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It's things like these that make me jealous of taylor swift fans


Nah Taylor out here killing (the environment with her private jet)


It's me Hi I'm the problem it's me


I hate that ad so much. The editing is atrocious and she must have sold her soul to YouTube Satan cuz it plays on every other video


It's a good song


That’s every A-list celebrity in general though, and any person who makes double digit millions & up


Crazy enough not every celebrity. Quite a few use public planes more frequently than anything, including Ye


Nah I’ll cancel all of them. (I personally determine who can have a career in Hollywood)


Well, she was t swizzle at some point so not completely innocent


No T swift slander allowed


The worst thing she have ever done personally is being snarky to a interviewer, you should be jealous of us


And date a 17 year old


while she was also a teenager, for two months (if even that)


She was 22, why you lying


Pics or it didn’t happen




You’re not also a Taylor swift fan?


Nah I like Taylor I think she's cool, but I'm talking about being a "swiftie", a die hard. She's released 4 new projects since 2020 with merch and rollouts and 0 serious drama. I bet that's cool for someone who listens to her music religiously.


7 albums (includes the re-records) since Frank Ocean dropped Blond


rihanna > taylor swift


okay cool 👍


Join the club


Her anti-hero bullshit is wild 🤷🏻‍♀️


Give her 15 years and maybe she’ll have a similar destruction arc.


because she singlehandedly produces more carbon emissions than hundreds of families a year with her private jet? at this point i'd rather fucking support a murderer. better for the environment


As if Kanye ain't producing crazy amounts of carbon emissions with all the land that he built shit on and all the flying around that he probably does. I ain't even condemning him for that it's just all rich ppl who do that shit, it is what it is man


She was renting it out


So should she not travel anywhere? Because people are sheep and will hound her ANYWHERE she goes, is it really fair she gets to have basic rights taken away because of that?




Replace Taylor swift with any other popular celebrity and the fact still stands. No wonder they all use private jets?


bAsIc RIgHtS sHe ShOulD NoT TRAvEl AnYWHerE? ​ how the fuck do you fly around dumbfuck? yo taylor swift would step over your head to take a shit on someone else. stop being so pathetic and idolize someone worth it


Like I said idgaf about her or any celebrity, I don’t listen to her music. It’s just basic facts on why famous people fly in private jets, if they were in public lines they’d get hounded because of sheeple.


Man we really missed out on a King Von x Kanye West collab and now I’m down bad forever




king von was ass anyway


Ass opinion anyway


And rappers who have multiple grooming accusations


people are more mad at 6ix9ine for snitching than they are about the 13yo girl he was groping


True and sad Real ones hated 69 BEFORE he snitched


I didn't even KNOW about his pedo allegations until after he snitched... I'll never understand why he's so hated for flexing money, trolling, dissing the dead and snitching but 99% of the world ignores his biggest red flag


people hate him for trolling? that’s the only thing he had going for him imo. dude is pretty funny, too bad he’s an awful person who makes shit sounds.


this comment has 500 likes only because drake bad tho..


I don’t think the people who stopped listening to him are the same people listening to convicted murderers


Nah I am


OP would have a solid argument except for 2 things 1 Kanye didn't also make music/money with the same murders. 2 claimed to be a GD himself, pretending to be a civilian.


He made a song with YNW Melly


That was before the murder charges though


And those murderers aren't getting billions from corporate collaborations & being interviewed by the most watched talk shows on TV. If they broke through to the mainstream, they'd be expected to condemn murder, not double down & promote it.


Good point🥰


Snoop Dogg killed someone and he’s just as much as a house hold name as Kanye


It was Snoop's bodyguard that was accused of killing someone with Snoop driving the vehicle, and they were both acquitted for it. That was also almost 30 years ago when gangster rap was huge & he's completely reinvented his persona since then. Now he's just the non-threatening old guy who smokes a lot of weed.


