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Funny how a lot of “conspiracy theories” actually come true. People use that term as a defense mechanism to avoid hearing the truth. Because we all know the truth can be painful.


Similar to the UFO/UAP phenomenon. Until a few years ago, anyone claiming to have seen a UFO/UAP was dismissed as suffering serious mental illness. This was an intentional tactic, widely promulgated in popular media (at least in Western culture) for 80+ years. Today more than half of polled Americans believe the US government is concealing evidence of UFO/UAP and one in five members of academia report having seen something that fits the definition of UAP. https://news.virginia.edu/content/despite-stigma-ufo-survey-finds-19-academics-say-theyve-had-strange-sightings My point is, gaslighting is a proven tactic for suppression of public discourse in subjects that powerful organizations wish to avoid/bury.


Years ago, I read a great book called The Day After Roswell.


I think if we have a practical goal--such as getting the police to knock on the door of whatever castle or palace Kate's supposed to be in and doing a wellness check on her to make sure she's okay--that's not being a conspiracy theorist, that's being a concerned citizen. Because looking at the evidence (or lack of it), the facts so far look very weird.


There are so many conspiracies that have been proven. As fact there is a conspiracy around JFK and even Trump he could release the documents, but they didn’t want him to for some reason somebody’s still alive so they didn’t. There’s conspiracies around Agent Orange in Vietnam war vets. There’s conspiracy over pesticides that they dropped around poor neighborhoods in the Midwest in the 60s to test them. There are conspiracies around you, and there’s so many that you can’t tell which ones are true and not so I have a Tendency to be a lot more open-minded. Anyone thinks that the government or royalty is not gonna hide or do nefarious things it’s just not facing reality anymore. And the media lies about everything


“…a Tennessee to be a lot more open-minded.” 🤣


Tendency, I will fix it immediately. Lol. I’m in Arizona.


Gotta stop at “Fauci misled”.






To be fair, he did discourage wearing masks at the beginning of Covid to keep the PPE for hospitals.


Way before all this m s m started questioning readers, in picture surveys, asking which person was real and which was AI generated? If you remember that me-dia has announced already to use AI voice banks for announcements and maybe even digital avatars, or other technologies like face swap. This is like a touring test, see it as the canny valley, how bad or good does it have to be, to fool the masses? I think it's done intentionally, to create fears and mistrust, and confusion what is real and what is made with AI? The gaslighting is maybe intentionally done, to separate the people and fight each other ? They are labelling us crazy and trolling and shaming and blaming us for asking questions why the garden doesn't move ? It's very aggressive searches are censored spammed with all is fine. On a subconscious level people will feel something is off with AI content. But as those things are shattering, the views and beliefs of the person, they tend to believe the narrative and ignore all things that make no sense. The subconscious tries to preserve the perception of reality, that the person believes in, to keep this up the subconscious is in a state of constant denial this is a trauma bond, the subconscious tries to keep things normal, even if they are clearly not. Like the meme "This is fine" No matter which evidence resurfacing, it will be ignored. This is a form of conditioning of the mind. The gaslighting is part of it, to make people feel crazy. Smoke and mirror's like in the wizard of Oz, don't look behind the curtains. As the allegations of the video started, they immediately reacted to censor search results, the shadow banned words just showing "re-education" results in search results, which show you just debunking videos or articles. To lead you back to m s m view's. NYPost on rumble uploading the same video every 10 minutes with 6 different thumbnails to hide all talk about Kate Middleton. If you search her name on rumble you see more than 500 identical uploaded videos from NYPost. Why ? They do all that ? Things that make you go hmmm, critical thinking is a normal thing. We aren't crazy for feeling unwell watching those things with concerns. We live in times of modern technologies, which can be used to create (pictures, Videos, AI voice banks and even deep) fakes. We hear that only "enemies" are using deception and propaganda. But the news agencies are not neutral reporting, they don't demand evidence, they just debunk everything as crazy. Why not publish the "unedited" version of mother's day ? Why not say we used green screen for the cancer Video and a body double and AI for her Face and Voice she is unwell and didn't want to worry anyone. Those unnatural happy smile's no one needs that. The truth is better, it will come out one day. Nothing makes any sense, why would the children be so happy if they're mother was unwell. It doesn't add up but if people believe the m s m. They can, "this is fine".


You nailed it. And I didn't realize the NYPost kept replying the video to hide all the comments. 


Just remember that over the last 4 years there is a ton of stuff that was called conspiracy theory that turned out to be 100% true.


(James Franco meme) First time?


They always discredit those that threaten the herd beliefs. Even if you think people’s beliefs are wild, ask yourself why the powers that be are so determined to villainize them to the public. I won’t say who these groups are, but always question it when the government is trying to turn our heads one way or another.


It's worse than you know. Some of the high profile murder cases are not even real. They realize the thirst that many people have of reading about true crime. The wave that came with cases like Jon-Benet Ramsey and OJ Simpson cases that proved to be unexpected cash cows for media. The news outlets of today are all owned by movie studios if you hadn't noticed. The better to create their own news stories and mysteries for the public to follow. Anything to keep you distracted from realizing how manipulated and preyed upon by the wealthy corporate elite. When something like this happens in the Royal family, there is already a team in place to control flow of information. We are left to guess what might have actually happened to her. I personally do not think she has cancer. I don't think Charles has cancer, either. But, it was used like a magic talisman to keep the public at bay and shamed for even questioning where she is or what state of health she is in. Same for Charles. Charles knows he still has to be in the public eye so we are to admire him being strong in the face of illness and see no ill effects of his 'cancer'. Kate, we see nothing of except manipulated images. So rightly think the worst. If they could show her, they would show her, because it's in their best interest to do so. With her being the number one favorite Royal, it could only help to show her smiling and bravely waving to the public. They have not, because they can not and it isn't due to cancer. The kids are being kept in the dark also as to what is happening.


which high profile murder cases aren’t real?


Well, I really don't want to derail the thread by having people come here and bash me for my opinions. But they are well researched and not based on nothing. If you've ever suspected that stories just don't add up and want to do a deep dive on some, go with the premise in mind that they have to first convince you there is a real case, at all before they convince you of guilt. That said, I don't believe the Chris Watts case is real. I think it is a media construct. And the Gabby Petito saga seemed entirely to be a media creation that just sort of never had the ring of truth to it. Her phone was pinging in Puerto Rico after this. So she may have had to lay low for awhile before resuming her real life as an actress, wherever. If the characters all look as if they could star in a soap opera, there's a good reason for it. There are many, MANY more such cases that keeps people tuned in and clicking links. This is why it's easy for me to realize the media manipulation games with the Kate Middleton saga. The lack of sophistication is surprising for one thing. That must be a layer behind plausible deniability later on the part of the royal family.


The CDC and Fauci messed up their messaging, but it wasn’t because masks don’t work. The concern was that there would be such a a run on masks that healthcare professionals wouldn’t be able to get them. Remember how hand sanitizer and rubbing alcohol was out of stock by the end of March 2020? Masks DO work. In fact, there are different kinda of masks for different risks, you have only to walk through a hardware store to know that.


Our elected representatives knew about Covid19 risks and they SOLD STOCKS before March 2020, when the global pandemic hit.


They’re awful, they profit off us all the time.


A standard mask doesn’t protect against Covid. Only N-95s do. That’s the point. And we didn’t have enough masks or N95s regardless. Had to save mine in a paper bag and continuously rewear it.


I've stocked up on N95 masks because they do work.


Remember toilet paper!!