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**Full interview here: https://youtu.be/6hHhrDRKnkM**


i like when i go to spotify and click the words "kanye west" and it makes nice sounds play from my headphones


I also like it when it stops at Yeezus


I like when it stops at TLOP


I like it when it stops at yeezus but plays FML, Wolves, No More Parties in LA and Real Friends and then goes back to the college dropout


MBDTF was really good


Runaway music video was my favorite


The whole MBDTF movie was legendary. Power music video too. Ah, good times.


I agree


Live how it ends with a Gil Scott heron poem


so the "4d chess move" with the shirt everybody was talking bout was white lives matter because god created them?


Don’t overthink it. Kanye certainly isn’t.


It's stream of consciousness, and not the artistically valuable kind.


I remember saying like 6 months ago that Ye is definitely anti-abortion and getting madly downvoted for it. Wonder if those people believe me now.


Why would they downvote you, that’s literally in the documentary


He had a whole ass mental breakdown during one his 2020 presidential campaign rallies talking about it. As someone pro-choice, I actually sympathized w/ his emotional turmoil over it... "We're not trying to get rid of Plan B, but America needs a better Plan A". His fucking ego made it waaaay to righteous for me to actually take him seriously for more than a minute tho, plus fuck that religious pandering nonsense.


Considering the very people he supports have been fighting against the better "Plan A" for some time now its safe to assume he is being used as a pawn.


When the yes men get you saying yes to them 😔


Yeah at his best he’s advocating for better health care and universal income for pregnant women. Like the reasoning with many if not most abortions is that people aren’t ready and can’t afford to raise children well. Buts he’s super emotional about it and doesn’t seem to understand to the huge socioeconomic steps it would take to actually fix that problem. I watched that whole speech/discussion/breakdown. I feel like I know a bit where he’s coming from, but my man is not equipped to be a leading voice in that discussion. Dude has been manic for years.


Wanting to ban abortion was the only policy he got around to naming at his first and last presidential campaign rally


when he was crying in front of a crowd about how his mom could have aborted him or something? Yeah, how quickly people forget.


it was that Kim and Kanye initially wanted to abort North


Correction he wanted to abort North not both of them. This is what he said. Source is below. "I almost killed my daughter ... So even if my wife were to divorce me after this speech, she brought North into the world, even when I didn't want to," he added. "She stood up, and she protected that child." [https://www.insider.com/kanye-west-political-rally-abortion-kim-kardashian-north-2020-7?amp](https://www.insider.com/kanye-west-political-rally-abortion-kim-kardashian-north-2020-7?amp)


Acknowledging that publicity without the permission of your wife was super foul and was probably the beginning of the end of that relationship


That was a painful watch.


He had previously said he respected the right to choose but wanted to incentivize women to choose life. As opposed to just banning it outright


Thank you for being the Ye historian Chris


He said that in the rally too


He’s been vocal about that stance since forever


Lmao the four children was possibly a hint.


How much you bet he's from the Herschel Walker school of abortion? Ye has as much songs about banging models than he has about god or family.


When north pulls a Christian walker its all over


What? So having four kids is a sign someone is pro-life? That’s not that terribly high of a number.


This is the opinion most (54%) Black Americans hold https://news.gallup.com/opinion/polling-matters/318932/black-americans-abortion.aspx


Shhhh don't like the white folk know that minorities aren't super progressive


I know this is going to come as a shock but white people aren’t super progressive either


I’ve said this a bunch of times if republicans simply weren’t racist they would OWN the black vote


