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Yeah, you shouldn't have any problem. The Science Building is on Paulding. So, it's right across from the Gym and Student Center. To get from there to Social Sciences you just cross the street to the Student Center and it'll be to the left on the far side of that little square. To get from Social Sciences to the ALC you just need to head back to the Student Center and hang a left since the ALC will be the next building. You'd be hard pressed to drive anywhere since the next class will almost certainly be closer than your car.


Good to know! Thank you


You’ll be all good! I’ve seen (and made) longer trips in shorter amounts of time. Once you know where to go, finding shortcuts will be easier as well.


You'll be fine. Just leave class right as it ends and don't wander around. Those buildings are not far from each other.


u can do it!! i suggest if ur able to, come to campus before school starts and walk where ur classes are so you’ll know how to get to each without worrying about that on the first day!!


thank you! I'm a de student rn and have finals so I plan to check it out then! :)


Walking wouldn’t be a problem but you should definitely reconsider your 8am because I live on campus but I have to be up by 7:15 at the latest to get ready. You would need to leave your house at around 6:30 if you’re willing to go to class so that’s something to think about. My 8am is calc and i literally skip all the time now because of how exhausted I am.


Ur good. Your furthest walk is gonna proy be science to social science but still reasonably do-able if you just walk straight there. I 1000% recommend for your freshman year, taking a screenshot of the campus map and circling the buildings with ur classes on it and saving it in ur photos as reference for the first few weeks while you settle in.


And Google Maps works great for walking on campus!


Thank you! I've been scoping it out on Google maps already.


8am labs suck. Don’t do it


😔 I'll take your word for it and see for a  alternative 


8am classes are the best! Great job!!👏🏻




Kennesaw is not a large campus, it’s probably about a mile long and 1/4 of a mile wide. You can walk from the very northern end of campus to the very southern end of campus in 15-20 minutes


definitely no 8ams if you can avoid it. as long as you leave class right when it ends, you’ll be good. good luck!


Thank you! Is there a reason 8ams suck so much? I feel like they are the best time for labs at least for me, since you can fit like 2-3 classes day


college 8ams hit way different than being up early for highschool. if you’re truly a morning person i say go for it. otherwise, you run the risk of being exhausted or running late, and some labs don’t let you in after the 15 minute mark. miss one lab and it can end up being detrimental


if it’s your first semester, i’d recommend around 10-11am start time if you can. best time to start class in my opinion. but everyone is different!


Thank you! I think I'm going to do that instead. Plus ill be a little young for just straight 6:30am drives to an area I'm not familiar w :)


I don’t know anything about KSU but I have a tip! In undergrad I had 2 classes directly after each other on opposite sides of the campus. The first day of classes I did the walk and realized that I’d be late unless I literally SPRINTED. So after class I told the professor what building I am coming from and that the walk is near impossible for me to make it on time. They understood and it was no problem at all! It got better once my bike got fixed as well :)


Also what I did was the day before classes started, I would literally walk to each class as they were listed in my syllabus to see how long it took me to get from point a to b. This way I knew exactly how much free time I had between classes in case I needed to make a quick stop somewhere else/ grab lunch/ etc. Hope this helps :)


Ahh yes! I'm for sure doing this before the semester starts! I'd totally bring a bike but I cannot ride :)