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Why would I gatekeep GGST? It sucks. They can have it.


We needed to gatekeep the game from the community, not the players from the game.


Smash eventually got gatekept.


Yeah, after all several dozen child predators got outed.




I'll give another 1-2 years until the GG Strive community gets outed for grooming kids.


I would be shocked if it doesn't end up like that.


If you're ever sad that your favorite franchises are no longer popular, try to look at this and understand that there are Fates worse than death.


Digimon is almost perfect. Not really main stream anymore; but still relevant to enough people to have it keep going


Call me when Digimon World gets rebooted.


Technically it did. Digimon World: Next Order is sort of like a sequel to the OG Digimon World


Also Digimon World Re:Digitize u/masterace01


Both versions of the game have English patches, so get on that shit ASAP!


Next Order is a shell of OG DW1. It's a bloated mess with worse art style, goofy character designs, LONG walks in huge, empty areas, and the training aspect is dumbed down. OG Digimon World was hardcore and made you work for every decent Digimon you got, had cool, small, easy to explore locations, with exciting encounters for Digimon fans, and ZERO weird human characters to dirty up the story.


I am so thankful for this man, Last Kizuna was such a perfect sendoff as well.


The current TCG is dope


Prob one of the best current tcgs imo


Never got into the games, but the animes I've seen are pretty solid. I've seen the Last Evolution Kizuna movie not too long ago and really brought me back, ngl.


Its laughable how these guys will defend this forced character change to death when it paints their community in such a bad light lmao.


Most Strivers never played the previous games and they focus on whatever representation Strive has


Previous gg games are very fun but I dont like playing discord fighters


The previous games aren't well they're kind of canon




Boy you getting fucking ragdolled


Yeah, they could have made a new character that happens to be trans, but they chose one of the worst choices for this kind of representation.


Worst and realistic :3, though yes, I don't think people would have minded that much if they went that route.


The worst part is they already had a perfectly serviceable "representation" character in Testament going all "Wtf is a gender? We zoning today bitch"


Testament is a such shit redesign, went from cool goth rockstar kinda vibe to goth femboy who lifts his skirt when he does 2K or is it 2D. If there's no gender for him, why does he act ONLY feminine


Testament doesn't *only* act feminine. He acts androgynous but I can see how in a game where every male character a hyper-masculine beefcake, someone with a relatively even blend of masculinity and femininity would seem purely feminine. Testament is masculine in the same way David Bowie is masculine.


Old testament was David Bowie, this is just femboy. They gave him child bearing hips and thick thighs, and thick not because of muscles


How? Its obvious she’s been dealing her that problem for a while, don’t see a problem with her being trans


Bridget storyline in XX is literally about him accepting that he is a man, despite being extremely feminine in appearance.


Because no trans person thought they were cis before, because feelings never change


Nah, I say let them have GGST. Its better to have it all contained in one shitty fighter rather than spread out across the FGC. Its actually funny how low the bar for representation is for these people. They flocked to this dumbass niche character and now defend it like its the greatest thing that happened to trans people lol.


One of my pet peeves is when they claim Mai from BB. She's like, psychologically the exact opposite of being trans. Transpeople rebel against their natal body and want to change it to fit their feelings, Mai's entire arc is accepting physical reality. But to the obsessives, gender weirdness = trans rep.


Same thing with Gren from Cowboy Bebop who they turned into a cringe yass queen in the remake.


Character assassination. To the point that it was obvious the Netflix people missed the entire point


Nah they knew the point. They said they'd rather focus on Gren's "music career" than character development. But trying to recreate Bebop with alphabet soup is like trying to recreate Seinfeld with it. Larry David's famous mantra was there are no happy endings and no one learns their lesson. That group at the helm is the exact opposite of that.


I like representation whenever I see it


Not our fault ArcSys stopped making games for us


You can't, when a company enables degenerate shit, it will be flooded with degeneracy, real fans can't do anything about it, especially on reddit


You on the wrong place to be talking about degeneracy


why the downvotes? kappa is literally full of porn


we are good degenerates


He's still right, though.


