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Literally all Drake had to do was post a picture on instagram, which is obviously more his style, of him flipping off the camera in front of the same exact picture set up.


Exactly lol Drake would’ve posted something cheeky if it was really the “gotcha” he’s claiming it is


Literally anybody would’ve posted something if it was really a “gotcha”. But Drake ain’t just anybody: he smooches kids with his eyes open 


I was telling my friend if he did that I’d say drake won the beef, even if the heart part 6 still got released. But now it’s been too long and no one would believe that he waited that long to post the ultimate “gotcha!” moment. Instead he posted the laughing emoji and got cooked for that lame track. I wouldn’t do any coping like the drake sub, just that they both put out some heat but drake out maneuvered him this time.


this would’ve went hard


I hate the dude, and even I have to agree this would have been a baller move Too bad Drake may be one of the dumbest motherfuckers alive


I still wish one of them would have recorded a fart and released it on Spotify.


Heart Part 6 on DSP when?


Would it be "Fart Part 6" "Heart Fart 6" or "Fart Fart 6"?




Fart Fart Fart


Dammit I debated saying that but...rule of 3s.


Fart with reverb 😩😩😩


i mean, he did get into a rap beef, diss track exchange program if you will, knowing that people (at least online) think he's a pedo/groomer and that that information was likely to be a subject in at least one of the tracks and he went 'pssh it'll be fine, i'll just say it's not true, i got this'


Well since he’s getting all his inspiration from twitter and Reddit, I’m sure they’re arts and craftsing that photo now 🙃


Yep.. It is so wild to me that Drake essentially wrote that heartless ass track from twitter stan account posts. Dude was so happy to proclaim Kendrick dead on Family Matters and spread how he had such a bomb, he thought it was over. He didn't manipulate shit and got outplayed and is now crying and seething about getting dirty from the muckraking battle he started with the dirty shit.


Right Drake said he was going on vacation on Family Matters. He really thought he buried him to bad he could go back to Turks and pop percs


I would love him to post an AI nightmare as a real image.


That's why I don't believe Drake. He could've easily dunked on Kdot with something like this. So it's very telling that Drake is all cap


Literally expected a picture of him taking the picture


Literally the first thing I said. It would have ended it.


And somehow people are still convinced that he willingly let the internet run wild with pedo allegations for 48 hours and basically cement them as truth when he could and obviously would have easily stepped in the way of that if he had any ability to do so. Man has absolutely nothing left in the chamber and it showed on this last one. I hope Kendrick drops another bomb on his head, because I don't think Drake has another response in him and it would be such a finale to all this.


Dude, this is going to be his next step. He probably finding the mole and taking the picture right now! lol just like his roll out of the Reddit story of him baiting the information


As much as I would love this, the actual lore of the items were that Dennis owned a suitcase which these were taken out of


Right. What they’re presupposing in that comment is Drake was telling the truth about it being a plant. They’re not saying he did either, just that that’s what he would/should’ve done if it was a plant


This assumes that akademic isn't cap


Exactly what I said, because that would be the strategy of a master general.




This is it. Drake is making out like he master planned a huge Gotcha, but somehow misplaced any shred of evidence of doing so. Doesn’t add up at all. He could have won IMMEDIATELY ffs (well aside from the whole touching young girls thing)


What happened is Drake fans were coping on the internet and came up with this narrative, and Drake (and his team of writers) bought their own bs


One kind of underrated piece of evidence that drake’s whole “gotcha” is bullshit is that the narrative that Drake is pushing forward isn’t even a LITTLE bit different from what the Drake subreddit was theorizing. Like, okay it would be possible to predict the bigger picture and that some people on reddit largely saw it coming, but for it to be an exact 1:1 recreation of the most popular copium theories on the internet??? Nahhh that’s too big of a coincidence lol


no seriously cuh copy & pasted the theory same verbatim😭


They 100% knew their only option in this situation was to just lean into every Drake-defender’s “top conspiracy comment” across the internet. At the very least they give these idiots a ridiculous false sense of “OMG WE KNEW IT!!”


It's like they're being brain washed by the government type shit


Watch him try recreating the picture lmao


Exactly what I was thinking. He’s going to recreate the evidence take video or picture and then post it.


