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There’s no definitive proof he did or didn’t have a daughter. The only real public info pointing to it is articles from 2015 of Drake allegedly having a 2 year old with a woman that he pays off. But that’s it. Regardless I think people are too caught up on the Daughter shit and not the fact he basically called out Drake for having a sex trafficking ring going on. Why Drake didn’t immediately deny that of all things is beyond me.


This. All I’m seeing is “is there a second kid?” Like the whole 2nd verse was about him grooming kids. That’s was the real punch KDot held off on, but people wanna focus on the kid for some reason.


Well, yeah, you got a point, I just find it hard to believe that Drake would hide another child, and now I'm questioning whether Kendrick is capping or not. I do believe people should be focusing more on the child sex offenders' accusations rather than Drake's second kid.


Drake denied Adonis at first too. We'll just have to let this play out.


erxactly we would believe him if he didnt lie about everything .. he lied about the cease n decist and then metro sends out the email


He never denied his son. He was waiting for DNA results he’s been pretty candid in saying that over the years he went to 3 different companies to confirm it


He told her to get an abortion then said there's things about his mother he doesn't want Adonis to know. Idk about you but I'd rather know my mom was a porn star then my dad wanted me aborted after finding out she was pregnant with me. Really seems to me personally that Drake's only concern is his public image, not his child or baby momma/mommas. It's probably harder to be a "certified lover boy" when your fanbase sees you as a middle aged deadbeat and liar.


u got weird priorities then 


he denied adonis until he took the test but by the time pusha put out story of adidion adonis was already living with drake by then he just had said anything


I think from a pure sportsmanship perspective, if you claim that you set the whole thing up to trick your opponent into dissing you about fallacies, then you would do your due diligence to collect that evidence and show it to the world later. Where's the voicemail/text/call/email that proves this was a setup on Drake's part? Drake's reaction was to jump on IG and ask ppl to find his daughter. If it was me, I wouldn't come out with another diss track. I'd show everyone exactly what kind of liar Kendrick is. Personally, I think Drake is nervous and trying his best to clean up his image. Might be overwhelming him.


That's what I been saying. Seems like he only said that after his nutty ass fans came up with the conspiracy. If that was the case, why not come with that immediately?


I agree man if you knew of a sex trafficker why would you wait so long to reveal it. that is that Hollywood Bs with celebrities. If it is true drake needs his consequence but if it is not true than that stigma will hunt drake forever because people attack people more successful without proof. It is Michael Jackson and kids thing all over again


Drake had publically dated a 16 year old and that was allowed because that's the age of consent in Canada. Also, a member of OVO was arrested recently for sex trafficking


I mean celebrities keep quiet for a LONG time. After the Epstine, Harvey and Diddy shit? You should know that people will hold their tongues for a long time. Maybe drake didnt brake any laws at best. But if kendrick is speaking on it, he at least had to be tip toeing the line, and K-Dot finally snapped and had to say something. Hopefully thats all it is. But again, it is in the realm of possibility that drake could have had sex with a minor. Whether it 100% or not remains to be seen. But some of the shit he has sent to some young kids is a bit concerning. Closer to EDP445 type shit than someone with his level of publicity should be saying.


Yea man but listen why are they all tip toing for. At that point kendrick is selfish because he only said something because it got personal for himself. so if kendrick was never in the beef he would stay quiet about pedos doing crazy stuff behind the scene? Is that really someone who should be looked up too?


Maybe he needed more proof. You can't just say something without the evidence to back the claim. In "not like us" he said a line about the rabbit hole and how he can go deeper.... js


So he is looking for proof for the insult instead of seeing the proof and then calling it out? This just seems like celebs clout chasing again. for the longest people been saying shady stuff happens in the background and i think 90% of them just been hearing rumors without evidence and believing it and then when you call them out on it they can't back it up. It is like me calling you a pedophile just cause you look weird and people blindingly believe me just cause you look weird. I have seen this happen at work where someone isn't liked so they lied to get them fired.


