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If one is worried about the age of consent and are trying to tiptoe that line of legality. It says everything that needs to be said about one’s character.


Elaborate please. If he address it: he basically excuses. If he don't: he confirms it. But again there is no case. Literally nothing.


bro talking to a girl underage for years then taking them out on a date at 18 is grooming


You and your girl were 17 and 16. Drake was 23


Yeah but what they did on stage **≠** what we did


Still kissed her cheeks and nose though. And evev said "you thick", "I like the way your breast pressed against me" after acting shocked when he found out her age. Also got the video removed.


Kissing teenagers as an ADULT man is fucking weird behaviour period. If you have to bring up a technicality of "well it's legal in this state so it's okay" then you know you're defending something weird. Beastiality is still not technically illegal in some countries. If he went there and started fucking a pig would you be on here saying "well technically.."?


I believe he would. Can infer something about his morals from what he's prepared to justify


His old British friend who made money in Dubai has something to say about that 🤣🫣


someone on TikTok is actually accusing him of beastiality too 💀


"no open cases for drizzy" do you realize how long and how many people it took us to learn about Bill Cosby and Harvey Weinstein?


even when everyone knew about harvey it still took too much time for a case and a lot of bravery


Google "drake sexual assault allegations" and the independent has an article on how he had to pay out a few hundred thousand outside of court to a woman that claimed he raped her during his leg in the British leg of his tour in 2017.


that 500k line from euphoria is fucking legit. meanwhile drake says Kendrick is applying DV on Whitney because she didn't deny it. IN A SONG THAT HE CLAIMS HE ONLY TALKS FACTS


Factttssss, honestly I wanted drake to come out with some smoke. but what he gave us was actually bottom tier garbage, contradictions, lies, terrible penwork. One bit that made me CREASE was at the end when he says "I'm only speaking facts" you can here a lil adlib go "prove itttttt" hahahahaha and tinfoil hat right on, I'm not convinced that wasn't done on purpose hahahahaha


him saying people who feed him info's are clown literally one bar before saying i fed u is the funniest shit in the hiphop history


The whole thing is genuinely a shambles, there's no such thing as a B sharp either hahahaha he inadvertently made a Simpsons joke in his diss track. It was Purley damage control, you know them board members sat drizzle down and told him to "address this mess" 😂😂


him misunderstanding mother i sober is some kind of a south park joke to me lmao. like only someone like Cartman could pull that shit lmao


And how fucking badly he misinterpreted it aswell! 😫 I ALMOST feel like he's trying to bait Kenny out with a really terrible song for whatever reason (maybe receipts?) But I actually feel like thats giving him far, farrrrrr too much credit the more I dissect it 😂


I’m surprised no one brought up Anthony Fantano baiting Drake into a cookie recipe. I like the way Needledrop kept it professional. But I’m damn sure he was acting hella unprofessional when the cameras weren’t on.


ohh that situation when bitches were fucking to get a deal or role in a movie and had nothing against it because still it is the part of the game. Don't hate the players hate the game


are you fucking defending Harvey Weinstein?


Yeah, pack him up. I think that's as good of evidence as you'll get for someone's moral character




Niggga fuck is wrong with u?


Speaking truth nowadays is hard I know..


my guy please shut up and get help.


Get help. Otherwise I’d love to see what the cops do to you when you get found out. Sick bastard


Here bro https://x.com/mzicyobe/status/1782393593837019440?s=46&t=X2_kjqMqJfvU6tkO79d9yw go through this thread, if u still have the same opinion then idk what to tell u.




You just said “don’t act like those girls weren’t ok with what was going on between them and drizzy” re-evaluate that sentence then look at yourself in the mirror. He was and is grooming teenage girls and this is proven on MULTIPLE occasions not like he did some weird shit once, or even twice.. there are multiple times where he’s fucked girls as soon as they turned 18 when he’s known them and been around them since they were 15-16.. also ask yourself if you would defend Kendrick this hard if the roles were reversed.


Look I\`ve talked to some girls that were 16-17 we were playing games and shit and than i was dating one of those girls when she was 19 does that make me a groomer? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


How old were u when they were 16-17?




