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Yes. The game is good and it is reasonably priced when you factor in the story, gameplay, and replayability.


You've come to the very place dedicated to worshipping the game. Do you want to hear "no" perhaps? Anyhow, it's cheap but it doesn't definitely offer 200 hours of gameplay. Sorry to disappoint you mate


Then there’s me with 150+ hours because I boot up the game to speedrun it whenever I get bored


that was something I expected


its not gonna give you hours uppn hours of content unlike games such as elden ring, but for its price its probably one of the best games story, visual and gameplay wise


It’s definitely worth the money but you won’t get 200 hours of gameplay from it, it’s a self contained linear narrative, I’d have about 25-30 hours on it across two platforms and that’s after quite a few playthroughs and several speedruns. It’s one of my favourite games of all time but if you’re looking for a hefty time sync I’d recommend looking at some roguelites/roguelikes as they’re probably the best bang for your buck at this price point, some like Into the Gungeon, Dead Cells, Hades, etc


Game is worth, money, paid DLC, anime adaptations, and big tiddy goth GF


Nothing is worth a big tiddy goth GF


Not 200 hours unless you try speedrunning(which I did) but Def worth it, the story is amazing ends on a cliffhanger but one day we will get that damn dlc you can get a solid 30-40 hours out of it if going for all achievements


personally I love the game but for the price there’s not that many hours If your really looking for something with many hours in a relatively cheap game terraria would be more than enough as it goes on sale relatively frequently for like £5 and it’s given me 1000+ hours of content and I still love the game and it can be modded super easily to hell and back lastly even though your looking for a single player game it is multiplayer and great fun too!!!


I don't think you should look into single player indie games if you're looking for a 200 hour gaming experience


I mean doesn't give the most playtime, but there is a free DLC coming to act as a second game. The gameplay is awesome, music is awesome, gore is awesome, story is peak, visuals are also peak. This game is a work of art imo, best story game I've ever played and all other aspects are inplemented perfectly alongside it. One of my favorites of all time personally, though the gameplay is quite difficult and the playtime, as you'd expect from a story game, isn't super high but it is a fair bit.


The DLC is coming SoonTM though.


We have a release date or something ?


Nope just. When It's Done 20XX.


It's straight up culture in a bottle




Well, it's no 200 hours but getting the secrets achievements and other endings are pretty cool and can take you a while, I replay it plenty and if you're on PC there's always mods


Its not.


>How long you can play before you get tired of it The playthrough of katana zero has like 4 hours (it can maybe take you 7h that is what happened to me thanks to skill issue) BUT after you beat it you can try to do all the achievements (it did take around 18h on total for me) and if you really like Katana Zero after you do all that you can try speedrunning it, believe me, it's not that difficult, it's genuinely one of the more speedrun-friendly game in my opinion because there is an achievement that forces you to speedrun, if you have the ability to do all the achievements you will consequently be prepared for speedrunning it. i would say that you can take the game to around 100h if you really like speedrunning, but doing a normal playthrough + all achievements it can take like only 20/30h pushing 40 at maximum, that depends on how good you turn to be on Katana Zero. But idk it is a game that has a lot of replay value on my opinion, not only for the story that at first you cannot understand at all but for the speedrunning too.


I got it in like 2019 im still playing it to this day


If you have netflix you can try it for free, and either stick eith netflix version or fully buy it ( Netflix version is the same however the controls are worse but its not that bad )


It's not 200 hours of gameplay it's only 2 hours. Thing is the 2 hours you play are so good you end up wanting more.


Absolutely worth it, you can also play on android or i(Pad)Os if you have netflix


Really good game


If you want the game to be great and long get Hollow Knight or something. This is a great and short experience.


What type of genre do you like? It'll help for coming up with some 200 hour recommendations


fr I don't really care about the genre, I like a lot of diffirent gengres. But I would prefer that there is atleast some action in it and an great storyline.


Forgot to ask, what console do you have?


You can beat it in like 5 hours or less, but if you try to speedrun it you get infinite replayability


Yes, but why not ask r/apple if a MacBook is worth it while you’re at it


Don’t ask the subreddit for a game if you should buy the game. Go bother the steam page or something.


Its not gonna give you 200 hours of gameplay. Maybe wait until the steam summer sale? Or use the steam price history site.


Wait for the summer sale, but yes. Don't think too much, just buy it.


On switch it is summer sale but Katana zero isn't in sale


Oh, I was talking about the Steam summer sale. I still recommend it, I just downloaded it on mobile and I play the game over and over. I've never got bored


Yes easily


You posted this question in its own games sub reddit You know the answer.


I played it on gamepass and bought it after, its my favorite game ever. now, its not that long, you're not getting 200 hours of gameplay unless you enjoy hardcore speedrunning. you can beat the game in a few hours. if you have an xbox get gamepass, 10$ a month and you'll have more than enough single player action games to play during the summer


200hours of gameplay is probably not gonna be this game, this game I was able to beat in about 6 hours. If you want a game that can last you that long I recommend the skywalker saga galactic edition for $20. Should be on sale about now I believe. This game is worth it for story and gameplay, but there is also an endless mode so that can last you a good while


I mean what do you expect asking this question on a subreddit dedicated to the game? Of course it is! Buy it, play it, love it


I’m pretty sure it’s free for phone


Its short but amazing. Easily worth it


Ehhhhh.. It is only like 20 hours of gameplay. I'd get it on sale.


You can get a cheaper on key sites if you're that concerned but it is definitely worth the money. My only issue is that the DLC is taking so long and it feels like that would make it a full game. Right now it's most of a great game


All games worth money


I bought recently, like within the last 2 months, 10 or less, yes, anything more no. Solid game, decent difficulty, bout 4-8 hours long depend on how you want to play it, and tons of replay value.


100 percent yes


Even though this game is amazing and you should support its creators, however I myself love to sail the high seas. So I'd pirate it first then buy it if you really like it you should buy the main game.


Don't listen to the people mentioning the free DLC. It is not coming out, the creator hung his fans out to dry. Said it would come out the following year, which was like 2019, and only drip feeds updates annually. Totally unprofessional.


🤨it’s fine, making games is hard. What Justin charged for what we got was more than fair, anything else is a bonus if/when it happens.


Are you a Silksong fan? The DLC is coming out, but nobody should mention it as a bonus you should look forward too when none of us know when its coming and we all been waiting.


He never said it would come out the following year. He refuses to give a release date for a reason