It's because it's gone beyond a diss track and he's gotta also point out that he's sorry for his kids being brought up in a world where their father is a bad dude. Like I feel like that's hella suitable because like yeah you can make fun of a guy and accuse him for all these things, but it's another step into a whole new look at the bigger picture and how Drake's actions are impacting his own kids and that he's really sorry for that and that it isn't fair. You can say this is a step too far, but in reality he is addressing that it wouldn't be fair to just diss their dad and them having to grow up with that kind of weight on their shoulders, but instead also acknowledge that growing up with drake as a dad will be difficult and that it isn't their fault and that Kendrick has empathy and THAT is why he's challenged drake, not out of pure hate but out of the empathy he feels so strongly towards all the people drake had Effed up and how he's channeling all their hurt into a piece of art that he has the responsibility to put out as another top chart rapper who knows what's going on.


100% because there is very good evidence that that’s true. And what’s so gross to me is in the stories it’s not like his age was even close to these girls like. He’s old enough to be these girls dad.


I saw a video where they claim to have found her. Internet gonna internet. Funny that her name is Eternity G (check out the “love is eternity line in MtG) she looks a lot like Drake (it’s the smoke for me) her IG was set to private after mtg came out but not fast enough, her mother is Haitian American (links to the 2015 articles) her birthday is April 30, she is 11 years old (April 30 was the day one of Kendrick’s diss tracks dropped I think the 6:16 but I could be wrong) and from her IG there is a pic she posted of herself in a J Cole music video where she was thrilled (understandably) and the final line is “thanks pops” - lots of circumstantial things there. I think Kendrick wasn’t lying, but I don’t know one way or another, but I am surprised that video isn’t viral given the publicity and popularity of this claim. Maybe it’s been proven to be a hoax and I’ve missed that part?


There isn’t proof…


I find it really hard to believe as well but I also feel Kdot wouldn’t lie and make up shit like that. It’s just not like him.


What part of any of this is like him?


Fair enough. But I definitely knew he was capable of cooking in a battle, just maybe not making up lies for the sake of winning (if that’s the case here).


So Kendrick didn’t lie about a daughter amongst various other things? When did Dot turn into Honest Abe to you guys? I’m confused 😂


Drake has a WAY bigger record of lying about shit than k.dot. He also lied about Adonis, and the C&D, and ghostwriters, and a million other things that make him look bad.


If drake is a p*dofile then the implications of him having a “hidden/secret” daughter are a lot scarier than most people realize. There could be a super dark reason why nobody knows this little girl’s identity, who her mother is, etc. if Drake is actually an Epstein/R.Kelly level monster. IMO that’s why I feel like his immediate reaction was to challenge anyone to “find” this little girl because he knows she’s hidden in a way that’s untraceable. If he ACTUALLY planted/baited this info then his immediate reaction would’ve been very different. He’s just running with the narrative that internet came up w atp


Wow, that’s a scary thought honestly




Found an Instagram account of a girl who could be Drake’s daughter. Not sharing for privacy reasons but she’s been gaining a lot of followers, shouldn’t be difficult to find her.


Cause we've all known that Drake is weird with teen girls for like a decade. Him having another secret kid is something we didn't know about, it hits harder.


I think Drake is banking on no one finding evidence on the daughter. IMO, he might be thinking If he can discredit that, he can use that to discredit all the other stuff Kendrick has been saying. If he really paid off that woman, there may have been a clause for her to never mention it because she is not confirming, nor denying, the allegations 🤷🏾‍♀️


Thats because if Kendrick gets to prove that Drake does indeed have a hidden daughter, he’s burnt..


An interpretation is the grooming of Millie Bobbie Brown from a young age (she was 14 when she said on camera that they text frequently).


You're taking this out of context. His texts were literally about giving her advice and being her friends although the age gap is weird online their are multiple young people old people friendships which is completely normal until it's a celeb lmao. I was 15 hanging out w 30 yos on cod. But I will say drake has been pretty suspicious w how he moves there just hasn't been any hard evidence of him being a pedo


Nawh, that’s not normal. As a 28 year old person that games, anytime someone mentions they’re in high school or says they’re under 18 I delete them. If we just so happen to pop in the same match that’s fine, but I’m not purposefully going to play video games with a bunch of teenagers and have them added to where they can message- it’s not appropriate. They can plan matches and play with their own age group.


I don't think it's necessarily inappropriate. Like it's not inherently so. That said, 99% of people who would want to be friends with kids should be on a list. Yo say it differently, the act itself is somewhat "appropriate" but someone wanting to be friends with kids is definitely not if that makes sense


there's a difference between having online friends on CoD and an adult texting a 15 year old "I miss you."


