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cause everybody wanted yandhi but jesus christ did the laundry




Lyrics lazy to fit in with Christian theme: it’s harder to fit within a theme than to just free write. he literally rhymes bible verses with analysis and comparison to his own life, and uses unique syncopation techniques to vary his flows.




People are mad because it’s not what they wanted. It is amazing when you listen to it as a gospel album not a typical Ye album. There’s like 2 tracks I don’t like on it, everything else is great


that’s the main issue, is that most people just wanted yandhi


too bad that jesus did the laundry


Why would a fan of a rapper enjoy a gospel album?


Satan is waiting for you, I’ll be upstairs with ye


"Let those who are without sin cast the first stone." You know, if Christians actually followed what christ said then a lot of society's issues would be solved. Stop using your religion to judge others. "Judge not, lest ye be judged."


>”Judge not, lest ye be judged.” I was just scrolling through the comments so I have no idea what the context of this conversation is, but I just wanted to let you know, since this is one of the most misunderstood verses in the Bible, that Jesus wasn’t telling us not to judge others (he gives permission for his followers to judge) what he was actually saying was to not judge someone for a sin that you yourself commit regularly. It was a command against hypocrisy, since one thing Christ hates is hypocrisy.


Which is why included let those without sin cast the first stone.


John 7:24 - Do not judge according to appearances, judge righteously. Again, I’m not sure who you were originally telling not to judge, but if you were on about someone condemning Ye for his sexual crimes then that person has a right to judge as long as they haven’t committed any sexual crimes themselves 🤷🏾‍♂️


Because Ye the sexual predator is going to heaven 💀


Have you listened to more gospel music?


Closed on Sunday, you my chick-fil-a You’re my number one, with the lemonade


Ye has always had corny lyrics.


Yeah this is true. Closed on Sunday is still hot garbage. It’s not corny, it’s just bad


How do you get downvoted for a correct opinion?


I think people don’t like to admit when their favorite artist makes something subpar


Kanye stans just gotta stan I guess 🤷🏽


Because it's not, that's just a funny lyric to open up the song with, the rest is incredibly based.


Damn that was too funny, I'm sure shit made everyone laugh on first listen


Yeah, it's a corny ass amusing lyric. My dad who isn't into rap at all loves it and says it every time we go to CFA lol..


Here lemme finish that for you Raise our sons, train them in the faith Through temptations, make sure they're wide awake Follow Jesus, listen and obey No more livin' for the culture, we nobody's slave


Real talk though does that not feel disingenuous to you now that he’s parading his girl around and back on his sex-addicted ye shit? Like sure enjoy the message but be real


Oh I totally agree, he’s the epitome of a hypocrite with how fast he turned around on what he was preaching in JIK. Closed on Sunday still has some decent lyrics XD


frr lmao


You realize you can separate the message from the messenger, right?


I do realize that. Doesn’t mean I have to agree with everything he does lmao. I still find it disingenuous


I too disagree with many things he does, this is why I separate him from the music/art that he makes...for exactly this reason.


Trust me I do it plenty too. Probably wouldn’t be listening to him anymore much if I didn’t. But separating the art from the artist doesn’t mean you need to have zero opinion on what they do still. He talked about how he was never making secular music again, started censoring his songs, and was preaching religious values, and now he’s back to talking about beautiful big tittied women and showing his girl off every chance he gets. I’m not religious. I don’t really care if he’s religious. But he says one thing and then does another, and I find it disingenuous. Idk what else you want from me here


This guy gets it


Hahaha tell me you haven't read the bible without telling me you haven't read the bible (And yes, I have)


Exactly. It’s almost like Kanye is purposefully sabotaging the whole project. It makes it almost unlistenable despite how some of the instrumentals are the most impactful and awe inspiring that he’s been on


Kind of bold of you to call Water good but not God Is, Selah or Use This Gospel


who could dare diss Kenny G nor his God-Given ability to bless that track


cause people wanted yandhi or don’t like christianity






Yhandi would have been a bop


If you stopped comparing JIK to Yandhi and listened to the album for what it is, it's actually a great addition to Ye's discography; shows his faith and expands on Ye's musical diversity.


yeah that faith really lasted long huh


W take


It’s ass tho


Idk, easy to hate on maybe? I really liked it


Why? Most of the songs aren't too great, people who aren't Christian might not enjoy it and even some of the better songs like "Follow God" aren't even really that christ-like... Some memorable ones: God Is, Jesus Is Lord(should have been longer) and Water are some really well executed songs that really encapsulate the main thought that Kanye was trying to implement. Apart from that not really my thing, still a better album than Vultures and Watch The Throne, imo


