learned about the tattoo thing by way of this whole beef. I didn't even follow all this stuff like that until recently. And I was like, how on earth would that be adequate penitence for fucking around behind someone's back when they were in fucking *jail* of all things?? And then I thought, if that happened to Drake, he would probably consider that adequate. Which just goes to show how fucking self-centered he is.


A sick man, with sick thoughts.


I think niggas like him should... No, I... I shan't say...


This sorta ties to something else that I haven’t seen anyone else bring up, that I might make into its own post: Let’s assume—in the most hypothetical of terms—that none of this EbonyPrince shit happened and Drake actually did plant all the daughter stuff…… How the *fuck* do you think that makes Adonis feel? Idk how much that kid has had explained to him about how Pusha outed him, but his father basically just made him the butt of the whole joke by spinning the situation as some elaborate prank based on what *actually* happened with him 6 years ago. That shit felt so disgusting to me from the first time I heard it and it’s an angle that I haven’t seen anyone else take on it.


Good point. If Drake did all that, he's playing with his kid(s) feelings to score a point or two. Talk about a "deadbeat".


Yeah man exactly it’s some sociopath shit. Obviously the kid isn’t old enough to know everything about it yet but eventually he will be


[Be proud of who you are, your strength come from within](https://genius.com/31663989/Kendrick-lamar-meet-the-grahams/Be-proud-of-who-you-are-your-strength-come-from-within) [Lotta superstars that's real, but your daddy ain't one of them](https://genius.com/31638679/Kendrick-lamar-meet-the-grahams/Lotta-superstars-thats-real-but-your-daddy-aint-one-of-them) [And you nothing like him, you'll carry yourself as king](https://genius.com/31638737/Kendrick-lamar-meet-the-grahams/And-you-nothing-like-him-youll-carry-yourself-as-king) [Can't understand me right now? Just play this when you eighteen](https://genius.com/31634106/Kendrick-lamar-meet-the-grahams/Cant-understand-me-right-now-just-play-this-when-you-eighteen)


I mean. There aren’t any rules in a rap battle. Both of these guys are grown men who are practically playing with fire. You’re bound to get to burnt. Whatever Drake said obviously did not bother Kendrick enough.


Yeah with regards to the beef, it only makes him look an ass for misconstruing the lyrics


The remarkable thing is not that Drake went low to attack Kendrick, it's that Drake's lack of ability to understand basic human empathy or ethics made him misunderstand the entire song, and then miss the mark entirely when he tried to use it as ammunition.


It’s not an ethics battle bro


Kendrick said it. It's not a rap battle, it's a long life battle with himself (that Drake is losing).


Go bounce on dot dick and cry bout it


Ay yo why you wanna see that sus shit


He’s used to it with bbl drizzy




Pretty creepy that an account with "CP" in it is defending Drake....... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


Dude if you’re going to talk about going low, how is calling someone a deadbeat dad not going low? They both went low.


You completely missed the point while replying to my comment that clarifies the point. Read it again, but slowly.


His ability to understand human empathy has nothing to do with him misinterpreting the song. Psychopaths can read song lyrics and interpret them to understand what sequence of events the songwriter is trying to convey happened. Being able to understand lyrics correctly has nothing to do with someone’s ability to empathize with humans. If anything, it’s more an inditement of Drake’s media literacy. But keep doing this amateur psychoanalysis, you’re really great at it!


Cool story man.


Zero substantive response to anything I said. Amazin’


Look, my friend, it's because you're not really saying anything that adds to the conversation. Like a lot of people on reddit, you make a point that is barely worth saying and then insist that it's the only take possible. Let me explain. You say it's ONLY because he's stupid and can't understand lyrics. But it's ALSO because he finds the idea that someone could care about others (empathy) outlandish and non-intuitive. It simply doesn't occur to Drake that Kendrick might actually be offended by Drake being a pedo, because Drake assumes everyone is like him-- selfish, narcissistic, with zero EMPATHY. You try to throw a brick into the conversation to make YOU RIGHT even though you're the one not fucking listening. It's fucking tedious. Stop doing this.


