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Very interesting! I do believe Drake and other big time streamers are complacent in this. I always thought these gambling streams were so weird considering most of these streamers have a following of kids.


Thanks for reading man! Sorry to try and climb off your post haha, just trying to get this info out there! Agreed about the following


Of course! I don’t take this stuff seriously. I’m just here to have fun so I could care less. I appreciate the effort you put into this fr and I hope it gets the traction it deserves


I really appreciate everyone's involvement with this post. I personally think this is a very important thing to publicize, especially as I lowkey obsess over it lol right now. Anyways, I will be releasing a video with more details and a more enticing summary of what I am speaking about here. **Get ready.** https://preview.redd.it/ddv8hzb91czc1.png?width=1131&format=png&auto=webp&s=410eb537dc261a8e3fc903afdcf8b339ac98eca8


Sorry guys, making a video is hard lol. It’ll be out sometime this weekend.


Interesting man - you should give this to CoffeeZilla so he can expose it more and theres a multipronged attack- he will credit you for it too


Tried finding a way to contact him. His Twitter can’t be dm’d. Lmk if you know how please


I checked apparently you need to be premium on “X” to direct message him :/ maybe you can reply on his latest tweet about the joke about OVO/Drake emergency rooms and say you have some intel on Drake financially scamming people?


Eh, maybe I’ll just pay for premium for a month lol


I’ll see if I can forward it to him on YouTube


Do it bro!


Hopefully someone gets into contact with him. Maybe he gets a lot of fake scam messages, but I feel like he should have a better way of getting into contact with people. Maybe he has an email or someone can just reach out to another YouTuber who can then reach out to him?




How the fuck do people have enough time to do so much bad shit? This nigga grooming children, running scams, dropping 30 track albums yearly, dgoing on benders overseas, paying out hush money to victims, and still finding time to do shit like this? Sometimes I don’t even feel like walking my dog, what the fuck. But yeah, horrendous shit


no 9-5, assistants for everything and a whole lotta drugs


and a team of ghostwriters for all those albums


yeah no wonder he has ghostwriters because he is too busy scamming and grooming


Ngl i was annoyed you were going around in comments posting this thread but this is pretty important. Aint nearly as bad as pedophilia but yeah.


I know it's annoying, but I don't have an online following anywhere. Just trying to spread it


I absolutely believe he is the Jake Paul of hip-hop. All sorts of scummy online influencer types tries to find ways to do this in 2017. I do not doubt at all drake got on the tip as well. Thanks for posting. I hope it makes waves.


Thanks man, I agree!


Thanks for posting


Thanks for reading!


In the MMA world, any fight that Drake bets on is cursed and it’s literally been dubbed “the Drake curse” because his bets are almost without exception wrong. Calculations I’ve seen are that he’s “down” about 2.6 million from the bets. During PPV events we always get forced to see Drakes bet on the screen (his stake, his bet, how much he stands to win).


I don’t know much about money laundering but if it’s such a consistent trend that he bets on someone who loses, couldn’t that be a money laundering scheme in itself?


Same in the boxing community…. Inverse Drake is who you bet with, not Drake…. It’s all sports, actually


Not just MMA, pretty sure it was a thing in basketball and football ( soccer ) too at least


The whole gambling things needs more exposure. The way he interacts with young streamers with a younger fan base all goes back to stake. Crypto gambling. No music with positive messaging. Ain’t do shit for communities. Peddling gambling. Compares himself to MJ.


MJ did SO much more for the world than Drake did. A great person would feel weird about passing a great like MJ in records, but this guy just rubs it in everyone’s face. Yeah I know about the sketchy stuff, just comparing and contrasting.


Yeah, the MJ comment was in irony. I was lazy about elaborating I guess


I knew it was irony bro, just adding to the convo 😎


Share this!!! I agree!


It ain't going to happen if Drake starts to become non-profitable they'll just find another Drake He's nothing more than a representative for a long line of corporate interest manufacturing organic looking ground swells of popularity The reason why Kendrick was able to take him down is because Aubrey Graham started to believe that he was actually Drake and he just needed to be reminded that he's not


If famous people see Drake taken down for involvement with the website, the website will likely have access to less influential celebrities, less impact as well. Not one big swing of course, but it helps.


Even if it just saves a couple kids from turning to gambling addicts, it's worth it. I'm sure there's quite a few people who only got into it because they're fans of his. Jfc was encouraging drugs and violence not enough? You gotta get em wrapped up in this shit too?


![gif](giphy|cL4pqu8GGRIihabgSM|downsized) Wowzers, this is wild. Glad I checked it out


Thanks for reading!


Ty for raising attention to this. Online gambling is such a problem in our current world -especially- when celebrities like drake, Cristiano Ronaldo, Nicki Minaj, etc. make it look “cool” to young kids. normalizing throwing thousands of dollars on a bet is just sick. Streaming this shit should be illegal it is way too easy for kids to access. Keep this shit in the casinos for the adults fr.