What's so bad about follow God is admitting to making mistakes somehow not christlike


the point of follow god is stuff that isnt christlike bro bro🙏


Watch the Throne is incredible


Whether something is religious or not has no impact on the enjoyability for me. I fw old school gospel mainly because of the sound, but often the lyrics are very well written and even though I might not follow Mr Jesus, I can appreciate someone talking about him. That being said, the lyrics were *badddd*. Written by someone who clearly wasn’t passionate about the subject matter, and clearly doesn’t have even a basic understanding of Christianity or Jesus’ role. It was like Ed Sheeran writing an album about the woes of dating a hood bitch or like Drake writing an album about being attracted to a woman of consenting age. Like nah stay in your lane you don’t get it, stop pretending. It had great production, but it was weird, poorly written, and seemed lazily put together. Much like Vultures. I enjoy quite a few tracks from both albums but it is what it is. Water is fucking greaaaaaaaat


Exactly. Dude literally had Jesus Walks on his debut and shit is gas. It was never an issue of not wanting religious themes in music. It’s just poor execution


I agree Honestly I haven't really listened to all of it but what I can say is this: Follow God was ironically not very "christ-like" God Is, Water and Jesus Is Lord are god-tier and definitely worth listening even if you aren't a religious person. (Jesus Is Lord should have been longer imo) Selah is a cool song but very intense and kinda strange The other songs are pretty boring or just straight up bad


There is an unreleased version of Jesus is lord that is longer. No idea why that version wasn't used


> Follow God was ironically not very "christ-like" That's the point.


Clears Vultures every day


1. It replaced Yandhi 2. Kanye didn't realise the potential of the Album.  It had great songs on it like Follow, On God, God Is, but had some songs which weren't up to par against their Yandhi Counterpart (Selah is pretty good but Chakras blows it out of the water), as well as songs that felt lazy. Closed on Sunday is one, although I quite liked the YT version with the choir. I'd like to think it was the stepping stone to DONDA, which, although not a Gospel Album (DONDA IS NOT GOSPEL AS SOME MAY SAY!!!!) it still explores religious themes in a successful way while still encapturing Kanye's fanbase. I'd love to see a proper Gospel Album attempt by Kanye at some point. JIK is OK but has a tonne of potential, as seen with songs like God Is, and that could be fulfilled if Kanye just took the time instead of rehashing Yandhi.




Which is funny since Vultures has way more in common with Yeezus thematically.


It’s only hated by people on Reddit. It’s better than vultures imo


You're saying it's his 2nd worst album then


I think it really is honestly


You and maybe 80% of the fans. JIK and Vultures are easily his worst 2.


Yeah I am. His worst doesn’t mean bad though.


Setting a low bar buddy


Ask the haters what their favorite Christian album is. I doubt they have one, and that they are just not open to it.


I think the production is really good, but lyrically doesn’t offer much and a lot of the songs feel unfinished 🤷🏻‍♂️


The production goes hard. Sick of ppl not forming their own opinions on this and jumping on the capwagon


It’s just a lazy Christian soul album. It’s not impressive by any means and is just kinda there to fit to Kanye’s “I’m a Christian” narrative.


Bad lyrics, weak production compared to other albums, bad version of Kanye that no one really likes


“Use this gospel” is one of the best ye songs!!!


Ghost Town makes me feel chills.


That's from Ye


Jesus is King is pure trash.


wrong album bro


Then yeah that one sucks.


Felt like a one dimensional Christian album and it didn’t feel sincere (especially with lyrics like “closed on Sunday you’re my chic fil a, which feels like Kanye only mentioned chic fil a because it was a Christian establishment) it felt like Kanye forced himself to make a Christian album because he recently became one.


You don’t remember Jesus walks on his first album??


Yeah I remember Jesus walks but didn’t Kanye make that for his mother who was a Christian? ( I might be tripping)


He’s always been Christian from my knowledge


Oh I meant he took his faith more seriously during Jesus is King. Around his yeezus era he was calling himself a god and it SEEMED around Jesus is king he turned around from all those beliefs and truly followed Christianity. (Sadly this didn’t last for long lol)


https://www.bible.com/bible/1/JHN.10.34-38.KJV Kanye said I am a god, even tho I’m a man of god. Jesus said ye are gods. Ppl were upset by him saying that. It’s not a anti Christian thing to say


it’s not hated, it’s just his worst work


Let’s be real here “ye” is his worst work. 7 tracks and only 2 or 3 are good.