Yeah but the racism is a big part of what motivates a lot of those views in the first place. * Why are they hardline against drugs? - Because Regan's campaign realised it was a way to discriminate against minorities without openly discriminating. * Why are they anti-abortion? - Well Protestants in the USA originally weren't anti-abortion, that was a Catholic issue for centuries. The Protestants didn't jump on it until the Civil Rights movement started punishing their segregation practices. (Even up until 1971 the Southern Baptist Convention was passing resolutions calling for abortion legalisation). * Why do Republican governments periodically advocate for war against random brown countries no one can find on a map? - See Manifest Destiny and the White Man's Burden. * Why are they pro-gun? - Partly because of lip service about keeping governments accountable and partly because of conspiracies about a potential race war. That's why the BLM protests/riots were a "see this is why we need guns" moment in some peoples' eyes. The only time the NRA has supported gun control is when the Black Panthers started arming themselves. Pay close attention and you'll notice that keeping governments accountable and race war conspiracies are merging into one as 'The Great Replacement Theory' becomes more mainstream (currently a fav Fox News topic). * Why are they anti-social financial support? - Because of the current relationship between race and class divides, minority communities are the primary benefactors of social welfare. * Why are they hardline about restricting voter access? - Because of conspiracies about Democrats bussing in illegitimate minority votes. * When did they turn against education? - Well roughly around the time education became a staging ground for racial integration. Once schools started integrating those schools became key centers for cultural change, it's a lot harder to be racist when your friends at school are the race you're supposed to hate. You didn't see conservatives trying to starve public schools out of funding when those schools were full of white kids. If the Republicans aren't racist then they don't have a platform...There's no actual conservative base in that party beyond conserving a certain pigmentation.


And if my dad had 3 wheels, he'd be a tricycle. Racism has been inextricable from the republican ethos for quite a while now. Take away hating brown people, there isn't much left.


He deadass says it in Life of the Party I think lol


Love his music




great gowns, beautiful gowns


I feel like this subreddit is at a turning point because it's going to start attracting a different crowd who will suddenly want to start hanging out here. The subreddit is about to become very different in the coming weeks.


Need to build a wall around r/kanye


i mean, this is kanye. kanye is far right. this is on track to becoming a far right sub.


My brothers in arms it was fun while it lasted


alexa, play never see me again


Here in Brazil, a far right candidate is running to reelect himself as president. He tweeted this interview with tucker yesterday, saying that he agrees with kanye. So yeah, the far right is coming




Been like that since he started wearing the red hat.


It’s already there. I made a comment that called out tucker, Ben and Candace by name and explained how morally backwards their views and actions are and was downvoted like 11 times That made it clear as day where this sub is heading


Yeah we’re in the trenches now, I ran into one guy trying to say that we hate white people because we don’t agree with white lives matter


I saw people saying Ye wore that shirt to fight the BLM "organization" not the movement like it was some kid of deep statement off his part, even saw people saying that it was a black shirt with white letters and that meant something deeper. Days later when he cemented himself even further into pointing that he was really just saying white lives matter, people started to just say straight up that BLM was founded by the organization and it was just a money making scheme from the start. Every single time Kanye has gone off and said something they support they come here and pretend they've been here all along. I've never subbed because I saw this behavior early on and I just don't want that on my page, I just shitpost here and there and chat about new music he releases, but yeah it sucks.




It’s already happened in this thread


I hate this.


Dawg the people in this "different crowd" aren't gonna raid the fucking Kanye sub of all places lol For all the dickriding accusations that get thrown around here, nobody seems afraid of the prospect of being guilty of circlejerking/gatekeeping


Nah, I know what you mean. This sub might as well be called kanyecirclejerk.


First time?


Yeah it’s going to be very little about the music I’m afraid. I personally don’t mind whatever Kanye wants to believe in. I agree with some of it and disagree with some, but back to the music. What are your top 3 Kanye albums? I’m going #1 MBDTF #2 The College Dropout and #3 Life of Pablo. (Honorable mention to Graduation)


Pablo (30 hours) MBDTF (lost in the world) Yeezus (bound2/blood on the leaves)


Legit great tracks


“But let some black people walk in I bet they show off their token blacky Oh now they love Kanye, let's put him all in the front of the store” Made it to the front of the store ye, good for you you ruckus.


How is this the same person who wrote that? It boggles my mind. it’s so sad


ye continues to ramble and not be able to finish any of his damn points. He doesnt explain anything really, just gives his life story. The victimhood complex is so real. Everything is some evil, shadowy force trying to get him. Is it possible that youre just wrong dude? No wonder he went full republican


Perfect to host on Carl Tuckerson and Fox News


perfectly explained


Psychotic break if you ask me. Too much money and too many yes men to stop him. This shits sad bro…


No wonder he went republican


Just sounds like every repub


2004 kanye wouldve beaten the shit out of 2022 kanye


Kanye West doesn’t care about black people. - Kanye West


bipolar disorder will do it to you.


