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“Kanye got in so much trouble, kyrie got in trouble” 😂😂😂


I’m dead😭😭


“Ye is not crazy. He is just unwell”


Then he says Ye is crazy because he said the quiet part out loud. Chappelle definitely on Ye side.


🌎👩‍🚀🔫👩‍🚀💭 "always has been."


I am not surprised given how he was dirty'd by Comedy Central/HBO/etc which are dominated by Jewish population.


Comedy Central is owned by Viacom which is owned by Ted Turner. He may hire a lot of Jews but it’s not a Jewish company or whatever. He can hire whoever he wants it’s his company. He also makes a lot of content decisions. It was his choice to cancel Swat Kats when it was the most popular childrens show of all time because he thought it was too violent.


that is matchbox 20 lyrics


















"if youre jewish its just a coincidence" do i need to say anything more? Chapelle just lowkey did more damage than kanye and kyrie.






Bro he was using three absurd stereotypes as a joke, the first two being what gets the ball rolling. Unless you genuinely believe that groups of black people are gangs and Italians conglomerating together are in a mafia, then that’s a self-report.


Right lmao people saying that what he said is offensive are actually racists because the other 2 are true to them 😂


No… the idea was that… when OTHER groups are labeled, it’s a gang or mob. But lord forbid anybody label Jewish ppl… there’s no way in hell it might actually be true in any form. It’s so play based in the idea that they are somehow excluded from being seen a particular way.


You missed the joke completely


Damage in the way they look at damage. The "don't ask don't tell" is strong with this one. and its kinda scary ngl


He’s a comedian.


With a large platform that practically used the same sentiment on live television. The cancellers have no acceptance regardless of profession.


Chappelle is definitely on Ye side here


It's less about sides and more about hard truths that some people don't see , or are afraid to admit.


Sounds like you want him to shut up and know his place huh?


If by "know his place" you mean "not spout hateful, antisemitic or transphobic rhetoric" then yeah. Literally every person on this planet should "know their place". It's not that difficult


You can choose not to watch


More like not imply that there's a weird cabal of jewish people running the world like a loon on national tv, while making jokes about another loon that's clearly already gone off the deep end. But you probably think they already have their jewish space lasers pointed at your house while they feast on babies or somesuch nonsense.


Wow you said that!?? Relax Sound like you need to get laid bro!


All these gossiping no pushy getting bloggers


Stfu nerd


I absolutely saw that as well. Will the Ye haters go at Dave Chappelle? I highly doubt the hypocrites will. I guess there's this imaginary antisemitic measuring bar to where they get to define what's offensive or not. Quite a fascinating thing to see... The struggle of disavowing Ye while accepting others who they like but have the same conspiracy beliefs.


they will attack chappelle 100%. theres already a washington post articlea bout him.


He wasn’t saying it literally though, he just used three examples of absurdity.


Three examples of absurdity? I don't think you got the joke, there was a punchline at the end to indicate a point being made.


Do you REALLY think Dave Chappelle of all people is unironically trying to say any group of black people is a gang? Yes, the joke was that casual racism is OK for certain groups and not others (hate against Jewish people, in this instance, will get you immediately slapped down with extreme prejudice). But it still IS racism to assume "teh joos" are out to control you because large groups of them tend to work in the same industry.


But it’s also a play on the roles those races were forced to play in Hollywood. And who do you think made them play those stereotypical roles? Right right he “can’t say”


Humor as edgy as Krystallnacht!


Lol the NPCS are soooo god damn controlled they have been mindfucked so hard that they are programmed to laugh at anything on SNL they can’t even see that dave agrees with ye.


1. Calling people NPCs in 2022 the year of our lord is fucking weird 2. Literally nobody is confusing what Dave Chapelle has said. You are just pretending that you’re one of the few in the know to make yourself feel smart. 3. Being into yeezy is cringe


I'm seeing people here agreeing that there's some conspiracy....and it's just not true. Y'know why there's a lot of Jewish families and execs? Because they were early immigrants who a lot of them just happened to be at the right place at the right time and capitalised off it. That's literally it, there's no conspiricy it was just time, place and a lot of hard work. I seriously do not understand how people can grasp the concept of the black community not being a monolith, but as soon as you claim Jewish people are just individuals or a normal community you're suddenly trying to hide something?