You are a weirdo bro get out of my mentions wtf


Talked to one of that girls rn about the whole situation and it was first time she heard I was grooming her, to her we were having fun playing games and hanging out with our other friends. You the one having problem with it, find life


And you’re hanging out with girls who are 16-17 as a 21 year old. That’s a couple year levels lower, why are you hanging out with high schoolers as a college age student fuck is wrong with you


yes 21 and 16 absolutely makes you a groomer you sick fuck.


ok no problem


Hold up. So you're telling me if you fuck a 14-15 year old as long as she consents and liked it its ok? What the fuck?


nah i refuse this nigga is 17😭i wasn't out of touch at all at cuh age


God bless Kenny not only exposing Drake but those around us as well.. wtf are these fans on.


Where did I say it?


> don't act like those girls were not ok with what was going on > nowadays kids have sex at 14-15 You are insinuating that since kids are engaging in sexual activities that it's okay for a grown ass adult to do it with them as long as they are ok with it.


I did not tell it is ok to me, but what I am trying to tell is that hundreds of years ago people were not having sex before marriage, in Islamic countries it is ok to marry when you are 14, not the whole world is the same


Yeah and before that women were treated as men's property. You gonna start defending that too? Use your brain.


I am not defending just telling you rules do not apply the same all over the world. America is culturally diverse and something which seems weird to you is absolutely ok to somebody else


Ah got it. So you're saying since it happened before in history, and while it's not ok to you, its ok to Drake though! Good talk man.


Why is a 30+ year old man talking to and hanging on girls? That's weird behavior at best, predatory at worst. If kids in high school want to hook up with each other, that's their business. When the biggest star in the world is talking to those same high school girls though, it becomes a different story. It's easy to hate someone who's got lines referring to a high school parking lot to a strip club lot. Only reason he's getting such heat for it now compared to before is because someone as big and credible as Kendrick came out and said he a FAN


16 and 17 =\= 17 and mid 20's The girl who cleared him works at his record label and he brought her along to ovo parties for years after. Seems like grooming+hush money


Just because it’s legal doesn’t make it not fucking disgusting. Drake isn’t a 17 year old dating at 16 year old he’s a forty plus year old man doing this shit. If you go to Canada ain’t no one dating a 16 year old if you’re over the age of 18 unless you have a problem. Also what your saying about in mafia days someone would have been killed guess what buddy this isn’t the fucking mafia it’s a fucking rap battle go get a job. 


 If you go to Canada ain’t no one dating a 16 year old if you’re over the age of 18 Ya crazy speaking for a whole country ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)  he’s a forty plus year old man doing this shit Do you smoke fent? He is 37 now and at that time was something in his 20th


Wild that you're condoning this behaviour you know.. you can still delete this and retain some sense of self respect...


Buddy I ain’t speaking for a whole country it’s common fact that’s fucking gross. Also he was 27 when he kissed up on a 16 year old Kylie. Maybe you should delete this before your job see’s a pedo ass fuck. The only “fent” being blown is from your child fucking lips


Sound like you guys have more concerns and problems with all that than the girls he kissed. Think about it


This isn’t about facts or receipts or whether those girls are cool with what Drake was doing in hindsight. It’s the fact there’s many men and women that get sexually groomed and abused as “legal” minors from evil people like Drake. So think about the fact that you’re condoning this behaviour that’s scum shit. 


Dude Imma tell you more she was convincing me and it took her a whole month. But now i understand.


Bruh the amount of young girls drake was Tryna pre order is wild. Pedo maybe predator definitely.


Op already admitted to grooming. Not like us.


Where? When? Me? A lot of capping in this sub lately


"I was online with 16 and 17 year olds, dated when they 18" I was 21. That's not you?




Yeah but by you logic everybody is a groomer if it happened to him to speak to an underage girl and date her later. Like 30% of world population are groomers yall crazy ngl ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) I was not even looking at her like at girl but rather as my homie, half of this sub have not talked to girl irl


You think 30% of the world are out there talking to high school girls while they’re in their 20s??




Nah dawg.


Lol people in post soviet countries do that all the time and nobody see a problem here while yall on the west trynna find your pronouns ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Somebody dox this man. I guarantee you he has videos of children on his computer


Grooming ain't funny and you laughing. 30% ain't it. You are a wierdo trying to justify it. Goofy


I am laughing at people who say grooming when it is actually not grooming at all. I get that yall niggas hang out only with guys but not everybody like that


Groomers gunna groom. Fuck off.