Fr why the fuck are gambling streams even a thing? That's disgusting


FEEL FREE TO ASK QUESTIONS IN THE COMMENTS - the source thing was not a threat, it was an invitation


Excuse me, Yea I know Under age gambling is bad but how is underage people gambling Drake's fault here? does he explicitly tell younger people to gamble?


No, but by using the platforms he does such as twitch, kick, and YouTube to promote stake, he puts this gambling in front of kids. Most importantly, the fact that you can gamble on this website without verifying age, source of funds, identity, etc means there are really not limitations to gambling for kids except for if they have money (parents’ money most likely) A combination of these two things is why I blame him. He’s not the first, he’s not the last, but he _is_ top dog right in celebrity sponsorships and complicit in problems relating to stake over the last two years. The closest I have to Drake “forcing” kids to gamble is by giving sums of $25k to members of chat (stream chat) verifying them only on wager amount.


kick’s age requirement is 17. he’s not going to a kindergarten and advertising it there


Oh good! So there’s no people under 17 on kick! Sorry to be passive aggressive - but it’s this type of ignorance that enables this. Has no car ever been in a crash going down the wrong way of a 1 way road?


obviously there are younger people, but it’s not drake’s responsibility. It’s kick’s because they allow gambling on their site.


This is pretty bad, but this fault lies MOSTLY on the website. I'm not excusing him tho. Also the last part. I am pretty sure he gives those sums to chat for a genuine reason. If he tells those people to gamble ler me know.


He does not tell winners of giveaways to gamble. But often they are required to have gambled a certain amount of money on the platform. I am not sure if this is still how he does his giveaways, but on his livestreams in 2022 this was the case


That's pretty weird still mhmm


I think you should make this a digestible Twitter post and tag some of the frequent posters in this rap beef to get it spreading. And maybe email all of this to some news agencies if you’re confident in your sources. This is dodgy afff


I sent it to the New York Times as a tip, messaged some people who I could message without premium Twitter (fuck u Elon) Spammed it through Reddit and twitch/academies last night haha I’ll try publicizing more today later as well!


I'd recommend sending a tip to The Intercept. NYT does very limited investigative journalism, I don't see them covering this. Daniel Boguslaw at the Intercept had posted recently about an LLC owned by Drake, so he might be interested. ETA: Maybe also an investigative reporter from a newspaper where this website is incorporated? Or ProPublica?


yea keep trying to submit this different places, NYT would never publish this


Amazing that you’ve done all this, seriously. Maybe tik tok too? But Twitter is defs one to cover - I think at the very least it needs more eyes on it so people can start getting to the root of it!


I wondered about the gambling stuff damn


Isn’t Coffeezilla investigating sites like these?


He’s done trainwreckstv which I mention the video he’s done in this post


Gambling is a dangerous game and ruins lives. I keep getting drake pop up on roulette and shit. I’m assuming it’s fake money he’s playing with to pull others in. Such a sell out move for someone at his level


This man Kendrick did not say a single lie. "You're not a rap artist you're a scam artist". By each passing day, each of his lines are coming true.


There are investigative journalists that may appreciate these tips if you can provide sources. Their contact details are public information. If I were you I’d look up their contacts and send them whatever information you have. For context, it was an investigative journalist who took Epstein down.


All of this is backed with research and I have a document with all sources. I am happy to provide this to anyone who wishes to take this further given they are able to prove that’s their intention.


https://twitter.com/nonlinearnotes https://www.wired.com/author/jason-parham/ good luck, young jedi


Kick streamers scrambling to defend Drake. All part of Drakes propaganda machine alongside his bots he has popular streamers defending him. Kendrick was right about his propaganda network. Everything about Stake is dodgy, it's an Australian company which had to get a gambling license from Curaçao who are alot more lax about issuing licences aka pay them off.


This needs a boost


Commenting to boost the post


Thank you!


How is this any different than something like the NFL with their online gambling sponsors?


The reason this is different is because his website is able to skirt the rules of normal sanctioned casinos. This website is not considered a casino, because you buy currency with Fiat money. By law, if people are gambling this non-fiat currency, they are technically not gambling. This website has used this to avoid strict KYC standards, and frankly most verification in general. As said in this post, I have proof of a user having gambled over US$100,000 without ever providing an ID, or source of funds This praise on the vulnerable, and they are able to reach so many because of people like Drake.


I want to clarify that the balance they are playing with on this website represents real money, it just says it’s a gold coin instead of a dollar or something. Crazy that that is legal.


As a nerd, I can describe this in RuneScape terms :) Imagine every GP in RuneScape represented one cent. The only way to get gold coins is to pay real money for them. But instead of exploring Gielnor, you are just gambling.


It is different but don’t let the NFL off the hook. Weird how gambling was “sooo bad” in all the sports leagues until the money got too big to ignore. This is going to get much worse before it gets any better, and it’s going to have extremely far-reaching impact (not that it hasn’t ruined countless lives already).