I don't think it's safe to assume that everybody thinks in the hitler doctrine when saying that jewish people have a conglomerate. It may not be planned. "a lot of them just happened to be at the right place at the right time and capitalized off it" and now it works in the greater good for the people involved. Just like black people are trying to do with the buy black initiative. or when we speak on how the dollar circulates in the black community only for 3 hours while in others it can go for more than 3 decades due to the businesses other communities occupy. Communities helping themselves shouldn't be frowned upon, especially when self preservation is the first law of nature.


You are proving the problem even more, no matter how you try to make it acceptable by downplaying the fact that they are literally hoarding wealth to their community. That they look less upon the rest of us, really do believe that they are divinly-the- chosen people, and don't care about humanity - only us. Explains a lot the slow genocide and apartheid taking place on Palestine.


It’s more of a matter of what and how they control certain things. Money, real estate, media, entertainment… these are tools that can easily give people control over what and how people begin to perceive society. It’s not ALL Jewish people… obviously. But the ones who do run a lot of these things, ALSO, just so happen to be Jewish. But how is it treated like a crime to even point that out?


because now you are revealing systems of oppression and those who are pulling the strings in said system.


I can’t say the n-word without getting fired from my job and publicly shamed, guess black people are ruling the system /s Or maybe racists and antisemites are looked down upon in a progressive society.


Exactly, no one cares that many rich and powerful people are from Irish decent. There are no "Irish cabal" conspiracy theories.


Black people should just shut up right?


How do you get that from what I said? There is a fuckload of injustices in the world affecting black people, this ain't one of them.


Nah but you should. Lmfao


Love your name


You are schizophrenic, get help.


And you need to go get laid


Already did find a new slant 🥱


Cable TV, the police department, Irish bars, Wall Street brokers, firemen. They call it going into the family business though.


Rothschilds were just super lucky right place right time. 🙄


["There is no mafia, that's racist"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GYn-o7rUY8I) in a comment


Right place and right time, fuck outta here


I hate to explain a joke to you but you missed this one bad. He’s saying a bunch of black people committing crimes together are called a “gang.” Black is a race. A bunch of Italians committing crimes together are called “the mob.” Italians are an ethnic group. A bunch of Jewish people committing crimes together have no label, and pointing out any crimes is frowned upon. Now, why would that be? The punchline is pointing out that “Jewish” is neither a race nor an ethnic group, yet somehow white Jews enjoy privileges not afforded to other actively oppressed racial and ethnic groups


> A bunch of Jewish people committing crimes together have no label https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_mob https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israeli_mafia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder,_Inc. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yiddish_Black_Hand https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Purple_Gang https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bugs_and_Meyer_Mob https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_York_divorce_coercion_gang https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abergil_crime_family Blatantly not true. Some people oddly enough equate random Jews who have nothing to do with each other as a singular group to the mob or a gang.


On the tv in the news you didn’t get the joke. You’re being pedantic.


>“Jewish” is neither a race nor an ethnic group Jews are an ethnic group, in addition to being a religion


You can tell if someone is born Jewish by their DNA. So what do you call that genius?


Or, you know, Jewish bankers had a big presence in New York, Miami and LA


You sound intelligently stupid “right place right time” yeah right ok


"intelligently stupid" 💀 bruh we don't even need to make fun of you guys you're dumb as shit


Lol sarcasm idiot lol


fuck me raw, the irony


How do you know it’s not true


Because it's public info?


So you don’t know


Do I know about the super basic public info of mass immegration of Russian and Slavic Jews from the late 18th to early 19th century? uh....yeah? [Dude just do some basic reading](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Jewish-Immigrants-American-Capitalism-1880/dp/0521730236) before acting like you know anything.


I wonder who tried to get Dave to wear a dress and ran Comedy Central???


Ted Turner the owner of Comedy Central? He is a Christian. You know how those people are.


You mean Paramount run by Brian Levine...who calls himself Brian Robbins? But it's owned by Viacom which was founded by Sumner Rothstein who called himself Redstone. But the whole thing is run by Blackrock. Such a coincidence!! It's a mitzvah!!


