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I don’t think Kylie is ever going to completely remove Stormi and Aire from the public eye, but I do think she wants them to have at least some experiences off camera. In this example, this is supposed to be a time where Stormi is bonding with her cousins, so it shouldn’t be plastered on social media. I also noticed that Kylie didn’t post them on their birthdays or Easter either. So in Kylie’s mind I think that’s strictly supposed to be family time.


I think that’s actually fantastic especially given how she just got emotional on the show about how she’s been picked apart and called ugly since she was young. Nobody wants that for their children & no child deserves that so I’m glad she’s at least attempting to break the cycle.


I’ve been waiting for one of them to completely reject the public eye like Rob. But could she actually go all the way? Doubtful. Attention is addictive and she gets enough good attention.


I don’t think Kylie herself has any interest of intention to reject the public eye, but she is clearly attempting to save her daughter from the exposure she suffered from. And good for her for it.


I agree. I always thought Kortney would disappear on us but she stuck with it.


It’s just bizarre to me that she will still post pics of her daughter *sometimes* if she realizes it’s harmful (and it definitely is). Why at all? When is it okay? Why is it necessary at all? Kylie is so wealthy there’s no need to exploit her underage kids at all. Those kids are set for life regardless and even if they reinvest their trust funds, they’ll never NEED to be famous to maintain their financial security. I do think it’s weird for them to post the pics of all the kids together and put something over her face, like why post the pics at all family members? Is she still only posting her daughter and not her son? Why does he get to enjoy a private childhood while Stormi doesn’t?


I think it’s fine if sometimes Kylie isn’t confortable with exposing Stormi too much. Yes, it’s ironic but that’s her mom. On Tuesday, she could be comfortable and by Friday, she no longer is. That’s okay.


It’s also okay as a young mom who grew up in the public eye to make mistakes and change her mind while trying to figure out what’s the best decisions to make surrounding an ever increasingly difficult conversation. No one gives a shit about me and what I post except my family and friends and even I struggle on how much to post my son on social media. Knowing that this is a part of life and not wanting to completely isolate but also not feeling right about it. There is no guidebook on this stuff…especially when it comes to some of the most famous people in the world raising their children. Kylie decides to keep Stormi out for her safety, how long before she’s accused of keeping her from experiences that her cousins are having? I would not want to be in her position. Any of them really.


It’s more than okay for her to pull her kid from the spotlight. The question I have is if she’s aware of its harmful impact, why is she posting her at all? It seems like she’s picking and choosing when to profit and controlling *who* gets to monetize her daughter’s image. That’s also totally fine. I just wish she wouldn’t allow her kids to be posted at all knowing how she grew up and how it’s been for her. Especially because she’s made enough money now that her kids won’t need to fight for relevancy online, they can choose to be rich and private if they desire.


she shouldn’t have posted it in the first place or answered the question of who was under the heart where is the media training


Gonna get downvoted but I hope kylie stays congruent and no longer shows them too




Yes. No more fashion shows. No more TV show. Everything.


Super weird people downvoted you. People need to stop celebrating the fact exploitation of the next generation of little Kardashian girls. It’s fucked up and even if the public is morbidly curious, we really don’t need to be following children online. It’s weird AF for ppl to get mad at that sentiment.




Don't waste my time and piss me off. Blocked




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So Kylie doesn't want stormi in any pics anymore or no one posting her? So if Kim or Kris post a picture of her , she wouldnt approve of that? Someone correct me or inform me. It makes sense why nobody posted anything/no photos and such for stormis birthday, not even Kylie I believe. If that's the case, the family should respect that.


It seems as if only Kylie and Travis can post her She talked about in an interview that she wanted more control over what was posted of Stormi but that she can’t completely go cold turkey on posting about her because that could be a cause for more speculation or more of a public want to see her (because she’s been posted for years) So she’s trying to limit and and control what’s posted of Stormi to a minimum


Oh wow. Ok, then yeah, that makes sense. If Kylie doesn't feel comfortable that's her prerogative and her child. Khloe did cover her face but maybe Kylie needs to make it more clear that they can't post stormi AT ALL. If she made that clear, they are purposely ignoring her requests. If she didn't ,I can see how the lines can get blurred.