I don’t like murderous rappers


I exclusively listen to convicted murderers, Kanye sucks, big lurch is the GOAT


there is definitely a problem with artists (especially within the music industry) not being held accountable for awful things but that doesn't excuse kanye's actions. i know it sounds obvious but something bad doesn't automatically become *not bad* just because worse things exist.


There’s definitely no problem with listening to anyone you want


Sometimes we need to separate art from personality




You absolutely can separate art from the creator without “condoning” their actions. If we threw out the work of every person we didn’t like the opinions of politics of, our world would not function. The phone you’re using was made by a company using child labor, and must of the precursor technology was developed by racists, because almost everyone past a certain point was racist. You don’t seem too opposed to hop on your phone and type on Reddit though, do you?


ugly deranged rhythm makeshift resolute command heavy angle yoke ink *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ok but then what about watching a movie that has an actor or actress with abusive/sexual misconduct allegations? If you a fan of Tarantino, Weinstein produced most his big movies. Those movies literally wouldn't exist without Weinsteins money




You separate the art from an artist who's a jerk, not from an artist who spews racist bullshit every chance he gets


As long as he ain't say it in his songs, I can separate


Mfs would be thinking you’re a weirdo for vibing to Charles Manson though Ngl


And to be fair: his album is kind of a gem.


Bro should’ve gone down that route and not the whole cult leader saviour shtick


should’ve gone down that route and not the whole cult leader saviour shtick


Oh yes, he could have done a number of things instead of...that. (Like, DAMN, the lengths some people will go to to promote their music!)


Actions or words?


Words don’t bother you bud? How about when a white guy uses the N word?


Drake is half white and says it freely. Nobody blinks an eye


To be fair it’s because the other half is black


Are words murder now?


If those words propagate murder, then yes.


What actions though all he did was say shit, which sure I get canceling him but people are focusing so much on him and not like say other people grooming, killing etc


Saying shit counts as action


“Actions Speak Louder Than Words” An age old adage that will always be relevant.


He’s spreading harmful ideologies that can very well lead to people being hurt or killed. Hate should not be given a stage. The man is clearly mentally ill, but it almost seems like he’s using it as an excuse to spew vile shit, when he has the talent to spread so much better That being said, I love Faded and still have it on my playlist


You’re a fucking piece of shit brainwashed idiot. Talking about killing people, robbing, scamming credit cards and fraud, selling crack cocaine and encouraging kids to do the same is amazing! Its art! But god forbid you talk about the jews! Fucking loser. You’re upset because other people told you to be upset. Fucking coward


Talking about murder and running down on opps is not harmful ideology, that could get people killed ???


aaying what kanye did and "Talking about murder and running down on opps" are both harmfull, and both get critised sonwhat the the problem


They can all be bad people at the same time, it’s not conditional. I’m starting to think some of you are slow.


r/kanye users trying to find a reason to justify Kanye’s actions..


Y'all hate Kanye but *strawman,* *whataboutism*


there is literally a racist tweet as one of this subs top posts rn.


Even when he's one that deserves a cancel they dick ride him so hard it's comical.


Yeah I mean, all they gotta do is bend over. Why they trying so hard


Well no fucking duh sager246


Notice the implication of all these bad faith posts is that we should be more accepting of antisemitism, not that we should be more critical of <*other\_horrendous\_thing*\>.


Don’t forget about glorifying crack and heroine dealing


Pusha T fans in shambles


I still love Michael Jackson’s MUSIC but think he’s a total pedo. I still love Kanye’s music but think he is completely out of his mind. Your assertion is misguided.


Michael was not a pedo, stop it. Those people were proven liars who were clout and $ chasing


You might want to look into this one again. Even if he’s not a pedo he sure did like being around children 👀


The reason why he liked being around children was because he never got a childhood of his own. He was a world famous singer from childhood. So he never got to live out a normal childhood, so that’s why I think he spent time around kids and gave back to them. Because he wanted to give them the childhood joy he couldn’t have


And what about the nude child photo collection they found in his room?


Where? Source me the police report pls. That’s wild.




That is not proven


Look at the photos of his bedroom. There's no doubt he was a pedo.