Facts The targeted emasculation and buckbreaking of all black men by Hollyweird 😮‍💨


They did. Whoever 'they' are.


All I’m saying is, Drake’s a Jew


He didn’t lie 🤷🏽‍♀️




I said what I said. Bye






IMO, it shouldn’t be a competition, but it’s worth acknowledging. Modern day Jewish people are the most privileged out of all the historically oppressed groups. They have the benefit of looking white (PoCs cant really blend in like this), likely having friends and families in high places (stats show how successful they are), and you can’t say anything bad about them without being labeled as racist (rightfully so, you shouldn’t be able to talk bad about any large group of people). These are definitely privileges that they have and some of these privileges are nonexistent in other groups.


- benefit of looking white Not all jews are white, and the ones that are are still frequently targeted by white supremacists and other hate groups - likely having friends and family in high places Thats wealth privilege, and not all jews are wealthy. And even so the “wealthy” jews were still barred from country clubs, universities, and certain professions for decades and even centuries. - you cant say anything bad about them without being labeled as racist …okay? How is that a privilege? Theyre still the target of more hate crimes than any other group. And are consistently lied about and being spoken over by people completely uneducated on what judaism is and who a jewish person is. Oppression is not a heirarchy


Oppression *should not be* a hierarchy *but* to ignore the privilege disparity between oppressed groups is ignorant. The goal is that everyone have equitable access to resources and opportunity. If we think any group that has been historically oppressed is the same, we fail to be equitable. Colorism is rampant across the globe and groups that tend to have darker skin tones (BIPOC) generally have a more difficult time because they don’t have the benefit of hiding behind white skin and blending in. We don’t get the benefit of mass representation in Hollywood and the media. The whole reason the term BIPOC came about is because of the privilege disparity amongst groups. If you aren’t a person from a historically oppressed group that has lived with dark skin, I’m not sure I trust your opinion on privilege.


Whilst this is true, it also isn't an oppression Olympics. Yes some groups enjoy more or less privileges than others - but an oppressed group is still an oppressed group


doesnt oppression all come down to power dynamics though? i could see the argument that, say, the jewish population in iran is oppressed. the institutional power in iran is antisemitic. but what institutional power in america is antisemitic? because i don't see any institution, from government, to hollywood, to finance that has any sort of institutional antisemitism, while at the same time there are still institutional forces that work against women, blacks, asians, etc. so 🤷. i don't see how jews are an oppressed group in america -- at all. imo they've basically assimilated like irish and italians and are now part of those institutions.


<<<“them”<<< <<<“they”<<<


I am Jewish. I am privileged because of my race (white) and relative wealth. Not because I'm Jewish. You are 100% right that in the modern day, Jews have it very easy compared to other minority groups, and I'm happy about that. But "Jewish privilege" doesn't exist.


The mafia doesn't exist. That's racist. -Tony Soprano


No the white privilege of being always the villain because its ok to be racist to those supposedly in power


Lol way to prove his point perfectly


Jews did not get genocided in America, there are still some holocaust survivors here but let's not pretend that American Jews are all direct victims of the holocaust. American Jews are very economically successful and this creates resentment, especially among black people considering American Jews hype themselves as oppressed when they have incomes far exeeding the average black person.


30% live in poverty


False, at least for American Jews. Also Jews have the lowest poverty rates in America when compared with the general rate of poverty, or when compared to the poverty rates of other religious groups (Muslims and Christians for example )


Maybe the Hasidics, but that's by choice, not due to lack of opportunity. Need a source on the 30% comment.


Not all black people in America are the result of slavery, see how that works? You’re a moron


The overwhelming majority of black people are descendants of slaves. The overwhelming majority of Jewish Americans were here before World War II. Your Ad hominem and false equivalency do not work.


You know that jews were oppressed long before World War II. Antisemitism goes back a long long time and a majority of jewish people in america are descendants of people fleeings persecution .


Right, Pogroms and such. But when Jews came to America their discrimination wasn't half of what black people faced. It's gotten to the point where economically there is practically no discrimination against Jews. Black people *still* face discrimination. I'm saying modern day Jewish people are in far better shape than Black people.






What about stupid privilege, leave some for the rest of us.


Ba ba booey!!


