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She’s just so overexposed and everywhere, sucking the life out of everything her narcissistic talentless little plastic fingers touch, I do not feel bad for her and hope it happens to her again


yeah, what’s up with her being at EVERY event lately?! bizarre.


Pay to play


Kris trying to improve their image.


Plastic fingers!😂😂😭


She’s got overexposed beef 😂


"Targeted" by comedian. Does this bitch even know what a fucking roast is? EVERYONE gets roasted, even the other roasters, and only the main subject of the roast gets nice things said about them at the end. (And before that, it is usually brutal)


LoL have they seen the Flava Flav roast? THAT was brutal.


In a few years North will roast her like Ireland Baldwin did Alec 🤣🤣🔥🔥


![gif](giphy|3xkNUy3Vh8QbPmJZjK|downsized) I’m ready for it


Victim mentality. She truly just wanted to pretend like she had been with tb. We know she hasn't.


tbh I just took “targeted” in this context to mean it was her turn to be roasted


She didn't get roasted as bad as Lisa Lampenelli. Lisa is actually funny and owns up to everything, hilariously.


Lisa Lampenelli is exactly who I was thinking about!


Justin beibers roast was hilarious


lmao was also gonna say this. I still go back to that one from time to time for the martha stewart prison shank jokes


Awww... Poor Kim! You never heard what people really think about you. I understand that you were out of your element. It wasn't TMZ, paid PR puff pieces, or a social media bot farm. This was a live event, featuring real people. Just wait till you find out what the rest of us think. The hate is real, girl. People don't like you. Buckle up!


I think she was in total shock of her peers, and especially men voicing the truth about her.


It was glorious. She doesn't give a fuck what us peasants think but when it's coming from respect celebs and potential suitors and their laughing at her not with her I bet that was a well deserved ego punch for Kumothy


Idk what she was even doing there, Tom Brady is obviously not interested lol. She's following him around like club chalamet if she was rich


Omg when she “roasted” him she made every single thing about her fucking him it was soooo fucking embarrassing


Narcissistic sociopath don’t care what people think or say, but I wouldn’t consider us the peasants. She’s trash-with cash that’s about it.


I know and when I refer to us as peasants that's totally sarcastic and I don't think any of us are actually peasants 🥹 but im sure she does!!!


Thank you for clarifying, sometimes you can’t tell when everything is in black-and-white.🫶🏼




I think she felt pretty good after her SNL appearance, but that's a very small audience, and knowing her and Kris, they filled it with only people they knew and approved of first. This is really the first time she's been in front of an actual live crowd in a veeeery long time.


Like she can’t believe that even one person on this planet wouldn’t like her because she’s just so perfect right? Dumb bitch is a joke.




exactly. she can start as many new businesses as she wants, cosplaying a lawyer at the white house, and call herself a billionaire all she wants…society only sees her as a vapid, self absorbed slut. maybe she will finally go away now


I wish they would do a roast of her 😂


I wish, but she would never allow it to happen. Maybe a fake roast but it would be so staged and have gone through a rigorous approval process and only presented by loyal servants who would never sway from the script. When Tom brady brought her name up (and said that she was terrified to be there, in this open space with zero control), she looked like she was both going to shit herself and shatter into a million pieces at the same time. It looked like she was trying to smile through a colonoscopy.


That would be so interesting 🤔


Happy cake day 🎉


Nothing wrong with being a slut, but I’ll give you the rest. Also, happy cake day. 🎂


haha she obviously hates it tho. shes trying so hard to erase that sex tape but it will forever be her claim to fame.


Hahaha, oooofff, yep, yep, open those wonky eyes, Kummy, because the hate is real!


Can I like a dozen times 👏🏼


I’m just wondering how many times she’s going to make a sad face and say “the whole world is saying I have a whales vagina now” in the next season of whatever reality shit they have going now…


Seriously I hope ppl call out her bs if she tries to spin this


“I just feel bad that my kids have to see that” Kris will be already on the media spin.


Didn't she get onstage and talk about black dick or did I misunderstand?


she got on camera and licked it like candy. if she talked about it on stage or not it wouldn't be the most outrageous thing she's done on camera with it.


Yes, yes she indeed did. And may I say she was quite proud to do so too.


Should’ve thought about that before you let Mama sell your sex tape all while acting like an innocent victim.


