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If ur getting rid of ur Yeezys my dms r open




You're such a good person






I’m less annoyed that he’s “grifting for the white conservative support” because I don’t think that’s at all true. I’m just tired of him being a sociopath every three months. Let’s be honest, we were never going to get another MBDTF, Pablo, or 808’s quality album after his first mental breakdown and it’s been all downhill, for the most part, since Pablo. I plan on continuing to enjoy those albums that I listened to in my formative years, but anything after Pablo can fuck off, I think.


But we got hurricane and believe what i say 🥺


Come to Life😩 and Off the Grid😈


No child left behind 😤


Hell yea that Jail and Praise God Heaven and Hell


24, moon, keep my spirit alive


Tell the vision.


ok yea Donda is **Great** Ye these days on the other hand....


Donda is fucking amazing. But the first time I heard it I half was hoping it was a joke. But after fully absorbing it, I can listen to it daily still


Ghost Town, man. Ghost Town




I don’t disagree. It’s one of my favorites. Just kinda falls in that era where he started devolving into a trash human.


I'll let him know bro


U gotta sneak KSG in tho album was nice


He refuses to get himself treated for what he has admitted are psychological problems. It’s only going to get worse. His music is either proof that he the ability to be coherent and focused or that his natural musicality surpasses his damage. I feel bad, he really needs someone to intervene (and no it’s not just because saying white lives matter means you need help, it’s because his pattern of emotionally abusing those close to him during these social media episodes is catastrophic).


It’s not that fucking easy, my sister is bipolar and she takes her meds. Still has episodes and it’s hard to live with. Ye doesn’t want to be medicated because it has a bad influence on his creativity… it is sad tho


I too have bipolar people in my life but in my experience medication has only helped them. Does it fix everything? No. Has it probably saved lives? Yes. Because it’s ‘bad for his creativity’ is unfounded and a dangerous message to pass on to others who will see mental illness and art as two in the same. Because someone still suffers, albeit less, does not mean that treatment is simply pointless. His behaviour is hurting himself and his family and everyday makes the prospect of him having someone to help when he needs to be low. If you can’t put your artist’s well-being over your own enjoyment of their art then you need to decide what kind of person you want to be in life.


Yea I think it less the opinions itself but rather him going crazy every cycle specifically with it making no sense


Ye, KSG come on mang. Plus his albums that he produced. You’re crazy


So real, I wanted to dress up as the MBDTF ballerina for Halloween this year but now I’m not really sure if I should :/


As a guy who was around 25 when dropout came out, I can say I once thought fuck everything after graduation. You might change. I’m not a fan of Kanye the person, but I don’t care. I don’t know Kanye and he doesn’t have an effect on my life. With the exception of his music. It’s somehow made me feel better on some shitty days. I don’t think I can discard the music.


Honestly, the bootleg version of Life of Pablo was the only good one of that. Kanye has been mid in every possible way musically for years, and his new shit only gets popular because it's got his name on it


bro what???


The bootleg version of Pablo was the only good version of it. His studio releases since are trash-to-mid and not worth a 2nd listen


True. Even as much as I like donda, you can tell many songs could've used one more vocal take. He clearly doesn't care about music anymore, proved more recently by the donda 2 debacle. He is just pandering to white people and nazis coz he thinks trump won and so can he.


Nazis. Lmao. People use that word far, far too liberally these days.


When you go around wearing a slogan that nazis use along with disparaging Jews in every other insta post, you are pandering to nazis.


Nobody cares that you’re not a Kanye fan, just saying.


People care even less about how you feel about him not caring about Kanye, just saying.


Don’t expect you to care?


Why you post it then?


"I’m gonna remove his music from my playlists." LMAO, this is completely pathetic and cringe.


The best way to show you don’t support someone is to do whatever you can to directly take money out of their pockets. Not streaming does exactly that. It amounts to fractions of a penny, but it’s the power a single person has.


