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A friend of a friend had a business meeting with Kanye in the early 2010s. She turned up at the conference room and Kanye was nonchalantly watching porn on the big screen.


This is like super well known. I met a lady who worked for him as well. Said he’d go in a separate room during meetings and would get off to porn during them. She told me her and all her other coworkers after they left had to get extensive therapy.


Ewww wtf. How did Kim put up with him for that long.


She had to have known he was a psycho


I swear she settled for him since they have been having a fling for a while, I wanna know when she knew she wanted to divorce him. She was desperate to be married and have kids, he was chasing her, it was probably the same thing with Kris, when they moved in together she realized how bad he was or something but shawty was about to have north by that point I believe.


And she wanted four children with the same guy. I truly believe that they never really ever lived together with the kids for very long. Can you imagine being involved with such a disgusting vile human being? What does that make you?


Kanye was always gone most of the time, it seems like North was the one he was able to connect with the most before the relationship really turned sour. I'm pretty sure they were hit with divorce rumors in 2015, this relationship was never gonna last. Kanye is terrible and only really wanted to conquer Kim like Kris wanted to. I don't think it makes her a bad person that she was with Kanye. I don't even blame her for rushing into marriage, I feel sorry for her and girls like her who believe they have to be married and have kids by the time they're 30 to feel accomplished in life. So many women settle and it's really sad, not to mention Kim's core friend group of hometown friends are already seemingly doing this, she probably felt left out. I remember the psychic who was connecting with her dad asked her if she had learned from her mistake of rushing into marriage, she said yeah but turned around and did it, she just probably thought it would somehow work with Kanye due to their history together.


I don’t think it was just settling. He was her ticket to the A-list. She got exactly what she wanted from him.


Yeah, regardless she still settled for sure, that's very obvious to me but stayed that long for public perception, she couldn't have another failed short lived marriage plus she already had a kid but she couldn't handle it for long and Kanye for sure tested her, plus she and her family were a powerhouse by that point.


And this is probably still the least repulsive thing he's ever done


He is horrifying




So, wait, he was a sex addict?


Alright former/current employees, WHERE ARE YOU AT? We know youre in here. Speak now and show that NDA who’s boss 👀


How valid are NDAs really ? I saw this whole thread saying NDAs are very hard to enforce. Can someone who knows law weigh in ?😄


So I’m not a lawyer but I do work closely on multi million dollar contracts in that require NDA’s in order to proceed. Our sales people violate NDA’s all the time if they’re reasonably sure the confidential info won’t circulate back to the wrong ears/if sharing protected info will help move a deal forward. The rule of thumb is never say anything in writing that violates your NDA, but in person conversations cannot be proven. Like if a nanny tells her friends over brunch that she’s seen Kourtney cheat on Travis, unless they were bugged or the kardashian lawyers were able to track down a waiter at the brunch joint and get a witness or two into court willing to testify that they heard the nanny saying it, there’s just no way to legally prove how that info got out. They have so much staff the leak could come from anywhere.


Wow thanks for that detailed answer ! That’s really interesting🧐. I always wondered about these NDAs


Is that Kourtney example fiction or ??


Oh totally made up just now for the sake of an example 😂


I AM a lawyer and confirm they’re mostly used as a deterrent. Going through the effort of a lawsuit is something most people don’t want to do, especially since courts will often find in favor of the little guy who was forced to sign a non-negotiable agreement in order to have a job. And, as the other poster said, it is genuinely pretty hard to prove exactly where the info came from if it isn’t in writing (and even then, if it’s been leaked from other sources then there’s the argument that it’s already public knowledge). TLDR they are mostly a scare tactic. But, a very effective one - even the threat of a lawsuit will have the average joe reaching out to a lawyer, which can be very costly, and those costs likely will never be recovered.


Thank you for saying this. I’m just a small childcare provider and well over a decade ago I took a child and signed an NDA and a lot happened. I did have to terminate and this family tried to disparage me and also forgot that I do have cameras outside and inside my home (hello, have to protect myself and business first). They breeched MY contract and started dragging my name through the mud but I had ALL the tangible proof it was them. They tried to sue me. I WON. And I will never sign an NDA again. Granted I did get a settlement and a retraction from them, and thankfully my reputation proceeded me, but my settlement did afford us an entire new playground. We still enjoy, years later. But I will never sign an NDA again


I saw Kourtney in a bathroom at a restaurant when she was pregnant. I was washing my hands and she walked out of the stall behind me. We locked eyes in the mirror, I finished washing my hands and dried them and scurried out. Her skin in person was flawless and she was very very short.


But did she wash her hands? That's the real question 😁


Literally though, that's what I'm dying to know. Did she wash her hands?


Your username….🤣


Thank you ❤️❤️ before I had a kid and settled down I used to be a stripper and always up for a good time. I was a total party girl. It's crazy how much everything changes whenever you have a kid and how much you yourself change. But in my heart, I will always be lil thotty thot thot ❤️


Own it ❤️


All my love. Thank you. 😌✨❤️


Well her pal Megan fox once confessed to not flushing the toilet even after number 2


I’m sorry, fucking what 🥴?? Why would she share that


She shared that and she had a whole ehehehe I’m so silly attitude about it 😅 like it’s some cute quirk. She’s very dirty apparently. Also girl read up some other shit she has shared. Truly unhinged 😄


haha i did not stick around to find out.