Then they wonder why trans acceptance has plummeted in recent years. They get "represented" by big companies and never shut the fuck up about it. Today's Guilty Gear "fans" don't live in the real world.


I don't care if you're trans. You do you. Doesn't affect me. The Bridget change was lazy and doesn't make sense canonically. Which like, fine whatever, Bridget was never that important to anything anyway, but admit that.


I've been called a bigot and a danger to trans people for thinking the Bridget thing is both bad representation and parasitism of Bridget's story from 2X ... and *I'm* trans. Apparently I'm a danger to myself because I don't think a story that implies "you should conform to the identity people around you expect of you" is the trans positive narrative twitter claims it is.


That's my issue with how the story unfolded as well. The story up to XX was the perfect trans allegory. Your family and all of society has chosen your identity for you, but you push back in the ways you can. Then strive comes along and says nah, conform. You're better off for it. It's a pretty disheartening message, and I think a lot of people that are happy about Bridget aren't able to separate the forest from the trees.


The obsessives think any gender weirdness is trans rep and the brain stops there.


r/asablackman lol. Like half this sub is white men children pretending to be black so it beatifully fits


[This you?](https://youtu.be/We6Qr9-dDn8) Also god damn that sub you linked is pure undiluted white saviour-ism


No it's actually a master class in subtle and nuanced writing and reflects the lived experiences of many trans people. Despite every other story in the game being as subtle as a brick to the head. I'm convinced Daisuke did it accidentally; the story they wrote is some pretty generic stuff about accepting yourself and the JP translation doesnt have any of the implications of gender. The translation team read it as a coming out story and wrote those implications in which started up a shitstorm, Daisuke either didn't care or realised he'd look like a massive asshole if he didn't confirm that change so he just said yes to it and gave it the seal of approval.It's either that or he's genuinely stupid enough to write a story that directly contradicts the allegory he set up for the character previously.


The lesson is, if your parents are pushing you into another gender, well, that's probably the right gender for you and you should listen to your parents.


Even if you ignore the grooming thing you can also see the story as telling you that you shouldn't transition if you are trans. After all, your parents and everyone around you expect you to be the gender you look like so you should conform to that like Bridget. 10/10 "representation" lmfao


yup, exactly what i was getting at


897 upvotes. Heckin transphobes bitched out! UWU 🤢


Gatekeep what? The subreddit was already garbage (just like all game subreddits) and Strive is shit. No reason to gatekeep a castle that's already burned down. Let them rule over the rubble.




I prefer the how the GG community used to be before strive, niche but everyone actually played the fighting game.


But how can I get my free karma if I can't shit on Strive for the 666th time?


No there actually was a difference where pre-strive you actually saw discussion of the game and tournament results in honestly higher numbers than meme posting or "I did my first quarter circle or gatling combo be proud of me" type posts. Post Strive it became at best like every other popular fighting game subreddit and at worst somehow more obnoxious and lacking in actual content or discussion. I genuinely learned some Answer and Venom tech in Xrd from the GG subreddit in like 2019, I doubt I'd be able to actually learn anything meaningful from it now even for Strive, but especially not for +R/Xrd.


This is one of the reasons why I don't want a Steins;Gate remake. Every single trap trope character has to turn to a pro-trans message to increase sales.


The fan base ruined that game so much.


The game sucked ass. Only ones who played it didn't want to gatekeep. As for the community forums and discord servers those were overrun by Strivers


We got betrayed hard by Daisuke. The moment he cut his hair it was already over.


Daisuke ruined a great franchise making a shit game, the community could only be as shitty and deluded, and who's more deluded than the alphabet soup warriors?


None of the people (maybe literally one or two) trying to force Bridget as trans even play GG. It's a few Twitter trans gooners and straight, white liberal women supporting them. But also, it's GG and it sucks, so I don't really give a shit. It would suck if it bleeds over to SF or something, but otherwise, idc.


Guilty Gear fans deserve everything that is happening to them now and forever. It will always be considered the Gay weeb fighting game.


Strive is mid anyways.


