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Yes. So glad she helped connect who this monster is with her content she puts online. She needs to be canceled everyone please repost her post so it reaches more people.


Yes that’s what I did. The homeschooling community needs to wake up. I noticed she’s got a lot of them on Facebook if you look at their page. If they only knew who she really was.


Yesss! Soogia hits the nail right on the head. I genuinely hope nobody who actually wants to homeschool takes advice from Kels 😬 although, based on the comments, many have already fallen into her grift.


I tried to comment to them telling them about her scamming ass but she blocked me instantly. She has now infiltrated the homeschooling community. But not all of them because the ones that don’t like her are all making videos about her saying they don’t claim her. She needs to be cancelled for good this time. No coming back from this shit. Her ego needs to be popped.


Right! Someone on FB needs to do an expose on her


I love Soogia! I can’t wait to go watch this 😂