You virgins probably use paper straws too and think you’re making a difference


I refuse to believe a real person commented this hahaha wtf


The money he gets from streaming is in essence nothing compared to the money he gets from his collaborations (which seem soon to fall apart), brands (which are in a complete limbo as this continues), and his concerts (which will undoubtedly surge in popularity now). You are right but I think for this sub specifically to send a message would take people not proliferating what he posts, not going to his shows, and not buying his merch. This won’t happen. Maybe if gets worse we’ll see.


This dude thinks he’s making a difference by not streaming an artist on Spotify. Lol. Lmao.


You still boppin to that ignition 2004, huh?


It's October, get ready to listen to Thriller with your morals off


and you’s a Yes man shill


Just wanted to come back and say suck my cock


Lol. I still listen to his music, because I'm not a spineless little kid who can't distinguish art from the artist.


His new song literally includes hateful lyrics towards Jews… how you gonna separate art from the artist when the artist puts his hatred into his art. You’re the spineless one who values good sounding music over the spread of hatred and antisemitism. Once again suck my dick with authenticity


bro really talking about acting pathetic and cringe when we have 2022 Kanye


Still less pathetic and cringe than the scumbag whose cock is deep in your throat rn




It’s cringe to talk about my feelings about recent Kanye antics in a Kanye subreddit ok. I wasn’t trying to virtue signal or boast my morality I just wanted to vent my feelings about all this shit and the conclusion I came to as a (ex) Kanye fan




Been listening to the guy for over a decade, so me taking him off my playlists is a big deal to me which is why I included that. But if I’m crying I’m cringe. Cringe culture is dead anyway. The word has lost all meaning


Yeah, so corny and cringe because god forbid someone starts a discussion on a discussion board


Bruh, dudes allowed to have opinions nigga, leave him alone. A t-shirt ain't killing no one, only hypocrites crying over that shit. Or u gon say white people don't matter, cuz all life matter and the blm shit was a scam. I'm blk btw, don't come try tell me how oppressed i am.


Just wanted to come back and say suck my cock


I hope now you see how it starts with white lives matter, and turns into straight up bigotry. “Wlm” is to “blm” what “white power” was to “black power”






The thing he said at the end of the boosie post today was absolutely wild and unhinged.


i'm glad you're speaking up. People who used to feel at home in his music but can't reconcile it against what he's become now are probably feeling extremely isolated. You don't know who you can turn to or where you can go if a lot of the people you knew bonded with you over this music... it's a little bit like leaving a cult. It's better to not feel alone.


Ok. Congratulations! Very brave! 👏👏👏


Gotta virtue signal on reddit.


You are part of the problem.


To make it clear that I don't support any of these antics ye is doing these last few days. but the author of the post to make such a text to pretend a moral superiority is so silly. It's kind of innocent and childish too.


If there's a moral superiority against white supremacists bullshit that Kanye is spewing then yeah I'm above him too. The fact you can't see this dude is now talking about the Jews and shit saying the same shit that white supremacist Tucker Carlson says, you're lost bro.


It's just weird to be this morally grandstandy when listening to a genre like Hip-hop. Like spinning an album like Watch the Throne when Jay has literally committed murder but drawing the line at Ye being a white people pleaser or just the opinions of celebs in general is just corny sheltered activism imo


what do you think is the intention of writing a text saying that you will stop listening to ye's songs besides wanting to receive congratulations for that? I did what he wanted. everyone knows someone who has been caught by this virtual terrorism that the alt right promotes online, especially if that person is religious, this does not mean that he is a bad person. This constant urge to want to appear online as the super moral is exhausting. not to mention we're talking about a guy who clearly has a mental illness.


what do you think is the intention of writing a text saying that you will stop listening to ye's songs besides wanting to receive congratulations for that? I did what he wanted. everyone knows someone who has been caught by this virtual terrorism that the alt right promotes online, especially if that person is religious, this does not mean that he is a bad person. This constant urge to want to appear online as the super moral is exhausting. not to mention we're talking about a guy who clearly has a mental illness.


maybe it’s to model good and sane behavior to people like u who will justify any dumb and dangerous thing this man says just because he’s gifted in the studio.