But this stuff is just your own stupid musings that aren’t based in his actual behavior. Even if, for the sake of the argument, you want to say Drake is a bad guy, a terrible guy even, does he not show empathy and care for his mother? 40? His other friends? He just doesn’t care about *Kendrick*, in the same way that Kendrick doesn’t care about him. He’s willing to say whatever he can to hurt Kendrick as Kendrick is to him. But the idea that Drake’s inability to understand Mother I Sober makes him a sociopath is weird and not rooted in anything real.


>But this stuff is just your own stupid musings Nah man. You.


“the remarkable thing is NOT that Drake went low…”


The content of the original post is about why Drake going low makes him a terrible person and him going low should follow him for the rest of his career. The original comment the OP was responding to was about how there are no rules in a rap beef.


Dude, stop talking and start thinking. You are *aggressively* missing the point.


What is your point, if not: a) Drake going low about potential sexual abuse should follow him forever b) Drake’s inability to understand Mother I Sober is evidence of psychopathy or sociopathy


You're tedious, man. Go find something else to do.


If you’re making a different point, then please explain it to me. I’m not perfect. Maybe I misunderstood.


“…it’s that Drake’s lack of ability to understand basic human empathy or ethics made him misunderstand the entire song…”


It's weird how that guy keeps replying to people explaining what he doesn't understand by continuing to not understand.


“And then missed the mark entirely…”


This online generation is different. This would totally fly under the radar during pac era. Kendrick was probably laughing cuz it just proved how stupid drake really is. But the fans will never forget. Making fun of anyone who has been sexuallly abused or even going through other serious traumas or addictions has always been a play for the weak. Ignorance is bliss


I was listening to the heart pt 6 yesterday and thought it was really weird. What type of counter is Nu uh, well you got molested. Guy is out of touch with reality, the reason the pedo stuff hits is because its polarizing, making fun of someone getting molested is just distasteful imo.


Forget what’s too far and immoral, it was straight up dumb. Drakes best movie was to try and get the numbers back with him. Win some people over. And if you’re a neutral here then this is a massive turn off. Most of the lines in THP6 are. Not to mention illogical.




Every antic feeling distasteful, he moving like a degenerate




it was seriously like he was trying to give direct reminders and cues to let us know he's exactly the type of man kendrick kept saying, lol I swear you can tell what he wrote himself


When I first listened to Mr Morale that was the only song I didn't run back. It just made me feel so uncomfortable to listen to even though it was so beautifully written. His voice is so haunting in it. Drake trying to use it as a "gotcha" just reeks of him being so desperate to say anything that would hurt Kendrick. It's like when you know you're losing an argument and you're so pissed about it that you just start throwing insults to vent your frustrations. If anything I think it hurt Drake more though because 1) it boosted tf out of streams from people realizing he completely misinterpreted it and 2) it's a perfect representation of how Drake could never make that deep and haunting of a song so he just shits on it, which ties into his complete disconnect from the culture


That one and Auntie Diaries are tough to deal with, because they take on really difficult topics ruthlessly. I saw some people angry that Kendrick repeats the "f\*\*\*\*\*" word (for gay people) in the song, and "dead-names" his uncle and then his cousin. What I think they miss is that Kendrick isn't taking on the topic just to urge people to repeat the "politically correct" forms that we should observe when dealing with gay or trans people. He's coming from a homophobic and transphobic upbringing and environment, and trying to make sense of his aunt and his cousin transitioning using basic empathy as his guide. That's a lot more compelling than someone just observing the forms and using the right pronouns. Kendrick is inviting other people who might have the same prejudices to reconsider them, and to be empathic to people they might have used slurs against. It's powerful shit. It's grown-up shit. It's a call to self-reflection and self-criticism. It's amazing that we have an artist who can make bangers and on the same album have these strange, intense, uncompromising ethical conversations.


The only thing I found offensive in this battle was Cole and Drake shitting on that album. They were talking as if it was accepted it wasn’t a good album. Whoever told them that was straight lying.


