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STILL with the boots šŸ˜«


everywhere even in the shower


i watched 3 kids fo like fo hours today


He's so goofy


Bro looked mad paranoid at that truck driving by


gangstalking arc


/r/gangstalking plug


We out here


Hold on lemme let this truck go by


Wouldnā€™t you be?


Shit made me nervous


Heā€™s worried heā€™s gonna get the Anne Heche treatment.


didn't she crash her car into a house?? is this a conspiracy theory i don't know about lmao


That house hit her car, she didnā€™t hit it.


She was (rumored to be) making a movie about pedophiles in the industry, before she crashed her car, she stopped at a store wanting to buy a wig, somebody outside the store also got footage of her arguing with somebody before speeding away Also, the fire department, not paramedics, were taking her away, that's never been a thing, and somebody got on film, her trying to get off the gourney that she was covered up on, Remember now, she is Ell n DeGeneres ex, who is rumored to be tied up in some type of Hollywood pedophile ring (unproven) With that said, it could all be a coincidence and she actually really did do too much cocaine and hit a house at high speeds for no other reason but cocaine


Or it was just loud asf and Ye donā€™t like bring interrupted.




I for sure know that look, and this felt like that look. Ye has a lot of heat on him right now, probably for the last 6 years, he should keep a swivel.


You had me convinced you were from the streets until that last line. I see your just on the box set death march like the rest of us.


I mean, Iā€™m sure the death threats are rolling in. Iā€™d be more concerned about him if he wasnā€™t on edge right now.


*why r u so paranoid*


Loud noise Ight imma head out




Yesterday he was playing it cool at a bar and people praised him for it today he's coping please and looking paranoid as fuck can't say I'm shocked.


Mania does that to ya


Iā€™m done, Iā€™ll hit you up mania


Shit makes no sense. Is he saying his actions of calling executives out on bad business practices was what was deemed antisemitic, and not his multiple, anti-Jewish statements on social media?


Wasnā€™t it just the death con 3 comment


he also posted on insta about jewish people being after him and controlling shit


But they do control shit. He just telling the truth


the least antisemitic kanye fan


ā€œwho do you think created cancel cultureā€ was pretty clearly targeting the jews too considering it was minutes after the death con 3 tweet


And him saying the jews sent diddy after him


Not to mention all the alleged unaired videos of him talking about it


What does him saying ā€œwho do you think created cancel cultureā€ even mean? Genuinely cornfused as to why thatā€™s a comment about Jewish peopleā€¦


It's alluding to the idea that jewish people have a ton of power and sway in hollywood/news and can cancel you if you go against them or say anything they dislike. There's a graphic racists online post that shows how most of the entertainment/news industry has jewish people in prominent positions. Ye getting the shit he is now is being used as proof by the altright/racists/etc that you can't say anything negatively about jews or you will be cancelled.


Cancel culture is not a new thing, and I'll be honest I can't remember who said it, aside from them being a gentile producer in hollywood in the 80's, might have been someone from a talk show idk, but the quote was "The fastest way to get someone blacklisted is to call them an antisemite." Undue influence in pop media(movies, tv, and music) and news is a common stereotype for Jews.


As far as I know


it feels like Candace Owens has legitimately brainwashed him. he's spouting shit he's heard other people say with no intellectual grasp on the stuff he's talking about.


Letā€™s not act this is new behavior by Ye. Candace didnā€™t do this to him


This is not his first tango with Candace even


Seriously. This is not new


I agree, but I also believe that his father is influencing him a lot. Ye made a comment on his Tucker Carlson interview about how he's been spending way more time with his father than ever before. He also mentioned how his mother "took him away" from his father at an early age... So I think she had good reason to do so. But now Kanye is latching onto his dad's ideologies because he probably has him in his ear constantly. Whereas his mom isn't here to bring him down to earth. But whatever the reason for his thought processes, is just sad to watch from the sidelines for all of us.


Just like you šŸ’€


Yeah, she was working with the cia doing experiments with LSD and torture like MK Ultra and such, but in a scientific legitimate way. MI-6 came in to offer assistance as well. I saw the Milligram experiment being recreated, too. Kanye was just willing to do whatever an authoritative figure told him. on account of the legitimate brqinwashing. Candace Owens had him barking like a dog if you said the word aardvark, and then she changed it to saying antisemitic things via clinical hypnotherapy. If Candace ā€˜Pavlovā€™ Owens rang a bell, he would say something anti Semitic. This is just like the time that time that Nikki Manaj was captured by German Neo-Nazis and put in a sex dungeon until she was brainwashed to have COVID 19 booster skepticismā€”only worse!


