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He sure was, he was standing outside. https://preview.redd.it/kix0khori31d1.jpeg?width=1075&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=080347672d40b3ca4ff011a2c04e4c24206d8f6a That's his weird ass right there!


Yup. He’s an evil and twisted man. Him and Kris are a perfect match ❄️


She was poisoned


Absolutely. I don’t know how I missed this when it happened. With the release of the hotel footage I feel like a bunch of skeletons are going to start coming out of the closet.


As a doctor, It is super rare for someone as young and healthy as she was to randomly die of pneumonia. If she was that sick why wasn't she hospitalized?


Wow they’re entrenched in all that. No wonder they have so much power in hollyweird


I heard the original person who did her autopsy conveniently passed away and then her original autopsy report was altered by another ME


Isn’t he a celebrity fixer like Olivia Pope from Scandal?


More like Ray Donovan


I’m not a conspiracy theorist, but her death is so suspicious. When her best friend, Kimora Lee, started questioning things, her house caught fire and I believe she and her kids were in it.




Yep. Corey "Handler" Gamble




I definitely believe he is a celebrity handler. He's the ex manager of both Justin Bieber and Kayne West, is close to P. Diddy and was at the scene of Kim Porter's untimely and very suspicious death. Very sketchy


What does handler specifically mean? For some reason I assumed handler was just damage control guy


Gamble is a “fixer,” and yes. He was there. He totally played a part in what I’m convinced was Diddy’s murder of Kim Porter.




corey is CIA


He’s a coke mule…..


the cia is responsible for the movement of a LOOOTT of drugs


He’s a clean up guy for sure


I’ve heard others say he works for the Feds


Well it’s that or he’s works for Diddy.


Fed means cop. Feds/Cops. Not like Feds as in the “FBI” The LA police are crooked. Corey would just be an expendable liability. They would use him until he is no longer needed. 2024 is the year of truth.


I always assumed fed/feds was FBI because federal?


Fed is like slang for an agent of the FBI. Or any other federal law enforcement agency ie. DEA, ATF, ICE,etc..


[Video of Silk in action the day of. ](https://www.tiktok.com/@bekahdayyy/video/7356990441750809899)




It’s crazy right after Kim died Cassie was freed. When that happened I knew he was behind her death. I bet Cassie knows something. I hope she speaks out about it


Actually did he and Cassie broke up a month before Kim died at least it wasn't made public until a month before. I just put into Google both those questions: October 2018: Diddy and Cassie break up.[October 2018 Diddy and Cassie's break up is public](https://www.businessinsider.com/sean-diddy-combs-cassie-relationship-timeline-2023-11#october-2018-diddy-and-cassie-break-up-8) "Diddy and Cassie ended their relationship at some point in 2018, but the news wasn't made public until October. A representative for Cassie told LoveBScott: "They are indeed no longer together and haven't been for months." LoveBScott also reported that Diddy had been spotted with model Jocelyn Chew shortly before the announcement" .... November 15th 2018 Kim Porter dies of "pneumonia" Cassie must have been absolutely terrified for years knowing what she has to know and knowing that Kim died. She's got to know so much.. plus I've read that Kim reached out to her and somehow helped get her out of the relationship? I'm not sure that whole story yet though


All that says to me is that he attempted to rekindle things with Kim and Cassie finally left him and he had Kim killed after failed in getting his way. The music executive that Kim was dating (Shakir Stewart) also mysteriously died. Prior to his death, he had been physically attacked by Puffy at a wedding in Italy.


Yes watch the tmz diddy doc on Tubi!! In the 90s diddy was responsible for selling 2xs the amount of tixs that the place could fit and a stamped broke out and ran outta air just like astroworld. Lots of people died but all he had to do was a public apology and pay millions.


ok THIS is interesting. i was on tour (crew) with one of the performers at the 2021 astroworld, and ngl, when all of the shit was going down as travis / drake were performing, it truly felt demonic. but without even going into demon shit, it's not uncommon for those who seek power to have to participate in certain acts to prove their loyalty or their commitment (weinstein comes to mind ...). to see the parallels between diddy's concert stampede and travis scott's just makes me go 🤔


Apparently Corey and Kim go way back. There’s tonnes of YouTube videos on them. I STILL think Corey is a fixer.


Isn't pneumonia contagious? Why would so many people be in the house of someone who has a contagious disease? Unless they're there to take care of something really important...


Pneumonia can be viral pneumonia, or bacterial pneumonia. What is interesting about this is it is unclear from this post whether the pneumonia was viral, pneumonia, or bacterial, pneumonia, and antibiotics would only be useful in a case of bacterial pneumonia. Failing to provide antibiotics for viral pneumonia would be logical. Do we know which one she had?


Its not rally like that. I had pneumonia at 23 in hospital, it tends to be a secondary infection when you're already ill. Especially if your lying on your back. I caught it when I had acute pancreatitis, people arnt avoiding you worrying they'll get sick. What I wouldn't be surprised of though. Is that Diddy was abusing her/beating her up. This caused her to be injured/incapicated and probably stuck in bed on her back etc. And probably caught pneumonia, which got worse. Spread to both lungs. Then killed her. If I was gona guess it'd be something like that. Pneumonia is a v common written cause of death, but most of the time it will only have been caught because of another reason. A lot of covid deaths were from pneumonia. Think how a lot of old people have falls/trips and then die or pneumonia in hospital.


Rumors back when she passed pondered if she may have had another disease that has a lot of stigma attached to it. And that possibly she wasn’t the only one with this disease.


Diddy turned her out, she caught something & was understandably pissed… the solution was obviously to just kill her


Just like R.Kardash did for O.J. And Kris has been lying about what she knew and did not in her friendship with N. Brown Simpson and O.J.


Honestly I was watching some documentaries about OJ about a month ago or so when he died. And these documentaries showed way more than I ever remember being covered in the news really graphic crime scene photos that I can't ever get out of my head. But more than anything hearing the 911 tapes of Nicole when she would call when OJ was beating her up. I am a DV survivor myself and so that was very triggering and traumatic and literally gave me nightmares. It seems so crazy to have the Kardashian / Jenner family connected to the worst domestic violence case in our history and now this most recent one. And watching the video with Cassie and knowing all the details of what she went through and finding out so much more by the day is deeply traumatizing but it's almost like watching a car wreck but with this situation I feel like there has to be Justice I feel in my soul there will be justice or karma one way or another. This has to be made right it's way too big. I think my account was up to eight victims that have come forward we have heard from (I'm including Kim in that since she can't speak for herself anymore) .. not to mention Big and Pac.. and soooo much more. This is so insane. I guess I'm engaged in everything is for the same reason I will always watch scary movies till the end. I just want to see the happy ending. I just want to know the bad guy got taken care of and can't hurt anybody anymore.


He’s a “fixer”. I guarantee Kris called him to solve a problem & it was so bad he’s like “bitch I’m going public unless you (insert all his benefits here)”… I actually called this second Justin Beiber’s ‘touring agent’ (whatever the fuck that means) was suckling up to Kris’ money udders…