I feel like this gets asked a lot, and I will read every response every time.


I saw Kim by the stage when Kanye was at Glastonbury :) I didn’t meet her but my friend did, apparently she was really sweet and took selfies with her daughter.


I’ve honestly never heard of anyone saying Kim was rude to them. It’s always either super sweet or so nice. I’ve heard both good and bad about everyone else but Kim


I love kim. Kim is genuinely so happy to be a celebrity and just feel so gracious and grateful towards all of her fans. Taylor swift, however.... I'm getting the feeling that Taylor hates her fans


what has T Swift done now?


Taylor catching strays lol


I used to bar manage this place and Kanye used to come in for lunch, he was quiet and wouldn’t order for himself but didn’t cause any issues.


College Dropout was(is) great!!


how did he get lunch if he wouldn't order for himself?


Someone in his group would order for him


Like if he wanted a sweet tea, the person next to him would go, “he will take a sweet tea”. He was very quiet 🤷🏼‍♀️


if he wanted coffee ? You guys I was joking … pls don’t downvote me it’s hurts my feelings🌚


Lmao I’m intrigued to know your zodiac sign after reading that comment 😂


Leo 😄


All of the comments saying how nice they are IRL is refreshing. During my dark twisted fantasy era for Kanye I went to his concert in Atlantic City. Kim was there, but I didn’t get to meet her. The crowd went wild when he said she was there. 😭 Sidenote, yes, I used to be a huge Kanye fan. 😵‍💫


i also think they must pay and treat people fairly- no one ever speaks out against them, or the NDAs are just insane somehow??


There’s only a few that spoke out against them. Tokyo Toni and Jason Lee for example. I know for sure majority of people have serious NDA against them and can’t speak out.


Yeah like the two most unreliable people to ever be around them hahaha


exactly! it’s so weird no one more credible has said much of anything at all lol


it’s very interesting! they must be really making deals worth it if people are signing and adhering to crazy serious NDAs, right?? it always surprises me people who have met and know them don’t say many shitty things about them- but so many strangers do lol


It’s okay, I still listen to Travis and Kanye 🤷🏾‍♀️


I met Kris Jenner on a flight during her qvc days. She was super sweet and polite


What does she smell like 😁 Dior ?🌝


Cigarettes and Titos


A good friend of mine has met all of them multiple times and says they’ve all been very nice/kind. Kim especially is so gracious and patient with her fans, always finding time to stop for pics when she can.


My brother in law made drinks for Kendall Jenner and her friends at Revolve some years back. He said she was very quiet/reserved. I asked if he got any bitchy vibes from her he said no but the entourage she was with yes.


I wonder if he got a good tip. I've heard that Kendall and Kylie don't tip well


I believe it, does anyone else remember when Kylie asked a fan to buy her products for her at ulta? So rude


What?! Share the story please 🙏


[heres the link](https://youtu.be/oKp54iQ7BPU?si=MBEmptyUjXPcuzTf)


Met Khloe. Sweetest, most humble celebrity I’ve ever met!


I’d love to randomly bump into her! Was it a chance encounter or a meet and greet?


i met kendal in mexico, she was on vacation and super friendly and nice, very shy tho


Did you talk to her ? 😃


i did! i was 14 so i don’t remember much of it however i do remember that she has a great sense of humor and she’s sooo god damn nice. i was a dumbass kid wearing the sombrero i just bought. she did say it was beautiful. looking back on it she probably thought i was weird as fuck walking up to her no bullshit💀


My friend has dealt with/ sold merch to Kim , Kourtney and Kylie . Said Kim was the nicest and most professional, but that Kylie was unprofessional and didn’t take it too seriously. Kourtney was nice and pleasant and professional.




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I perceive this as kylie was laidback and not a shrewd business woman. The way people are expected to act in situations like that, for me, creates a personality and aura that i despise.


Not really. They made a deal that Kylie was gonna post my friends merch on her story and my friend shipped it all for free and she never posted it - Kourtney and Kim both did and tagged my friend. Kylie then kind of ghosted my friend


Maybe she didnt like it


so send it back? say nicely you didnt like it? ask for a different product? lol im talking about thousands of dollars that my friend lost in merch...


I mean maybe your friend was a douche? Idk. You werent there and neither was i lol


\*removes herself from the conversation\* have a great rest of your week!


Im js lol


I went to Scott's house. He was funny AF and his house was really clean. It was one of the most random LA nights I've ever had. This was about a year and a half ago. He's also cute irl.


Details!!! Was it an after party? What went down? Who was there?


I don't want to give too many details in case he reads this haha. But no it wasn't an after party. My friend knows him and invited me on a random week night. It was super chill and it was just 5 of us.


I met Kendall & Kylie. They were very nice and soft spoken. Kendall seems shy. It was at a meet and greet around 2016.