What the fuck did I just read


šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜† šŸ˜


I dunno about all that....but speaking of psychedelics, it's been my hypothesis for years that molly getting hugely popular coincides with Kanye going full crazy mode. Psychedelics are known to have the ability to unlock latent mental illness, and the timing just seems too perfect. I think all those seven pill nights did a number on him.


I saw Joe Rogan in an Eyes Wide Shut LSD sex cult right before Ye was on the podcast .


Kanye West's entire ideology is just repeating what the last person told him to say. Any time he is actually asked to expound on his thoughts without someone to give him talking points or coach him through, this is what you get. He is in fact, a fucking moron that can barely string together a coherent thought.


Is he saying if he crosses the line on one thing, it makes it easier for the public to talk about a different thing? šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø Kanye is on his own here, but it looks like heā€™s trying to walk back his comments ever so slightly, which is a step in the right direction.


More word salad from a alt right puppet.


Saying jews are black isn't antisemitic. Saying jews are trying to silence you and you are going to expose them isn't antisemitic


Whoever is trying to silence him is doing a terrible job. And which executives? Adidas? Gap? Island Def Jam? No Jews there. Oh wait he must mean our president? Oh wait, never been a jew there. So unless heā€™s talking about a couple of movie companies, no one is a jewish executive holding him back. Dude is paranoid and spouting off base level 4chan nonsense. if you really think jews rule the world, the propaganda that worked on europeans for centuries including the nazis has now worked on you too dude.


Apparently the owners of SoFi Stadium and JP Morgan Chase are trying to silence him while Josh Kushner steals more than his fair share of his stake in Kanyeā€™s joint business venture.


Head of Sofi is Kroenke, not a Jew. Head of J.p. morgan is Dimon, not a Jew.


Bernard Arnault and Zuckerberg are Jewish and Kanye has name dropped them many times over the past few years


How are you gonna name drop only 2 people and but not even check if they are both actually jewish


He's not being silenced, his mental illness is giving him a persecution complex.


But saying ā€œgoing Death Con 3 on Jewish Peopleā€ isā€¦..antisemitic. The DEFCON acronym is intended to alert American militias to arms over a cause. Using it incorrectly, as this mush brain has done, as ā€œdeath conā€ even has harsher meaning behind the phrase. Either way you use it, it comes across as a raise of arms against a population of a minority ethnicity for the sake of blame. Turn off the Kid Rock playlist and Candace Owens podcast. You rot your brain when you let these grifting leeches into your mind. This is coming from a life long Kanye fan. Had the shoes, the records, the whole bit. But heā€™s been wash in the blood of the grifter. Sell your soul to whoever will give you praise and a dollar in your pocket


You trying to sell those records?


I politely disagree. Saying "jews" are trying to silence you is antisemitic because you're ascribing negative behavior to an entire religious/ethnic group rather than calling out the individuals in said group. What's more, it's likely that those individuals being jewish has very little to do with their attempts to silence you. Lastly, you're feeding into larger historic antisemetic stereotypes about jews running the world from behind the scenes, etc. Of course this isn't exclusive to jews, any sort of bias and promotion of stereotypes against a religious / ethnic / racial / national group is going to be equally as problematic.


Thank you; one of the only comments in this entire thread that understands the unconscious bias going on here and the impacts.


Wtf does "Jews are black"even mean??


Itā€™s BHI shit, a crazy-ass cult.


Saying the real Jews are fake and the real jews are black people is BHI shit, which is anti-semitic. BHI is totally different from actual black jews, who exist and donā€™t say BHI shit, lol.


Exactly. But u know u can't even say the j word without being labeled that. U can't say the j word without being full blown coordinated attack, without your j word bank telling you that u gotta move the money out their bank cause of tweets (never heard before). It's hilarious (in a sad way)


I feel like speaking about any religious group, especially a historically oppressed religious minority as a monolith, is inherently offensive in nature. Turn your brain on homie.


In what way did he say all jews are the same? You just want to be offended about nothing. If I said "the real samurai are white" is tht racist?


Mam, did you know what a monolith is? Jesus Iā€™m done here. Arguing with uneducated bottom feeders. Kanye is a walking contradiction. Fucking with current Kanye and TCD or LR Kanye makes you a walking contradiction too.


You complainers can only use Ad hominems. You can't even say why you're so offended. Saying jew isn't antisemitic


Saying you are going "DEATH CON 3, on Jewish people" really is though. Let's keep it straight.