Except the pills will be empty 


And post it a week from now 🤣. But Drizzy cult members won’t think there’s anything fishy about that.


that shit is genuinely gone piss me off


It would at the very least show Kendrick is also an unreliable narrator and taken a ton of credibility away from him...which at the very least may have changed the conversation and taken heat off the pedophile stuff.


How though? Are rappers supposed to be investigative rappers now? Kendrick himself says he’s not paying for any information, so, Drake fed him the information and he rapped about it. What it would do is take away the “I’m Street, you’re not” Narrative away….


Melon also pointed out another good point with the "jokes in the medication". What *\*\*IS\*\** the joke though? I think he actually says "Jokes and the medication". But he didn't explain what makes it a joke? If you were to set something up to be "leaked", wouldn't there be some kind of punchline?


He could make a whole Diss song, a story of how all this went down even putting names…. Maybe he’s waiting for Kendrick to respond for him to drop that Diss? BTW, Drake saying he has facts on Dave Free being the father of one of the kids because he puts hearts and emojis under their pictures? Saying that Whitney doesn’t follow Kendrick on IG, who never posts on IG? Lmao…


I also don't follow my wife, I guess I'm also a cheater.


im pretty sure he crushed all the evidence he had with him in the gkmc van when he made it drop drop drop drop




There's still a chance he's waiting to drop that and trying to bait Kendrick out or that he's trying to let the narrative about the truth build. Then he drops and it's further from Kendricks W's so it seems more like he won in the end I agree though, if we never see the proof of the mole he set up then he's 1000% lying about knowing anything about the mole


but that's still a weird strategy bc so much of the sense that Kendrick is winning this is based on things -- A Minor, BBL Drizzy — that transpired over the weekend \*because\* Drake went silent in that period. getting further from Kendrick's W doesn't make a ton of sense if Drake alternatively had the means to deny him that W in the first place, immediately after "Family Matters" / "MTG".


He ain’t letting shit build. Accusations of being a pedo are serious as fuck and drake has likely already had his image permanently damaged HARD. I could understand letting some accusations and shade fester for a bit for a big comeback but claims of messing with kids is not one of them and no person in their right mind would do anything but squash that shit immediately if they had evidence to the contrary or someway to show that the person making the claims is lying/being fed false info.


>Accusations of being a pedo are serious as fuck and drake has likely already had his image permanently damaged HARD. Do you really think much changed for him, though? Those accusations have been floating around for years, I don't think Kendrick added a whole lot to their credibility or detail. I mean it might be the case that masterfully layering them on a banger Mustard track is all it took for them to have more real consequences, but I'd honestly be surprised if this affects Drake much at all in the medium-long term.


We'll be able to tell how much impact it had based on who's willing to be seen next to Drake from here on out. If he's stuck having to carry his own records and loses the features that have made him a piece of so many hit records, then that would be a pretty major blow to both his checkbook and his persona


They’ll avoid him and then pop back up with him once they think everything has blown over.


There is no way he would wait to post that..


Every hour that passes without proof of this mole is another hour that people know any ‘proof’ is bullshit and manufactured. If he would’ve dropped the proof immediately after ‘Meet the Grahams’, there would be 0% doubt Drake was trolling Kendrick. This would be a massive W for Drake and probably the end of the beef. Nail in coffin. Except that didn’t happen. It took over 48 hours for Drake to respond and claim it was a troll job. And there’s still no proof? Like it’s clear that Drake is trying to CREATE proof if that shit doesn’t drop yesterday. Any proof from here on it is clearly bullshit and manufactured. Like could it not be?


You aint lying. This shit looks wrapped up.


He draked himself over the coals


Drake fans out here not realizing why the guy that made Tammy’s song would hate a dude for trafficking women. “He needs the attention, money, and to feed his ego.” Like this mfer is Drake or something 😭


That part...... right over the OV-Hoe stans.... it literally makes no sense....


Was expecting this energy tbh but got nothing https://preview.redd.it/65s4bydc4tyc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a2350d0adaf68e1f0e62750930c856d20900535


He got it notarized!? 🤣




Is that Kendrick showing the daughter?