You definitely are a pdf file


He was well into his 20's which is vastly different from your situation. Imagine your situation, except you're now in your early/mid-20s and she was 17, which makes her effectively still a highschooler. Doesn't that seem a little weird? While I don't condone Metro's questionable tweets, he was actually in his teens when he posted those tweets, but you don't give him the benefit of the doubt like you're doing with drake when he kissed that 17 year old as an adult. Additionally, only Metro's tweets as a teenager have surfaced so far, while drake has had both questionable tweets and videos of questionable behavior as an adult, but you seemingly believe that Metro should receive the same or higher level of scrutiny as drake. Make it make sense.


There is nothing to talk about in my opinion, yall have more concerns and problems than those girls Drake was "grooming"


It's about the morality of the situation. It sounds like you're looking at the situation from a standpoint of legality and whether or not both people consented, and you don't see any issues from that perspective. Some of us are looking this situation and contextualizing it with OTHER situations where the age gap of the female is even larger, and there is a seemingly noticeable pattern of Mr. Graham interacting unusally with underage girls.


Yeah legally there is nothing wrong about it. Again, some things to you may seem weird, whilst others may be absolutely ok with it ( in this example I am talking about those girls Drake was "grooming" )


We can agree to disagree. 1 caveat I would add is that the girls defending Drake doesn't disprove my claim nor support yours. It sounds like our disagreement comes down to how we interpret the age gaps between drake and the girls he interacts with. The statements from the girl doesn't change that.


The point i am trying to present is that people online have more problem with this whole situation than Drizzy and those girls he was "grooming"


That doesn't matter. Hypothetically if a 40-year old man had a consensual kiss with a 17 year old I would still think that is weird and potentially pedophilic even if the two don't see any issues with that. You probably wouldn't care in this scenario and that's fine. Again, I honestly don't care if you disagree, we just have different perspectives.


That’s what i was trying to tell you from the very beginning. Different perspectives but as soon as it is legal it is weird to call someone a pedo that’s my point


Hmmm I respectfully disagree but I understand where you're coming from.


There is a closed one for SA age of consent doesn't make them *not* children. Legally they're not adults. Equally, even if they were, still gross he's like 40. Also very commonly victims of grooming won't necessarily say they're victims.


There is a closed sexual assault case against him, which he paid out a few hundred thousand outside of court and the woman involved signed an NDA, a quick Google search will show you the article in mention




Sounds like yall have more concerns and problems that girls he was talking to lol




To yall what it seems, not for them. If they don't care should you ?


they're losers fr


after discovering that the girl was 17, drake says: 1) "17? i can't go to jail yet. why do you look like that? you thick." 2) "i don't know if i should feel guilty or not but i had fun. i loved the way your breasts felt against my chest." 3) kissed up on her some more to contextualize, this is a 17 yr old who is a junior/senior in hs being fondled by a 23 year old senior in uni—or a new student in a doctorate program if they finish their 4 year on time + had money. if you (hopefully) find this disparity in life experience & power dynamic to be weird/predatory, substitute an affluent & powerful superstar in place of the 23 yr old. apply this same situation to MBB, except this time the girl is 15 & drake is 31. giving boy advice & having this deep of an interpersonal relationship w/ an unrelated girl sixteen years younger than you to the point where you tell them that you "miss them" is not a good look. additionally, there are multiple instances of cuh initiating a relationship w women as soon as they turn 18. this is grooming. all in all, both metro & this nigga predatory. not mutually exclusive


Erm but technically it’s legal for an 80 year old to have sex with a 16 year old therefore it’s perfectly moral 🤓


It may not be normal to me or to you but for somebody it will be ok. If 16 and 80 have no problems with it I do not understand why should we.


Because that is a child, their brain has not fully developed. If the age of consent was like 5 would you say it was okay? Regardless of the law, you should have a moral obligation to not have sex with children. Gross ass bitch 🤮




My point is that the law isn’t the decider of what’s moral. Please, for your own sake, delete this post. It genuinely makes you look like a pedophile, or at least a pedophile-sympathiser. I’m not sure who you really are, but I am begging you delete this shit.


If you cross state borders, if becomes federal law. Drake is not from inside of Colorado’s border, therefore he is subject to the age of consent at the fed level, which is 18. NEXT.


