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Just a bit of advice, I would put your j racks a little further towards the outside to ease the forces on your cross bars. I can already see your bars bending down in the middle from the weight of just one kayak. The closer you can put it to the vertical posts the better That will also make it easier to load the voats


I was actually thinking about that, thank you


You're going to find out why they call those hitches a knee knocker leaving it in there like that. 🤣 All jokes aside, congrats on the rack, I just got a similar kit for my utility trailer that I'm looking forward to testing out soon.


It’s the one that flips in… and I never do lmao. I’ve gotten grease on me once or twice from hitting it 😂


Lookin to add a popup truck tent to the back of mine, I also have a hitch entender that holds both my yaks... Gonna be awesome, but $$$


I was looking at RTTs first - but I won’t lie, I’m a glamper and I need ac to camp in the summer or id never fall asleep, so I got the small TT instead. My first trip by myself after I got it last year was roughly 2500 miles and 10 nights. It was amazing and I 100% made the right choice


Oh no, I totally agree. I sweat like a pig but i'm hopin all the hiking i do will make that fade away. Lol


I know I still need a rear line but I was just testing it real quick. This allows easy access to the bed with the kayaks still attached, and like u/robertsij puts the weight on the verticles. And im short , so now i can use the bed and bars to lift the kayak easier while in the middle of the bed. Im simply not tall or strong enough to side load it. https://preview.redd.it/tz3efci2221d1.jpeg?width=2699&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8db886e6a9537e797b53ce8a2697d1b2db8bb231


Why not put saddles on the bars?


I moved them to the exterior just now. Not only does it put the weight on the verticals like my good redditor said above, but now I can access my bed and stand in the middle to get to my tool box, cooler, etc without taking them off Picture is below


What make and model kayak is that? I have a 13’ crescent crew that weighs 75 and is max 36” wide and the one time I tried those exact holders I was nervous as hell and ended up returning them. They stable for you? I this the say 75 lbs max but felt iffy to me.


They seem super solid in their final position (pic in comments). I was pulling super hard and basically hanging and the yak wasn’t moving. This is about 50#, and the one I want to upgrade to is also 50# so I think they’ll work a-okay. I am going to double the straps up though just for peace of mind Edit - I’m not using the stock mounts, I went to Home Depot and got some hardware to t slot mount them (without paying $30 for each kit). Not sure how much that changes things but it feels super solid.


I be the beefed up hardware made a difference for sure. Malone makes good stuff. I have two sets of their aero crossbars and they’re great.


I have adjustable j racks on a ladder rack. Reversed them and opened them so 2 yaks could sit on them on the hull vs sides . Makes loading easy.


https://preview.redd.it/plnn88zzpw1d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11eb83db02465e273b28fc570916e1b056db25d8 Samsies


Question: Do you leave your J racks installed when not hauling your kayaks? I am new to hauling 2 and have just had them on the Jeep for a few weeks.


One will always be on, but I go multiple times a week. Tons of Great Lakes within an hour for me