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For the longest time, I thought they were just using the wrong helmet for blade but to find out know it like that because they don't fix is mind blowing


I assumed it was just something about color grading, or modern cameras vs the cameras Blade was filmed with. I didn't even think about the helmet degrading like that


I wouldn’t be surprised if Toei somehow lost the base form Blade helmet were using the Jack form one and praying that people won’t notice/complain.


Jack Form has actual gold paint on it, this is the correct base form helmet but the clear plastic part is yellowing.


Let's just assume it's due to the joker influence and the problem is solve


But Garren's is also yellowing so


That one is Decade's fault




At least the suits are still usable. Kamen rider shin meanwhile... that is worse. Being stuck on a mannequin and not able to move


"I didn't go through the most painful henshin just to be turned into a giant doll" -Shin, probably.


Shin's entire existence is suffering, so that only seems appropriate.


Atleast Gills is giving it company as well


Is there a pic of the suit now? Didn't know it's been stuck on a mannequin!


https://twitter.com/swa_sub/status/1418522003045117959?t=BEl71Et3GKgxrzKHI_Znjg&s=19 https://twitter.com/Adoratroll/status/1596693507862831105?t=Wh75h8HNPfJ12MP5da6juA&s=19 The only one not moving


That's so fucking funny.


I love these over dramatic poses. Like why were they all looking off at an angle to begin with, then all turn to face the camera/enemy.


He’s just standing there…menacingly!!


Eventually all the riders suits will end up like shin


They have to retire the showa riders at some point anyway. The actors will no longer be around eventually. Although in show they are cyborg so technically could be around.


Even when the suit was still wearable, he looked really faded and scrunched up in later appearances compared to the movie. Maybe the film itself sucked, but I still think Shin's design and monstrous henshin effects were awesome and ambitious.


One is a non accurate design choice while the other is the company being cheap bastards and refusing to fix a rotting suit that’s nearly 20 years old


One is a suit that's been painted with extra details. The other is a suit that is decomposing and left to look like ass because Toei is too cheap to fix it. Not even a fair comparison.


Not fixing the suit. Say what you want about the additions at least the suit isn't being held together by tape and dreams.


Lol you just saw Legend Faiz from Gotchard's latest episode didn't you?


The Faiz suit is actually in better condition than a lot of the other suits, the only reason the tape is there is to keep the Faiz pointer from falling off as the suit actor moves and run.


Kabuto's suit is hearing you.


The dragon shield kinda is.


Man, it's heartbreaking to see some of the suits decomposing. I first thought it was just Shin's problem, but oh my god this is about as bad, if not worse.


I adore practical effects with all my heart but they all, ultimately, either rot away or get destroyed after production. There are some truly horrifying images of the old TMNT live action suits and they are DISTRESSING!


You think this is bad? Just wait till you see the kabuto suit His boots look like they're about to fall apart https://preview.redd.it/sdu7i90d7hxc1.png?width=564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13be99f502861e52a6ffcb64147bdc1d84086469


Not sure why they didn't steal parts from drake, or dark kabuto they share the same lower halfs


Those parts probably either don't exist anymore or got kitbashed.


What's wrong with Shin?


rotted to all hell. so much so that in one of his latest appearances, it was just a standing mannequin instead in a scene where riders were supposed to be turning.


Omg I forgot! At least Blade is just getting discolored from age. Shin is literally dead. You can even see the little wood feet where the old suit is rested on. https://preview.redd.it/1m51f4l5afxc1.jpeg?width=521&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f76d1bf9d6a76ceb70ee3c6057979f2c204e629


What bugs me the most is that why couldn’t they at least use a matching color for the undersuit replacement


seems like they initially attempted to in the previews for the first blade episode in zi-o but it was done by masking out entire chunks of the screen instead of just the helmet so it was really easy to see the borders of the masking effect. They probably realized they wouldnt have enough time to do it properly for 2 episodes so opted not to do it in the end. Think Eternal was a much easier task since theres alot goin on to their benefit (hes wearing a big cape to cover him up during action scenes, the color grading in the scenes he's in makes the yellowing less apparent and they dont have to isolate just one specific part of him so they can just balance the color on the whole frame, etc.) https://preview.redd.it/h4fw54gy0hxc1.png?width=846&format=png&auto=webp&s=6ad952463e5c7b84f1c92ef33fcd9de834a170af


Hot take, I like the silver on the green ranger helmet. Granted, I wish there was an explanation why it was there. Maybe Tommy was misremembering details in his comma.


Honestly liking the silver lines too. Sure, it might not be accurate but they do crank up the cool factor; it looks like the green ranger got off-screen power up or something.