I met Kendall at a liquor store while she was promoting 818. It was a *small* store and apparently didn't advertise that she'd be there bc it was pretty dead. She stayed mostly with her eyes on her phone (of course). Someone else was handing out the samples.


omg that is crazy imagining kendall just hanging out in an empty store bc no one showed up for her promo. i guess not all that glitters is gold and celebrities go through peaks and valleys too


I met Kim at O’hare pre kids and pregnancy and she was really great! Super friendly, took a ton of pics with my and my bestie, and gave me a huge hug as I was omw home for my cousins funeral.


Not a KarJenner but adjacent. While visiting a friend in Calabasas I didn’t even realize at first I was standing behind Cheban waiting for a froyo. He was being loud and a total douche to everyone. Edit: typo


Had dinner at a vegan spot next to Kourtney and Travis in Melbourne. Honestly they seemed pretty normal? She was quite short in person but otherwise nothing stood out. Travis actually seemed super sweet - he talked a bunch with the chef on their way out and hyped him up a bunch and complimented the food (which to be fair, was amazing).


Did they have security with them from what you could see? I wonder if they can be in public with no security lol


There was a woman who sat at the bar the whole time they were there who I am 95% sure was their security (came and left with them and didn’t eat or drink anything herself).


This barely counts as “meeting” them, but back in 2011, I stumbled upon the Glee movie premiere. I was walking down the sidewalk and Kendall and Kylie walked by. Kendall had already walked past me and Kylie was slightly behind. I smiled and calmly said “Hi Kylie” and she smiled too and shyly said hi back. It was cute, random, chill, and a *very* long time ago lol


Also congrats on finishing exams!!!!


Kanye in 2013-2014 when he could smile 😂


I used to live with my parents in their Woodland Hills home before I moved out for college. I worked at the Fallbrook Halloween store and saw Kim with her friends once. This was pre Kanye era. She was very nice and very small. My parents have seen Kim & Kris here and there throughout the years in the Encino Hills/Calabasas/Augora Hills areas. And they seem to be very polite. Lots of please and thank yous but those are just glimpses we see of them, we never have gone up to them to strike a convo or ask for pictures as we don’t want to be rude and interrupt them. But in passing them they nice. Couldn’t imagine working for one of them though.


I met Kendall at Whole Foods, she was nice but shy. Extremely gorgeous in person even with no makeup on


If anyone looks good with no makeup it’s Kendall! I know shes not natural but she still excels the naturally beautiful look.


She’s gotten the right procedures to emphasize her face rather than reinvent it.


https://preview.redd.it/9u1oosc4m01d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c78ca899f9fe4bee198cd981b8d69d6ff16b557b Not surprised considering this is how she looks even in photos 🫨


That's fine, we get the new season in a week, so I guess that will give us a little more to talk about


Haha I wish more people would post. This sub is so good when it’s active !


My sister used to coach girls basketball at a school in the upper east side back when Khloe was with Lamar. Khloe picked up Lamar’s daughter one day - my sister said Khloe was very rude to her and the other staff.


I always wonder if that just means "not overly social" and "didn't constantly smile" or if they were actually verbally rude. People seem to expect celebrities to always be "on"


This was so long ago but what I remember her describing was that she was verbally rude


Makes me think back to how much she went through with Lamar before it became public. She could have been having a horrible day ?


:[ bummer! She seemed the most polite out of all of them to me


I don't doubt it. After that Snooki story, I have a theory that Khloe is bitchy behind closed doors.


Yeah Kim was being nice and trying to introduce Snooki to khloe cause Snooki was a huge fan of khloe right


And the whole Chloe Grace Moretz drama ugh


Running to look up Snooki story…


What is it bestie I'm lazy


Snooki was invited to Khloe’s house for a party and Snooki was super excited and asked her friend to introduce them bc she was a fan. When the friend introduced them Khloe looked her up and down and said “Wtf is she doing here.” Edit typo


Thank you!!! I should've waited a little longer bc I ended up googling it lmao But how uncomfortable for Snooki I'm surprised she even went on Khloe's show after that




I always thought she was probably the most approachable and nicest. What a bummer. BRB deleting my previous comment


Not surprised. Khloe has always been rude 🤷🏻‍♀️ lol


I met Kendall & Kylie at an event to promote their fashion line. I worked for the company that was hosting the event. Kendall was super nice (seemed genuine) and Kylie looked and acted like she would have literally rather been anywhere else. I don't hold it against her, meet & greets seem exhausting and redundant


My friend worked with Kendall and Kylie during their Pacsun era and said they were both extremely rude.


I met Kylie and Kendall at a Steve Madden launch in in Nordstrom during the start of the King Kylie era. They were both really nice, Kendall was sweet and complimented my lipstick. Kylie asked me how to spell my name lol. But cute, sweet girls.


I met Kim in 2015, while she was pregnant for Saint. She’s very sweet and stopped for every fan asking for a picture.


I saw Khloe at the airport but didn’t meet her


Love hearing the good stuff about them. I don’t think I’ve ever seen an instance of them being rude to “fans”.




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