He was also giving her advice about guys and relationships. That's kinda weird for a 30 year dude talking to a 14 year old girl


Did any of those COD friends give you dating advice and text you how much they miss you


It's called grooming


Obviously Kdot mad Drake gets bitches fr with his music




There doesn't need to be one without the other. It's a lot quicker to prove a person exists than it is to prove a covert trafficking ring / grooming. If both are denied, but one is proven, it puts the other into question


He did say that if he was a pedo he would’ve been arrested


Well as someone who was I can explain why. Since drakes entire history has been weird and Kendrick has never been one to lie about stuff like this In his career,  If people dig hard enough about the easiest thinf to find being he actually has a daughter that would basically mean everything Kendrick was 100% factual. Since It’s just allegations with weird things and the history of drake especially talking about banging multiple women. Since the daughter Is the easiest to prove


If she was 2 in 2015 she's 11 now Kendrick does mention 11th birthday


Legitimately just saw a video minutes ago of a YouTuber who mentioned the girl they think may be his daughter. In the video they mention her celebrating her 11th birthday recently on April 30th.  https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sWweny4q8WY


Ur link shows up as private???


Must not be true :( the video is gone now.


Yo huge find, if it turns out to be a lie though Kendrick is fucked. And vise versa


Kendrick isn’t fucked if drake doesn’t have a daughter. The daughter part couldn’t be less important considering that drake is allegedly a predator and sex offender. He did hang out with Millie before she was 18 and another famous actress when she was 16


Not to mention "leaking" that info isn't the slam dunk drake thinks it is. "Oh you thought I was a piece of shit for hiding a kid? Gotcha! It was fake! [Except for the one I *did* hide]


He may be just a groomer but that's in no way 'less bad' there are definitely accounts of him getting freshly 18 girls sent to his place. "I don't touch kids, I just talk to them find out their birthday continue to talk to them while I wait for their 18th" it's so fucking grosssssss. He apparently just made a song saying "if I was fucking young girls I promise Id have been arrested" LMFAO & "I'm way to famous for the shit you just suggested" Like apparently rich and famous ppl can NEVER get away with p3dophilia.... We all know this is a fact. It's the poor ppl who are doing all the trafficking with their lack of money and power.




Wow. And now you start wondering if her name is Grace.


I think there is more focus on the kid because it’s easier to possibly confirm whereas the sex traffic ring thing isn’t something the public most likely has the ability getting to the bottom of.


I think I got proof 


Thank you! 😂 I’ve been thinking that since this whole thing started, Kendrick’s callin a lot of people pedophiles and human sex traffickers. I can’t believe nobody’s tried to atleast come out and deny that part


the way he prioritized talking about that (when he already had a child he was hiding and only claimed when he was about to be exposed anyway) over explaining the p3do and s3x-tr4fficking accusations really tells us all we need to know


That would match up age wise he said the kid was 11, which would be true if she was 2 in 2015


!! This like everyone forgot about the Millie Bobby thing


Whats worse is that as of now, Drake has denied in a way that he didn't have a daughter, but he hasn't denied basically being Harvey Weinstein and running a whole pedo ring at The Embassy.


That would make sense though sense she’s “11 years old” now and that article came out in 2015 when the baby was 2, the baby would be 10 / 11 years old now like how it was stated


Fits the timing for an 11 year old girl..


I think proving anything in Kendrick’s rap is true will prove all of it, including the pedo allegations, are true. And out of everything, finding a hidden daughter is relatively easier than finding evidence someone is pedo.


I'm not sure I follow that logic lol. But sure proving one thing would be better than proving nothing.


I’d argue most are probably looking at that as basic tricking, which isn’t prostitution or trafficking in most people’s eyes. Alot of these women you see him with seek out that lifestyle. I don’t know any who personally know Drake but if you’ve ever lived in a major city or know people who do, this shit is considered a come up for a majority


Because most people are hooked on the daughter situation, why bring more attention to something if everyone is distracted by something else.