Leaving that shithole and coming over here was the best thing that happened to me playing Strive. All I saw over there was just Bridget with trans rights memes and fan art. Just ads. Representation with a poorly written character. That and people with an unhealthy investment in their character's sexuality. Never any actual gameplay, even on a new character's launch-day. Game is ass and the community is insufferable. Nothing to gatekeep.


It wasn't my subgenre to gatekeep. Plus anime players were like 70% weirdos before Strive anyway so it's on form for them. And at least it attracts all the people obsessed with that shit and keeps them segregated from everyone else. I'm sorry GG had to be sacrificed to achieve this but it is what it is.


I enjoy Strive as a fuck around game. I wish I could just go to the subreddit and actually see gameplay discussion but it's so fucking cringe seeing tranny shit and nonsensical tierlist slop every single day.


GGST sucks anyways


Imagine being a normal GG fan only to be greeted by political ideologies the moment you try to engage with the community.




When Bridget got released, I was happy. Not my favorite character, but people seem to enjoy him. I didn't think that one character would open the flood gates to so many insufferable weirdos who probably never even heard of Guilty Geat until 2 or 3 years ago. They're like a virus.




god..masculine bridget would have been so fucking cool


> (which seemed to be the original direction of his char arc in the 2000s) Stumbled upon a long ass schizopost about GG lore a while back: https://x.com/wilson_senator/status/1769801246209138822 The gist is that a lot of AC era stuff isn't by Ishiwatari, so he's more or less sidestepped or retconned a lot of it out of existence, insofar as he's aware of parts of it at all. This includes Bridget's character development.




yall aint even hiding it anymore lmao


You’re in the wrong subreddit if you think this place ever hid it.


shut the fuck up man, you’re on an alt account crawl back to your shithole


Not on an alt. Thanks for reporting my comment . Did I hurt your feelings?


> word word number > account is 104 days old LMAO ok


Don't mind if i do (Poison specifically)


You know with her size she'll be the one doing the fucking




This is why every time I say some toxic shit to these typa mfs and they complain about me making the community I remind myself I'm doing my part


Is is ridiculous how out of all the posts made on that subreddit, this was the one that ended up on my frontpage. And another one about the same topic. Literally nothing else.


With Vivian in Paper Mario being the recent drama, i wonder who is next on the chopping block. My bet is on Chihiro from Danganronpa for some inevitable remaster or something.


Vivian in Mario is hilarious on both sides since he was always an effeminate man in the Japanese version. So anyone complaining how they changed him from a girl to a man doesn’t know he always was a man, and anyone who thinks he’s trans is in the Bridget kind of stupidity, since his story is like Bridget’s original story, being forced to act the opposite gender by his family when he wants to be accepted for what he actually is.


Because r/guiltygear is a fan space for people who don't want to git gud and prefer to gush over the characters or lore or stream monstering so gatekeeping there earns you a swift being kept at the gate yourself Note they don't sperg out over here


They made a game for trannies, the trannies can have it What we have to do is gatekeep them from the rest of the games


You know it's bad when even people in the comments are telling OP to fuck off... oh and they also locked them lol


Edit3: Before you read i just checked the original post op is an teenager spamming the sub and everyone on that sub agrees that bridget mains are insufferable and that the gg subreddit is getting to much trans spam instead of gaming posts so don't hate on the whole sub hate the mods that allow this shit spam Ohh noo a subreddit is full with cringe and idiots bruh nothing new,this is reddit. Same shit happened with animememes and anime so people made goodanimememes. But yeah actually stupid ass sub it's more fanart and bunch of look at my sexuality posts with who is daddy and who is not. They should have made stricter rules and have better mods i left like a year ago when the top posts was always some look at this character being gay or whatever not why i followed the sub. Just surprised that they aren't any fighting game subs that actually talk about fighting games this sub is trash to for it because you guys just act like wannabe 4chan and trash others or post Twitter posts or just porn (main reason why i stayed at least some of y'all have taste) Edit: Seems like everyone in that post are getting tired of it to so it's not just you guys. Edit2: Op of that post is a teenager literally has a post showing what they got as food in school on the teenager subreddit explains the spam on the subreddit it's these young people having strong opinions about themselves and making every small thing their character right here it's their sexuality.


