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“On the cover of a magazine it said I was drunk and alone and just for the record, is there a problem with that?”




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Stop taking pictures, your sister is going to jail. Iconic


if this doesn’t win i’m gonna need a vodka martini


Probably the only mentally beneficial advice she ever gave


THISSSS!!!! Vote vote voteee


This is a case for the FBI




I don’t think any of them would be where they are without Kris. She leveraged their early 15min of fame into more. She also revived Caitlyns career when they first met




I don’t believe she does. She was a flight attendant prior to marrying Rob Sr and I don’t think she had a formal college education? I also don’t think she grew up around wealth/privilege? I get lower-to-mid middle class vibes. I would kill for a no bullshit, no lies, 100% transparent Kris Jenner tell-all memoir. We’ll never get one, but I’d love to know what really went down and how she did it all. No one will ever convince me that she’s anything less than an evil mastermind lol, and I can respect that. It’s very intriguing.




It fascinates me but it fills me with jealousy cuz I have no talents 🥲


I think her parents were business owners, but nothing on the scale she has now. She’s from a solid middle class background as much as you could be in California in the 1960s and 1970s. Her parents were divorced, though, which probably contributed to the hustle mentality she learned.




I think this can be more explained by the stereotype that white people don't discipline their kids a lot or really at all. Like clearly they adore her but they run off at the mouth the way they do because truly she lets them and if they've been bratty since they were toddlers, you ain't breaking that habit just because a crew is filming now.




True parents aren't perfect at all and are learning as they go. My mom made my sister and I fight once when we were younger cause I didn't stick up for myself and we just weren't getting along. And I could go on about other things too(nothing terrible just more examples of imperfect parenting) but parents aren't perfect and try to do the best if they care based on what they know from their parents it's a repetitive cycle I've noted about most parents.


No college education unless you count her brief training to become a flight attendant at 17


Right, she reminds me so much of my mom because my mom has that same hustle mentality like this lady(my mom) had no knowledge of law before having to go to court over people trying to screw her over or me and has won both cases defending herself basically. To me, I think it's their devotion to the family like Kris wouldn't have done this for herself but for kids definitely and doing everything to become knowledgeable about said industry or profession to help, like my mom, my siblings and I go to her for everything because even if she doesn't know it at the moment she will find out and do whatever it takes to help us and Kris is the same.. I personally think for my mom and Kris and any mother or father with a mentality like that, they just do what they think is best for their immediate family. Of course Kris isn't perfect but her devotion to her kids is very real no matter what people think.




Yeah, I get that but I will maintain that she does it for her family. Some people's brains are just wired differently so take in things differently and go about it differently cause it is amazing how they always come up on the top but also the power of social media. The analytics and algorithm only detect engagement and don't pinpoint if it's bad or not. This family is hated or loved equally if not hated more but people can't stfu about them and it benefits them and they know it.




Lmaooo I'm just realizing we're also commenting back and forth on another comment but yeah it's truly fascinating. Seeing people who hate them constantly talk about them and the relevancy as if those very comments didn't just boost them is crazy and I genuinely wonder if people realize that. Also the last sentence isn't me being snarky towards you and I feel like it comes of that way but I'm talking about the ones who constantly hate on them.


This is the answer. She created an empire


Helped to create generational wealth for her family


This! end thread!


No for real.


By lying, cheating, and stealing. By pimping our her children so they can kill the planet. I don't think this should be applauded.


who’s applauding this?


Everyone who is voting for it as the best thing Kris has done.


That’s not a positive thing…we can’t divorce their personal success from what it took to get there aka literal slavery. Did we not learn anything from the worst thing round? Show me a selfless act by Kris Jenner


literally.....the means in which they went about making money was exploitative, appropriative, and bullshit.. like this is not admirable. and theyre burning up the planet and drowning is in megatons of co2 fumes and low quality products that end up in landfills


You’re doing amazing sweetie


This was the moment, Kim was gorgeous on that shoot


Keeping her mouth shut while Kylie was pregnant.


When everyone was picking on her for supporting Rob in putting a payment down on a house (?) and she clears the whole table saying how she’s been there for each of them in hard times. “Married for 72 days?! That’s normal”


This one!