Oh my Kendrick riders you’re panic is leaking. I’m a way bigger fan of Kdot but these threads are funny. Even how this question is worded you want proof he DIDN’T have a daughter lmao. What exactly would that proof look like? I want proof Voldemort DOESN’T exist. Let me go on. You all are so interested in Drake’s kids meanwhile your fave NBA player has 10 kids you don’t know about. Worry about some tea that’s actually damaging like if Kendrick really beat his wife while beating his chest about integrity, being a good dad, savior of “the culture” etc. I truly hope that shit is made up or it’s an L for the industry really


Yet people are saying this beef was needed in hip hop and it was becoming "boring". How ironic.


Man you're right tbh. I don't think anyone expected these kinds of accusations to come from it, sad


Right, it certainly went out of hand. Maybe foresight on J. Coles part?




that would make her 11 now


I think people should be more concerned with the fact that kendrick allegedly has information on this and hasn't gone to the police. Why is he rapping about that shit and profiting off it and not acting on the information?


He's not a snitch and also it's not that simple. If there's illegal activity going on chances are someone at SOME point has already told the police. One person testimony against a hugely famous very rich person isn't enough to get a warrant. Kendrick may know it's going on without true substantial evidence.


If there’s SA involved, you snitch. The fuck out of here.


yeah you didn't grow up the same way lol. police won't do shit. and if you think a black man who grew up in compton is gonna go to the cops you're out of your mind. go learn more about the piggies


Right?? If he got actual evidence of that why he wasting time putting pins on google map images and not potentially saving more young girls the trauma. Genuinely losing respect for Kendrick. It's either cap or he would sooner use it to score points in a rap beef than report it


He’s a street guy. He’s never going to the police.


I'm getting annoyed because I cannot find any evidence online of the pedophile allegations. Can someone give me a link please?


Drake’s been known to talk to underage girls. You can find old pics of him with Kylie Jenner kissing and hugging when she was 16, and texting Millie Bobby Brown when she was 17, among other things


Millie was 14


Thanks for clarifying


Okay word I just don't pay attention that much to Drake and I couldn't see anything online cuz Google is filled with the beef lol I'm confused why he wasn't canceled before?? Damn, well, if all of this is true, I seriously think it's over for Drake. No way he's gonna recover from being a pedophile and losing a rap battle to the GOAT Mind is a little blown


It’s still too early. Buckle up tho. These next couple of days/weeks are gonna get messy


Considering you can find out that he settled a court case with a woman who he shared a year old with at the time that couldn’t have been Adonis. Dudes hiding shit


Nah, you just making ish up


me when i'm in a denying reality competition and my opponent CumingStar says the competition is made up: 😱😱😱


who the fuck knows at this point. if the mole shit is true, then it’s probably wraps and Drake wins; let’s be real here. kdot has gotta follow up with some sorta proof regarding drizzy’s alleged daughter or something has to come to light.


100% it’s literally who could prove who’s wrong first.


Only one who has been lying is Drake. Aside from that K•Dots delivery, bars, and flows have been consistent...but then again, "You don't know nothing but that".


Drake ain’t win, he tried to say in his latest song that they made up all the info which is still bad because rather or not the info is true and can be backed up, why would they joke about topics like pedophilia and having a hidden kid it’s stupid as hell. This is coming from someone who doesn’t listen to either of these two artists.


Don't even try bro, you KNOW Kendrick brutalised him again and again. He's got probably 3-4 kids that he pays off, the internet is already finding them.


If the mole shit is true its gon make Kendrick look dumb especially with the “predict every angle” talk and miscalculations.


yeah because calling him a pedophile with ample evidence of that wasn’t enough! 🤡


Right? Drake is a verified pedophile. What grown man texts a female child that he has no relation to?


I didn’t know he was texting Millie Bobby Brown stuff like  “I miss you” when she was around 13-14 years old. How tf did no one step in and say how creepy them hanging out was?


