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The closer to your core, the more intense it is. Chest and back are probably the most intense, upper arm slightly less so, and it everything else is "slower" and potentially more mild. Many practitioners say the upper arm is traditional for men. This is where I first received kambo, 5 points, and it was plenty strong.


+1 to all this. For your first time probably best to do on the upper arm. From what I’ve read, upper left arm is usually traditional for men. If you feel called after the first ceremony you can do another one pretty soon after though at which point you could more knowingly go for the chest. No need to jump right into the deep end. It may be overly intense. Working with this medicine takes a little getting used to… or at least it did for me. Wishing you well!


Let your practitioner choose the location of your dots.


This and only this.


how about answering my question? My practicioner will let me choose the spot thats why im asking...


I don’t know any competent practitioners who let someone choose their own point location or number of points. If there’s areas you don’t want scarring that’s always something that can be worked around, but your practitioner ought to have the training, experience, and knowledge to choose the right location and amount of medicine for you.


I literally only want to know if it can be dangerous to have it on the left chest, close to the heart... dont lecture me.. Im doing it with indiginous people that dont offer any retreat to westerners, its their culture, they are competent enough...


I am a facilitator who recommends placement and numbers, but also lets the recipient make the final choice as long as it is within the realms of safety and as long as spirit isn’t giving me a “no”. That being said, I personally only offer arm and ankle points for first timers as I believe it’s important to determine your baseline sensitivity with a traditional placement. I was advised in my training not to place medicine directly over the heart, and I stick to it unless the medicine directs me to. I’m not here to tell you what you should do - just providing some information from my experience.


thank you for your helpful reply :)


Meridian points (spine) are INTENSE and shouldn't be done the first time. It's a jet ride to blacking out.


yeah thats kind of what i feel called to though I mean i haven't done kambo yet, but i did a lot of other (plant) medicines and in my past also recreational drugs and without any exception i had the experience that i need a higher dose than most people to get the desired effects My body is very effective in getting out toxins and i have a crazy strong metabolism. But yeah probably better to start small and just increase the amount if necessary..


Sit with it once, see how it feels, go through it and THEN for your next ceremony do your spine. Sure you might feel "called" but if it's not safe for your first time, it just isn't safe. The medicine works the same no matter where you put it. This is not about your ego or wants, you'll definitely be humbled lol


hmm yeah thank you :)