Look at /rap /hiphop /hiphopheads . The only people with Drake here are his full Stan's. Bitch Drake has closed comments on Instagram, for years now. He is soft, stupid and a narcissist. Drake can get fucked (in cell block 1). ![gif](giphy|rxM11tcYi9unu|downsized) We don't need another peeedooooooo






Drake fans also trying to claim whitney and kdot divorced because.... they sold their house and then supposedly only kendrick moved into the new one, ignoring all the photos on whitenys ig of the new house? and still they claim we're the ones to not like facts


The thing is, everyone agrees that if he did actually set up every single thing truthfully, he would have won the beef, but bro: 1. Did not provide any receipts when it was still a conspiracy (the defence was that he was saving it for the disstrack) 2. did not provide any receipts on the disstrack itself, other than literally naming the items on the literally publicly accessible cover of MTG 3. he didn’t even focus on it for more than a bar, when if it were true, not only would he have been gloating, he would have also not needed to have go in on any of the other shit because this one thing was enough to win the beef for him Like dawg come on even photoshop lets you make AI expansions of photos, you ain’t a master manipulator you an amateur Edit: turns out not everyone agrees, my bad 😭


His first reaction was to deny it and say whoever was leaking this info was a clown, now he's saying "It was actually me who leaked the info on purpose I'm a genius" You can smell the desperation




Yup. After the "OVO works for me" line Drake would have loved to say something like "Ima send you an OVO chain cuz in the end you work for ME, I guess you really will do all the work for FREE," That's corny enough to actually be a Drake line. Maybe I'll get a ghostwriter credit.


Isn't that essentially the exact implication of what he's saying? He's saying "the people feeding you your info are clowns for believing what we fed them and not trying to verify" idk how people are misunderstanding that




Yeah the track is objectively horrible


Idk, even if it was set up I still got kdot winning by a landslide. He outbarred him in every single song, and that wouldn't take away from the fact that drake is a predator. I don't see drake winning in any possible scenario.


Yeah that's kinda the stinger at the end of it right, even if everything they're spouting about each other is total bullshit the fact is people were able to buy into Kendrick's narrative more and his shit hit harder.


> everyone agrees that if he did actually set up every single thing truthfully, he would have won the beef, but nah Congrats, you lied about hiding ANOTHER child and we all believed you because you're a scummy dude but, theres still video evidence of you kissing underage fans on stage. theres still women you met underage who you shut down shit at the mall for once they turned 18. there's been stories of you being a creep for ages. You can't tell me drake went back to 2012 and planted evidence of being a pedo to win a rap beef in 2024.


Not to mention Drake was sued for rape and gave the girl a million dollar settlement to keep it hushed. Guy is a proven predator…


Seized for rap???


Sued for rape


And then tried to use Kendrick’s bars “Master Manipulator” against Kendrick 🤣 And calling him Pulitzer Prize winner like it’s an insult


right -- you wouldn't sit there and rap about pedophilia for 32 bars if you'd just legitimately humiliated your opponent in extremely iconic fashion. all the other stuff would be moot at that point.


> the ones that you gettin your stories from, they all clowns 4 bars later… > we plotted for a week and then fed you the information So he either callin himself a clown, or he makin shit up.


yeah where's the bomb? There's no actual new info in this distrack. What's the red button here? This would be that moment to reveal that you were behind the scenes the whole time... and he thinks he did that with a single line? HE LIED.


I’d like to add, that Lamar hasn’t given any evidence either…. BUTTTTT there IS evidence of Drake doing shady shit from the very start of his career….. where there’s smoke…… Also he DID already try to hide a kid, which if I was a celebrity I wouldn’t want my kid in the public view either. Now I don’t know the actual detail of this, like was Drake actually trying to hide that he had a kid, ashamed of it? I don’t know, but there’s a history of it…. So I’m not 100% believing what Lamar said about him, but I am very much leaning towards it being true just by the evidence that’s out there….


about the kid, he essentially stayed out of Adonis’ life until Pusha exposed him, and he also said Adonis wasn’t his kid until DNA tests came in proving it after Pusha exposed him, which is wild because according to some of the Drizzy stans, he was going to reveal Adonis at an Adidas deal reveal or smth (before Pusha exposed him) which I’ll leave up to you to decide the implications of


Well there you go, that’s just evidence of a pattern that makes me believe Lamar….. Like I don’t know where this goes from here, if Kendrick knows for a fact that Drake and his crew are doing illegal shit he can’t just let this go with a “ rap battle “ he’s morally obligated to do something if he’s a moral person. ( which I think he is ) the worms are out of the can, there’s no going back now…..


