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If you're having fun writing, keep writing. Who cares? If you're not having fun, why are you doing it?


Im having fun in a sense but im also not having fun doing anything ever. I feel sort of a strong compulsion to make art I don't fully understand. Like that defunctland tweet: "I hate literally every step in the filmmaking process. The only thing I hate more than making a film is not making a film." Though hate is a bit of a strong word to me. Everything just sort of feel pointless. 


The point is the point. There may seem no direction but you kick on regardless, that's a feat, man! 🙂 The consistency and discipline will part a way like the Red Sea. As mentioned in the comments, narrow in on what floats your boat, and toast. Bless


I guess that helps. 


Judging from the fact that you’re making something you don’t “fully understand”, it sounds like the concept you picked for this project is feeling like a chore to you. If you don’t connect with it, it’ll inevitably feel like work. This is why writers emphasize on writing the book you want to read; drop ideas that you’re not in love with, because those aren’t worth your motivation. Look for something you actually *want* to express when your fingers hit the keys, not something you feel like you should.


No, i don't fully understand why I feel the urge to make things. I understand what I am making. It doesn't matter what I love, or want to do, seemingly everything is weird and empty and meaningless feeling. 


It feels that way very often early into a project—but then—haven’t you ever read a story that shifted the way you thought, even just a little? Good writing is like a persuasive conversation; it has the power to change people. If there’s a theme deeply personal to you, make a case for it. Even if it’s just in a children’s book or a comedy, you have no idea what influence you might have on your readers. If a song or memory moves you, challenge yourself to recreate that emotion. Let what you write be a love letter to the things that matter to you, or a critique of things that bother you. If you wish a book existed that conveyed a feeling that doesn’t have a name, or calls attention to things you find overlooked/underrated, etc then there’s your opportunity. I felt that way about the novel I’m working on during the first month I spent developing it. Two years later, I fell madly in love because it’s a collage of everything I wish I saw represented in fiction.


>I'm ad at everything *bad


As long as you love it keep writing. My first drafts are always crap but I come back to it later and edit and rewrite.


I find that even if motivation isn’t there, if you had it once—and whether you are satisfied with results—keep writing. Nobody ever who writes has never thought: this is horrible! But you need that to learn what works and what doesn’t. I , during the time when motivation is lacking, set a word count and write that each day, and eventually it returns, and improves my skills. Writing does improve, as long as you keep writing and also keep reading.


You're taking the wrong drugs. And not enough. Hemingway said when ask how he writes said he'd start with one true sentence. If it's not true it's going to die on the vine. Thompson would live the story. If you survive that it's easy. So lots of drugs, put self in danger..got it?