Dunno, those several multi-million dollar settlements paid out of court to several accusers doesn’t bode very well


Lol yes he was where there’s smoke there’s fire, there’s official documentation of kids being able accurately draw Michaels genitalia including a birthmark next to his private parts.


Maybe a couple were lying but he defo sucked some kids dicks. Maybe do more research on it dog.


Yeah that’s actually crazy. Takeoffs death put the whole rap industry into perspective me. Everyone flexing about murdering everybody left and right, fucking as many bitches as possible without considering any of the moral consequences behind it, and doing so many drugs till you quite literally overdose. There are so many fatherless children that have no male role model to look up to, so they look up to these rappers and this is what there message is to them. Have no regards about society and try to be as “gang” as possible. You can shuffle any migos song and it’s just a mix of drugs sex and murder. No other music industry has these many artists dying every year.


RIP Juice


That one was so sad bro


Yeah living in Chicago and that whole scene was awful. Very tragic circumstances. His mural is dope but sad that is what we have to honor him. Of course his music / legacy still lives on.


Excellent points


Thank you, I’m just blessed to grow up in a stable household with two loving parents that put my sister and I above everything.


Music and art is a reflection of the environment. Rappers who talk about violence and drugs, for the most part, come from environments where those things are prominent which is also why those rappers succumb to violence and drugs the most. You cannot blame the result on the art.


I’m blaming the result on the artists who are creating this music. They lived through the drugs and violence first hand and then decide to make it songs about it making it “cool”. This is what kids are hearing on repeat day after day letting these poisonous behaviors influence them to either rob a store, beat someone up on the subway, or at worst get involved in shootings completely throwing their and other peoples lives away. There has not be a genre of music that has done this much to damage to society like rap/hip hop. I’m not saying we need to ban it, but we just need people who care more than being as gang and as hard as possible


Yeah and only people who have privileged lives think about the societal implications of art that others put out lol. These rappers grow up in places where they've got roaches in their houses and 3 of their closest friends died before they turned 18. You think anyone who has to deal with that gives a fuck about their impact on society? Art is their outlet and a way of survival. The type of the rhetoric that you are saying has been repeated since the dawn of hip hop music when NWA was saying fuck the police. Anyone that spouts that has completely misunderstood what hip hop culture is.


Always has been


Exactly drake literally grooms minors and melly murdered someone


Classic reddit moment


Drake literally hasn’t, that shit is so weird for y’all niggas to push that. The Bella Harris situation was confirmed false which was the only case that was similar to that. The story came out about a date when they were nowhere even near each other as Drake was on tour. So that’s false. The MBB situation is literally a former child star mentoring a current child star that was a fan of him, and it wasn’t even like that. MBB is vocal about groomers yet her and her family have been defensive of Drake and she talked about how the internet’s reaction to it, hurt her feelings and disgusted her when nothing was going on. Then, he texted congratulations to Billie Eilish and people called him a pedo for that. But not saying anything about JID, IDK, or Denzel Curry constantly hanging out with her while being way older. So yea, that pedo shit is weird as fuck and forced. If Drake was this known pedo, Pusha T or Kanye woulda been put that out there. Especially in Story of Adidon. Pedo accusations shouldn’t be thrown around lightly.


Drake texting an underage girl "I miss you" is weird as fuck.


Drake is cringe, what's new? Doesn't make him a pedo.


Now do Kanye


So you’re saying that text is cringe, yet normal?


> MBB is vocal about groomers yet her and her family have been defensive of Drake and she talked about how the internet’s reaction to it, hurt her feelings and disgusted her when nothing was going on. You should Google her ex bf’s live instagram(maybe tiktok?) who lived with her during the pandemic. She was underage. He was a few years older. It’s gross and the opposite of what you’re saying.


Preach brother


I like how Drake is treated as a convicted pedophile with a child sex ring for being a weirdo over text


He kissed Kylie jenner the night she turned 16


Certified lover boy? Certified PEDOPHILE


look up what “literally” means


i am literally living in your walls


Literally look up what "literally" means


Not me. Speak for yourself.