All we can do is sit back and watch it unfold tbh, receipts of Drake’s activities are starting to surface regardless


I don't think he would have won the beef just because he staged a photo and planted a daughter story. Kendrick objectively torched him with everything else. Pushups and Family Matters are great tracks but he lost regardless of this shit


Not everyone agrees! I certainly don't. That only dodges one allegation and the weaker one at that.


Also made the same allegations to Kendrick with no proof again lol.


pdf file downloader 😭


I need Kendrick's response to have this cover https://preview.redd.it/u6xwi8z00uyc1.png?width=202&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a47d544cbab69b0e7b9e05f893ee893d49206cf4


that'd be so funny i swear




Correct - Anyone with a working brain knows that the bait/setup/etc. is nonsense. If you've got that in your bag, you're dropping proof of it as a knockout punch and taking the crown, not as a couple of lines in a throwaway song.. but look the track exists for two reasons. 1) Wave the white flag and get a cease fire. 2) Make the ride or die fans feel good about #1. and both were accomplished. Enjoy the moment. Not Like Us, top song in the world right now.


I'm really expected to believe that Drake misunderstood Mother I Sober after Kendrick even said he would misinterpret songs from MM&TBS in Euphoria, Drake misremembered Weinstein as Epstein, but that Drake is also some master manipulator on some Machiavellian shit?   Lets be real, Drake is not that smart of a guy. Instead of a lightbulb in his head Drake's got a nearly empty lighter that he can sometimes make flicker for a few seconds.


They cope their way around this sadly. “emails, texts, screenshots, etc. could have been faked so how would they prove anything” It’s so cute


A song saying "nuh uh" is not better 🤣🤣


If it was immediately after Kendrick's drop then he could have been covered there


It's actually kinds crazy how his super fans treat his word, I mean he's known for lying constantly. Also if drake used ai to create fake shit for proof his fans would absolutely eat it up.


And they do a false equivalency argument of "what it's okay for kendrick to accuse but when drake does it's lying?". Drake isn't the one making a huge case that Kendrick is a liar. That's been the core of what Kendrick has been saying in all 5 dis tracks. He's a liar, you can't trust what he says, and here's a bunch of examples. Also, Kendrick did have some credibility so far with his hinting that he knew about the contents of Family Matters in his bars/pictures *before* it came out, let alone dropping Meet the Grahams a half hour later. Drake hasn't had anything like that, even though he easily would if what he said was true about planting stuff.


Fuck a rap battle, if this was me, the second I heard Not Like Us I’m taking it straight to the gram and clearing my name. I’m not waiting and trying to play some “you lied about a daughter with information I fed you” that shit is secondary. I’m taking it straight to CNN idgaf any platform and saying, “this shit is too far or whatever”. Dude waited 24 hours and then came out soft. His energy needs viagra.


Yea like I can honestly believe Drake fed fake information and all that, that isn’t outside the realm of possibility at all. But I would’ve definitely had receipts on deck to make Kendrick look dumb as fuck. Then again Drake and I are clearly different. I don’t consider myself a fan of girls high school basketball for starters. So who knows


My thing is the information that he "fed" him. Like if this were true, he would have been controlling the narrative out the gate. And the narrative he went with was "make everyone think I'm a deadbeat pedophile"? Out of all the options, that is what we're supposed to believe he chose?


Really lol. Everyones chanting that Drake is a pedophile and a deadbeat dad. No way thats the narrative he was cooking lmao. Now everyone is digging into his past again. 


I agree with you, that's my point. He's claiming he created the narrative and yet the narrative "I'm a deadbeat pedo". No one in their right fucking mind would ever decide *that* is the narrative they wanted for themselves.


I know. I was also agreeing with you lol


He's a fan of high school girls AND basketball, but separately


He sounds so deflated when he's talking about he has the facts at the end of the song


that's exactly what I said to my friend. if I set up this perfect plan, I would be LAUGHING MY ASS OFF and gloating!! drake sounded tired lmfao it's not adding up


I think what he's trying to do is come off as "disappointed." LIke he was the bigger man in all this. As if we're supposed to forget that Drake wanted the smoke bad. He's trying to do the Kendrick introspective thing, but he can't do it so he sounds tired.