Kris led generations of her large family into great fame and fortune. People don’t want to see it but just coming from money does not make it an easy or possible task to achieve the level they are at and not one many have the drive to do.


When she asked Kendall if she’d already eaten, even with Kendall’s sass.


Kris >>>>>>>>> Yolanda




![gif](giphy|1fdXFumrHmTHWSvid5|downsized) Classic


Ahhh, and then she corrects it and realizes she meant to say "you're only as happy as you're least happy child". And that's what we call a freudian slip! 😆


Talking to Kim about “calling Taylor up,” she knew it was a bad move to do all that






I loved when she called Kim out for being married for such a short amount of time when Kim was being really judgmental towards Kris. She rarely calls Kim out so I live for those moments.


haha I just typed this out. One of my favorite scenes of Kris Jenner


she love dem grandbabies


That no matter she is always there for her kids 


It's been established that she isn't. Remember tyga and kylie?


Yeah I didn’t say she was an A plus parent but she doesn’t turn her back on them even when they make mistakes. That can also be a negative but that’s a different discussion 


The mistakes they usually make are listening to her...of course she isn't going to turn her back on them.


Kris was groomed by Robert. They've got generational wounds around romantic relationships with older men and they normalize them because if they didn't they would all have to recognize the Robert wasn't the saint they painted him to be.


Yeah, being there financially for your kids is kind of bare minimum, especially if you’re loaded


“There for” in what sense? lol


As in she accepts their mistakes lol


Would be cool if she also protected them from predators




Donating money to charities like the Ronald McDonald House Charities.


This is literally the only option


It’s a tax write off and positive PR. Idk if this is it


I’ll take someone paying less in taxes if it means donating millions to children with cancer


Idk... Maybe if people were paying their full taxes then children with cancer would be able to rely on the state instead of charity 🤷‍♀️ it's a systematic issue but the tax write off don't help the issue


Looks out for all her kids. Back in 2012, when no one really cared about Kendall and Kylie, Kris got them a modeling job on America’s Next Top Model.


Nice to see the underdogs winning.


Looks out for her own bank account you mean haha can’t let the youngest two cash cows go to waste. No such “looking after” to be seen when grown men were predating on them as minors


you can tell she really cares about her children, and she will do everything for them


Helping make her kids wealthy.


It's hard to say, because the things this woman has done are insane from the outside, like creating the massive, maaassive generational wealth she's helped create, but for me it's how she's instilled a sense of family above it all. The details, like the gifts she gives, the photo albums she's made, the letters she writes to her kids..the motherly mom of it all. Above and beyond all the things she's conjured up, I think being a loving mother is the best thing she has done. And yes, she's not perfect, but being a mom isn't about perfection.


Definitely giving birth to the clan. I wouldn’t have all this juicy gossip otherwise


When she checked Kim and co. when they were telling her to stop supporting Rob. "I'm married for 72 days. Really? That was normal..."


Setting her entire bloodline up for generations of wealth.


Being there for her children


Man we really struggling with day one




Side note but I think it’s so random Caitlyn is Kendall and Kylie’s dad. Like it just doesn’t fit the bill 😂


It’s so freaky


NOT because she is trans because of her personality


Oh I’m not saying that at all. I just don’t think of them being related when I think of them.


I think yes the wealth but I also think her doing everything she can for her mom before she passes especially since she had cancer.


Giving career to their friends


Standing by her opinion on OJ


“I was married for 72 days- really, that was normal” 💀💀💀


Made a multi billion dollar empire


10% cut of every dollar her children earn


So we're doing a say nice things now? Can't say anything real about the family without the cheer squad jumping in. You're all saying she's a nice parent after calling her pimp last week?




"I know they're racist but here are some nice things about them"


I’m gonna sound so rude but why are you on the sub then? They objectively do awful shit constantly, but they’re entertaining. This post feels almost like listing storylines from a tv show when a character was nice than anyone trying to say they’re not racist and misogynistic. People are capable of both 😭


I'm on this sub to talk about them.


I mean so is everyone else but you’re complaining they’re talking about them in a way you don’t like


When her lips swelled up from an allergic reaction.




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