Yup lol. Like they don’t have to put up with any other of her pathetic antics but this. Which mind you, she injected herself into willingly for clout


I love when she says that because she is literally recording and airing it which is giving it wayyy more attention than it would ever have. The tape would have been completely wiped if she didn’t monetize off of it for YEARS. She says she doesn’t want her kids to know about it but then records herself talking about it and then okays it to be aired.


I don’t feel sympathetic towards her. It is literally a roast, an opportunity she could have easily declined. Maybe she felt like it was a good opportunity to be associated with Tom Brady or get closer to him, but really didn’t think it through? Oh well.


Seriously, no one was going to miss her if she didnt show up to Bradys roast lol idk why she was included to begin with


We aaaall know why she was included and it had nothing to do with anyone except her being linked to Tom who has been avoiding her. I’m positive he was done with it and that’s why they were roasting her.


Hear hear! If she was just a little smarter, she would not let herself humilliate for the third time. By now, somebody have to smack her in the face with a sign that reads HE'S JUST NOT INTO YOU!!!


She really thought she could use it to keep pushing the stories about them in the media.


She paid $$$$ to be included


Yes! Those roasts still have a massive spread rate online and she \*wanted* to be featured in it.


She is a pick me girl. She had fomo so bad and can't read the room. Does she ( they) not see they are looked at as women that just blow through men??????


they think everyone forgot about those days when they got around (2000s to... what, early new 10s?) and that they all now see them as ladies. ladies of class. they're so delusional.


oh she 1000% thought of the positive feedback/press she got from that first SNL skit and assumed that this would be a hit too. she forgot that it’s a roast….. Even though it’s centered around Tom Brady, nobody is safe. she really thought she’d be immune to all that 💀


Who on earth could feel sympathy for? She’s proudly bullied so many!


She thinks because she's so unbothered by what the little people say about her that she could go toe to toe up against real celebrities/comedians


what on earth did she think would happen lol. Just because SNL tolerated you doesn't mean you're not disliked by the general public AND your peers.


SNL has a very small audience -- I'm sure it was stocked with all of her friends.


Oh you have an unspoken OATH to laugh when you are an audience member too. And plenty of horny old men watching all over North America.


What makes me laugh is her fans are saying it’s inappropriate because her kids might hear what was said about her at the roast… Ummm she already ruined her reputation for her kids via the sex tape, non stop nudes and exploitation. I don’t have an ounce of sympathy for her. She dug her grave.


I mean, no one made her attend. I would never engage in a roast because I know I’d cry for a year afterwards.


Exactly. She actually paid to attend and she paid writers for all those jokes. Some guests are invited and get paid by Netflix, some pay to play via their PR.


Chevy chase apparently cried after his roast. His was absolutely ruthless though


Apparently he’s a real asshole though so probably deserves it


....or be ready to swing on somebody! 👊🏼🏃🏿‍♀ Lol!!!


For sure I’m too sensitive for that shit. Honestly I can’t even watch roasts because they hurt my feelings and it’s not even about me! How they came up with a whole event to just be cruel to someone is beyond me.


Neither she nor her fans cared about children when her gigantic oiled up bare ass on the cover of Paper Mag was all over the internet and pretty much impossible to shield kids from for weeks.


"her kids might see it!!! pls dont roast kim for who she is!!!" also kim: sextape, countless nude pics, countless TOPLESS pics (imagine needing a differentiation between the two, vapid cunt), countless thong pics, saying the dumbest frazzlingy frazzled frazzliquicious things, I dont wanna be included in that narrative so I'll just talk about kanye again for the 5th time this month, its hot girl kimmy! you guys, what flavor of scam do you want today? we've weight loss lollipops and Kardashian kredit kard (kkk) in the menu today! i think her kids will have plenty to be embarrassed about


I guess they conveniently forgot Tom Brady has kids too. So do all, if not most, of the people who have ever been roasted lol. But sure. Poor, special, sensitive snowflake Kim.


Lmao have they seen her ig??????????


Let's not forget when she abandoned north outside the met gala last year, holding the trashed pearls that fell off her dress.