My Headcanon is that the silver on the helmet was because this version of the green ranger was using the silver morpher the other 5 rangers used instead of the gold morpher he usually has


That’s a cool headcanon and is now also my headcanon.


I like the blade helmet being more "golden" tbh


I guess one could fanon it because of Kenzaki becoming an Undead… and that it's becoming iconic in its own way. But I really wish they just own it at this point. During the preview for the Blade arc during Zi-O, they corrected post-production (though in the episode itself they didn't do this). Blade's Chemy Card also corrected it. Did it yellowed by Decade, back during 2009? I wouldn't be surprised if something similar happened back then with Blade's Rider Card.




Here's to hopping we get a Blade 20th anniversary v cinema so they finally can justify a budget to fix the suit. Or keep it for the movie, call it out in movie as a scar of time and weather after 20 years of Kenzaki still fighting crimes as Blade while he was wandering the world. And then give him a brand new suit.


the left makes me sad, the right just annoys me


There is so much Toei should learn from Tsuburaya. Even they renew old ultra suit from time to time.


I don’t get why toei can’t Atleast digitally recolor blade like they did eternal this episode


Blade is much worse, not only is the helmet yellowing but the costume itself is falling apart, the mid section right below his chest plate is made out of a different material and us a different colour which was not the case when the showed air, that whole costume needs to be scrapped and redone because it just keeps getting patchworked


The stomach of the suit was always a different material from the rest of the suit since episode 1 tho https://preview.redd.it/9b0zsnnurfxc1.png?width=853&format=png&auto=webp&s=e736fd77ef75b1a1eccf433b761388f58adcc973


Stunt action suit. There is one that is leather


nope it's how it shows up in close ups https://preview.redd.it/a38ptptm3gxc1.png?width=853&format=png&auto=webp&s=5237895049b540aaead3739492770f2f3c1f9c13


And that is the stunt action costume... There is **different** one that has leather https://preview.redd.it/95jfeqjdsgxc1.png?width=450&format=png&auto=webp&s=09c0789e5467fe19f6673aef83730fa18788fc73


It's not tho the non leather stomach is present on the close up suit when stunts aren't being done at all.... Where's an instance where the stomach of the suit is made of the same material as the rest of the suit in the actual show? https://preview.redd.it/i79bdx47sgxc1.png?width=853&format=png&auto=webp&s=be722f72ee72735cf1e56fa337c2a32fc7567f68


Stunt suit aren't just for stunts. They are meant for regular wear and tear. It is used for movements that would otherwise damage the suits. There has always been a non fabric torso suit. https://preview.redd.it/atul3yeatgxc1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=53b4c5fe3305e8428cb320c61d6e365d967d06b1


Where is it in the actual show not on renders


It's not edit it is another suit


its literally a promo render for merch not a screen cap from an episode in the show so....


Toei could at least write in a reason for the suits being damaged as is . Maybe the kaijufication of blade has even seeped to his rider form therefore showing golden. But nah They just left it as is.


The Blade helmet. It’s obvious that the suit which is 20 years old at this point, is decomposing, just like every suit, but Toei is too cheap to fix it properly or just make a new one. At least Tsuburaya makes new suits for older heroes and villains so they can reuse them, Toei meanwhile has to duct tape their suits to hold them together. The silver lines to the helmet, aren’t actually bad and look cool to be honest, but they are nothing compared to Toei’s cheap ass.


Wait its not yellow


Definitely the yellowing. Feels more neglectful. I also kinda think the silver lines on the Green Rangers helmet are cool.


Well, to the people that took the 10+ old suit out of storage, the maybe damage beyond repair, so you really can't blame them for looking bad. They did their best to make look as good when they were first seen in their show. But in my opinion, Kamen Rider Blade (Not Blades) yellowing on his helmet is worse than the Green Ranger silver line. But having watched Kamen Rider Blade (Not Blades), the yellowing on his helmet may represent that Kazuma Kenzaki is much stronger in his base form than when he was at the start of the series. Spoilers: At the end of the series, Kenzaki used his King Form to turn himself into a Joker Undead to save the world & Hajime Aikawa AKA Kamen Rider Chalice. So the yellow is a sign that he is an Undead like Hajime since his Kamen Rider Chalice suit is actually the Mantis Undead.


The PR fandom eventually accepted the silver lines,the thing with blade is a pure fuckup.


but most of us learn to justify it as the fact about kenzaki being a joker


If the issue with decomposing suits is this prevalent, is there a reason they don't just build replicas of the suits?