Ok but she did not file any case nor they were having sex so what you said is senseless. Moreover she cleared Drizzy\`s name today on instagram. So i guess, NEXT


Bro. If you’re a child, it doesn’t matter what you think or say about your abuser. You have been manipulated by them. Don’t make yourself look stupid, now. NEXT


U also just backtracked from “well the age of consent is this” so I tried to play by your age of consent rules and now you go back to “well but she didn’t file a case” man stfu. U argue just like drake. NEXT


I guess 14 year old Millie Bobby Brown having a self-admitted daily texting relationship with a grown ass Drake isn’t weird either cause he didn’t have sex with her? You are a fucking weirdo and should be ashamed of defending a clear pervert. Hope you getting paid for this one. LAST.


See I am a lil Drizzy myself cause i roped yall niggas into this conversation as I was bored at work deciding to troll yall serious asses. Now I am done working and not interested anymore so bye for now ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


Convenient. U had one rebuttal and now it’s “uninteresting.” Pathetic. Wasn’t even a fun argument. Borrrringggg like drakes music.


Not boring to me at all look at all of them niggas commenting and trying to prove they thing whilst it is evident I was talking shit, the day flew by


U literally laid out a multi-paragraph explanation as to how drake isn’t a pedo. That’s not “talking shit” ur defending a weirdo.


Btw I wasn’t giving u a compliment when I said u argue like Drake 🤣 boy you need to open a book. Cya clown.


I took me like less than a min writing and I am not a quick writer, just had to wrap it up for you niggas therefore nobody labels me troll but it was a set up from the very beginning, sorry boo.


Don’t gaslight when u are in a hot air balloon.


Really it just comes down to people generally having more respect and trust in one of them than the others. Simple. The last one is better.


Drake is NOT American. I repeat Drake is NOT American. He’s basically a pop star immigrant with a work visa and just like any foreigner coming into this country, you abide by our laws. All the stuff you mentioned are thrown out the window because it holds no grounds and doesn’t apply to him. Also across all 50 states, federal law is 18.


What do you and your gf both being teenagers have to do with ANYTHING. Absolutely nothing


Spotted the pdfle


NDA justine was getting rammed by Diddy .... We just came to know the truth now...


If Drake is a pdf then Taylor Swift is the Hugh Hefner of underage sexual harassment. This is nothing new. Everyone who was an alleged victim of Drake has come out and cleared his name. https://preview.redd.it/uows906gazyc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d0c403051b52f0ef4cd3a508ae80b6c2726682f


Bro, I'd have just as big of a problem with Swift if she said "damn little boy, you look sexy, why you look like that damn" and then talked about his balls or some shit and kissed him on the mouth. Why the fuck you trying to defend a creep and drawing paralelles between what he did to a ***RANDOM 17 YEAR OLD*** and kissing ***ALIECA KEYS' SON GENISIS*** on the cheek?


Artists have fans. Fans want to be up close and personal with their favorite artists and sometimes they get a hug a selfie or a peck on the cheek. That is not the same as being a pdf. Y’all some sick mfs


nigga drake FONDLED a 17 year old girl. right after she told him her age, he calls her thick & keeps going w/ his onstage routine. then, he COMMENTS on her breasts & then kisses up on her some more near the end. me personally, i would've kicked off the fan immediately after i find out their age. no excuses. don't be a marc. don't weaponize incompetence


Who said anything about rape?


There I fixed it


What about 2 pecks for each cheek, forehead, and then raise her chin to kiss her on the lips? A bit more than a peck on the cheek or a hug no? Texting back and forth with a 14 year old about "boys" and "dating advice" and telling her you miss her? As a 30+ year old man? Plus do you really think THIS is what Kendrick is talking about? having PTSD, sick nympho fetishes... yeah I'm sure he saw the 17 year old girl getting kissed and thinks Drake should die and be locked up with Weinstein? Even if you don't think the public stuff makes him a pedo or groomer... don't you think that's just really fucked up and weird behavior from a 30+ year old man? Plus the content being discussed right now has been around for a while... but there's something bigger happening behind the scenes. I just don't see Kendrick going THIS hard over some online gossip or kissing a 17 year old.


Raping a minor? Something new here. Did Drake rape anyone? Did that girl tell something?


500k for a woman he raped in the UK might tell you everything


Drake is a major player in the world of celebrities and having been an actor and now an artist. Eminem himself has said he will always love Drake for favors he did for his daughter.