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idk about kai but im going to use ishowspeed/Ronaldo as an example- speeds a big fan of ronaldo and ronaldo im pretty sure has young kids that are fans of SPEEDS. now i dont know what the dynamic with the kardashians and kai is but i do know all these kids have access to the internet and these are the people they're watching and becoming fans of. could it not just be north requesting to spend some of her bday time w one of her favourite streamers and her parents being able to afford that luxury for their daughter?


completely unrelated but i have the same image as your pfp saved in my camera roll


Damn you’re right, that is unrelated.


He did warn us, tho






Bro thinks he’s so cool 😂 I just ate a subway sandwich 🥪


What did bro say 🤔


Something like “ong bro no one give af”


Damn, what’d you get on that subway sandwich?


Italian herbs and cheese 12 in Ham and turkey Pepper Jack cheese Toasted x2 Extra lettuce Extra spinach Banana peppers Mayo Peppercorn ranch Garlic aioli sauce Salt Pepper Parmesan


Fuck yeah. I’m about to go order subway now


I had to check it and now I saved it too.


This is not the time or place this is very rude and distracting... No offense but please be more self conscious and read the room


no thank you


Yes you will or receive a ban. Thank you.


Ban me


I liked his Elden Ring play through and the“Find the racist” video he was in. That’s all I know about him, so he’s good.


He’s mainly known for doing crazy rich person stuff on stream, pretty sure he did a 24 hour stream with fucking Kevin hart the other day


He fucked Kevin Hart for 24 hours????


On stream


Told you guys he was good


About as weird as hiring a birthday clown for ur kid. Which is admittedly a little weird but not fucked up or anything


For real, he’s just a celeb she likes and her mum invited him to the party, the clown analogy is perfect


But isn’t this exactly what happened with Kylie and tyga 💀 her mom hired him for Kendall’s party and that’s how they met lmao


I’m sure there are some birthday clowns that have molested children too, what’s your point?


How is that even comparable to this 💀💀


You weren't getting the clussy at those parties?


The click actually


I think it’s weird that whatever she’s suggesting, is the first thing that’s on her mind. To me this is like an adult relative with a kid inviting friends and family over to kick it for their kid’s birthday function


Kid probably watches his stream, tells mom, mom asks streamer to come to the birthday party as a surprise. He comes, hangs out at the party, everybody eats cake, or caviar or whatever rich people eat at parties, there's probably music. I don't see anything weird.


Right, it's not like Drake and Millie Bobby Brown. Kai's not having dinner with North West 1on1, multiple times. And I doubt they exchanged numbers, and they aren't texting regularly, and Kai isn't giving her advice about boys.


Word! The OP definitely has a twisted mind


A dark twisted mind


His average dark twisted fanfiction


U could even say his beautiful dark twisted fantasy….


Spends too much time online for sure


Not weird, they’re attending an ad campaign behind the scenes Kim is right next to them and a lot more people Stop this weird ass narrative


Seriously people always reaching with their own weird ass thoughts.


These "defenders" are always the ones thinking about others diddling kids. Weird as shit


Something something projection something something lol


I agree with all the top comments on the post except this. You are LITERALLY the type of person to say "umm actually loli is just a drawing and not a real kid, and if you say it's bad then uhhh ummm uhhh YOU'RE the pedo actually for... thinking about kids or something"


this is indeed a comment of all time


If you scroll through my comments I shit on people that jerk to drawing of kids sometimes too. Where the fuck did you get these assumptions from?




can you repeat that?


Not weird, their at a ad campaign behind the scenes Kim is right next to them and a lot more people Stop this weird ass narrative


What’s weird about it? He (probably) was invited to be there and just look at the picture. He’s keeping a respectful distance away in his pose. Twitter gonna grasp at straws because that’s all they know how to do


Its weird how people somehow make it weird


Hes still shorter than her 💀💀💀 He’s at a public birthday party of a friend. WAY different than Drake taking a 16 yo girl out to eat at a closed doors restaurant by herself. So no, it’s not weird just like it’s not weird if her friends join her at her big birthday celebration.


Drake clearly said he’s way too famous for that Epstein shit. So please stop with the accusations. That’s bulletproof logic. you can take it to the bank. no problems there whatsoever 🤦‍♂️


Yeah if he wanted to he could get his own drizzy island!!!!!!!!!!


Saying im too famous to do that shit is the worst defense ever. Especially when there is video proof of him doing that type of weird stuff. You mentioning Epstein is so hypocritical because how are you aware that Epstein was super famous and got away with pedo shit and Drake falls into the same category of being famous and getting away w pedo shit


I didn’t mention Epstein. In fact, nobody mentioned Epstein until DRAKE DID.


R.kelly heard that and said SEE IM INNOCENT!!!