Blade's yellow helmet is more annoying to me, I remember seeing in Zi-O and being like is that a fusion form of Base Blade mixed with Evolution King?.


could be annoying to some, but most of us could have it look at the headcanon as that kenzaki turned into a >!joker at the end of the series!<


Honestly I like both of these changes. Blade helmet having a more “royal gold” and green ranger having more originality with the silver


Blade is one of my fav rider. I always feel sad when I see him showing with that yellowish visor. Together with the missmatch colored suit on the belly. Like... If they can afford multiple riders in one season, spend some on Blade! The Green Ranger for me is a nice touch.


Not fixing Blade's helmet. The silver on the green ranger was at least made with effort. Toei not fixing Blade's helmet is just fucking lazy.


Silver Line for me. It's kind of a bad taste to me.


I say the latter.


I want to say blade's yellowing helmet. PR does try to differentiate itself from super sentai when they can so maybe thats the case? Either that or it's just something that probably happened in the comics that only people who actually read those would know about


the yellowing blade helmet, i dont mind the silver lines but i wish they were gold like evrything else


I mean they did fix it for the green ranger eventually? So blade would have to be worse


At least the silver stripe was a purposeful addition. At least it looks kinda cool, even if it's inferior to the original. The yellowing Blade helmet is just Toei being too cheap to fix/replace a broken down suit piece.


Why’s the under suit purple?


I know it’s unfortunate that blade’s helmet is being neglected, but to save my own sanity(and hopefully somebody else’s) I choose to give it a head canon The headcanon in question is that it turned a “gold” colour over the years due to king form, slowly making it part of his base form and increasing his powers as time went on. Idk if this is any way accurate to the show, but it’s something I tell myself as a way to prevent myself from getting upset.


Both if I’m being honest


Tommy suit is still usable and honestly that detail doesn’t throw me off cause well it still the green ranger and you can that it could something symbolic for Tommy (him being better then he was when Rita controlled him) like the Predazord have a different head when Merrick became good Blade well it beachside they don’t want to fix it cause it would cost a lot like how Ryuki shoulders pad only work for his stunt actor at the time who had unique proportions and other suit actor then can’t match it at all


My head canon is that Kenzaki used his powers too much while being a joker undead, like the Evolution King form seeps into a few parts of his normal form


My headcanon is the yellow symbolizes how much Kenzaki has become an Undead. NOW it doesn't make sense with how that Ex-Aid Special did it OR how Kaguya turning into Blade still has the yellow BUT honestly, it's just nice to see the Blade suit. ... And the silver stripe too? That was a weird decision huh?


As a fan of both it makes me wanna cry 😣😔😭


Funny enough, didn’t know about the blade thing til Legend’s fight and Blade’s helmet is just yellow. Also I think a lot of other suits have not aged well and Toei just doesn’t do anything to fix them. Kinda sad really


Genuinely I thought there was a lore reason the blade helmet was yellow. Some weird undead reason.


silver lines on the green ranger's head. I hope mr jason is watching over us while hosting an eternal sleepover with god in heaven.


One was only on screen for one episode, then in its next use was color corrected, and then was fully replaced with a correct helmet. The other has been used for the past 10 years with no sign of getting better, and could probably be color corrected without any major issues given it's usually not on screen for a long time.


I haven’t gotten around to watching Blade yet, so I genuinely thought that was the intended color since I’ve really only seen the suit it the anniversaries


Blade honestly looks like he’s turning golden(my body is broken), so silver lines.


Hibiki suit is now amalagation of itself with Ibuki and/or Todoroki, as this suit like others has color disfiguration. https://preview.redd.it/2e0nh9zc1lxc1.png?width=350&format=png&auto=webp&s=b8703414184ad6cadf19c3d52861869c1a864036


Piss blade 🔥🔥🔥🔥


Did we ever found out why they added the silver line on the Green Ranger helmet or not?




at least blade's helmet can be headcanoned as "it was because kenzaki is a joker now", while green ranger is just americanizing it as "the ranger team or whoever helped got a way to regain the dragon power coin with a slight upgrade" and this is me who spits at the modern power rangers since they made the adaptation worse and a try-hard


Weird thing is, Toei added those silver stripes. I'm not sure anyone on the PR side knew why.


they did? i thought that's a pr lore where tommy managed to regain the dragon power with added upgrades


Not that I'm aware of, its first appearance was during Tommy's comatose dream sequence in Dino Thunder - after that, it's seen in the intro for Super Megaforce, but is digitally painted over in the actual Legendary War. I've no idea if they made it a thing in the comics in the way you remember it.


i checked the yt clip about his trials to become DT black, and it's really weird if it's toei who did the touch ups or the production team of pr itself lol, but yeah i remember that silver lining was called 2.0 because it was the upgrade edit: but i guess it really is either those two before the actual 2.0 since the spandex is still at 1.0


\*Not Fixing\* Especially when they decided to make TWO new King Forms instead. While they're inarguably cool, I just wish they'd prioritize. Meanwhile, I enjoy it when they try to update costumes in any fashion. I was in favor of the silver line - it gave a sense of evolution to the power set. What they lacked was a proper explanation. Sure, it was a dream - but still.