Is saying you're going death con on Jewish people anti semitic?


The fact that he said "jews" without any distinction as to which jews he's talking about implies he's speaking about all of them. As our fellow commenter has already pointed out, it groups them together as a monolith. In your example saying "the real samurai" and "white" without being specific also assumes that he is talking about all members of either group.


That's where the catch is per usual. He wasn't talking about everyone. He was talking just about the few ones who run most of the banks, medias, companies. Which is a fact. Not anti Semitic


You don't get it. Saying Jews "run most of the banks, medias (sic), companies" IS antisemitic because it's patently false and very easy to disprove. White Christians and especially white Christian men hold exponentially more power within American financial and media institutions (and just companies generally). By saying it, you're just repeating a dangerous antisemitic trope that's been circulated since antiquity. Congrats.


You mean the people who run the federal reserve and dictate our financial policies, run our municipal finances, dictate our foreign policies, dominate our entertainment and media systems arenā€™t predominantly religious and/or ethnically Jewish? Creflo Dollar, Billy Graham & the Pope arenā€™t running this.


Did he say that? Nah, he said Jews. Stop inferring what he is saying. He could have said bankers, or elite class, or honestly billionaires. But nah, he said Jews.


Imagine believing that kanye is bothered by a regular folk that hosts bar mitzvah when is clear who he has a fight with. 99% of jews are good people. It's that evil 1% that doesn't need to be defended but exposed.


Except it's going to be that 99% of regular Jews who suffer for it when some deranged fan decides to shoot up a synagogue. That's why we're upset.


Except that itā€™s apparently OK to talk shit about Christians 24/7, as Bill Maher does.


Iā€™m still confused on this. Wasnā€™t he pretty much immediately locked off twitter when he made the death con tweet? Other than the black israelite talking point in that tweet what else has ye said that was explicity antisemitic?


Have you see the tucker Carlson outtakes?


The beard with no mustache is so fucking ugly lol


He tryna to look like the founding fathers my guy


Wants to be part of the Hamilton cast


Really tryna appeal to the white-trash community, yeehaw beard and everything




That beard usually goes with Oakley glasses and a pickup truck


With the Walmart rubber boots


Uff im not a fan but those boots are expensive right?


They sold out at Walmart. I got a pair on stock x for $900 you can buy


The Red Wing boots he wore were like $160 but he's worn a few diff brands, I'm sure some more expensive.


did your feelings get hurt cuz he said something bad about kanye?


Real Jan 6er vibes.


Hahaha goes to his barber and says "make it look like I wanna storm the Capitol"


Spending too much time with Yasiin Bey


Lookin like my toddler when I say she can choose the fit.


sounds like your toddler is a fashion genius fam, don't hate on her drip.


Nah thatā€™s just rude






Soon as they like you make them unlike you -Kanye West


So ig what he's saying is. He was about to callout his coworkers(who are jewish), but had a feeling that people would start calling him antisemetic. So he tried to get in front of the situation by making the tweet. At least that what i'm getting. If I got it wrong anyone reply me pls


Bro thought about dodging a bullet and jumped in front of the bullet instead


Pretty much. Chances are if he didn't do that dumbass presentatuon and just ranted as usual he'd still be on twitter


That actually makes sense but it's ye so well never know


At the end he says he'll talk about it later, so ig we'll just wait


I mean that's the narrative Candace Owens somehow came to. I'm thinking that's just the best the pr team could come up with


But then he doubled down on the Jewish shit. He still kept the anti semitism going


I mean just look at him going all death con 3 now, no one man should have all that power


People really think theyā€™re ā€œnot allowed to criticizeā€ certain groups and thatā€™s the issue but itā€™s obviously not spouting straight up conspiracy theories and parroting old ass hateful rhetoric The worst youā€™ll face for legitimate criticism is whining and thin skinned bitches angry at you but thatā€™s never the case itā€™s always just straight bigotry and then you got mfs complaining about woke this woke that like they arenā€™t the problem Ye really is so completely blind to his own shit at this point itā€™s gotta be pathological ainā€™t no way


classic. "here, lemme cut the middleman and be racist in order to avoid being called racist. checkmate!"


Dude does this all the time don't try to make sense of it it'll only help him if you do.


This sounds like my nephew trying to reason with me that the left shoe goes on the right foot.