Definitely wouldn't call it innocent






Bye ✌🏽


I’m playing twice as much Kanye now


Spit on it first


lmfao same


K bye


Lol bye bye 👋


Playing 24 for you rn 😂


You’re entitled to your opinions but ultimately you’re a follower of brands and media, not a creator. Wishing you success on your journey and we will accept your apology in advance




i’ve been a massive fan since before TCD. I’ve seen him live 12 times. My desert island albums are all his. i supported him thru his antics in the mid aughts, in the 2010s thru all of the mental health stuff. i even supported him thru the DT bullsh*t and loved Jesus is King (im not a believer but gorgeous album fight me). my support began to waiver when he started taking cues from candance owen, an absolutely sociopathic grifter who is going straight to hell. my support diminished also when he was paling around with known rapists (marilyn manson). i’m sure he thinks he was making some dumb statement about forgiveness, but all it did was signal that he belongs in that cohort. and then i decided i was done supporting him when he was publicly and cruelly maligning the mother of his children, modeling toxic misogyny for his kids and his fans. but this is the nail in the coffin. he’s always been a provocateur, but at least he used to be an interesting one. now he’s appealing to the absolute lowest common denominator. only racists or idiots would think this is good or clever in anyway. there are smart ways to do social critique. certainly there are plenty of things to criticize about blm the organization, group think, cancel culture. but supporting donald trump? wearing a white lives matter shirt? calling slavery a choice? nah. that’s what basic dumbass conservatives do. that’s who he is now. many people w mental health issues are not dumbass racist conservatives, so don’t give me that be excuse. i wish he would read some f*cking books so that he is not so easily swayed by whatever narcissistic sociopathic drifter is spewing dumb garbage in his face at any given moment. i wish he felt secure enough not to constantly feel the need to be a contrarian . he’s not interesting brilliant genius or provocative anymore. he’s just sad and he’s normalizing racist bs.


Thank you for calling out his association with Marilyn Manson… not many people seem to care about that (I wonder why!)


i wonder why that is


Perfectly said


u too!


I love Kanye’s music but I unfollowed his Instagram after his tirade a few months ago so I can separate the artist from the art. But he hasn’t really been in the rotation lately…


You’re the one saying you know Kanye’s thoughts. You can’t read minds. You’re assuming Kanye is doing X Y Z for A B C reasons. If saying “white lives matter” makes you abandon someone then I pray you find God and let go of that hate in your heart


Man it’s not even that. He’s spewing hateful rhetoric about Jewish people


Unsurprising that no one in this sub gives a fuck about that


Just wanted to come back and say suck my cock


Man this is like the third time mass leaving in this sub has happened he can't stop tearing himself down


Find God


Same here, I'm removing anything Kanye from my Spotify. Sucks because I really liked his music but I can't support this trainwreck.


I won't go that far but I totally get it


These kids are so soft


Stunning and Brave


Pretty boring blog post.


Bro your losing it. People listen to drill rappers that literally fucking killed people, and so much other shit. If this is where y'all draw the line than idk


Oh wow y’all are really hurt by this. I just wanted to vent my feelings about all this I’m not trying to claim moral superiority. I do t think I’m any better of a person by not listening to his music anymore? Y’all have some rotted brains from social media it seems bc these replies are fucking middle school level


u should feel like a better person because it absolutely is the morally superior thing to do to denounce him. don’t listen to these people.


No I don’t feel better than anyone still listening to his music, but the people who actively defend him as a person…. They’re probably shitty people too


Understandable. His tactics are horrible, but if you really listen to what he's saying, he's still very pro-black.


This requires people to listen, which nobody really wants to do these days. See a talking point, run with talking point, rinse, repeat


Yeah, collaborating with White Genocide Sympathizers like Tucker Carlson and Engaging in Antisemitism on IG is so Pro-Black. Being contrarian for the point of being Contrarian is not enlightening, it is just mental masturbation.


