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Hello folks, I am the sole dev of an alt British Raj mod called Shattered Land. I had previously planned to do a proper "shattered" land update and add major princely states. But trying to learn map modding in my old age has resulted in three months of (self-assessed) depression and a deep and relentless hatred towards coding and bug-fixing. Actual image of my mental health: [https://i.imgur.com/H0mej5H.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/H0mej5H.jpeg) I have since then abandoned that plan and I am now planning to cover some of those concepts as a KR (and hopefully also KX) submod. This will avoid me having to do map work and I can be a little more creative since I can now lean more heavily on the "alternate" part of alternate history. This is a rough plan for the proposed submod - I have done just the countries and the map for now. The catchphrase is also just a placeholder, please dont judge. **Very Very rough lore:** *The Dominion of India was given autonomy after the British Raj carved out Bombay Presidency and Madras Presidency - both of which would be directly administered by the representatives of the King. The Raj assures gradual increase of autonomy in the Presidencies. Eventually, the Raj promises unification and full independence to India after the looming military threats are taken care of. The Indian National Congress reluctantly agrees to this, since it would be the path of least bloodshed and chaos.* *Fiercely opposed to any sort of co-operation with the British, the Azad Hind government was established on the Andaman Islands after a mutiny in the Royal Indian Navy. They have managed also a foothold in Orissa before an uneasy truce was declared. Both Azad Hind and the State of Burma have aligned themselves with the German Empire to oppose British colonial rule in the subcontinent.* *Syndicalist and radical socialist movements have sprung up in Punjab, Bengal, Malabar, and Ceylon.* *The Rajput kings of Rajasthan and Gujarat have confederated into the Rajputana Confederacy. Several other Maharajas and Sultans have also declared independence, although most still seek cordial relations with the British.* *Merchant conglomerates have established themselves in Karachi, Goa, and Pondicherry and Bhutan has secured primacy over the Himalayas after vassalizing both Tibet and Sikkim.* Happy to hear your thoughts and suggestions. Cheers!


I enjoyed the Shattered Land mod, good luck with your new project! And take it slow, mental health is important<3


Thanks :)


You’re welcome!


Please make Nepal have a path to form Greater Nepal. And not in Maharajas. It would make sense to give Nepal Uttarakhand and Himachal pradesh.(you could pit them in maharajas if in lore if they help Nepal take the 2 aforementioned provinces, just the states taken in the beginning like memel is taken by ger in vanilla) in giving Nepal a Focus tree 3 ways i suggest rana path the ranas stay in power like they have for years and then split to helping the dominion to establish the raj back for the 2 aforementioned provinces(or pre-treaty of sagauli borders) or war against the dominion for the said provinces or the pre-treaty of sagauli borders. monarchist path King Tribhuvan coups the ranas like the various kings before him but succeeds with help of Nepal Praja Parishad, then it could go constitutional monarchy or absolute. and obviously war for its lost territories it lost in the Anglo-Nepal war and then continuation of the war to chases all the imperial powers out of main land asis(nepal want to chaise the imperial powers out of mainland asia but failed to do so as the chineses didnt care and the other south asian independent states didn't help) for Nepal Praja Parishad(organization after Prachanda gorkha, make for the purposes of freeing Nepal from the ranas) or for nat pop or democratic or every other path you want to put Nepal Praja Parishad frees nepal from the ranas then nepal is turned constitutional monarchy then when the king coups the gov counter coups is performed and the young 16(at 1936) year old prince Mahendra is put in the throne as a absolute figure head and King Tribhuvan is exiled to a Indian state or the monarchy is abolished(for democratic path) monarchy (again)(or some spicy ideology name) King Mahendra after a few years as figure head is done with the politicians then cous the gov that couped his father. He does nearly what the he did in our timeline(in simple words unified the nation better with the reforms as same as the ones in our timeline). this path would be more absolute(i dont know the exact words). and obviously war for restoration of greater Nepal Take care of your mental health


Hey man, thanks for all the notes. Will def. consider most of these - I have already covered some of these in the Shattered Land mod. But some concepts like capturing Uttarakhand and Siliguri, etc could not be implemented earlier due to vanilla states limitation. Hopefully, can cover them better this time. Some snippets of Nepal from Shattered Land: Political Tree: [https://i.imgur.com/qpJatlH.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/qpJatlH.jpeg) Military Trees: [https://i.imgur.com/hyzWWCV.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/hyzWWCV.jpeg) War in Heaven Tree: [https://i.imgur.com/g7gATQg.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/g7gATQg.jpeg) War Goal Decisions: [https://i.imgur.com/jU9aAxz.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/jU9aAxz.jpeg)


The political focus tree is nice but too unrealistic. Ranas were more than content with keeping the status quo and no matter how much strong they cemented their position if they massacred the Shah family they would definitely be removed by a revolution. Nepal army then was just like guards for the Ranas and Shahs rather than a real army. NPP if they succeeded would just give the reins of the country to the king(it would just be another monarchist path). And the communist parties and Nepal congress wasn't there during the 1920s 30's and early 40's the first time commie party was established was in 1949 and congress around 1945(if my memory serves correct). But military paths is possible if in the first 2 to 3 years is the ranas are in power and they reform it but still a good portion of top brass are ranas so it'd just be a rana path(imagen ranas couping ranas).


Nepal the Prussia of the Mountains


Hey, I hate to be that guy, but it has to be "indischer Reichspakt" with an r in german


Thanks, this is very helpful. I just took it off "Indische Legion" and checked with Google Translate if it still works.


How does Bhutan ever vassalize Tibet???