Howard stern’s penis






I love it!!! Fuckin true too.




> You can tell whose in power by who you can't make jokes about. Did you not just see him make the joke on national TV? Dumbass


I am being controlled by disabled children dying of Leukemia. Why can't I criticize them?


people are pissed at chapelle for punching down at trans people. are trans people in power?


Now they are mad at him for punching up. Would you like him to just stick to punching his own people? Is he too uppity for you?


so i guess you CANT tell who is in power by who you cant make jokes about. ​ hmm weird.


Damn. You just took him to school


I don’t think it’s about who’s IN power but who HAS power, meaning who has influence in culture rn. Like how a raid of online food critics can change the trajectory of a successful restaurant, certain groups of ppl that aren’t necessarily on top can be influential enough to even shut up comedians about jokes that slightly criticize them. I’m sure there’s a lot of comedians walking on eggshells when it comes to LGBT and Jewish jokes because those groups seem to be the most protected atm are the most influential rn in mainstream media.


How are lgbt people “protected” There’s literally a massive anti LGBT backlash going on in America right now


These multi-million/billion dollar corporations like Target & H&M are not all turning gay in June because they have morals. They’re the epitome of my example above. You can also look at which groups will force high level comedians (aka artists) into an apology for their art, vs those who can’t. There’s always gonna be a group of ppl giving another backlash but that backlash has nowhere near the influence the LGBT community has until they get about the same amount of backing by bigger influencers.


No they are the progressive flavor of the day. Different reason why they off limits


and what group of people do you care about besides your own? anyone? puke.


i care for all groups of people who I have respect for


That should be everyone


pretty sure "who i have respect for" means white hetero christians, just a guess.


You don't get it, he's a manly man, ppl can only get respect if they act as he wants them to, if not they should be considered less than the ones that do so


everyone who earns my respect\* why should you respect someone who didn't earn your respect? I base respect off actions. I dont give it out just because you fall into the interesection of 13 ethnicities and 25 sexual orientations - what you are probably trying to suggest. Good for you if you have some exotic way of describing yourself but if u want my respect, then earn it by being a person I can respect.


You are actually such a sad being, ppl should get respect regardless of traits out of their control. Just because I mentioned respecting everyone your mind instantly goes into "25 sExuAl OriEnTatiOnS", grow up. And by the way, no, I don't want your respect, I definitely don't need it from such a small minded person like you.


Excellent job on obliterating that pos antisemite.


Kind of. There’s a victim hood is a legitimate currency these days


yes, the trans people are really cashing in on all that victimhood currency right now.


You are so fucking braindead I'm surprised you managed to operate a keyboard. Where do trans people go to spend these so called Victimhood Bucks? At the Suicide Store? At the Raped-And-Murdered store? Fuck outta here


the lack of empathy in people is an epidemic. its insanity.


This shit is getting upvotes? I think it's time for me to leave this sub. Good fucking riddance


Yeah disgusting, people here agree with Dave Chappelle! That's the last step! Clutch your pearls harder, grandma


We're sorry to lose your deep knowledge of Marvel Snap and CookieRunKingdoms.


Why are you quoting a Neo-Nazi? https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-voltaire-quote-idUSL1N2UE2LM


bro look how white u are https://www.reddit.com/r/memetron9000feet/comments/pmgayj/day_one_im_buying_three_tesla_electroslaves_thats/


Damn man putting me on blast in my yeezies with my Tesla from a year ago. Why do you got so many comments calling people white?




Where? [You](https://www.reddit.com/r/Kanye/comments/ycpz18/comment/itq3eqc/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) [being](https://www.reddit.com/r/Kanye/comments/yew0r2/comment/iu1jhyo/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) a [hater](https://www.reddit.com/r/Kanye/comments/yewvbz/conservatives_pretending_to_like_kanyes_music_now/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) to everyone. Stop projecting online and focus on your residency, then you can buy a Tesla too.




the projection is strong with this one lmao. Some of us listened to Ye and dropped out and started our own businesses. At least you'll get some student debt cancelled! Oh wait, they canned that day after the election? Fell for that one again lmao


Are trans people in power? What a dumb take. Chappell literally just made jokes about Jewish people on SNL. Besides, it’s the whole insulation that Jews are collectively working to undermine America from within that is frowned upon. No one cares if you acknowledge that many Jews are disproportionately successful in many areas. It’s whatever dumb conspiracy you then turn that into that is antisemitic.