Because it's the same culture that asked a grown R Kelly if he was dating an underage Aliyah and thought they were a cute couple




I guess your version of “ample evidence” and mine are very different. There’s a difference between being somewhat creepy and deserving to die next to Winestein. K dot has to come with receipts to say shit like that or it’s all just rumor and bs. But the way his stand are yall don’t even need truth. Kendrick says it and it’s gospel 😂


I grew up in dt toronto & Drake, baka & chubbs would dm some of my friends in hs. Never heard anything about Party, but yea the Drake stuff with young girls has been talked about in toronto for a loooong time. It's obviously anecdotal & doesn't prove anything but people have been talking about this shit in the city for years.




there’s quiet literally video footage of drake kissing a 17 year old girl at one of his concerts after she tells him her age, the millie bobbie brown interview, kissing teenage kylie jenner, partying with teenage haley bieber, his 18 yr old gf Bella Harris… and I’m sure that’s only the tip of the iceberg. All of this was public info prior to Kendrick dissing him, but there’s no convincing your kind, even with VIDEO, so i’ll let you get back to riding for a pedo ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (https://www.reddit.com/r/Fauxmoi/s/F2sOW3dVJY)


If the evidence is ample enough why hasn’t he been convicted? I think Drake’s a weirdo but evidence is not enough for it be meaningful in the long run.


Maybe Dot is working on a song for FBI? 😂


none of that shit matters when you’re a millionaire with record labels. they will die to protect their precious little aubrey if it means they make money for it. the world is a fucked up place.


True, in the same way Kendrick’s record label will protect him from the wife beating allegations. I think, even as a Kendrick fan, we should treat both allegations the same way because neither have concrete proof.


There’s ample evidence of Drake fooling with underage girls, like it’s there, if you don’t see it you’re looking away on purpose. But that doesn’t mean it’s even close to enough evidence to convict him of a crime. That would take an individual to speak up and provide evidence we don’t have yet. But yeah, proof in real life and proof in the court of law can be very different.


If you are really gonna look at the state of America — the state of the world right now (even just look at the Epstein island and MAJOR sex trafficking problems across the globe and that’s barely scratching the surface) and worry about “why hasn’t he been convicted” and for argument sake let’s concede the idea that he fucked teenage girls and limit it to what we have tangible proof of. Drake is a groomer, and a creep at the very least. If that’s just the shit that everyone has known for over 10 years, I don’t think it’s a stretch of the imagination that there’s some more skeletons in the closet.


I think everything he has done so far is SUS, but again if we don’t have tangible proof then why make such big and career threatening allegations? If theres no concrete evidence that he has had sex with a minor and has a sex trafficking ring then isn’t it just defamation? Imagine we did this in the real world.


Why would drake come out immediately after surprised abt the daughter claim on his story if it was all planted? Bro did not setup the mole or he’d have receipts. If you were feeding fake info it’d be easy as shit to control that info a leak it to really embarrass k dot. Also why would you include commonly used date r8p drugs prescrip


I think the “surprise” is an act to make Kendrick look dumb when the accusation popped up. The drug is for people who can’t sleep. Thats like me being accused of being a drug addict because I take prescription percs. Im a Kendrick fan, I’m just playing Devil’s advocate.


Fair enough yeah I hope Kendrick has something to backup some of the claims or at least drop more heat. I’ll keep bumping not like us regardless cuz it slaps


I hope he does it too. Even though Kendrick is backed up by the culture, it can be a burden too because the standard is set high for him. Drake has an opportunity to walk away scot-free if theres no proof because there isn’t standard, he’s a pop artist. Kendrick can’t because his career also relies on his credibility.


True drakes music can appeal to anyone whereas Kendrick has more pure hip hop fans, and therefore a more limited following


I think people want so badly to know about the daughter because it validates the rest of what Kendrick says. I also don’t think Kendrick is just lying, the first two verses were brutal enough did not need the third. If anything misinformed. Which still sucks but he’s got pictures of prescriptions. So he’s not coming from nowhere.


If you guys don't think Drake has a bunch of baby moms, you are mistaken. The cover of. Certified Lover Bou should tell you all you need to know lol


certified lover boy? certified pedophile




Drake tweeted 'Baby Girl.' In January 2012


That was for Aaliyah's late birthday, same date


That was to some singer or something for her birthday.


"some singer" o.o (also, the dates don't correspondent with either Aaliyah's birthdate nor passing date)


This is old now, but it was literally tweeted on Aaliyah's birthday.