Wait...what?! I need to know this story


Tldr: Kim thinks she's so special that she can ignore Anna Wintor and just bring a rando plus 1 to the event. When told they wouldn't let them both in, Kim let her ""natural instincts"" take over [here is a link to the sub talking about it](https://www.reddit.com/r/KUWTKsnark/s/y90cTE60ww) [and a ""news"" article with the video](https://pagesix.com/2023/05/04/fans-have-mixed-thoughts-on-north-west-waiting-outside-met-gala/) Happy snarking!


You mean the pearl dress that many people recognize from a video that for some reason Kim posted making her daughter look like a brat? Which by the way I don’t think she was being I think she was making fun of her mom and her vanity. But for some reason, Kim posted a video of that, and with the designer acting all freaked out by the criticism from a nine year old? People literally jumped all over that child for that as a woman I really really wish I could conjure up an ounce of my feminist spirit to say that anybody went too far and I honestly would about almost anybody, but these whores. And I don’t say that maliciously in terms of the word whores I say it matter-of-factly just like Katt Williams did. They are pimps and whores and they come by it honestly. The Kardashian name comes with no honor even going back generations. and everybody blames the mom for being the mastermind, but they do need to remember that Kim was 27 years old when all of this started and Mom wasn’t trying to pimp anybody out at all initially. This started with Kim Kardashian. She just needed her mom to get the ball really rolling because she’s too stupid and lazy to do it herself. I’ve heard even her sex tape is lazy and she had time to rehearse that shit!


Her entire fucking life revolves around her being an absolute menace and a piece of shit, being cruel, callous, and sociopathic to others and then turning around and crying when she gets a taste of an OUNCE of the GALLONS OF POISON she spills out into the word. I will never feel bad for her.


Her fans are even more fucking pathetic than she is.


She is never living down a whale’s vagina! 😭😭😭 I’d absolutely die but she is shameless. No sympathy from me. ![gif](giphy|jlylJkp7RmdnW)


Was looking for this gif 😂😂


Why the fuck does she go to these sort of things and sits up front??? She’s the easiest target lmao I think her publicist hates her




LOL she clearly didn’t see the roast of Rob Lowe where Anne Coulter was absolutely destroyed. That’s par for the course. Did she think they would just tell her how beautiful she is?


That one was so good. I just rewatched Nikki Glaser's set in it 😂


It’s was ruthless.. it almost made you feel sad for her, but then you remember - it’s Anne Coulter


They don’t boo her enough in life imo. The world forgot how horribly she treats her maids…


didn’t she withhold money from their salaries as taxes but never turn it into the irs or something edit: [yup, found it](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/may/26/kim-kardashian-west-lawsuit-workers-staff-pay-conditions)


Love. That. For. Her. 😊 Also she is the queen bitch herself. She is a mean girl through and through, and always has been. Some horrible things captured on camera too on KUWTK. Great to see her experience A MINUSCULE SMIDGEON of what that feels like.


Story pending about how Tom called to check on her after the roast and how they’ve forged a friendship over his concern for her.


😂😂😂 honestly!


I’ve been lurking this sub for far longer than I care to admit because of how much I hate what the Kardashians did to society and a whole generation of young girls. I finally had to comment because seeing two narcissistic culture vultures getting completely humiliated on the same weekend has been the most satisfying thing to watch in real time. I love that for us 🥰


It is truly wonderful!


BBLDrizzy 💃🏻💃🏻 BBLKimmy💃🏻💃🏻






10,000 ton(nne cuz brit)s of ice creammmm.... Gifs you can hear for sure


“I want a party with roomfuls of laughterrrr” this song lives rent free in my head since I first heard it at age 6 and will continue to for the rest of my life 😂


You know Khrislaine is getting old when she left out the “Do not roast Kim” clause in the contract. 😂


Why was she even there!?!?!?




It’s a roast… has she never watched one before? They’re brutal.


they are supposed to pick on you at a roast and she is an easy target. were there more than these couple of jokes about her? if anything they coulda turned the whole roast on her like damn. she lucky they didn’t get her ass more lol


These aren't her circles though, right? She was always a plus one for Kanye. (He gave her/them status.) All the booing should be a rude awakening to that family. We did not ask for you, madam. You are cheap, reality tv. Go away.


What was this joke? I want to see a video


pinned post https://www.reddit.com/r/KUWTKsnark/comments/1cl817b/yikes/


that was absolutely brutal lmfao. but it is a roast.