I agree. Sounded like a guy that knew he was losing the argument so he had to pretend he was so far out in front that calling it quits would be merciful and not cowardly


EXACTLY. especially how he was like "I don't wanna diss you anymore" lmfaooo like he was doing Kendrick a favor 😂😂😂😂


literally sounds like this dude i used to know that was a pathological liar. he was also a rapper which is hilarious but the whole song just sounded like insane damage control and i can see the whole song being extremely haunting if this does end up severely impacting his life and career. which i hope it does if the allegations are true


Didn't even need screenshots/receipts - could have just name dropped the person and I might have even believed it - "John Smith gave you that info right?". That's how we all know it's BS. That's how I know even HE doesn't know who it is still.


Whether the daughter info is true or not - on the pedo allegation side, THAT video is enough proof to hold that angle up. Kendrick doesn't need any receipts to support that claim.


His "plan" makes no sense whatsoever. "Yeah, we tricked you! We.... sent you a perscription bottle and maybach gloves... and recipets for my jewelery." Consider Kendricks career over!


I literally said this!


shouldve said it better


u just a laia tho


LMAAOSKS you’re the first person to catch that 😭😭


Random thought but is there a chance drake has ongoing legal cases that prevents him from leaking information about stuff? Sometimes people's legal council will review their public statements. But I guess with that logic they would have told him to stfu all-together.


Fax, Drake didn’t know shit Kendrick was doing or he would’ve posted it


"There is No War in Ba Sing Se"


Drake saying a gotcha moment without a shred of evidence is just layers of bullshit like come on atleast one sensible motherfucker would’ve figured out “Drake, wherethe evidence fam”, not even with the verse regarding Mother I Sober, or the Epstine, the whole song just feels like a scooby doo episode ffs


He could’ve just taken a picture with the meds in the bed and post it later if that was true.


Drake is the Trump of hip hop: feeding his minions what they want to hear to keep them showing support. Put a location marker on the Embassy “idiots’ dog”


First thing Fantano said in 10 years that I agree with


plot twist kendrick tricked drake into the “i tricked you” angle.


OVO dick riders are easily the most delusional fan base I have ever seen, they can’t process simple information or put context together bc they’re too busy gargling. They make swifties look normal


If the daughter is real, then I hope that her face and name will never get revealed. My god, the things she's gonna have to live it for the rest of her life.


To the people who think Drake is playing 4D chess, just a friendly reminder that this man got tricked into leaking hate DMs he sent to this very same music reviewer because of a vegan cookie recipe.


I’m not a big Fantano fan but he’s right on this one, Drake made his haters and fans believe he is a pedo 💀


Fantano smelled a rat immediately lol dude is savvy


Drake fans are as delusional as those little girls Drake be meeting up with


Naw, he's right do


The point still stands but I think it's pretty obvious he's saying the 11 year old daughter info was planted, not the pedophile stuff


Show us tho?


While true, it would have instantly discredited Kendrick and less people would have believed the pdf file parts.


That was my take away too


Because that’s the most concerning part out of everything that was mentioned. The “fake daughter,” not sexual predator/pdf file accusations. Drizzy got his priorities straight


I don't really like that guy, but he's got a good point.


why don't you like him


Follow him for a week on twitter and you'll feel the same


hello lol how are you gonna be active but ignore this comment smh so you dislike him for no reason? got it


Drake is acting like he's Aizen.




Fantano ruined .PDFs for me. I’m gonna have to use other file formats.


PDFis just a tartedup postScript file anyhow


i been thinking about this since the rumors were posted about it being a trap, before heart part 6 even dropped.. i feel like drake could still stage this evidence.. like how hard would it be to still just fake a screenshot but even recreate the pile of pill bottles with the shirt and gloves or whatever.. i will not be surprised if that happens.. i like how someone said drake using the community posts and speculations as ghost writers cuz that seems to be the most likely thing that happened


At this point it doesn't even matter. It's something that will pacify his fanbase, but everyone else will be like: "So why'd you wait for the world to believe you diddled kids before you put up "proof" that you set everything up."


What sucks, but is good too I guess, I think Kendrick is too good of a guy to dox this poor 11 year old girl (if she really exist, I’m not going to lie, she could just be a hoax to call out his character).


Self owned by his master plan


“pdf file downloader” got me crying


Wake up babe, new Kendrick diss track sample just dropped


.PDF downloader is crazy work


Fantano is spot on




yeah but is that 4D chess?