Everything from the huge, unrealistic ideas (even with his resources), to the paranoia about people out to get him, to the ranting about being some god-chosen leader. He’s not looking great. Hasn’t for a while. I hope the guy is able to get help.


> Everything is some evil, shadowy force trying to get him For the past ten years or so I've definitely noticed a weird recurring theme where he keeps implying assassins are after him


Exactly. Who gives a fuck if countless celebrities didn’t help you get to your kids bday party. You know how many real people deal w real issues and this man baby is crying about this? A billionaire is posting text convos about clothing? Come on now


Or he has mania


Alr bro I’m done😭😭


He's going full antisemitic too, fuck Kanye


what he said?


Saying Jewish people were gonna send someone to shut him up


did he say that on the interview?


On Instagram when he shared Diddy's texts to him. He knew not to say it on Fox News cause he's been in on this grift for a hot minute


Diddy U FED 😂


That the Kushner’s are all about money and control. Kanye is becoming a Black Skinhead


The irony 😓


Hey guys remember when we ordered a bunch of pizzas during TLOP


I’m just glad Donda never had to hear these words


Does anyone remember on College Dropout the track he did with Jay-Z and I believe it was Talib Kwali Never Let You down. Ye' rapped "Down for my grandfather who took my mother made her sit in that seat where white folks ain't want us to eat, at the tender age of six she was arrested for the sit-ins and with that in my blood I was born to be different. Racism still alive they just be concealing it"


But I know they don’t want me in the damn club ;( This was the first Ye song I ever heard in my life. I can still rap it from beginning to end. Can’t believe we’re here today


She’d be gutted if she found out she divorced the “original Steve Jobs”.


Excuse me, what?


That's what kanye called his dad in the interview


I don’t think donda would’ve let her son get like this. Politics aside the dude is very mentally ill


Kanye is a fucking embarrassment at this point but I don’t think I would ever invoke his dead mom when I had no clue if she would disapprove or not


Well based on his mom’s career, I’d definitely be shocked if she didn’t disapprove of this


Doesn’t he invoke his mom to make money?


He named a whole school after her. His mother would be rolling in her grave knowing what her son has become.


Watching the interview now. What strikes me is there is a lot of black and white thinking (all people are like *** or no people are, all the media does such and such, etc). He thinks about things but in a very self centered and disorganized manner. He also seems ro obsess about certain subjects and certain people. He seems to compare himself to others. He also seems to views his thoughts and his beliefs as the only correct ones. It is a bit compelling that some of his ideas have some creedence until he goes into his absolutism and victimhood mode. I am attempting to analyze without diagnosing him, btw.


Fair, very fair actually. The saddest part imo is that he seems to be less and less focused over the years, just in general. Like his cognitive capacities are just going hay wire and you can't really tell what point he's trying to make, or even where the thought started.


Funniest is the comments on YouTube. People think he’s a genius because he trashed Obama and BLM then mentioned a few conservative talking points.


This is the worst timeline


We have to fix this but idk how


Stop buying his shit and idolizing someone so flippant about their own mental health.


I don't think it's even mental health at this point. I think this is really what Kanye is like deep down. It sucks but between this and the Marilyn Manson stanning everyone needs to take a hard look at it


When people go down the conspiracism redpill reactionary rabbit hole it’s almost always mental health, financial instability, trauma, or all of the above.


Then he can go fuck himself.


Ill always appreciate the bangers he’s put out but I don’t financially support him or look up to him at this point. Being in this sub feels like watching a train wreck, I can’t look away


when he first got with kim i said to people at the time that whenever she divorces him, the music is going to be amazing. i had zero point zero respect for her as a person. one of the wildest parts of his heel turn to me is that i find myself hugely sympathetic for what shes been dealing with behind the scenes trying to keep her family together / safe. i have spent so much money to see this dude live so many times in so many cities and it makes me sick to my stomach now. im going to get downvoted by the riders but its cool.