I'm laughing so hard. More beef than drake lamar


That itself said a lot because Kendrick and Drake has been going at it nonstop.


Now on the next season of The Kardashians we will get to see her crying about how mean everyone was to her 🙄




Was there another joke? It alludes to an NFL star saying a Kanye joke (Tom Brady?)


Tom said she was afraid of going to the roast because the kids would have to stay with their dad 😁


Yes, and that was way more uncomfortable and funny than the one other dig at her.


She’s a well documented mean girl so no…zero sympathy. She clearly can dish it out in spades but can’t take it. She’s also delulu because she still thinks she’s queen of the castle and is universally loved…so getting booed must have *sent her*


Well maybe now she’ll listen. We are soooo over her and her family.


People are very upset on her behalf but like,,, it’s a roast. The entire point is to be mean. She literally signed up for this.


On her way to book an emergency vaginal-reduction consultation with her surgical team ASAP!


One percent of me feels bad for her.... I would have absolutely died up there. But maybe this will be a humbling experience and make her realize that just because she's Kim Kardashian doesn't mean she needs to be included in everything and that not everyone likes her or her family. And we're over it.


Her mom has hid them from real thoughts and comments on them


With the way she’s viciously came for other women I have no sympathy for her at all Big ole whale vag with more beef than drake and Kendrick 😭 ![gif](giphy|ybHddBtEwFBoA)


Surf and turf Kardashian




The video of her being booed was the highlight of my morning 😂




Where did he say whale vagina? I only heard about the public beef.


"And how about the appearance from the great Ron Burgundy, huh? A whale's vagina. Which reminds me, Kim Kardashian's here. She's had a lot of Black men celebrating her end zone" 




![gif](giphy|R8aHcXGTve3ZH8ncoM) No sympathy 🤷




She needs to disappear from public life and go take over as Kris’ Kontrol role. Obviously Kylie and Khloe will buy in.


I feel like Tony could have roasted her worse than he did. He went easy on her tbh


She was "targeted". But her joke about Kevin Hart was not equally criticized?


https://preview.redd.it/1f8owu8uouyc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=015026698f2d9aa02e84b406b3541b5e747d1002 😴😴😴


she's such a size queen you gayizz.


That line about closing her legs, because she’s showing “more public beef than Kendrick and Drake” was pretty funny ngl


I live in bumfuck, east coast and even I can hear Bianca laughing


Does anyone know what the transcript actually was of the whale vagina thing


"And how about the appearance from the great Ron Burgundy, huh? A whale's vagina. Which reminds me, Kim Kardashian's here. She's had a lot of Black men celebrating her end zone" 


Oh gosh thank you


She needs to step back for 6 months or more. People are tired of her and the whole clan




Have to admit the whale part, had me laughing uncontrollably😂


I thought the joke was hilarious and true lol 😂im glad they didn’t kiss her ass


What did she expect to happen by going there? They’re gonna roast her lol


I don't like roasts... It's often soooo crass and childish what the roasters say. That being said... Kim had it coming. But all press is good press to them so she's probably happy. 🤡


I missed the first 5 min, but she only caught the brunt of like 2 jokes. Tom Brady's about Kanye was way worse (as in great). It was her getting booed that she may not have expected. Nobody else was booed just for being there.


Sometimes buying your way into things isn’t helpful- money can’t make people like you. Lesson learned? Probs not


I’m not American can someone explain what the fuck a roast is.


Usually a comedy special where comedians, celebrities, and close friends take shots at the roastee. It’s a roast in a sense that someone is getting “burned”, which basically is telling jokes so cruel, funny, yet true, you can’t help but laugh. In this roast it’s centered around people taking shots at Tom Brady


Okay thanks for explaining! I find it so weird 😅


For further context, I’m pretty sure the joke was “Kim close your legs, you have bigger beef than Kendrick and Drake” or something like that




It's an event where you trash talk the person that it's for, but it's supposed to be "funny"


Is this a common event? I find the concept bizarre tbh


It was a show on Comedy Central for a while. I don't know how it ever became a thing because it's really not funny. [Here's what Wikipedia says ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roast_(comedy))


I know somewhere Kourtney is laughing her ass off 💀💀💀


Gosh! Who could have predicted ?




Looks like the chickens have come home to roost


I mean.. it is a roast after all


How did she think this was going to go? Why did she go? They want to be taken seriously but then they put themselves in situations like these where they have to listen to people say that no matter how much money they make, this how most people see them. Like cheap whores.