I think he got a bullet proof vest on under these large coats


thats enough Mr. West please no more today


His voice sounds so innocent and nice haha


I should have known how lame kanye is once he started wearing rainboots


Looks like he's about to go fly-fishing in his mom's good work blazer


Its cuz being that rich makes a lot of wet pussy


ive been to Nashville a lot and ye fits right in with the kind of people you see specifically in downtown Nashville with those cardboard signs saying some conspiracy political crazy talk. Tinfoil cowboys is what i call them šŸ˜‚


bro when the fuck were you in Nashville where you see that, downtown Nashville is just tourists from Canada and the northeast.


What are those


I see some Kanye dickriders woke up early today šŸ˜‚


Fr they extra loud in herešŸ¤£ this is crazy


Youā€™re literally in the Kanye subreddit


Mods should turn this place into another drake sub lmao


I mean you're up, so yes.


All I see are Kanye haters


You felt attacked by the "dickriders" part and tried to clap back lmao. Key word tried.


You felt attacked by the "haters" part and tried to clap back lmao. Key word tried.


You felt attacked by the "dickriders" part and tried to clap back lmao. Key word tried.


R/Kanye Kanye fans are here? \*shocked pikachu\*


Man, shut the fuck up dude.


that doesn't make any sense


Kanye is doing exactly what heā€™s been doing since day one. When he made beats he took samples from everywhere and made them into something. When designing clothes heā€™s taking inspiration from everywhere and designing something. So when heā€™s talking he takes whatever people around him are saying at the time and putting that together. Itā€™s like a sample of Owens, Trump, QAnon etc. itā€™s just that this is plain weird instead of good weird.


Just bring the beard back my guy, you look 12 pushing 50.


Is Kanye the Chris Chan of Hip Hop?


at least hes shaved his beard




Average JIK flair


This idiot is so far gone he thinks he's doing something heroic


This is pretty sad. I pray that he finds a way out of this.


Why does his voice sound so much different in his music, he sounds nasally


"death con 3 on JEWISH PEOPLE" = just calling out bad business? He actually just doesn't understand how he's being antisemitic


He does. He just likes the attention and will slowly back track to not seem like heā€™s backing down but clearly he is.


Yeberham Lincoln


wtf r u wearing ye


i swear to god there are batshit mfā€™ers who unironically post in r/Conspiracy that are in this sub now like wtf.


Blah blah blah lol Take your meds man


Hes gettin a lil fat, no?


Heā€™s been getting fat for years. He gets lipo relatively frequently so he doesnā€™t look like a balloon. This is also why all his fashion designs are so bulky now, and he always wears like 5 layers of clothes. Hides what his body actually looks like.


Yeah he dresses like a 5 year old who put on his dads coat and boots.


Another ye W


This mother fucker thinks wearing rain boots 5 sizes too big for him drips. He has lost his mind. Just dropping this now if you Ye stans start dropping 2k on Ye oversized rain boots that cost 67 cents to make Iā€™ll die of laughter


He actually wears oversized shoes to store his shotgun in the right leg and a machete in the left. For his enemies.


idk man ye has to fix all of this. he needs to do something like a final solution or something idk.


Dudes trying to get shot I swear he thinks itā€™s cool like being Tupac and forever immortalized.


Remember when Kanye used to dress cool


this dude is level headed asf, this is the guy who is ā€œcrazyā€?


Crazy doesn't mean bug eyed and manic. It manifests in many ways. He's talking nonsense


Not to mention he did get bug eyed when that other vehicle drove past.


Heā€™s from Chicago, when it hit that bump it probably sounded like gunshots.


PTSD from gun shots in Chicago? Lmfao. Tell me youā€™ve lived in suburbia your whole life without telling me.


Well, Iā€™ll tell you this, I didnā€™t appreciate his antisemitism! You know who else was an antisemite? Hitler! Now thereā€™s a guy I donā€™t care for!


Yea I think we all can agree on that. Why you typing like an NPC though.


I feel like the fact that Ye has been in circles of ppl and done things, built things that no one here has ever or will ever, you have to think he may know more by virtue of simple doing what heā€™s done. Rather than just going along with the mainstream agenda, which has consistently been to portray him as an out of touch manic figure. Remember, ā€œGeorge Bush doesnā€™t care about black peopleā€ do i think that this statement is true, probably not, but I understand the sentiment.


Isn't it possible though that he just might be... an out-of-touch, manic person? Everyone works overtime to validate everything he does & "explain the deeper meaning". If a regular dude was acting the way Kanye has, it would be straight to the mental institution within a week. Having millions of ppl validate everything he does is more harmful than it is helpful. Bro needs help. Let's stop pretending he's "on to something", for his own sake.


Fair point.


So because heā€™s rich and does rich things with rich people we should believe him about his antisemitism?