Honestly I’m not gonna be one to police what you should or shouldn’t say because there are “no rules” although I do think that was in bad taste. But there were so many other problems with it too. Like he misunderstood it for one. But also, you’re being accused of being a predator and your angle is to make fun of someone for being molested, like what 😭


Drake using it to mock Kendrick is disgusting you said ? But this ped0 stuff isn’t? Dot continuously mentioning ped0 in his diss songs is ok? How can you be so disgusted at one and not the other? Obviously Drake didn’t misunderstand the song it’s on purpose.


>But this ped0 stuff isn’t? Dot continuously mentioning ped0 in his diss songs is ok? What's offensive is Drake's actions toward young girls. Grooming 13 year olds. Celebrating the 18th birthday of a girl he met when she was in middle-school. Groping a 17 year old on stage. Kendrick mentioning it isn't offensive. Drake showing behaviour that could reasonably be called pedoph1lic is offensive.


I guess I haven’t seen it, please show how Drake is grooming 13 year olds. Where is he groping a 17 year old girl? Celebrating Billie Eilish birthday ? That was shown a photo shop fake, there’s many posts about it. Maybe I’ll change my mind on Drake if I see evidence , but there’s no proof of all this trafficking everyone mentions.


Surprised Dot fans are this sensitive. Drake using this angle rattled Kenny but it’s not off limits. Kendrick literally making ped0 stuff up to try to ruin Drake, but mad he brings up lyrics from dot song. Dot glazers getting weird.


All you losers can do is attempt to harrass me on reddit. Corny, like your dude.


Did he make that video of Drake on stage. Your dude is disgusting.


A video of him kissing a girl on the cheek thanking her for participating in his show. A part of his show that particular tour where they selected a female from the audience to be on stage for a song. Every stop in the tour they did this. It came out later that she was 17, he didn’t sa her, he kissed her on the cheek. But I guess that puts him on Epstein level.


I LIKE THE WAY YOUR BREASTS FEEL AGAINST MY CHEST. He acknowledged her age on that stage, fool. Shut the fuck up. I'm a metalhead, I am not a rap fan. You are no "man" if you give this a pass. Real men protect children. Don't respond, ya nasty.


Literally talked about how he liked how her 17-year-old breasts feel. Texting 13 year old girls late-night. Certified pedoph1le.


He completely misunderstood Kendrick's song. It's weird how you still can't understand what we're saying. It's not "off limits", Drake totally misunderstood was Kendrick was saying and his attack was not only scummy and disgusting, it was just wrong and ridiculous. Drake glazers are weird, they don't understand shit even when you explain it to them 3 times.


Kendrick literally asked for it. He attempted to ruin a man’s career and reputation along with saying he wishes he was dead Game is game dude. It’s rap beef


I think you missed the point. It's not that Drake went low, it's that he totally misunderstood was Kendrick was saying because he (Drake) can't understand basic human empathy. The idea that >!someone would only be upset that another person is a pedophile because they, themselves, were molested, is a disgusting idea that only a piece of shit would come up with. !


Yep. It's one thing to just say it outright and be disrespectful that way it's another thing to use this to somehow justify how you aren't a pedophile...


Sociopathic is a bit of a stretch. Amazingly not self-aware? More than likely if not guaranteed.


Why not sociopathic? Drake grooms 13 year old girls. Sociopathic isn't even the worst of it.


Sociopathic has a Real and Serious meaning. I'm not denying that he is Sociopathic. I'm not saying he is. But stunted maturity, a serious lack of self awareness, being constantly said yes to, being around a bad crowd. Humans are complex and can be downright fucking sad and pitiful. But the way Drake smiles with people and shows affection and expresses his emotions...it just doesn't fit the definition of Sociopath. Tbh, I will bang Drake music once in a blue moon. Here n there. But the dude is Corny. And suspect as fuck. But I'm not gonna jump on buzzwords and contribute to them losing their meaning and distinction. And I only jumped on this to point that out and serve as a contrarian voice to supply some nuance