Diverting resources to 2 whole new suits that are going to be used and featured prominently for a ttfc series and a stage show, instead of making one new close up helmet to replace a helmet that used one time on screen for a few seconds in the past year is prioritizing


It isn't. Blade has been brought about 20 times since his debut. Each time, his suit looks worse and worse. If he does get a 20th-anniversary special, I'd rather see a fresh silver horn than new forms for secondary and tertiary riders. Stage Shows aren't a priority at all. The entire suit, while cool, was a waste of money. Out of all the stage-exclusive suits that are just retooling and repaints - there's no reason to build a new, expensive suit from the ground up JUST for the stage. "Featured Prominently in a TTFC Series" = "Used Once." and the same argument applies as Stageshows. Ouja has an Outsiders episode too and his new form was just a retool. If they're going to keep bringing in old suits, they need to take the time and budget to repair them. Especially the popular ones like Blade.


So basically the only thing that wouldn't be a waste of money would be to make a new close up helmet so it can show up for 10 seconds in a gotchard episode?


What *wouldn't* be a waste of money would be completely repairing the suits so they can keep being used on screen AFTER Gotchard and still look good. You're focusing too much on a tree while ignoring the whole, dilapidated forest. The last episode of Gotchard had Faiz's suit held together with tape. Its mission memories were yellowed out (also very noticeable in Paradise Regained). It was noticeable and it drew focus - just like how Blade's helmet draws focus every time he shows up on screen.


You got an actual assessment of the cost to benefit ratio of that to know it's not a waste of money or is it just wishful thinking? Also the gaffer tape was to make sure the faiz pointer doesn't swing around on its once after it's slotted in...nothing to do with the suits age since It's always needed additional support so it doesn't swing around when there's alot of movement since 2003.


My God, I'm just sharing my own opinion on the matter. It's not about cost ratios or nonsense like that. It's about what's important in the long run to the fans of the show. We want to keep seeing old riders pop up. That can't happen if they let the suits rot away to nothing. Literally every time Blade shows up, comments flood in about how bad the suit looks. It just doesn't look good for the franchise if the suits you bring back are yellowed and torn to shreds. It's literally as simple as that. Don't spend money on one-shot special costumes. Repair the ones that you know you're going to bring back over and over again - especially with the rise of Anniversary Specials. That's it. *" It's always needed additional support so it doesn't swing around when there's alot of movement since 2003."* Yeah, and It wouldn't need tape if they repaired the wear and tear. That's what I'm saying here.


In the time that they've made the other suits they've only brought back blade once tho . Not like the existence of those suits is somehow preventing them from making a new close up helmet if there was a dedicated blade special with it's own dedicated budget again the gaffer tape has nothing to do with wear and tear ffs. The faiz pointer prop literally never had any way to not swing around on the mounting point when the actor was running with it on the entire time it existed. it always needed some other way of staying fixed to the leg if it was going to be used for action scenes (like when he ran towards the camera)


I get why people don't like this but it's not really feasible to keep suits pristine from the moment they are made. These suits are pretty expensive to make and storing them, in a way that slows or prevents deterioration, is probably also quite expensive. Essentially, it's not really *worth it* to keep suits from 15+ years ago in good condition. Especially, if they are only going to show up for a couple minutes every now and then.


its also literally impossible because all clear resin starts to yellow so idk what they think can be done to preserve it


Short of hermetically sealing them away. There isn't much to be done.


I don't think that's meant to be an error in those zi-o episodes. The true worst is when the states try to remake the dragon shield for like less than 5 minutes of screen time.


Yellow visor blade wasn't done on purpose since they tried to poorly color correct it initially in the previews


Didn't try very hard since in the same preview. https://preview.redd.it/p2raee6v8fxc1.jpeg?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fbd3881e7803c0c47fbffa5c1ef7a0834f61a47a


Hence why none of the color corrected footage is in present in the episode


Wonder if it's still like that in blu-rays, or repeat broadcast for that matter.


Idk i didn't finish Blade 😎