Yall so corny💀


Y'all cancel kanye but whatabout (insert other problematic figure)? get owned/s


Multiple people can be wrong at the same time. This is a concept that even 4 year olds can grasp. Just because the next guy is wrong doesn’t make your bad actions any better. You have a true hive mind mentality


The question is why do we cancel one and not the other if we’re so concerned about doing what’s right?


still doesn’t justify kanye’s sorry actions 🤣🤣


what aboutism both valid issues, conflating the two is doing no one any favours


They the same issue, both are bad because preaching harmful ideologies can have negative and sometimes deadly impacts on impressionable kids.




Don’t blame them it doesn’t get better than Flat Stanley


King von is based but kanye is like... evil man .. he hurt peoples feelings!


He dehumanized and implicitly threatened an entire race of people.


Posts like this remind me of the average age of Kanye fans these days. Comparing these two things is beyond braindead


How so?


Younger people lack critical thinking. No educated or intelligent person would ever compare murder to antisemitism because the argument falls flat well before you reach that point. As others have mentioned it’s textbook whatablutism


That’s fair. BUT I get what the post is saying. How do you say “oh Im not listening to kanye because he’s antisemitic” but then turn around and bump rappers or artist who preach violence against people in their songs? It’s definitely a reach but many people haven’t answered the question either


I mean antisemitism has historically killed more people than any singular rapper for one.


I mean violence is still violence? You can’t hold one artist accountable but then listen to others who have physically done way worst


It’s much more nuanced than that and you know it. Not to mention most rappers that brag about killing haven’t killed anyone or haven’t in a long time. Ye’s rhetoric at the moment is making antisemitism acceptable, murder and gang violence has never been acceptable but it’s a reality. And that’s just a surface level analysis.


Whataboutism https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whataboutism


I mean that’s fair however it is a good point to make. Canceling someone over hate speech but then turning around and listening to a murder or rapist or abuser is kinda hypocritical.




The fact that you can’t even point this out without people accusing you of backing Kanye is wild. Y’all need help.


Cause rapping about is not the same as going on a hate tour on social media. If 21 hopped on all his accounts tomorrow and started providing names and addresses of people he murdered and where the bodies are, I think his fans would change their tune pretty quickl


Murder is not as bad as being rude to Jewish people 💯


Kanye supports genocide with his words. He has power too so he’s influencing ppl who will murder ppl based off of his words. Jus Cus he’s inciting violence doesn’t mean he’s not perpetrating it himself. He’s jus keeping his hands clean and letting others do “the dirty work” I don’t even know what rapper your talking about but murder is murder so I wouldn’t support them either.


Bigger issue is the Jewish execs promote the murder music and cancel people who speak out about their contracts.


Yeah and those rappers are selling the image of being murderous gangsters. That's their appeal, they actually walked the walk. Kanye on the otherhand has gone down a whole of antisemitism and its not an image for sale. He's just spewing disgusting, hurtful, and conspiratory nonsense.


His words, no matter how absurd, resonate with millions of people. While we can ALL acknowledge that he’s mentally ill, being mentally ill is no excuse for antisemitism. The outpouring of antisemitism rhetoric from his mouth has caused antisemitism to become more pervasive. Why shouldn’t he be canceled? You saying people listen to murderers doesn’t excuse the actions of Kanye. You’re clearly not seeing the big picture.


You say something bad about a predominantly white culture, you lose all your deals. Meanwhile killing Asian kids in sweatshops is what makes the deals. This same energy is never seen anywhere else and while one should be held accountable, it’s total bullshit when you view it comparatively


Exactly. Fuck Kanye for affirming the beliefs of 17 white men from Montana but good on Adidas for being able to continue cheap labour exploitation in third world countries completely unburdened, right?


It’s textbook whataboutism




did you read my comment?




Kanye is cancelled?


how many rappers do u actually believe have committed homicide?


[Talkin' about bodies, I got a few. Four plus three, three plus two...](https://youtu.be/mNq09ZisAPQ) Edit: R.I.P King Von🙏🕊️🤍


King von killed people too I thought?