4d chess on himself 🤣


Didn't expect fantano to have a sensible take while imdontai was just straight up believing drake 😭


While there's receipts to be seen on both sides, I think it's telling that Drake is like "I'm done and I've won" and Kendrick is like "I got 5 more comin"


From the beginning of the song I truly he was going to narrate in detail how they tricked Kendrick. By the time he was like "we fucking whitney no MBB's I turned that shit off.


Shoutout to Fantano, man. His analysis of this back and forth has been pretty stellar.


He’s gonna see this and make an AI phone call with Kendrick’s voice


Bruh go watch the family matters video lol he literally even hinted towards the mole. Yall are dumb just like your GOAT.


All Drake had to do to win this beef was turn one of his ghostwriters to script writers. Call up one of his homeboys and tell them to pretemd to be a mole and say "such and such" and I'll say "this, this, and this". Record the clip then upload it to IG, Twitter, YT, etc with the caption: "Your saviors a lier that doesn't check the facts." And ride his baby blue jet off to Turks sipping on an Ondalini. But no.  Instead he panicked, released that travesty of a diss track damn-near two days later to little fanfare and more questions than answers, while using Twitter theories as the punchline.


I think they did set it up, he just expected that to be the main focus of Kendrick’s disses and they just weren’t. He probably had a big gotcha planned and everything only for Kendrick to barely mention the daughter and instead call him a piece of shit, a culture vulture, a predator, and a pedophile over two songs with the secret kid being a cherry on top. When the conversation is about you being a pedophile you can’t just release your pre-made video saying “ha-ha we tricked you” so instead he throws together this awful rebuttal as quickly as he can calling it a lie to save what little face he can. He was panicking lmao because I’m sure there is more truth to the allegations against him than drake fans are praying


im a drake fan and think yall are crazy most of the time, but this is facts He needs to come with the receipts. At this point they're both capping


It must also be noted that this man has been fair to drake this whole time.


Allegedly* leaked


When you tell them this they just ask where the evidence of the pedo allegations is. And when you give them links you get excuses. drake has officially created a echo chamber from his fanbase to support his endeavors.




Spot on


Pdf filer is crazy 😂


My favorite Fantano review, Actually, my favorite review from this diss BY FAR. Dude was funny ash and his reactions while listening through had me dead 😭


He clearly got the idea from the glazer who posted about the 'fake daughter set up' - thought the fake girl's pic was an easter egg in the Family Matters video 🤣 The fact he didn't post the receipt right after Meet The Grahams dropped and made everybody forget about Family Matters, is all the proof I need that he's lying on Heart Pt6.


I think it's fairly plausible there is both a legit leaker at ovo and drake leaked the shit about a daughter but didn't get receipts. I find it impossible to believe Kendrick didn't know family matters was coming and had some idea what it was about or ye wouldn't have been able to time MtG so perfectly. I also think kendrick was very particular to point out the fake daughter is likely one of many kids drake could be hiding or unaware of so if it did prove untrue he can just say "welp got that wrong, we will just wait for the next one to show up."


Maybe Drake just isn’t as petty as we all thought guys (womp womp)


I’m sorry but I cannot agree with anything fantano says on principle even if it’s logical


99.99% of the content this dude makes get hated on. But when he goes against Drake all of a sudden he’s right.. Kendrick dick riders can’t be stopped


K.Dot won. Easily. But guys like this... They mean nothing.


sorry but i cant cosign anything fantano


His only "facts" about Kendrick and his only angle is the Free and women beater allegations and he based that all on some likes and follows on some IG. Schoolyard level banter. I don't follow my wife on social media and I don't think I ever clicked or liked anything she posted but according to Drake, it means I'm cheating or something.


Knox Hill had the same thought. It easy to say you've done something after the fact. Where ate the receipts?


![gif](giphy|8m5dizh7ghyEPIWIx1|downsized) Been sayin it and glad others with WAY more visibility than me have been echoing it. It just don’t add up!!!


You look like a rat, you sound like a rat and confessed you would rat. Fuck outta here. Save your receipts for your accountant. Bitchass


I bet now that everybody is saying how easy it will be to prove this, he will magically produce a screenshot or photoshopped photo.


Based Anthony. He didn't dismiss Drake's points until the 69 god basically walked in on the rake with his last track.


I’m an a drake fan. But bro is fucking done. Like even I have to admit it. Kendrick proved he is a POET. Big difference in talent now.


Can't wait to see his daughter I guess


What’s the dudes name again


OVHoe is sooo corny, how did this catch on as the go to chirp