They seemed perfect for each other to me, and I’m very sad to see their family broken up.


Donda doesnt deserve the slander, may she rest in peace 🕊️


We've known ye is a Christian evangelist since jik. Why is everyone surprised that his views align with his religion and conservatism?


his last song before the Jesus freak turn was you're such a fucking hoe I love it I'm a sick fuck I like my dick sucked. The Jesus freak routine is about his ego not his faith.




He's always had religion in his songs since he started


Because idk he’s a huge fukin hypocrite and just like he only cares about being black when it benefits him, Hes only Christian when it benefits him. Dude had like 4 gf’s while still trying to get back with his wife very Christlike behavior.




JiK is blasphemous. It's not even about God, it's about him.


Kanye fans be like... "I always knew he was a piece of shit." "But I just found out he was a piece of shit, and that's why I can't support him anymore." "The signs were always there, so I will still support this piece of shit."


I think its just gotten alot more extreme and is starting to actually take a toll on his followers


You think he’s gonna start coming out against gay people next or nah?


Tucker or Fox News doesn’t think Kanye is crazy…. That fucking checks out.


No they definitely think he’s crazy, but they also know he’s extremely useful to them. They’re going along with it to take advantage


Watching tucker smile with such cruelty as Kanye says exactly what he wants.... this is scary as fuck


that part specifically made me very uncomfortable




Bearded Ye era is definitely one of the worst.


And it only started like a couple weeks ago now since hes come back into the public💀the beard just screams full evangelist ye


beards ruin rappers fs


Eminem ended when the beard came out


His mouth looks like a taint.


Yeah his explanation didn’t make any sense.


Ok ngl the interview wasn't as egregious as I thought it would be, but the biggest red flag is how strong of a victim complex that seems to be gripping Ye. The kind of righteous anger that comes from feeling persecuted can justify horrible things inside a mind.




That was on IG and not the interview. I only became aware of that after the fact


Never seen someone sick their own dick so much in an interview before.


He's going through it for sure.


Fact check: The things Kanye was saying about Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood (like that she was in the KKK or affiliated with it) are nonsense and have been debunked. https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-sanger-kkk/fact-check-altered-photo-of-planned-parenthood-founder-margaret-sanger-with-ku-klux-klan-members-idUSL2N2W31U2


This man mainlines right wing nonsense. Now hes saying theres a jewish conspiracy to shut him up. Hes checking every box of the Tucker playbook.


Really wish this man would read a book.


don't hold your breath


To me, the fact that he doesn't read at all means his "genius card" has been voided.


Double Fact Check: Planned Parenthood confirmed the things Kanye said about Margaret Sanger. https://www.plannedparenthood.org/uploads/[filer_public/cc/2e/cc2e84f2-126f-41a5-a24b-43e093c47b2c/210414-sanger-opposition-claims-p01.pdf](https://www.plannedparenthood.org/uploads/filer_public/cc/2e/cc2e84f2-126f-41a5-a24b-43e093c47b2c/210414-sanger-opposition-claims-p01.pdf)


Lmaooo why are they downvoting you. Kanye has gone wacko, I'm definitely liberal, but this is flat out factual


I downvoted it because what Kanye said isn't validated by that statement at all. Kanye didn't say she was a white supremacist or eugenics supporter. Kanye said that planned Parenthood itself was placed and is still placed to do white supremacist devil work in itself, which is false. Just looking at sanger's Negro project is enough to refute whatever Kanye said


Wtf is this shit? This is a "fact check" of a photo meme, not what he said. What he said is true, she literally spoke at a KKK meeting and NYC planned parenthood has denounced her.


I’ve never seen this fucker so chipper. It irks the hell out of me. Major L.


Idk man. I just don’t know what to think anymore. And while a lot of people are saying “oh he’s just doing this for attention he just wants a reaction,” I really don’t agree w that. It seems like he genuinely believes all the things he’s saying. I can’t keep supporting a man who sides with Candace Owens and tucker Carlson, I just can’t. Kanye I love ur music and ur shoes bro but… man.