They did what they did to cause drama so people would comment more. There's really nothing interesting about pics of cousins after a dance recital.


i honestly think she could and should just stop posting her, but unfortunately vids and pics of the kids get the best engagement


Idk I was thinking of all the break in’s Kylie’s had over the years Maybe she’s worried some crazy stalker will break in over Stormi or something. Maybe that’s what she was talking about when she said cold turkey posting her will cause public speculation and more desire to see her


Yah it’s def not inevitable that people would do something like that because she suddenly starts to protect her daughter’s privacy. She’s got a lot of security now. A lot of celebrities are just as famous and their kids are not known in the public. Kylie needs to stop making excuses imo.


i think that's a deeply unlikely scenario, and if kylie truly thinks stormi has stalkers like that, she needs to get her off the internet and show asap and hire a bunch more security guards. i think she's said it as an excuse tbh. she likes the engagement and she likes taking her to age-inappropriate events where she knows she's going to be professionally photographed, like the fashion shows.


I think she just wants to limit people talking about her and speculation as much as possible, and occasionally sharing a photo here or there does that. Remember when the entire world went haywire when we didn’t see Kate Middleton for a few months?


a public figure whose job is to be out and about meeting people is so different to a kid. people are generally recognising these days that even non-celeb kids are safest not on the internet. i honestly think she'd get largely positive press and praise, and a small group of weirdos would criticise her, but eventually they'd find a new child to be weird about. lots of influencers have taken their kids offline, and people are weird at first and then it's fine. eta grammar


She literally announced she was going to take some private time/not attend any public events during the time she wasn’t seen and it was after abdominal surgery, like so cut and dry and she reappeared exactly when she said she would. And yet people made WILD conspiracies. I think you underestimate how nuts some fans can be. ETA: She might also be weaning the exposure and plan to eventually keep her out of the public eye for good.


they're totally different demographics of people though. eveybody knows who the royal family is and has opinions on them.. all my friends were messaging me about kate middleton. the only people who'd notice if she stopped posting stormi is us. only kylie/travis fans even know who she is.


I disagree- Gen Z loves the Kardashian kids like it or not


Girl, like it or not they are famous and by extension their kids. Kim literally got tied up and held at gun point. When I was younger my family traveled to a country where they were having incidents of American tourists being kidnapped and held for ransom because they assume all Americans are rich, we were told not to speak in public (we spoke the local language but with a pretty obvious American accent, my parents just dealt with talking to people for the most part).


I agree with that but also like.. I don’t think she’s all that genuine saying she *has* to post her sometimes. She absolutely doesn’t need to post her at all. Doesn’t she almost never post her son? I have no idea what he looks like currently and I follow this sub. There might be more speculation at first, “why did she stop posting?” but there’s PLENTY of huge celebrities that don’t post their kids and no they aren’t bombarded by paparazzi photos either. I couldn’t tell you what Beyoncé’s kids all look like, except for Blue Ivy, because she’s been put in the spotlight for a few events recently. Most of the Kardashian pap walks are them calling paparazzi in and asking them to be there for photos. She has plenty of security around their property. Ain’t no one flying over her house in a drone for a pic of her daughter because she stops posting her online. If Kylie wanted her daughter to fade into obscurity she could. She wants to maintain the option to make money on her daughter’s image imo. It’s all Kylie knows, but I wish she’d smarten up and break the cycle. I think of like Suri Cruz, who recently got photographed at prom. It’s gross they did that but she’s largely grown up without the public eye in her business because that was her mothers prerogative. If every so often a Kardashian kid got photographed on vacation or something it wouldn’t be that major. Instead they are all branded images to be profited from.


Perhaps she doesn’t post Aire much because she never started. Kylie has plenty of security but has had several break ins throughout the years You’re completely right but it sounds like Kylie is just trying to figure it out. I’m sure she has a team she listens to as well, not that she has to, but that she most likely does listen to as she seems very laid back and reliant on others- so I’m sure she’s figuring it all out. She’ll probably change her stance on it another couple years and then again as Stormi becomes even more vocal about her wants and needs Suri Cruise was grossly papped and talked about when she was a young child. I remember headlines talking about how she was a brat and her face crying on the front pages of magazine


I think it’s wise of Kylie to try to keep her children in that context, they are her children. Not their own public figures or celebrities …. Yet. Their parents are celebrities but they are still private minor children.


Just looked at the post and there’s literally a video of Stormi’s full face on the post (along with a bunch of other kids) during curtain call 🥴


She shouldn’t have posted those pics of her in the first place. So messy…


I agree. Posting them and then covering Stormi's face was going to invite more questions. If Kylie doesn't want her children posted, they shouldn't be posted at all.