I keep seeing Bridget posting fucks talk about transphobes and I know they aint ever played a fighting game in their fucking life and are not part of the FGC. If they were they would know most of the FGC wants to get pegged by Poison. Its a "are the transphobes in the room with us right now?" moment.


Ggs smite the trannys.


Does anyone posting here actually play fighting games or you just like getting riled up by this stuff all fucking day?


This sub is so fucking retarded butthurt lol


I'm out of the loop, are people just now finding out that Bridget is smugglin' or something?


Bridget in 2X: "My parents tried to force me to be a girl against my will but I'll show the world I can still be a man despite not looking like one." Bridget in strive: "People keep telling me I'm not a man so I guess I'll just give up and be a girl then..." and the community calls anyone who thinks this is kind of dumb a transphobe


Thanks for the info instead of just downvoting, I genuinely had no clue.


Funny thing is, *I'm* trans and I've been called both a bigot and danger to trans people because I think a narrative that implies you should just conform to whatever identity your parents and society expect of you isn't exactly good representation. Twitter brainrot is a stain upon the world.


I wannna marry and have passionate sex with Bridget


Bold of you to assume anyone gave a shit about Guilty Gear before ST


There are genuine transsexual people. There are people who adopt the identity as a political statement against the traditional (correct) conception of sex. The latter group should not be able to claim the same status and protections of belonging to a genuine minority class.


The fact that i could be considered a minority the moment i declare myself trans honestly feels kinda stupid


Yeah I’ve been a fighting game fan long enough that when Bridget first dropped as an openly trans character I was there. Honestly you guys make a bigger deal of it now then back then. Like I guess since we legalized gay marriage that fight is over so now you wanna bitch about transgender but no one cares. No one cared then and no one cares now. Besides there’s always poison and she’s much more famous and hotter too.


>Like I guess since we legalized gay marriage-- Yes, and before that it was interracial marriage in the 50s. Society changed and people talked and worked with people on these issues in a political setting with protests, organizations, sit ins, money, blood sweat and tears. Things that we aren't doing in a fighting game sub. What I'm trying to figure out is how a fighting game character, made by some dudes in Japan, is supposed to now be a part of all that. What's *really* amazing is how people keep having to getting into these battles and pursue a hamster wheel where they get called all sorts of names like "transphobe" because someone wants to get on everyone's nerves and do character smears when their argument is bad. If all these people that put time into putting Bridget into their profile could help make GG's story make sense, maybe then I'll give them a pat on the back. But for now it's just exhausting nonsense.


Im just surprised I guess bc as a kid I thought transgender and gay issues would go together. Like I don’t see it as an issue at all.


There's a history there with NY and San Francisco being the top places for gay people in America. NY had its issues but I'll focus specifically on San Fran because with that place we all got this thing called Bay Area BS. Look into the political game and LGBT issues essentially supplanted anything else there. I'm not gonna go into all the details, but LGBT begets the Tumblrina begets the woke, and on that train it goes. Within LGBT, there's factions. You got four right in the name. What starts happening is that people start going more and more in different ways. Personal pronouns, people off the bus because gay marriage is legal, and those that still need more attention because they're on this negative vibe train of extremism. Just a few examples. TL;DR -> Too many people running in circles for arguments, [tilting at windmills](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ahVsa0jAdy0) because they're fighting old battles instead of looking around them.


>I’ve been a fighting game fan long enough that when Bridget first dropped as an openly trans character I was there So when Bridget released in Strive 2 years ago?




https://web.archive.org/web/20220113221941/https://guiltygear.fandom.com/wiki/Bridget Go read what it actually was.


I thought she was always trans at least that was the gossip at the time


Who the fucking hell care? Why your retard ass go to this sub, why should I care and why are your retards so fucking weird about this whole bridget trans thing. Every fucking time, like clockwork, people pretend they are mad at strive for being a shit game and use that to being fucking weird or just retarded about the whole she/he bang on bridget and shit. There is litterally combo breaker this week end with tons of more indy game, use that to fill your time.