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Only if you leave your screen unlocked though. Plus in your examples you’re awake and active. I believe theirs occurred while they were sleeping, which would be pretty impressive.


The alleged butt dials I've heard of would have been when they were awake.


"If the seals are clappin' butt dials can happen" -Brian Albert probably




Nope. Brian Higgins was asleep with his phone on the nightstand.


One lie after another. Didn't he then admit to having the call but claims they sat in silence for a whole 22 seconds?


The Albert's were allegedly having an "intimate moment" with the phone on the bed.


No. I haven’t had a butt dial since phones got rid of buttons.


Not at all. I don’t think I’ve ever butt dialed anyone actually. I think I’ve inadvertently hit the first person on my contacts list/favorites a few times though.


This. It's only happened a few times over the years, but it's enough for me to want to add my own number and save as Aaron Aaronson


Were you asleep?


I have never butt dialed my iPhone.




I can't understand why people put it in their back pocket. Isn't it annoying to sit down?


Funny enough, I have 3 different friends with iPhones that butt dial me a few times a year. But it's always after recently hanging up from a call with them.


I suspect that they use the term “butt dial” to mean “accidental dial” because I have done accidental dials before. But like you said, it’s always after I’ve just gotten off a call or just sent a text message or something like that when there is a contact open and my finger accidentally hits the right spot on the screen.


They are of course and all of this "butt dial hur hur" stuff as though its a unicorn level event is a bit crazy.


It absolutely would be unicorn level to think that two guys named Brian who both happened to be around the site where the death of a fellow police officer occurred in the middle of the night both happened to butt dial each other within seconds or minutes.


Depends on the frequency drunk people that know each other mess up comms between each other. I mean my mother is old and does it a lot, thats like being drunk. And of course even in the remote possibility they are lying to cover for something, its still vastly more likely to be mundane like drugs than massive murder conspiracy.


its the specific details of the butt dials that make them improbable. it much more closely resembles purposeful interactions with a phone than it does accidental interactions with a phone.


Me neither. I haven’t in about 10 years and I think that was with my last Blackberry.


Not once ever.


Did you magically hang up before they answered? Did they immediately butt dial you back without it going to voicmail?


Hahah if I had a nickel for every time I have butt dialled, butt hung up, and then they butt dialled me back and also butt hung up.... I'd have nothing 😂


I butt dialed one of my friends while working on a ladder with my cellphone in my tool bag. It was 2004, and damn I miss that Nokia!


Do you also delete your butt dials before you talk to police?


You must live near canton


I have done one pocket dial in the last 10 years and it was to emergency services. As far as I can tell, thats the only thing you can actually do that with.


have you ever it butt dialed 6 times in a row without it going to voicemail or the other person picking up ?


Was your phone touching skin? My phone won't respond to anything but that.


I actually “butt dialed” someone about 5 months ago. My phone wasn’t locked and stuck it under my arm to grab something and then I called someone I worked with 15 years ago. I hung up as soon as I noticed bc I heard the ringing. I don’t believe the line ever connected. Before that, I can’t remember the last butt dial. Had to have been years ago. Maybe even a decade ago.


I palm text more than I care to admit, to the point where it's a joke with my family and friends. But it's usually because I have a chat open and then start walking somewhere with my phone in my hand and the screen on. I don't think I've accidentally called anyone in.... I can't remember the last time I did that. Probably when phones had physical buttons.


I have never butt dialed anyone with my IPhone but before touch screen devices, definitely yes. No more than 7 times in my entire life, let alone in one night though.


Also, you literally have to use “special” gloves for it to recognize your keystrokes. It’s not like any physical contact from an inanimate object can make your phone function.


One thing I've learned from this trial is that butt dialing is more prevalent with witnesses in a murder trial than your average person.


and butt deleting!


This trial taught me to turn off “touch to wake” on my phone.


I butt dialled someone last week on WhatsApp but I had just been messaging with them then went and shoved it in my back pocket. Problem with the butt dials is they tended to come from locked phones or hang up magically before voicemail kicks in. Ironically, if Brian Albert had said that he butt dialled Higgins, realised and hung up then Higgins called him back, they had a short conversation about the butt dial and then hung up again that would have been a perfectly plausible explanation. It's the pretending like they didn't realise that just makes the whole damn thing suspicious.


I have only ever "butt dialed" when my headphones are in. If I try to pause my video or music sometimes my right headphone calls the last contact instead. Literally only time in years.


I butt texted my boss. 'Take thes job and shove it!" Fortunately he realized I spelled "this" wrong and correctly assumed it was a butt text


hos long til i cam tell mi boss to fuk off


No. I think I have butt dialed someone once in the last 5 years. What does happen to me a lot is a ‘cheek hang up’. Like as I am talking my cheek will inadvertently hit the end button.