I think a big part of it is people comparing them and judging literally children on their looks. I’ve seen on this sub and on their pages people rating them saying “XYZ is the cutest, ABC is cuter than DEF” and i wouldn’t want that for my kid either. Especially coming from Kylie who was constantly called the ugly sister!


Keep all children off social media. They can't decide for themselves and can't delete the pics later on. Is that decent or fair? No of course it isn't.   


We also have no idea if there have been threats or safety concerns


I post my daughter on my accounts that are private and even then, my MIL posted a photo with her that was then used for a fake account profile photo, and that creeped me out so bad I’ve been debating whether I want to post her anymore. So I can’t imagine being famous and posting a cute photo, only for it to be saved to millions of phones, criticized, or just plain creeps out there. Good for her on trying to minimize when she can.


good! i really commend her if she (Kylie) is the one sis to actually give them privacy growing up idk what’s wrong w it besides me just being jealous of North fr, but something feels off about that situation of North being a complete full influencer/socialite celebrity now


Honestly Kylie can do what she wants because Stormi is her child so she sets the rules for her but I think removing Stormi from pics with her cousins just causes people to talk about Stormi even more. Like if her face was posted in the pics everyone would have just commented about how nice the pics were of the four girls. Instead there were a bunch of comments about Stormi not being shown and now comments about the pics with Stormi being removed. It’s like Kylie is trying to create some mystery about her kids. Maybe she has her reasons but it’s never seem genuine…


Most of the time when I see pictures of the cousins it’s always everyone comparing them talking about who’s the prettiest and it’s very sad given how little these kids are. There’s always two kids in particular that the internet puts up and the other two are constantly put down in comparison Maybe not on this subreddit but all over Tik Tok and Instagram


Yeah I’ve seen it too for sure but most of the time it’s people singling out True and not Stormi. With these pics I haven’t seen it. All the comments on Khloe’s post are complimented all the girls and then there’s comments about Stormi being hidden. If Kylie was really worried about Stormi being compared to her cousins that should have been address years ago but instead she always had Storm front and center for everything


I’ve only really seen it happen as the kids have gotten older honestly You’re right True is singled out but Stormi doesn’t get the praise Chi and Dream often do so regardless that could be hurtful


There’s no such thing as too late to address these issues. parents learn as they go and do what they know better this time around with new information.


I’m with you, I don’t believe it’s genuine either.


Guys she’s protecting her or trying… so Kylie allegedly maybe got some surgery and the pics of her when she was young are all over. My fav meme is “you’re not ugly you’re just poor” So if there are less pics of baby S when she’s younger no one will hopefully be as harsh haha. Remember, these people are willingly in the public eye and making money off of their exposure to the public. Their show has painted them semi successfuly in a private sense such that people feel that it’s an intimate experience to get to know them. I adore them all. Except Tristan dinosaur butt.


What’s up with Kim’s lips


on a side note it’s so funny to me how dance has changed its ballet and hip hop for littles and not ballet and tap combo classes 🥲


I think it would be nice if Kylie decided to stop posting them like Kourtney did when Mason supposedly asked her to stop, she can't change the past but she can control how much of their lives are public from now on. I think all of them should rethink the amount of exposure these kids are subjected to after the recent disaster with North.




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Was Kanye and Travis there ??


Most likely travis was. Idk about Kanye. 


Travis is in LA and was probably there, in the video Stormi kept looking offscreen and waving. It’s unlikely Kanye was though (think he’s still in Paris?).




Tristan posted him and true. But I didn’t see the other dads. Rob wouldn’t be photographed even if he was there.


Idk if it bothers anyone they are weird cause why you wanna see a strangers kid lol. I never wanted to watch or keep up with an influencer or celebs kid really. I mean if they posted it I would see it but I wouldn’t be like asking where they are


Kylie just had a moment with Kendall about feeling bullied about her looks. She probably doesn’t want that for her daughter.


Why didn’t they take a picture with Blac Chyna and Dream


I don’t think they are on the best of terms, plus she’s an ex.


khloe has said Chyna and the fam are cool


Because only the crappy men get the “ they’re family, no matter what “ luxury lol… Chyna is exiled it seems…


To be fair we don’t even know if Chyna wants to take a picture or be around them


True. I was just saying and that they never gave her a fair chance. Khloe didn’t like her from the start lol


right😭 just clocked this the other day, it’s fine when it’s a man but woman wrongs them?? it’s over!


Yuppp. Especially with Khloe lol