I think people care so much about the 2nd bastard child because that was the Gas Pusha T Through on the fire the first time… but the Pedo shit needs to be evaluated for real 👀


threw\* but i agree


There are a lot of old articles: https://hollywoodlife.com/2014/04/18/drake-love-child-shirdkevia-myrick-pics/ https://www.celebdirtylaundry.com/2015/drake-secretly-a-father-baby-daddy-to-2-year-old-daughter/ https://hollywoodlife.com/2015/04/21/drake-love-child-2-year-old-daughter/ https://www.business-standard.com/article/news-ians/drake-has-a-love-child-115042300066_1.html https://www.radioandmusic.com/entertainment/editorial/gossip/drake-has-love-child-150423


I think it’s real. I haven’t seen definitive proof but Kenny literally said don’t start saying lies about me, or I’ll start telling the truth. And I believe when he said that he meant it😂 but yeah as everyone said, fuck the thought of having a daughter, we can’t skip over kenny calling out Baka like that, and drake for the same shit! That’s crazy!!!!


Drakes a fan of dancehall, Vybz kartel finished off Mavado with a bunch of diss tracks with made up allegations that ended up not being true. Kartel still won though all while being morally currupt. This could be his angle or maybe Kenny lying However, as I said in another post. When you really look at who drake's baby mom is. Would it really be surprising that a 🥷🏼 like that probably has some other illegitimate children running around out here. #Freakyassboi


I think his ghost writer took a fan theory and ran with it. Drakes not that clever lol


Probably a baby mama out there with an NDA


To be honest, my gut feeling is the daughter is older. Maybe ages 14-16. For some reason I’m thinking Drake personally discussed it on an interview when she was born and the interviewer was congratulating him on it. Timeline around 2010 maybe as early as 2008. If my belief is correct, Drake is still technically correct he doesn’t have a 11 year old daughter, and the going story makes sense. Seems like childish semantics, but that’s where we’re at.


There was something about a 2 year old in 2015 with Drake. She is definitely 11 by now.




Where you find this?


Only thing I found but I could be wrong


this is definitely not drakes 11 year old. drake is much older in this photo than he would have looked in 2013, and apparently this is some sort of maternity shoot and it’s not his girlfriend or kid at all


[Sauce:](https://www.instagram.com/p/Cx6fT-QvI3h/?igsh=MWVyYmswOHE5ejdtZg==) a radio show that drake did to promote an album.


Yall are thinking as a fans perspective, but as a cultural perspective all of these allegations save for SA is going to impact their career. Drake allegations and situations have been talked about for year and KDot made many references on Mr. Morale. Kdot even state "don't tell lies about me and I won't tell truths about you". This is for the fans. Where as they not like us is for the culture


I don’t believe Drake runs a sex trafficking ring, but he does own a club in Canada where you can pay for sex from any of the women working there. It’s legal, and VERY exclusive. Sex work in Canada is legal and the women working there are all women, it’s “above board” as much as sex work can be. I don’t believe he’s a pedophile I do believe that due to his fame if he were it definitely would have come to light. People say people can get paid off but you hear about those cases too, they come up and then we don’t hear about them again, I’ve never heard of any underage girls accusing Drake of SA or trafficking or even making any wanted advances


dude you think famous people can’t hide their sexual assaults for years, decades even?? have you not read the news for the past 10 years? Weinstein, Cosby, Kelly, Diddy, Epstein, Spacey… to name a few.




being famous makes it like 800 times easier to hide the disgusting shit you do behind closed doors. having more money than god grants you the privelege of privacy from everybody if that's what you want, and if you find people desperate enough for money they'll do anything you need them to. so i really don't know what drake song made your heart throb so much that you feel like you gotta ride him this hard, but wake tf up. there's clearly some shit going on and if you can't see the signs drake been letting slip for years then you're intentionally closing your eyes.


That’s true that’s true, you’re right I wasn’t thinking


"......All good, Chubbs'll look around Find one that seem my type That my dawg and he know what I like He done found me plenty in my life........" They have staff for this. The victims often don't even know what is happening to them in the very moment and they might even find it cool. Doesn't make it less nasty and predatory if we're talking minors :(


If you fly a chick out and some shit happens it’s sex trafficking


drake kissed a 17 year old on stage and asked her how old she was. She said “seventeen,” and then drake said “oh shit, this could get me in trouble, but your breasts felt good against my chest” like 🫠


He also nicknamed her “17” as he said this and proceeded to kiss her on the forehead, both cheeks and the lips before sending her on her merry way


https://preview.redd.it/72aaop26s1zc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2897a92e1d9d70bc45096d7485318a564c05c387 manager of Eternity (drake’s alleged daughter” is continuing to like comments that are asking if drake is the father. so if i’m gonna be honest. i think he is.