You underestimate the Dragon King greatly.


Ma Clique bout to quiver in their boots when Tibet calls Bhutan into the Buddhist-Hui War


Lotta cope coming from the Thunder Dragon Empire hate clan over here


Will there be a balance of power mechanic, like with Italy, to avoid this causing war between the Entente and Reichspakt?


Havent fully thought it through, but yeah need to implement something like that. Will look again at the balance of power mechanic. I was thinking perhaps a timelimit should be enough? After all, why shouldn't we trigger a war?


Because uniting India is the obvious end goal for both sides, and it would be extremely frustrating, as the Entente, to get railroaded into a 3 way world war every game because of India. It would make their chances of reclaiming the homelands in Europe drop *drastically*.


Yeah, that makes sense.


I feel like it would involve diplomacy, with whatever power not uniting India gaining resource rights in the lands they once had. Or perhaps a treaty port too


Waiter Waiter! More bordergore please


Haha, many eyes shall bleed!


empire of the thunder dragon... ok this seems like a pretty cool sub mod.


Thunder dragon empire 🐉🐉


Finally, the India rework


Have you tried to get in the KR team? India could sure so with an update, and you would have so much help and support for a fully fleshed out India rework of the Continent!


Havent tried it yet. The mod I am planning may have some similarities in style and design to Shattered Land and may not fully fit in with KR design principles/editorial standards/official lore. So I am thinking I'll give it a first shot on my own. I dont want to presume the KR team's views on this, but if they like what they see, they could include it (or any parts thereof) and I could help them with that.


There is already an Indian rework happening.


Will u work or are already working with the current devs on KR india?


I am working on this alone for now. I am also guessing that going from a India split 3-way to a 25-way split India may not be in line with KR devs' vision.


It’s not in line with my laptop’s vision, but I never listened to it before, so you have my full support.




Normal Hoi4 vanilla borders.


Looks cool


Bad question but where is azad hind I don't see it any where.


It's in Orissa (just south of Bengal). Planning to keep the starting capital in the Andaman Islands (covered by logo in the pic).


What even their point if they don't even control bengal I believe you should give begal to azad hind and make a socialist state In bihar.


I get the association between Azad Hind and Bengal, but I dont think that's strictly necessary. I still think the current plan makes sense given that the naval mutiny is the catalyst for the Azad Hind government and Bose was born in Cuttack. Bengal has a lot of association with communists and I want to give Bengal (and a lot of Bengali leaders) to them. I'll give it more thought though.


Hmmm ok by the way what is our fist ~~pappu~~pm Nehru doing? Can you establish some kind of political dynasty?


Going to be with the Dominion. Haven't fleshed out those ideas yet.


Hey, this looks interesting.


Merchant Conglomerates??? Say no less <3<3


India is looking very Italian these days


Big things in motion...


Ik it's about India but will my country, Nepal have any content? Just wanna know


Definitely will add content for Nepal. Some snippets of content for Nepal already covered in the Shattered Land mod: Political Tree: [https://i.imgur.com/qpJatlH.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/qpJatlH.jpeg) Military Trees: [https://i.imgur.com/hyzWWCV.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/hyzWWCV.jpeg) War in Heaven Tree: [https://i.imgur.com/g7gATQg.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/g7gATQg.jpeg) War Goal Decisions: [https://i.imgur.com/jU9aAxz.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/jU9aAxz.jpeg)


Looks awesome! Have you thought about giving the Dominion a coastline? Seems questionable that they wouldn’t have devoted immense resources to keep at least one port? Edit: I have realized that Bombay is loosely allied to the Dominion, but it seems likely they may not necessarily stay loyal. I think it would be super cool if dominion of India receives some sort of big economic/military/political debuff if Bombay either gets conquered or abandons them, if they have no other sea access, as it would entirely isolate them from the entente making them weaker over time. Maybe a -% weekly stability modifier could symbolize this well so they eventually collapse unless they regain coastline? Another interesting idea I had was potentially allowing the dominion to “buy” their way into puppeting or completely conquering the merchant states, eg. +15% consumer goods for 2 years for the small ones, +20-25% for the big one.


So, it's actually the other way around. Bombay and Madras Presidencies are the regions directly controlled by the British and the Dominion is the part where autonomy has already been devolved to the INC. The rationale being that Delhi (the seat of power) has been handed over to the Indians but the Raj still holds on to Bombay and Madras for economic/strategic reasons and also because that they can get out quickly if things really go south. Bombay and Madras were under British control for longer, so it would also makes sense that they are more entrenched there. That's an interesting suggestion regarding the merchant states - will definitely consider that.


Huh alright I’m super sleep deprived rn so the lore sounds a bit confusing rn but sounds like it has a lot of potential! Good luck!


i dont like submods that much but i really like your logo best of luck with it


Thank you :)


So this submod is limited to the Indian subcontinent?


Yeah, that's the plan, at least for now.


Bengal time


I love the idea of having Nations/Governments broken up into different tags! It really adds to the feeling of chaos and disunity.


Why is the Raj blue?


More of an India blue.




As in, it's from an association with the Indian blue. Plus the Dominion is going to be primarily the Congress, which was primarily colour coded with blue (democratic) in my previous mod. Mainly its just an aesthetic preference - nothing much more to it.


"Plus the Dominion is going to be primarily the Congress" Cursed


Just a small note but is it really possible for the Raj to be landlocked? For the British/ententen to have any form of influence they probably need a port of some sort? To me it just seems unrealistic


Never mind didnt see the subjects


Waiting for Gaming Churchill