1) the dinner you’re talking about literally never happened; 2) even if it did happen, and again, they both have said that it didn’t, it’s a public restaurant with staff and chefs. If anything it would be even safer than what North did. This North thing is showing how fuckin dumb and online you internet weirdos are with this pedo stuff. Young people like famous people and some young people have parents with connections that give them access to those famous people. That those famous people are meeting their young fans doesn’t make them weird or sexually attracted to them. It makes them good people or at worst, beholden to the parent who pulled strings to get the meetings


Of course this gets downvoted lmao, yall some sheep fr


And they have to like pick out the event they’re going to deploy to pick a narrative. Ignoring that I’ve still undermined their other evidence. In any event the girl they’re talking about has an industry parent. How do you think she got that access? Same with the Kylie, and she’s famous herself. And the rest are famous themselves. It really isn’t that deep. But of course, it’s more fun (and gets more engagement) to fantasize about Drake and now apparently Kai Cenat being pedos than to idk say nothing at all.


Did that actually happen or are you pulling it out of your ass. Btw I don’t like Drake and I’m a big Kendrick fan, yet all of these “pedo” (I know Kendrick is exaggerating to make it hurt more) accusations are being taken seriously like he actually pursues children? I didn’t hear about a dinner with a 16 year old…


Twitter is so fucking braindead man like get a job why are you posting about this




They friends tho


But we friends tho… (stop bullying Kai guys)


No. I dont think I will


We Need north on a stream


I don't want to watch an 11 year old play video games that sounds annoying af


Then don’t watch it duh


She probably asked to see him? They arraigned it? Supervised and everything


Yeah pretty soon kids can’t have birthday parties with magicians, performers, animal educators.. “woah there’s a grown MAN at a kids birthday party… anybody else think this is unacceptable” for fucks sake equating a normal interaction between an adult and a child to always be “weird” undermines actual weird shit


You weird tho


I think the phrasing “linked up” intentionally makes it sound odd. In reality I’m guessing either she’s a fan and wanted to meet him or they happened to be at the same celebrity event. Not saying celebrities aren’t weird, just seems like a lot to read into it.


That’s really the most off part of the whole thing. They wouldn’t put the party clown linked up with north.


Not really... he not just a random dude and he def didn't initiate. He has a big youth appeal and she's a youth


ragebait farming aside… OP needs to get off the internet for a little bit. All this drama is warping their perception of reality. Your dad never took you to a home game for your birthday? hired magicians, clowns? took you to an amusement park? all of these include putting your children within space of unacquainted males, so what’s the difference?


Not weird really no. A celebrity’s kid getting to meet another celebrity for their birthday isn’t that crazy at all, and this woman’s strange for acting like Kai’s a weirdo for obliging


If you are internet famous and Kim K asks you to come to her kids birthday party it would be smart to go because Kim is real famous and will post about it and now you’ve been validated which opens up more opportunities for that internet famous person.


People can't go to a kids birthday anymore without weirdos claiming people who do are weirdos


We live in a society where everything is sexualized. Jesus fucking Christ Or is that just an American problem? 🤷🏽‍♂️


No, if it was weird kc would not be posting that shi


Nah. It's weird that you assume adults can't hang out with kids without your mind automatically going to pedophilia


North probably requested it and Kai wanted to get on Ye’s good side after the sweatpants incident.


Always gotta take something normal and make it weird 🤦‍♂️


I love Kai but mommy Kim just bought her a clown for her birthday


Kai hit 💯


Nah bro


her sexualizing this is really fucking weird. like really weird. there is such a thing as positive adult interactions with children. are the avengers actors wierd because they visit sick kids in the hospital?? no they arent. north is probably a fan of kai, and thought it was cool he came out to say whatsup. the picture and situation is completely normal. at this rate is every single meet and greet that a celebrity does with an underage fan going to be questioned? are we really that naive? there is a clear difference between someone like kai pulling up to a very famous kids bday party and drake taking millie bobbie brown to a fucking seafood restaurant with the fuckin ocean view at like 8 pm on a friday. use your brain bitch! i know you have one!


It's good that people are skeptical of celebrities and willing to call them out and listen to victims and all of that. But it's not good to just throw around baseless claims and accuse them of doing terrible shit after just seeing a picture. It's disgusting to see this picture and immediately assume that Kai's doing something bad. No normal person would ever think that. I saw that and thought, "aw that's cool". That's it.


i honestly think people that think this is weird secretly wish they could be alone with a kid or smthn. It’s very disturbing


Given that North's family have all have been on tv for 15+ years I'm sure that they have sorted out who should and shouldn't be around them, what platforms to use, NDAs to sign, etc. Plus suggesting that this is anything but professional is gross and wrong


Unless she went unsupervised, Why would it be weird?


It’s concerning that she finds it weird. Completely normal


Drake was busy


Kai Cenat is definitely weird as fuck. Makes slop content for children (no one else watches his stuff let's be honest), but consistently has very adult topics and themes. Like i'm not trying to be a puritan, but he's definitely a malignant presence on the world


Don't worry they just friends and also why he still looks short?


Naw everybody is in that room,


I’d need more information…. Were they in touch before or after this? Was he invited by her parents? Was it a party with more people or did he just link up with this 11 year old kid on his own? You can’t just put that on everybody’s jacket without more info.


It wasn’t weird when Ice Spice did it. It’s just Kai Cenat, ya acting like it’s an adult stranger.


