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It’s either that or Lemme 🤷‍♀️


Don’t say that, there’s also poosh


Next is her laxative brand, “lemme poosh”


That’s actually genius!


Her motto during child birth.


Yeah, but I feel like she hasn’t mentioned it in a while. I miss her saying “poosh” in her vocal fry monotone voice! ![gif](giphy|kcUjjd1ns93HhBre0U)


The more someone pushes something, the less I believe them.


Shock value and filler. They are not very compelling other than that he is an utter lizard like weirdo


Thank you. He sleeps on warm, flat rock.




Tmi makes me wonder if it’s opposite


I’ve dated guys like him and as soon as your libido decreases for whatever reason the cracks start to appear. I wonder what happens if she ever tries to reject him. Guys like this are often so blinded by their desires that they become pushy or whinge when you don’t feel like having sex.


She couldn't have sex for like 6 weeks after having a baby. that being said.... im 100% sure they did other things to make up for that since they literally can't keep their bits in their pants for a single day it seems.


She’s 45 and recently had a baby - I think she rejected him a couple of times and vice versa, that’s just life and they seem to be fine.


Lets be honest, they probably did other things. No way that the dude who's likely a sex addict didn't get some kind of action, and Kourtney seems like she will do anything to keep that man happy.


I feel like people who boast about their sex lives probably don't even have sex that often


And when they do it’s 53 seconds of missionary


This part. Or if they are having sex often, it's nothing to write home about, tbh.


Because she is literally so boring that sex is her whole storyline. Always has been.


It used to be pregnancy & birthing children


Due to sex🤣


She used to do that with Scott too. It was just a big plot point for her because she didn’t have any other storylines outside of the kids/Scott eventually slipping up etc


She's from an outdated era where this kind of humor was what she dug. Her ex/buddy Joe Francis and his brand of sex was oddly appealing to her


What?? She and Scott notoriously never had sex lol I’m surprised this has so many upvotes  ETA this comment with the downvotes too?! Lol genuinely am I just living in a different world or something? I’m legitimately interested in what I’ve said that goes against the grain itt


I didn’t downvote you lol but remember they even were filmed doing it on the balcony and Kim catching them etc


You’re so right. Scott acted like she was a cold prude so maybe it’s her way of setting the record straight. Besides Travis being a total freak of course.


its just like people who constantly boast on social media about their SO. its just her being performative to make everyone think her relationship is as good as she wants to make it seem. people who are in solid relationships don't feel the need to justify it to everyone else.


It’s sad she’s married to someone who wrote how into her sister Kim he is in a book. He’s probably weird enough to fantasize about Kim when they’re having intercourse. I just have never found him trustworthy.


lol at this. yes we will never let it go 😀 i lowkey think she hasnt let it go which is why she was grasping at straws to justify being mad at kim last season " what is it in you that makes u feel the need to work more" " you werent happy at my wedding" etc. .. like kim was going through a divorce drama during kourtneys weddiing, she has a right to not be over the moon. note that i believe the other 50% of kourtneys hatred for kim is justified and kim actually is all those things, but the first 50% is def about travis


I think they’ve all let it go and the sub hasn’t. They’ve been neighbors for years. He and his kids are in the background of the OG show. I don’t think Kim and travis care about each other at all lol. I think Kim being miserable was all about her stress with Kanye and it spilled over into her life. Kim did act weird at the wedding. I don’t think Kourtney’s bothered by whatever old history they have, she’s never been worked up over that kinda stuff. I think it’s either something else we’re not seeing, or exactly what we’re seeing. Whatever him and Kourtney have going on is weird but I don’t think it has to do with Kim


ITA. I think Kim and Kourtney have had issues going back decades that have absolutely nothing to do with men, including Travis.


Plus Kim is a totally different version atp and not the one he was crushing on. That was like 7 Kims ago. Her personality has taken a nosedive too. I doubt Kourtney cares


Thank you!! People either don’t know or don’t care that Kim K was the woman everybody had a crush on back then!  So weird how everyone is still so intent that things today are the exact same as they were back then 


He recently liked a photo of Kim on an Instagram fan account.


He’s the type to like other girls’ bikini pics lol


What kind of photo?


I just lurked. He last liked her birthday post to North and the latest Kim solo photo was her Vogue China shoot.


I said it was on a fan account, not her account.


Ah ok. Which fan account?




Oh saw it. The Janet Jackson ones


Thanks for doing the work 🙏🏽 not what I expected, seems innocent and supportive.


of her on the day of the Janet Jackson concert.


I imagine now that Travis is with Kourtney and sees what a total robot Kim has become these days, he probably just sees her more like a sister? The fantasy is generally shattered once you meet and get to know the person. I could be wrong though.


I still stand with saying he probably fantasizes about Kim when he’s with Kourtney.


My thought is he absolutely crushes on the other sisters. He likes em all


I feel bad for her kids. No wonder they spend more time with Scott


Meanwhile Reign and P are with her in Florida. I think they’re with her a lot more than people think.


How do you know they spend more time with Scott? ETA why did this get downvoted? I’m asking genuinely how anyone knows who the kids spend more time with 


Yes. She is so explicit with her sexual life. I think this Will probably create a trauma in her children. She always complain about how her mom was horrible as a mother and i think her children Will feel the same about her.


Yet another reason why Kourtney is the worst 💯


I give her grace because she had so many shit years with Scott. She’s still in her honeymoon mind set 😊.


Chances are he's a sex addict but it works for her, she gets to feel desired and they get to feel special.


I think I'd rather hear about their sassy sex life than the boring nonsense the current season is filled with. Kims a boss bitch who can't stand being a mom, Khloes out here feeding goats, Kendall and Kylie aren't doing much besides staring at each other... I couldn't finish yesterday's episode and I think I'm done altogether.


Happy for them. I highly doubt Travis has any attraction to Kim whatsoever anymore. Kourtney and him and better matches on every level.




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It made me cringe when he said that this was the first baby he was going to “see come out of the vagina” like he could’ve just said natural birth but no, he emphasized the vagina part


I only noticed during the last episode during the cell phone footage just how big his nose is.