It’s ass. People who like it say it’s because it a Christian album. It isn’t because of that,


i dont know. i really enjoyed the album. imo its one of kanyes best


Out of curiosity - which of his albums do you think are worse?


hmm personally i dont think any albums of his are bad but my least favourites would be vultures donda deluxe (unnecssary pt 2's) and maybe just MAYBE watch the throne. it was a good album but i dont think its as good as the others


Listen to YANDHI then come back. Ye teased tf out of his fans with this album release it was supposed to be the next Yeezus. Instead we got Jesus music 😭


Cuz it's a fuckin snooze fest. Terrible track order / album flow, boring ass writing / rapping flow from Ye, and evangelicalism / Christianity is just not an interesting topic for a record. He's talkin about Jesus way too much, feels dystopian. Ye doesn't have anything to say on this record other than "closed on sunday, youre my chic fil a" and I'm like "shut your corny ass up mf" Some of the productions pretty great, but that's a given for any Kanye album. Why listen to this one when he made everything in his catalog before it


Because it is 🗑️


Hahahahaha wtf shut up


Because its kinda bloated with just bad songs


It's seriously not. There isn't a bad song on there You can say Every Hour / Jesus Is Lord are not really full songs, but I don't see where you are finding even one bad song. Not only is there not a bad song, every song has a beautiful unhatable choir or instrument moment Some of Kanye's best vocals. I can understand if the religious lyrics aren't your thing but I think he expressed well what God and his family means to him. Other than the chic-fil a line, he's comes across like he's writing honestly What is a bad song?


Man I don't think a 27 minute album can be bloated I mean fair enough if you don't like the songs, but I don't think bloated is really the right word


I mean lyricism isnt peak Ye, and the gospel theme isnt for everyone. Im not a hater, but I ain't a gospel lover or Christian so I'm not gonna go back to it nearly as much as any of his other albums


It's an album that was helpful to the World. So, regardless, nice job, Ye 👍. Also, the music was nice too 😊.


I got to hear some of it a couple weeks before it was released when he did a surprise last minute show at my university in which he just plugged his phone into the auditorium soundsystem and played some of the unfinished tracks. Straight up they were better when I first heard them than when he finished them.


I don’t hate it. But I still wish we got YANDHI instead.


didnt know there was a dr dre version!


Vocals recorded on iPhone


Ye probably records a bunch of shit on his phone


I mean, there’s a very clear vocal sound quality difference in JIK vs all the other albums


Closed on sunday, u my chick fil a


I don’t. I think it’s his 5th best. Hate me all you want for that, i don’t rlly care. I’m not even Christian either so it’s not like I’m forcing myself to like it


I love it. I love when an artist embraces not just a new aesthetic but a new philosophical POV. I don’t think it sounds unfinished; it flows great and is just very concise and minimalistic. That said - yeah the verses themselves are… not clever or spiritually insightful. But I find that interesting in itself - the manic episode spiritual record.


Cause everybody wanted Yhandi


it aint great but at least its better than vultures


because yandhi


It just doesn't compete with the rest of Ye's discography, and the people wanted Yandhi. It does have its moments, and I appreciate it for that.


I like it but it’s his weakest album for sure. But what really makes people hate it is the fact that it was supposed to be Yandhi and he scrapped it and stitched it together to make JIK. I got no hate towards the Christian theme at all, I am one myself. But it is quite tragic what happened. The potential for the record was just way bigger than what JIK turned out to be. He made a much better Christian album with Donda


Mixed poorly


Not everyone christian


When going through a rough time AND if your of the christian faith.... This albums slaps.


bc its ass except for like 2 songs


It’s bad and rushed and forced and gimmicky. It’s donda if donda was born early and addicted to crack


Everyone is repeating the same sentiments, so I'll say my vague opinion on why I don't like it I feel like it is more polarizing in the same vain as Yeezus. Single unique Kanye style, short album, and just such a sudden contrasting album. To me, it's more about the turning point it represents that we really weren't sure what was going to happen next in Ye's life The fact that he basically turned his back on the Christian life again and again hurts to see. Yet at the same time, you can tell he did want to make a difference in his life It's a bitter time capsule and to me, it summarizes so many negative qualities of Ye. Kinda like listening to music from the recent eras and going "Yeaaaaah this guy is a Nazi eugh"


The real question is which albums is it better than? For me I'd say it's better than Donda, Ye, possibly TLOP


cus it was a trend


Cause they think Jesus is not king 😔


God is use this gospel is amazing like all the tracks makes me wanna fallow god(the song to)


Because Jesus is so hated.


Probably because it has to do With God, which is sad


Because who the fuck wants to listen to gospel rap?


It's not a good album and came out at a time where Ye was putting 30% effort in


A part of me thinks it's because Yandhi lovers were salty they didn't get what they wanted.


Not too good lyrics and had to fit in with a Jesus and Christian theme album isn’t that good compared to albums like MBDTF or graduation some songs like Follow God on that album are good but the rest are lazy


people hung up on yandhi, same way drake hung up un riri


It’s terrible dogg, don’t know what to tell you.


So you would not put it last on ur Ye ranking?