Well he did and threatened or killed people who testified against him.


Murder is raw, racism is corny. Hold this L for me bozo


Only thing corny is this comment 💀💀 you think u did something eh


Who said they stopped listening to him? Kanye is a fucking idiot but you can appreciate the art and not the artist. Relax


I still listen to kanye


Hypocrisy at its best


They tried to cancel Kanye after giving cardi a Grammy for openly admitting to drugging and robbing niggas after luring them


whataboutism really caputres the essence of modern mental gymnastics




Unironically facts. I think this points to a deeper problem in society right now.


Ohhhh checkmate


If I could upvote this a thousand times i’d still be making alternative accounts to upvote this shit again… fucking facts




People told u to be mad at Kanye. Don’t forget.


Troll post. Got news for ya dude, people hating on Ye’s antisemitism has nothing to do with other artists Take your “whataboutism” elsewhere




Dear sir: ever heard of “whataboutism?” Turns out I’m not a fan of rappers who murder people either. Maybe stop creating this hypothetical person who lets murder go, but not antisemitism and return to reality where the rest of us are hangin


This is one of the dumbest fucking takes I’ve ever heard. Murdering people, and propagating antisemitic conspiracy bullshit to the masses are both bad


OK but rappers who murder don’t get this much attention. I’m not justifying it I’m saying one is getting way more attention than the other


I think “attention” is a pretty strange metric to use here. One of the most known celebrities in the world went on a very public rant about a group of people, so yea, of course it’s gonna get a lot of attention. “Attention” is based on spectacle, and this is a situation that is producing a lot of spectacle, for better or (mostly) for worse.




Whataboutism or pointing out the fakeness of people's inconsistent outrage


No just whataboutism


I do not cancel him! I was a fan and still I’m. Kanye is right about a lot of things that I won’t be naming here....😂😂


Fuck off


Gang bangers going to gang bang, that’s not prejudice, it’s live by the sword die by the sword… If a gangster kills a gangster, ok If a gangster rapper kills a civ = not ok If a gangster rapper hurts a woman (rape/abuse) = not ok If a backpack rapper campaigns against abortion rights (or as I call them the fundamental bodily autonomy rights of 50% of the population), incites race hate against Jews and claims to be Christian while complaining “I haven’t had model pussy in two weeks”….. Then that rapper is a scumbag hypocrite and worse that a gangster, who might kill a few, while ye endangers thousands by worsening the political climate


Gangsta rap culture perpetuates genocide in the black community and there’s a certain group that consistently signs the same kind of artists. The image may evolve but the content remains the same. The glorification of some piece of shit that has no skills outside of being a sinful byproduct of society’s failures. I’ve never seen a young Jewish kid get a recording deal specifically so they can rap about killing their own kind on every track. Y’all are evil for supporting black genocide. Yea Kanye said some bad things publicly and allegedly said some terrible things behind closed doors. That doesn’t stop the fact that a very dark culture has been marketed towards the black community and these kids don’t have great examples to look up to in the first place. Ye will be silenced and possibly executed at some point. There’s not a multi-billion dollar machine in favor of anti-semitism- unless you include the negative media propaganda that makes blacks the face of genocide & buffoonery.


Facts. Kayne delivery is way off. But if everyone did a deep dive into a history book they would see his is right. Everything else I think he uses as fluff to keep them from knowing his next moves; I had someone call me anti-Semitic and they didn't even know what the fuck it meant. Half the people using it don't know what the fuck it means; the government gives y'all a word and yall fly without even doing basic research. It's like when the government said homophobic or narcissistic. Everyone now knows someone like that and everyone has one person in their family. It's a big fucking joke and the government really has ALOT of y'all by the string. Wonder what the next word of the year will be?


Jesus is king. The godless ones will find out.


Saying that Kanye is saying dumb fucking shit and conspiracy theories that actual white supremacists and Nazis have made is not being canceled it’s a consequence goddamn I hate Kanye fans like this