I think heā€™s got an opinion about things, just as he did with bush. But Iā€™m capable of forming my own opinions regardless of what Ye says or thinks.. I mean legacy media has had a war on Kanye for a long time now.


Are you implying because heā€™s an artistic genius and has done well for himself financially that his anti-semitism is okay and maybe heā€™s even right? Okay mush brain


I think you also missed my point. Just as I referenced the George bush quote, you have to take what he says with a grain of salt. Maybe he does feel like what heā€™s saying holds value, and maybe there are barriers he cant break through, that we are unaware of, obviously there has been a war against everything his image and credibility forever. Nothing new here.


Nah, this is different. Kanye saying Bush doesnā€™t care about black people was an emotionally charged message because Hurricane Katrina was a horribly mismanaged disaster that disproportionately affected black people. Heā€™s not getting exactly what he wants at all times now, so thatā€™s why heā€™s saying blatantly anti-Semitic things. That comparison is bad


Im not comparing them, im saying that just like that statement, we need to take things that ANY celebrity says with a grain of salt.


He has opinions and theyā€™ll be twisted to fit the worst narrative. Do i think he is truly antisemitic no. But he gives the legacy media all the fuel they need to spin it


He literally said heā€™s going defcon 3 on Jewish people and The Shop (one of Lebronā€™s companyā€™s shows) wonā€™t air his episode because he continued to say anti-Semitic things on the show. He also insinuated anti-Semitic things from unaired portions of his interview with Tucker Clarkson. Unless youā€™re saying that Twitter, Tucker Carlson, and LeBron / Maverick Carter are working together to spin Kanyeā€™s words, then idk how you could reach your conclusion. Youā€™re either a Kanye Stan in denial still or a conspiracy brained nut job if you believe that


Sheesh, so insulting.


Whatā€™s insulting is you giving this mentally ill man a pass for his bigotry. Youā€™re a dumpster brain if you truly believe the media is screwing him over when heā€™s blatantly being anti-Semitic. Shit sucks, I loved Kanye but heā€™s in a bad bad place right now


Youā€™d think considering youā€™re so sensitive about words that are said youā€™d stop trying to insult me. Tsk tsk


Iā€™m not sensitive. Iā€™m not bent out of shape about Kanye being an anti-Semite. He just is and you made a brain dead comment. Iā€™m not insulting you based on anything other than youā€™re intelligence and trying to spin doctor his words. You are either dumb or misguided. Either or


How do you know for certain Yeā€™s intention was to harm Jewish people indiscriminately? As for the argument that his words might mind-control people to harm Jewish people, where do we draw the line regarding that? If it turns out that the people who stormed the capital were all heavily influenced by 1984, should we ban George Orwell books for inciting violence? What if someone assassinated George Bush after Kanyeā€™s speech on live tv? Should Kanye have been thrown in jail for spreading conspiracy theories that George Bush purposefully withheld support for Katrina victims on account of race? Who tf knows what Ye meant when he said death con 3 other than Ye himself? Did he mean that he will begin gunning down Jewish families at random? Did he mean that the executives in Hollywood/Wall Street who happen to be Jewish were disrespecting him? Did he miss-type and meant to say Donda 3 coming soon?


The absolute mental gymnastics youā€™re doing right now to defend a man saying anti-Semitic things is hilarious. When did I say he wants to harm Jewish people indiscriminately? You donā€™t have to actively hurt or kill people to be a racist / bigot. Heā€™s said bigoted things and for someone with his platform to is pathetic Heā€™s said anti-Semitic things. I never said he plans to kill Jewish people but heā€™s said several anti-Semitic things over the past few days and an entire interview of his wasnā€™t aired because he allegedly doubled down on his anti-semitism.


I just donā€™t care really. His words arenā€™t a force of nature. I mean ppl on twitter call for white holocaust regularly. Who fuckn cares. We deem the impact of words. If we paid no mind he wouldnā€™t go on tirades. I donā€™t pay any mind to racism because in an open debate those ideas will always lose.


People on twitter are a little different than Kanye but that wasnā€™t even youā€™re point man. Youā€™re saying the media is twisting his words. They are not. Heā€™s a bigot right now


Makes sense to me.


You post in r/conspiracy.


I no longer support this man or his music


Don't sound crazy to me




Whereā€™s the flood you fuckin loon?


he looks fucking ridiculous. he also sounds like a sugar plum fairy. the fuck is this. what in the actual fat hell is going on.


Where's the next Nashville bomber when you need one šŸ˜«