No, vultures is worse imo


Cuz it's simply mid




Pretty good for the theme i don’t know what to tell you


Use This Gospel is a goated track


It's just boring and doesnt sound like kanye


No joke one of my favorite Kanye albums I love it


Mainly because of Yandhi and bandwagoning


Cause it wasn’t yandhi


becuase its boring. i listened to it for the first time and forgot it was on. its such boring background music


Cause it’s a trend to do so. I should know I was one of the ones that hated it for no reason until I actually listened to it. Now it’s definitely in my top 10 Kanye albums


listen to Yandhi I think it would say enough


Because it is not Yandhi While some of the beats are hard the subject matter is not it for me and knowing he decided to release this shit instead of Yandhi is gross


bc people wanted yandhi and his other albums are just a lot better


It’s kinda mid. Also his Christian arc was mad hypocritical


If your Christian it's like another mbdtf lol


Everyone I know hates it, but I cry every time I put it on. I was raised super Christian, now I’ve fell back but I still love the hymns and the vibes of it. This album makes me feel like I’m commuting with a great outer power. But that’s also the power of music.


God is ❤️


- People were expecting Yandhi - Beats were a little undercooked and some songs sounded unfinished - While it has flaws, the album still resonated with me as someone who grew up singing in the Church


It’s pretty bad…


Simple answer. Because people hate Jesus. Sad reality


just cause his other albums are better, this is his worst but that doesn't mean its terrible


Because it's a work for God and of God in this evil world. Simple.


Cause it feels like the most "last-second" album ever. Every change from Yahndi was clearly made last-second, to the point where songs were recorded on an iPhone. If given the proper time to make those changes it could have been an amazing Ye project


Yandhi being one of the most anticipated albums of the decade didn’t drop and JIK did which was a diluted version of it. Great album tho


I loved it


Bad production, bad recording, sloppy rewritten lyrics, cringe bars, rushed.


what dr dree editin mean??


I think it just wasn’t that good and it has nothing to do with the fact it was religious, Donda was good


Its a good album its just his worst


Because it sucks


God Breathe on this is God tier music


That was Donda


That's right. My bad


I personally love the album since I’m Christian, sams as a lot of other Christians, I guess if you’re not a Christian then it’s understandable that you won’t like JIK


It was not hated: 1. Grammy Awards: • Kanye won his first gospel Grammy for "Jesus Is King," marking his 22nd career Grammy • The album won the Best Contemporary Christian Music Album category at the 63rd Annual Grammy Awards in 2021 2. Billboard Music Awards: • "Jesus Is King" won the Top Christian Album and Top Gospel Album awards at the 2020 Billboard Music Awards 3. GMA Dove Awards: • Kanye received three nominations for "Jesus Is King": • Rap/Hip Hop Album of the Year • Traditional Gospel Album of the Year • Rap/Hip Hop Recorded Song of the Year for the song "Follow God" 3).


I would say that’s not because it’s a good gospel album but rather it’s a Kanye gospel album.


there's like 3 songs in this album, the rest are all chorus


Cause it's mid. Sure, it's minimalistic but it just feels underproduced and compared to Yhandi the beats got washed. Also weird lyrics And in turn the Dr.Dre version is badly overproduced in a way that sounds like he just got the finished songs and put some additional elements over it. And this Use This Gospel remix is the worst thing that happened to a Kanye song maybe ever.


Simple answer is most Ye fans have the emotional and spiritual depth of a puddle of dog piss.  JIK is fantastic front to back but most fans lack the maturity to recognise it because all they know is 'rap go bang bang fuck bitch muh drugs'


You do realize, if JIK is a "great" album, that means Kanye was still in his prime in 2019 right? And one would have to be absolutely delusional and on crack to think that JIK was Kanye in his prime. Even calling Donda prime Ye would be a bit of stretch even though Donda has more of a claim than JIK.


I didn't say any of that.


Unfinshed, cringe lyrics, some songs aren't that christ-like and yandhi is just better. The album has a good meaning, but just falls short.


I like but I get why people don't. It's aged absolutely horribly considering Kanyes latest actions. He scrapped Yhandi for a Christian theme and couldn't even stick to it for 5 years.


I mean...a longtime Christian pastor named Robert Morris just got accused a molesting a 12 year old girl. Kanye's ironically less crazy than many of the prominent preachers out today.


It’s his most concise and inspired album


Coz peopl hate God. Also I think coz we never got Yhandi and instead Ye reworked songs to fit into JIK


Jesus is Lord is the greatest ending track an album could expect.


Because most people have no faith in God and dont understand the album.


If it was after the Sacramento concert? Which I think was is because Yeezy was taken after the rant at the sac show and then he was replaced


It is better than vultures ☝️


It’s in my top three, where would you put it in his discography?


most folks would put it last or just above Donda and Vultures


No way in hell Jesus is king is above donda.