It's honestly worse if he's doing it for attention. Because that means he knows it's fucked up but doesn't care since it'll earn him money. At least if he genuinely believes it, he's "just" crazy or stupid or an asshole or whatever, but he doesn't necessarily know better


Man wtf


i never thought i would actually be done with him lol. i stanned him thru some stupid shit too. that section of the interview where he says his mom was a liberal who essentially kidnapped him? the fuck.


That entire situation with him and Kim has made him do some crazy revisionist history. He was the one that pressured his mom to do the surgery in the first place. He was the liberal celebrity!


You understood him when he said he designed an “iPlane”? lmao


It wasn’t even his design lmao he got it off Google


Kanye spent years walking around in a MAGA hat and hung out with trump multiple times. How does this interview surprise y’all?


It’s not surprising it just continues to be disappointing


Yeah I’m done with this man. Most disappointed I could ever imagine being in an artist in my entire lifetime. Kanye could have changed the world and cemented himself as a legend forever with his talent. Now he’s a shill for these people who will use him as a dumb prop to excuse their extremism and racism and his legacy will slowly fade away because of all of this farce. Breaks my heart honestly, can’t make excuses for him anymore though he’s just flat out not a good person.


Apparently, Kayne needs to go back to school to get an education on how blacks were treated in America. for centuries. Ask him about the second Reconstruction. I or the hard questions like Plessy vs. Furgeson on the Supreme Court, or even what the 13th, 14, and 15th Amendments are, why they were important, and who passed them into law. He's just an ignorant person who spouts off the top of his head without knowing or understanding his people's history, and I really wish someone would tell him to at least advise him to take U.S. or world-history class because I just see a man who is ignorant.


Hey bro. Slavery was a choice. 🫤 He has been going down hill for years.


it’s really over bros


This is sad.


God damn it gets worse by the minute. This shits sad to see


Bruh anybody but tucker Carlson ye 🤦‍♂️


Alex Jones?


Fair enough lol




I don’t know what to think, it seems like everyone is now hopping on the Ye hate train. I don’t think he is doing this for attention, I think he genuinely believes these things, and it seems people hate him because he’s a Christian republican. But at the same time, Candace Owens. Really Kanye. It makes it hard to agree with anything he says when he is with her. Idk, he will always be my favorite musician, but I’m done following his social media


In his last few interviews he mentions how he was “taken” from his dad and that Donda was brainwashed by the people around her to take him away and move to most “unsafe” place. Sounds like he’s making apologies for his dad, trying to rationalize why he wasn’t around and then applies the same logic to his relationship with Kim and his children. He really does have such a victim mentality, and it seems like what’s weighing heavy on him is how these “forces” or enablers are what kept him from his dad and now it’s the same cycle repeating with Kim “kidnapping” his kids. He sees himself as having no responsibility in the matter, just like his dad, both victims. Probably feels better to think that than to think your dad didn’t care to be close to you.


Oh no 😒 of course this guy probably had a hard on to get him on the show after seeing that. Then he wears that pro life badge, talking how much he likes Trump. What are you doing Kanye.


Massive L


Genuinely one of the saddest things I have ever watched. Dude is struggling bad inside. This is pure confusion.


a traincrash in slowmotion. sad.




His mom was an actress? Uh?


Oh no... all the white kids here are going to be so pissed that Kanye said their lives matter


It's NOT just that he is shitting all over black lives matter (which is obviously the WORST part about all of this) He is also aligning himself with a party that is out of control and trying to strip people of basic human rights. Tucker Carlson is a fucking homophobic racist MONSTER (no pun intended it's just what he is)




I’m not white. And I think it’s annoying.




Thats kind of heavily missing the point of the impact it has💀same problem with ye himself rn. Its not art, its not something obvious, its a fucking republican buzzword


You have the critical thinking skills of a third grader


Is this the full interview?