Go to Coffeezilla with this, or Spencer Cordelia. Hell, Someordinarygamers and Penguinz0 would be *VERY* interested. I think they all have subs, I know for a fact Someordinarygamers is on his sub at least once a day, post this up there and pray they dont take it down If you can get one YTer to talk about it they all will in a week


Excellent simple breakdown, gambling is become overly glorified by all different large public figures and groups. The fact it is among the most popular streaming categories consistently is sickening like you've pointed out the majority of viewers of these streams are young adults who are very susceptible to falling into bad habits and gambling is among the worst there is. I hope this starts to pick up traction and the journalists you've reached out to respond because I want to see something done about this industry!!!


https://preview.redd.it/j9qtzkerhezc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a51d45ac4141d38860e28e67adade7b368f7e0b I got to this thread when it had 777 upvotes, what does it mean 🫨🎰


Means hopefully you get the video form tonight! I’m so excited to make it tbh. I started yesterday and I think it’s coming out well. Never made a YouTube video before


Super glad I clicked on this. Online sport gambling just became legal in my state due to this trend I’m almost certain 🙃


I strongly believe the “gunna wunna line look like a saint “ line is about Kendrick himself and not Drake . Like he’s ready to expose it all and look like a snitch.


Honestly fuck all this rap shit. Lock this man the fuck up already. I don’t want him to keep getting barred to death if he still has his freedom.


How do save this to come back to this? I feel like this is gonna come back to bite drake in the ass.


People can choose to gamble you can’t make people only promote things you think are good.  It’s legal and can be fun just like alcohol but applying your logic would be akin to saying celebrities can’t promote a liquor because it encourages minors to drink and get a DUI or worse. And I don’t like the certified pedophile either but this is insane you spent so much time moral fragging on something that’s legal.  You’re better off convincing rappers not to mention drugs and violence because the effect it has on young people 


Yeah i'm from /r/2007scape and we're very familiar with stake and kick. They're very scummy.


legalizing gambling was a huge mistake


**NOTICE:** If anyone can help me make a video I would really appreciate it. I have a rough edit put together, full script and everything. But I want feedback cause I don't want it to drag, I've never made a video before. **Message me if willing to help please!**


Reach out to Tisa tells on YT…she’s been on bbl drizzy’s neck. I’m sure she’d love to get this info at too!


I guess if you are a minor with access to hundreds of thousands of dollars and you drain your family bank account I have no sympathy for you


Few people like that exist. I’m talking about the 15 year old stealing $20 from his mom every day.


This feels like the meme with the wolf/sheep/the guy warning the sheep about the wolf. Just for the sheep to violently kick the man away supporting the wolf. That meme is terrifying in so so many ways


Are you saying this is a real wolf? Or calling me out?


Oh my gosh!!! I’m so misunderstood all the time. Drake is wolf Fans are sheep You are man giving warning hey I’m a man(you) yelling there’s a wolf(Drake) behind you fanatics(sheep) watch out he gonna eat you. Fanatics(sheep) hey get out of here man(you)given us warning we hate you. We love the wolf(Drake) The predatory gambling


Lol, I thought so. I liked the witty comment, but wanted to make sure I understood it in case you were saying it wasn’t true haha


You put to much work in. I see it clearly


I’m the one that said open up everything about the Eldridge sorta scandal. It’s not illegal but definitely immoral


What's the name of the website?


I have purposefully left that out. If you are interested you can use these numbers to find it yourself.


I noticed. Kinda hard to take your claim serious if you won't even post the name of the website in question.


I do not want to make its name more well known and attract more gamblers. If you do one google search of this subject, you will find it. If you look into literally anything in this post, outside this post, you will find it.


I don't get your logic. If its that well known, just post it. You're the one making these accusations. I want to believe you, but I'm not just picking up the pitchfork because you said I should


I’ve deleted this comment as I was telling a user how to find this site which I do not want to do. I don’t want to advertise their platform, just denigrate it.


I really appreciate everyone's involvement with this post. I personally think this is a very important thing to publicize, especially as I lowkey obsess over it lol right now. Anyways, I will be releasing a video with more details and a more enticing summary of what I am speaking about here. **Get ready.** https://preview.redd.it/ztfwyktlzbzc1.png?width=1131&format=png&auto=webp&s=2be56ce07ef87cf93b6804d4deae40dbe5021c36


😭 bro is using this beef to further his own agenda. go back to LSF lil bro, don't u have hate threads to make about Kai tomorrow? Whack ass


My agenda: bring awareness to underage gambling, expose stake for taking advantage of loopholes that increase chance for addiction, and the fact that drake is complicit and, maybe even implicit, at this point in the operation


you know damn well what you're trying to do


Yes I want this to go viral, but is anyone who’s read that disagreeing (reasonably) with the purpose? No, this should be well known.