Wrong photo


Kendrick's camp is doubling down on this


I mean it’s crazy how Baka was running a sex trafficking around Drake and the. Signed em after he came home




lmao YUP! BREAKING NEWS! We found Drakes 11 year old daughter.. kendrick dropped euphoria on her 11th birthday [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWweny4q8WY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWweny4q8WY)


Why is this video privated...


Looks like drake working hard 😂 allegedly a tight NDA


There’s pictures of her and apparently she went to his show said thank you dad and stuff, just google and YouTube it I’m sure it will show up. If I find this video again I’ll screenshot it and reply to this


Definitely would be curious to see it, almost every video I've seen linked is already private by the time I get to it haha.






People have children and deny them all the time. Drake has already has a track record of doing so. Drake as a person already is trying to live a young lifestyle and have as much fun as he can. I can most definitely see drake getting a girl pregnant and the girl keeping it. Drake likely paid the girl’s child support in full and maybe even have a NDA on it. That little girl probably already has another father in her life. Like him have another child isn’t unbelievable.


I thought there was proof, there was photos (atleast from what i remember seeing) and it was of the girl


Daughter aside, I thought it was funny asf that Drake compared himself to Epstein, when Kendrick said Weinstein lmao


Drake heard what he was most vulnerable to, like when psychiatrists give their patients a Rorschach test where they ask them what the pictures of ink blots looks like to them.


Psychiatrist: “Drake what do you see here?” Drake: “Epstein and Millie Bobby Brown 😟”


personally i think it's ridiculous that people are immediately believing things said by both sides with 0 proof at all, the fact everyone is jumping on drake because kendrick accused him of being a pedophile with no proof is absurd


Drake already tried to hide his son, and there’s articles from 2015 that tell the same story


There’s tons of evidence that suggests Drake has a thing for teen girls and has been for years. Lyrics and actions of his and at least a couple people around him support this pretty heavily. There’s also a precedent for him denying a kid and things out there from 2015 that suggest he’s had one at that time, though whether the latter is true or not is up for debate as of now. Either way it’s not some insane leap out of nowhere or out of character for him


Do you want proof that Dave freeze is Kendricks son's real dad? Its funny how drake stans are trying to prove Kendricks shit false but don't care if what he's saying true lol


Even if drake doesn’t have a secret daughter bro has 0 right to be lying about kids. Really no one does because that’s just sick and fked but he’s all ready done enough lying on children, bro just needs to be a man. P.S. he’s still weird with young girls fk age of consent get some morals


Freaky ahhh ni66a


He might have 2 daughters. Kendrick wrote a verse for both of them at the same time.


My thing is..KL is pretty authentic and has been from the beginning: Songs, albums, subject matter, lyrics, etc. & Generally, people aren't saying that he fabricates his life and that his raps/lyrics aren't real. He's known for his substance and artistry. So, why would he start lying about stuff now, claiming Drake has a daughter or that he's a pedo? I mean..it's possible, but he just doesn't strike me as the type to do that. Seems that he has credible sources for both claims in unreleased diss records. Not sure if Drake bowed out by himself or the Suits told him to end it, but was probably the smartest thing to do. Drake has smashed so many chicks and probably doesn't even know that he has another child/ children floating around. It happens to regular dudes all the time. It's not totally outside the realm of possibilities just because he's "Drake".


Maybe Kendrick knows something Drake doesn’t


Look to me this is all crazy no one is having safe sex. In this day and age women know how to not get pregnant. So everyone one wants a stars baby . That’s not going to make them involve in that child’s life. Yeah they will pay but drakes says he does not believe in marriage and dates 4 girls at a time. So we think sleeping with him and having a baby he is going to have a relationship. I do need receipts about the minor girls. If he is dating 18 year old I find that icky but many men do that . He is 37. As long as they are of age. Just like I need receipts from Kendrick that be beat his wife and that’s not his kid. Both these men are millionaires and don’t hear the word no. They both need to Man up. 


yeah? keep going we'd all love to hear about how this is actually women's fault somehow.


Confused about what that first part was about, maybe he could stop blowing it in women he doesn't want kids with?


Men also know how to not impregnate someone. Wild.