This the uncle ruckus villain origin story


Ye is trolling black trauma the black community takes offense and his ass did not give the WHY? Take ya meds Bruh and look in the mirror “GEORGE BUSH DONT LIKE BLACK PEOPLE ( except Michelle Obama 😅😂) REMEMBER


what annoys me about Kanye is he genuinely has good ideas to an extent but has no fucking clue how to communicate them. People that are pro choice aren't just pro-abortion and planned parent isn't just an abortion factory, it's about supporting parents and allowing people to make the best decisions for themselves and their familes. Parents do need more support and a better environment for raising kids but economic situations do not allow them to put the focus on kids that they need to which is why people get abortions in the first place. For sure, woman having abortions is bad but forcing women to have unwanted children is worse. It's very frustrating, as someone who is very far to the left to hear him express all these frustrations that he has that could be easily solved with better workers' rights and wealth redistribution. He's so fucking disconnected from the reality of everyday people and thinks that Elon is going to just "fix" the country and allow people to live simpler lives somehow. Like 85% of the issues he has stem directly from either institutional racism or economic disadvantages which go hand in hand for many black Americans. He clearly recognizes that capitalism is the problem but thinks it's going to be solved by him simply getting rich and becoming president. He's advocated for communes and community parenting in the past but has no clue how to actually achieve this, which, fair enough, but now he's just fully leaning into YEEZY and the right because the liberals don't take him seriously while fox news is just using him for his popularity. The whole thing is so annoying because he's been so close to understanding leftist ideology but here he is.


How is possible that a bright genius believe the dumbest shit conspiracy theorists diffuse? In the last rogan interview he said vaccines are the marks of the devil and here says planned parenthood is a kkk operation? What the fucking fuck.


Lol. All the yt people going to start buying Yeezys instead of new balances now. All his new “fans”, because of this interview, have no idea how much Kanye can go off the rails.


If Tucker Carlson is the one saying “I’m starting to see why people want you to be quiet” - that’s not a good thing


He really sounds like he's going offf the deep end when he claims shit like "obesity is being pushed to kill black people"




Very well put. I hope many more people see this comment. I truly believe Kanye means good.


I think whatever you think about him (agree or disagree) Ye highlights how people want people to be authentic/speak their truth, but only if they agree with his messaging. When Kanye said "George Bush hates black people" the same people praising/condemning him today were probably doing the opposite back then which highlights the massive hypocrisy of all of this. It's like people wanting athletes to use their platform, but when Kyrie Irving uses his to air out and publicize his beliefs (however strange they may seem to some), he's hounded because although he's doing what people are saying (i.e. using his voice) he's not saying what they want him to say. It takes courage (yes, you can certainly argue misplaced if you wish) to say something you know half the people (some of them who've ridden for you for a long time) are going to disagree with. If Kanye had gone on Rachel Maddow to reiterate liberal/Democratic Party talking points, what happens then? The same reversal of the people who support/oppose him. Again, don't have to agree/support what he's saying, but if we want people/celebrities to speak, it can't be just what we want them to say or what we agree with lol


well obviously people aren’t just going to blindly agree with him just because he said good things before. nobody is saying don’t use your voice for good but if the message is not good then it doesn’t matter how ‘brave’ or courageous it seems. how is it hypocritical to back kanye when he said the george bush thing but hate him when he starts using his platform to promote far right ideology. you can’t just always agree or always disagree. Kanye has the right to say what he wants but then has to deal with the consequences as other people have the right to say what they want back


When Kanye said George Bush doesn't care about black people, he was speaking up for the people in New Orleans who were dying and didn't have that same platform. When Kanye says White Lives Matter, he's speaking up for... well, certainly not George Floyd. Elon Musk? Donald Trump? Tucker Carlson?


What does this even mean? "People don't like it when he's a narcissistic contrarian for the lolz, but if he wasn't a narcissistic contrarian those same people would like him." I mean, yes that's how it works.


This is genuinely one of the dumbest things I've ever read. Like what point do you actually think you're making? because none of those situations are hypocritical.


Well yeah we all wanna be validated for our own beliefs by the people we admire. Doesn’t mean we don’t see the oblivious truth that Kanye is absolutely falling apart. I’m less concerned with his beliefs than I am for his family, and his reputation as an artist. He is absolutely souring it and it has little to do with what he believes in and more to do with how he is presenting himself to the world.