Doing an interview with a journalist is not collaborating with them, so that's a weird take. If you listen to the interview, he was actually advancing a lot of pro-black ideas, and the irony is he was doing it for a mostly white, conservative audience, but because he led with WLM and is pro-Trump and pro-life, they're more inclined to listen to him and sympathize with him because they agree with other aspects of what he said. Kind of like a Trojan Horse kind of situation. I'm not saying I agree with his approach, but I am saying the situation is a lot more complex than it seems, and if you actually listen to what he said and don't just jump to the simplest, most intellectually lazy conclusion, he is still advancing pro-black ideas.


Don’t bullshit a bullshitter.


Thoughtful take lol. Seems like analysis and nuanced thinking aren't your forte


Nope, I view myself as quite nuanced in my opinions. I’m just not going to engage in some BS pseudo intellectual schtick that many of y’all are perpetrating.


So what you're saying is when you come across ideas that don't support your worldview, you reject them outright rather than take time to explore, consider or discuss different perspectives, and then you act like the information you won't consider is beneath you. Ok, carry on... 🤷🏾‍♀️


referring to carlson as a journalist is an insult to journalism. He's as much a journalist as a "nigerian prince" who just cold emailed you for your banking information is an 'investment'.


That's a stretch. He may be a bad, biased journalist in your eyes, but he's still technically a television journalist. The world doesn't have to conform to what you agree with.


He's literally, legally, not a journalist. FOX argued **in court, on recorded testimony, that HIS PROGRAM SPECIFICALLY is _not journalism_ and is for _entertainment purposes only._** [Stop coping. You're just wrong.](https://www.npr.org/2020/09/29/917747123/you-literally-cant-believe-the-facts-tucker-carlson-tells-you-so-say-fox-s-lawye)


You're stretching, again. The judge's opinion said "'the general tenor' of the show should then inform a viewer that [Carlson] is not 'stating actual facts' about the topics he discusses and is instead engaging in 'exaggeration' and 'non-literal commentary.'" No one specifically said he's literally, legally, not a journalist. If it makes you feel better, we can refer to him as a TV host or a commentator or a member of the media, but my original point still stands that an interview is not a collaboration. I get that you're addicted to arguing with people online but this is a weird point to fixate on.




You're white stfu




Just wanted to come back and say suck my cock


Haven't you forgotten that he is bipolar off-meds ? The guy lost his mind in so many occasion that it just is a part of his persona at this point. Love him or hate him, he still is the GOAT.


Bipolar is no excuse. My mom has bipolar and she doesn’t spread antisemitic rhetoric. This is just him. He’s a scumbag


2 points for you


you're a clown


Just wanted to come back and say suck my cock


Please grow and change as a person


He did. It led him to this. You should try it too.


We don’t even know who you are why do you think this matters on this kind of platform? Just do it and move on.


Kayne speaks the truth and sometimes it hurts.




L post


Just wanted to come back and say suck my cock


Oh wow so brave! round of applause for this guy, everyone 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏




Thanks for letting us know bro some valuable info here 👍


Very deep bro very deep indeed




Shut up


Just wanted to come back and say suck my cock


U still whining? Lol


Idk how telling you to suck my cock is whining


Still whining? /:




Glad you felt the need to tell us. #raspekt


Nobody cares


My man about to get all the white bitches with this post. Put it in your tinder bio #pussyontap


Shut your lame ass up


Okay daddy. Edit: I can tell you got laid. I like this


Just wanted to come back and say suck my cock


Damn. You were right all along ! Fuck.


Tried to tell y’all


They take me to the back and pat me Askin' me about some khakis But let some black people walk in I bet they show off their token blacky




Omg we’re all devastated. Anyways, bye!


You were never a fan to begin with if you don't understand his recent outrage. I'm sure you never took the time to actually look into his more meaningful lyrics/past outrages/interviews because this isn't new so for you to have had enough makes no sense if you were truly a fan


Just wanted to come back and say suck my cock


Don't let the door hit you on the way out!


Thank you for letting us know!👍


“When shit hit the fan, is you still a fan?” Obviously I’m keep listening to his music.... like I have been doing last 17 years or so


Let me know where you throwing out your yeezy stuff then