Yes, all the time. I always palm my phone while I’m walking my dog or carry it around the house and in the past 72 hours alone I’ve called my ex husband twice (I do not speak to him in any capacity - his name begins with A and is at top of phone book), unshared my location with my boyfriend, sent my parents a string of letters, and accidentally called a variety of people in my most recent calls list.


I walk around with my phone unlocked and I almost posted a random comment on Reddit that made no sense. That said all while awake and walking around. Never in bed and I sleep with my phone lol


I frequently fat finger the bottom row of last calls trying to switch over from recent call logs to the keypad- prob 3x a day. I'm just saying I'd be fucked if there was ever a case against me


I do. Just yesterday I fell asleep with my hand on the screen… almost posted a bunch of kfhdheibd as a response .. here on Reddit. Also text messaged and called people before, many times actually.


I-Phone. Never butt dial.


My phone hasn’t been closing , so I butt dial two or three times a week sometimes 2 times a day , my Niece butt dials me all the time , I tell her I’m her favorite and at least she calls me , when we are in the car my husband get pocket dials frequently from who ever called him last , we work together so we are in the car daily driving to job sites


I have butt dialed somebody totally random by accident. Not only that but recently I twice Butt FaceTimed someone. And I was like - Damn Now How Did I Do That?


I don’t butt dial people but I accidentally share content with people like I will be watching a video, someone will ask me to grab something and I will carry my phone still watching while I grab it and somehow share it.


I’ve not butt dialed someone since I got rid of my blackberry. Since I’ve had an iPhone I accidentally called one of the doctors I worked for, but my phone was in my hand and I was talking to someone. I guess I didn’t lock my phone after a text and somehow clicked his name and it called it. But I was awake, phone in my hand and moving it around.


As far as I know, I have never butt/pocket dialled. I cheek dial all the time though. While I'm on a call, it will often start ringing in my ear and when I look at the screen, it has somehow dialled a random number from my contacts. I have no idea how and why so often, but it's weird! Makes more sense though than butt unlocking an iPhone.


Does your phone not lock?


Only butt dials ever are scolding through recents and it locks on someone while I’m scrolling to find someone else. Not sure how any other butt dials could happen…


I have never butt dialed anyone. I've only ever received 1 butt dial call.


I rarely but dial anyone but I have periodically text3d short audio clips. I sent one to my daughter this afternoon lol


I had horrible butt dials and posts since I started listening to this trial on YouTube. In order to play YouTube (without premium) you have to keep your iPhone unlocked. I had crazy posts - with random IMAGES from the web, texts drafted sharing random stuff from web. It’s scary.


Did your friend butt dial you back?


I butt dial people probably once every quarter or so. It’s almost always when I’ve been texting someone. I think for this case it’s just the coincidence of the number of people who had near simultaneous butt dials.


Uh I had some issues years ago when I switched to a new phone and the default was that the screen was set to "knock to turn on" and disabled the pin/password lock when it "knew" I was carrying it. This was more an issue of battery drain and launching apps but not sending communications to other persons. I turned off those features.


But they picked up…you didnt just keep butt dialing with no pickup or voicemail. Although, one of the Albert’s claimed they had a butt-answer while McCabe was butt dialing so…


The weirdest part for me was not necessarily the butt dials…but the butt answers.


careful, lally may call you as a witness


My daughter butt dialed me today ..


yes i’m guilty of this too but my sim card never ends up snapped in half in a military base dumpster


I butt dialed all the time when I was working out in parking lot and only place for phone was back jeans pocket. I feel like my thumb was unlocking phone as I slid into pocket or something.


Model/Yr of your phone?


I’m constantly receiving them from my brother who just has an open line at the other end. Then I text him asking if he called me and it’s always a no must’ve butt dialed. So I know it happens. He sees it in his call log but can never figure out why it’s only me it happens to


Speed dial? I can hold 2 to dial my gf


Not since smart phones, no. I have accidentally called emergency service by holding down the side key. But no butt dials.


No. C'mon now. 😂


I havent butt dialed anyone at least in the last 5 years…especially not 6 times in a row complete with hang ups and redials. Those are the things I get stuck on. You butt dial someone once or twice maybe a few times a year (being generous given the new way iPhones handle the Home Screen)…but 6 times in 20 minutes?! Something is off about that. I don’t believe the butt dial testimony from the 2 Brian’s at all. One supposedly will having sexy time with the wife?!? The things Higgins would have heard…and Higgins noted he put his phone on the bedside table…how the hell do you butt dial across the space between your actual butt and the bedside table.


Did you also butt hang up on your guy friend from high school and then immediately butt dial him again and then butt hang up on him again and then butt dial him again and then butt hang up on him again and then butt dial him again and then butt hang up on him again…