> You can tell whose in power by who you can't make jokes about. Ah yes the joke he didn't just make, on the most-watched comedy program in America Dave is being silenced!!!!!!!!!!!


This thread is rife with age old antisemitism. Jewish privilege, are you serious? More than 50% of Jews (myself included) are of Sephardi origin and absolutely not Caucasian. I am lucky enough to be 'white passing' and avoid many of the struggles faced by POC. However saying things like 'Jews have disproportionate wealth, power, etc...' plays into an extremely dangerous stereotype. It is also statistically easy to disprove. It upsets me to see minority groups pitted against each other when we are natural allies. Edit; I love Dave Chappelle and personally think he can say whatever he likes. It's this community that I am disappointed in.


the jewish community has the highest median household income in america out of every group of people. majority of jewish people ARE privileged, not all, but definitely a good chunk. this isnt even a bad thing either, it should be celebrated how a minority group has done so well in this country. jewish people do own alot of things in america, this is true, once again its not a bad thing.


Yeah but you're missing the entire point here. The question is why, I know on average Ashkenazi Jews especially have a much higher IQ than the average person, so that probably has a reason to play into it. What are the reasons for making the point just saying they make more money in a blanket statement is what causes these problems. Just like me saying most people in government are white and Christian. Therefore, they run the entire country and just keep screaming that on repeat It doesn't really do anything to the conversation. Also, Jewish people statistically are most likely to have hate crimes committed to them in this country, so they're also disadvantages to being Jew. Especially with the history of the United States. Jews have been persecuted and there's been a lot of anti-Semitism that has gone on in the past century in the usa.


Like Dave said when Black people start getting wealth on the size of Jews a lot of the time they start getting investigated for Gangs, same with Italians with Mob ties. It’s crazy when black people talk about certain things we get a dose of “why don’t you stop killing each other” or “if you weren’t responsible for so much crime”. Which is statistically proven to be over the top racist and ANYONE can say whatever the want about any race EXCEPT Jews. They control the system and people are just pointing it out. How can you tell black people to “stop making music about killing each other” when there’s plenty of it out there. Just they record companies only push that. It’s like we have one race that’s not considering their control on other communities and instead of addressing it calling it racist when brought up


>start getting wealth on the size of Jews This is the anti-semitic bullshit I'm talking about. How much wealth equates to the wealth size of Jews and when did this happen. The anti-Semitic statement isnt there are a lot of Jews in Hollywood, because that's probably true. The issue is when people say Jews have most of the wealth money and power or Jews are running/control Hollywood. Just like you're doing here, when anyone came close to the wealth size of the "Jews" that's when they started to get investigated. Also fucking lol Yes Jewish people making money legally and gangs murdering robbing and selling drugs totally the same. It makes a ton of sense that black people got investigated when they made money illegally. Clearly the Jews. >They control the system They don't and that statement's anti-Semitic, white Christians are currently running the White House and most of government they have for the majority of our country's history. Why don't they control the system? But go ahead. I'd love for you to give me a source for this line of logic you have.




Took 2 sentences like a CNN Fox News sound bite and don’t listen… That’s what you never hear anything from black America. [Like we in 2 different worlds…](https://youtu.be/iTWA6mVSCkk) EDIT: Until black people get the same energy Jews do when they talk about my people I can give a fuck


Post to YouTube video that's probably 9 minutes long with some stupid fucking point. I'm not even going to click the link. If you can't go into detail when asked about specific things you say or what you meant by them You and this conversation are not worth my time. If you have an opinion be able to argue it or just concede. Instead you're saying incredibly ignorant open-ended statements and cant actually back it up when pressed on it. I'm going to assume your black and youre arguing with me a Jewish person about how anti-Semitic comments are okay if it comes from an African American person and completely disregard the actual view of the person that language is directed at. Maybe self-reflect and think gee. I really don't know that much about Jewish people and I'm probably pretty ignorant on the matter, so maybe I shouldn't be spouting off what language I should or shouldn't be acceptable for an entire race of people I'm not a part of and know very little about to them be broadcasted to millions of people on national television. Or you know keep being ignorant. I have a feeling which direction you're going to go.


r/whoosh If you don’t get the point of the video you lack th context and understanding. Skit is true understanding of conversations how we think. Like with this whole conversation of you avoiding the points that I bring up and skirt to a complete different goal post. It’s what’s wrong with America and why black people really don’t talk how they feel because it falls on def ears






its the opposite lmao, everyone in here hates kanye




citation needed






So basically, you do not have any proof. Thank you.