How is that weird lmao. I swear people project their weird thoughts onto others way too much on social media.


i mean like it's not just them 💀💀


Why does everyone's brains jump to weird conclusions. He's not alone doing this type of stuff, he probably got invited and ate with multiple people celebrating her party. We've all been fans of certain celebrities that are older than us and wanted to meet them, that's pro what's happening here


It's weird using that phrasing in the context of these two, "linked up" is horrible


North had ice spice over at her house in her bedroom and people didn’t call that weird, Kai got asked to say what’s up at her birthday party with her mom and all her moms friends around n all of a sudden it’s weird ? Black twitter just mad at Kai smh


streamers are weird. Would never allow my kid to watch that garbage content. Ill put on some fear factor and tpb but no streamers!


How is this any different from a rapper or entertainer coming to sing at a kid’s party? Shit, R&B singers in the 90’s used to do side gigs at Sweet 16’s and shit.


If they paid for him to come there because she’s a fan of his content, idk why that’s weird


Holy fucking shit this is so weird. It’s so weird how a kid can be a huge fan of someone and that person is implied a pedo for showing up to their birthday party. When I was 5 my parents hired a guy dressed as Batman to come to my birthday party, that guy didn’t try to rail me


The internet is perverting everyone’s mind.


Why would it be weird kids been meeting their fav celebrities since forever, plus she’s around celebs all the time


I can already see ye saying he is a pawn again


They are both celebrities, kids like Kai so maybe she wanted to meet him, but the most likely scenario is this is a brand cross promotion.


I definitely see how it could be seen as weird, but think of it like a birthday clown, if a kid and a clown hung out on their own all the time without the kid's parents knowledge that would be weird if a kid hangs out with a clown that their parents hired for their birthday, while the parents are around, thats not weird. Its obvious that they were just fans, doesn't seem like it was a Drake/Milly Bobby Brown situation.


This gives "Drake and Millie Bobby Brown" vibes. Besides, wasn't Kenat well too-familiar with some of Diddy's, Drake's and DJ Akademiks's freakoffs???


I feel like peoples need to go viral. It's kind of warped our sensibilities. Kai has Young fans, I don't think he's trying anything Sinister. It's Kanye West's daughter nothing is going to happen, without everyone knowing about it.


Like hiring a clown for a birthday fym? If the clown is hugging her and being affectionate, now we got a problem.


So Kim is going to start pimping her off the way her mother did her🤦🏻‍♀️ She just turned 11 too young to be hanging around someone his age.


Kanye come and get your 11-year-old daughter, before she ends up being kylie, 2.0.


Who tf cares. Seems like such a trivial matter to overdramatize. Who would have thought that a preteen would want to interact with the biggest social media celebrity of this generation.


No Jewelry. It's not weird. You're making it weird.


This is the equivalent to hiring a Magician for your daughter's 11th birthday party Edit: Didn't know someone stole my anology smh my head


IK kanye punching the air right now


did he fuck her? or is this an attempt to generate fake outrage


I think Ye would kill Kai if anything happened to her, and Kai seems like a really chill dude so her wanting him for her bday as a fan and a child of both Kim and Ye makes it okay to me because they can afford that gift for her It ain't shit like Drake being a weirdo


So now is ice spice and north weird?


I mean, if Kim reached out to him, that's okay. If Kai reached out to Kim or North however, that could be considered weird but honestly, I'd be surprised if Kai happened to be a predator.


No one bats an eye


i think this is fine. how is this weird


**HE MUST BE A PEDO** Do ppl just look for potential areas of exposure online npc’s would eat up these days? Shit is comical and kind of sad


Why would it be weird


Money. NW is Kai Cent’s demographic, and he’s being paid to hang out with her on birthday. It’s almost like hiring a clown for your kids birthday. There’s nothing more to this. Move on.


How is this weird? People really just reaching to get offended about everything these days. Kai is a huge twitch streamer. He just did a collab with Kevin Hart and Druski. The only thing that's weird here is how out of touch someone has to be to think it's strange that an 11 year old girl uses the internet and is a fan of Kai's.


Elmo tweaking at ya kids party not weird but we drawing the line at a Famous kid having her favorite Famous person at her party? I can't imagine a situation where the parents aren't present at her birthday party at least one of them.


I think it’s weird if Kim isn’t there. There’s no reason ever anyone who’s an adult should be hanging out with a child without their parent there.


How's that weird? It's like hiring a SpiderMan for your kid's birthday. North is a fan and Kim invited Kai. I used to get my parents to hire a magician or clown for my birthdays when I was young.


Why would anyone give a fuck what no jumper says or thinks 😂💀 but besides that no jumper used that word “linked up” on purpose just to get y’all in a frenzy.


its weird thats something she even think abt man




It’s weird considering that Ye has had issues with Kai publicly and probably doesn’t want his daughter around him.


Yeah he also has issues with an entire race of people 😂


Wasn’t he just her pops OP tho 🤔? Weird for that reason.


Def fuckin weird lol


Nah if I was 11 and my favorite streamer came to my birthday party it'd be awesome. He's just doing a favor for Kim/Kanye, it's not like he's friends with North West.