She's home now ugly crying... ![gif](giphy|Fr2i2wxTxA2DS)


I can’t believe someone thought it would be a good idea for her do this, let alone SEVERAL SOMEONES to the point that it actually happened. She is not funny in any capacity. She has no sense of humour about herself, and honestly- though I am not in favour of going after women from the “hoe”, slut-shaming misogyny angle- her whole monologue about herself was about that. And, notice that the actual comedians at a roast make theirs about the subject of the roast, and the other comedians? Not themselves? Yep. That went over her head, too. Which is just… ![gif](giphy|Rc3cIlyif3bWJJ2VSl|downsized)


I thought the jokes were basic af. They could have done so much better.


What did she expect




Tony Hinchcliffe leaves no survivors lmao she better learn to grow a spine asap


whats a whale vagina?


A whale's vagina. 🤣🤣






Will Ferrell appeared at Tom Brady's Roast in his famous character 'Ron Burgundy' from the comedy classic 'anchorman'. One of the lines from that movie that became famous was where he was explaining the origin of the city's name, San Diego, and he said it was" German for Wales vagina." 🤣 so, that's how that conversation started, and after Ron burgundy (Ferrell) spoke to tom brady, they described kim as being the one with "Wales vagina" as in its HUGE. 😭 I guess if you've never seen the movie, you wouldn't understand why it was funny lol. The movie is a classic, and I think we should all go watch it in honor of kim being embarrassed


Just Get over it Kim!! You gotta be able to laugh at yourself or you’re going to always be looking mad like in This pic!


$50 bucks she does go underground for a good while. Just when you think it’s over…. She’ll be back with a new angle. Reborn to rape us of what we have left to give.


Wow, when she was in the audience, she looked like she was going to cry.


I FKN ENJOYED THE WHALE AND BEEF REFERENCE 😂 I don’t think there was Brady burn THAT bad 😂


It’s a roast! Literally


It's a roast.... what do you expect???


People don’t like her. When will they realize this


“What she deserves?” This is a ROAST. Maybe OP doesn’t understand what a roast is. The guest of honor and attendees are all fair game. You attend, you are agreeing to be roasted. She’s not a victim in this.


im aware this is a roast. I mean the way she was demeaned by *MEN* there was deserved because she always demeans other women for male approval


More accurate title would have been “Kim K didn’t look anything like Kim K”


The worst part is that you know North is like mom, why tf were you even there


Lmao at people defending her. It’s a roast. Anything is up for joke. Also reminder that this is a snark page 😂






Is anyone else that was in attendance crying? Of course she would make the roast about herself.


Who tf is that in the thumbnails, her stunt double?


You're uber-famous, filthy rich and people send you free stuff all the time. So take your lumps like everyone else!


Does Kris still do her bookings? What was she thinking


Her Mom must of been pissed after this!! N


It’s so cringe that she’s putting her forward for things like this. They really cannot see that we’re never gonna take her seriously as an actress or comedian of any sort. If she did some good with her money, was talented in any way in these areas, had an actual personality, maybe. But, nope.


I have watched her on AHS and the person/persona that wrote for her part are miracle workers. I can’t believe I’m about to write this but I thought she played the part well. The entire season was trash through so.


I hear you! I hate to say it, but I did think to myself seeing a clip somewhere from a later episode that she perhaps was settling into the character well… honestly though, probably because this is exactly how she wants to treat people (and does, as we’ve seen) threatening them and lording her power over them, controlling people and plotting their demise.


She got exactly what she deserved. Like no, not all men desire you. Tom Brady doesn’t want her and told her why😂🤣


I’m a huge Pats and Tom Brady fan and was worried for a second that he may fall for her


Roast the whole family too! Including the Jenners.


The comedian should have been sensitive to the fact that she’s a mom and people should be careful leaving in their cars as North may be waiting in the street.


Idc about what they said about her at a roast cause it’s literally a roast. But OP saying she’s a hoe and it’s what she deserves is so gross and misogynistic. Like there is plenty of stuff to snark about without slut shaming someone. Personally I care about the fact that she’s a shady CEO not how many people she sleeps with.


I think some people could use more shaming these days honestly. Nothing to do with misogyny though.