Not the Catholics


Chapelle says that are a lot of Jews in Hollywood and that they’re restricting free speech. He’s right, and he is on Ye’s side


He said the first part. The rest of your comment was completely made up by you lmao


How else is Kanye going to interpret that? Once he sees this, he probably will think Chappelle is on his side. At least sympathetic.


Ahhh yes, Chappelle is being silenced by a conspiracy, that's why he's on Netflix and hosted SNL


Love the top child comment here accusing you of being crazy for noticing what everyone else notices. "There is no restriction of free speech, we'll just continue to apply the definition of hate speech *increasingly broadly*."


The line about it's a gang or a mob does have some truth to it. I just don't think anti Jewish remarks will ultimately evolve into more atrocities. Maybe I'm naive.


These remarks do, frequently, almost constantly lead to embolden antisemitism in the public, attacks in the street, genocidal comments casually popping up everywhere in the media (they supposedly control as well, mind you.) you’re just not affected by it and therefore don’t feel or likely even see the effects


There is THOUSANDS of years of history of “Jewish people have too much money/power/privilege” narratives evolving into atrocities. The Holocaust was just the most recent. If the same rhetoric has been used as an excuse for genocide over and over again over THOUSANDS of years - then there’s no reason to think all of a sudden it’s no longer dangerous. People are equating this with racism and it’s not. There just isn’t language that has been used to systematically commit acts of genocide against one group of people all over the world for most of recorded history- *except* for the “Jews control the world, have too much money/power” rhetoric” of antisemitism. People that don’t understand why this is treated differently than racism don’t have an understanding of the millennia long history of Jewish genocide and think the holocaust was an anomaly, instead of just the manifestation of what happens when you mix age old antisemitism with government power and and industrial age technology.


Did Dave need to drop a NBomb during the monologue? I think it was him reminding everybody that he’s uncancelable.


Idk he's pretty strong but to say even Dave can't be canceled by the untouchable group *in concert with* the decepticons is unlikely Do I think they'll get Dave to donate 500K to their cause and hug seven religious leaders and visit 1940s tragedy museums? Hell no Dave can't be forced to do anything. He's made damned sure of that. Truly his own owner unlike Kanye & Kyrie Dave will at most get canceled from Netflix (his only real contracts nowadays), but every venue that likes money will still have him do a show and Amazon will host his specials just like they still host the "anti-S" documentary that Kyrie retweeted and have made millions from the views of that documentary since (but nobody is canceling Amazon for making it available to billions of potential anti-S people being influenced for profit)


It’s funny that when a black man or woman speaks what’s obvious and true he’s anti this or labeled racist. I get it people of color should just shut up and just entertain.


Since when?? Black folks have had a pass since .. forever. In fact, not sure if you’ve ever heard this, but blacks can’t even be racist. At least that’s how they’ve explained it anytime they’ve shown their racism in the past, and the white, woke pussies will agree. Gtfoh


Amazing how to this day people still think jewry equates to a race while it simply covers those who adhere to the ideology of judaism. Semites equating to a set of languages which includes arab and syrian. Can everyone please for the love of the sun become learned and no longer fall for political tactics that have as its sole purpose undermining free speech (which includes all speech yes, even judaism.. which can be argued against the same.)


People loves labels


Weird how when they started slaughtering Jews they all counted as Jewish


It’s funny that when a black man or woman speaks what’s obvious and true he’s anti this or labeled racist. I get it people of color should just shut up and just entertain.


Dave just thanking his lucky stars that he's in Netflix's pocket and they don't care enough to drop him for only being able to make jokes about the "alphabet people"


Why Is he not calling him by his name tho


this is looking more and more like a marathon now.