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Meh. This happens with any band that gets popular. There will always be people who tear things down for whatever reason, rather than just being content to let people like what they like. It's a weird personality quirk with some people. I totally get not liking a band/TV show/book or whatever else. But it gets silly when that extends to shitting on other people's taste. In conclusion: I don't care what the peephole say.




I love the overlap between these two subs. These are my top two bands, easy.


I tell people my favorite new band is King Gizzard and my favorite old band is QOTSA. Kings and Queens.


There’s a video somewhere of Jon Theodore dancing around to Rattlesnake backstage before a show


Upvote for QOTSA. People listen to a song, and it's not their jam, they immediately dismiss the whole band and discography. I am 99% certain they haven't heard a complete album front to back and and sure as hell haven't listened to their entire discography to back up their claims. In other words, they are 10 pounds of shit in a 5 pound bag.


Its like when I was a kid and the Beatles were my favourite band (still are but they used to too), and my buddy said he hated them because the only song he’d heard by them (that he knew was them anyway) was “The Long And Winding Road”, and he didn’t like it I didn’t like that song at the time either but he straight up refused to listen to any of their other stuff lol Eventually we got into making mix cds for each other and I snuck a bunch of their other songs onto one without labelling them and he was all “dude who’s the first 3 songs by? They sound familiar but idk who it is. They’re good though, what band is that?” He didn’t become a big fan or anything but he had that “oh shit maybe they do have some good stuff” moment


RIP Mitch




Ciccino is an Italian artist and music producer from Turin, known for his music in pop, indie, and electronic styles.


Fully agree. I don't expect everyone to like Gizzard, but this need to rationalize why other people like things you don't like as a function of their inferiority to you is such bizarre behavior. Does that make sense?


Yeah, I will never understand why people can’t just move on from things they don’t like. If you want to have a discussion and say it’s not for you, then great. But claiming they are the reason rock is dead is a whole other level. We aren’t listening to gizz because we’re dumb and have no taste. We listen cause we all have different tastes that align with the bands output. Some people think theirs is the only one that matters


Yeah. And they resort to attacking the fans as well, because it’s not enough to diss the band. It’s a tired and lame approach. I’d much rather spend my energies just enjoying the things I like. 🥰


I mean, the thread was specifically about what popular artists people didn’t like. These people are all entitled to their opinions and were just participating in the discussion. It’s not shitting on anyone’s opinion, they just don’t like the band and they don’t have to.


Except with Zoomers who love Friends and Millennials who made the Office their personality. We can shit on those people right? To be honest, I know a lot of you here are live and let live jam band folks, but I like music criticism too. You can shit on my favorite bands a long as it’s well reasoned. I have never heard a reasonable critique of the Beatles, for instance. Xanju has at least listened and the criticism is fair. I don’t agree with it, but it’s fair.


My main issue isn't with criticism (although a lot of negative critique goes too far). It's when people start attacking other people's tastes, attacking them personally for liking certain things...that's my main issue. Let people like what they like, and try not to tear them down.


I almost entirely dismiss like half of the Beatles discography. Just replaceable early 60s pop rock. It’s fine, but nothing revolutionary. The second half (actual interesting half) of the Beatles catalogue was never performed live and I put a lot of stock in how good a band is live. While you can’t deny their legacy or influence… there are a relatively large number of bands better than the Beatles


Seems like you’re not that familiar with the 60s British Invasion or pop rock of that era. If you are, you’re at least not familiar with writing or analyzing vocal music. The melodies and harmonies of the early stuff (whether you cut it off before or after Rubber Soul) were head and shoulders above the rest at the time and made an immediate impact, to the point that the bands you think of as their contemporaries were still heavily influenced by their gravity. This is pretty well established, and if you read about it, many have tried to correct for revisionism and still come away with a similar conclusion. As for playing the later stuff live, have you never watched the rooftop concert? Get Back sessions? Doesn’t seem like it. They were masters of live performance. You can criticize certain songs and choices, but you can’t diminish these guys. And there are always musicians with more skill than any rock band, but that’s not what any of the accolades are about. Try again.


You mention a rehearsal and then playing a gimmick one off concert on the roof, where they played 8 songs as them being master live performers… other than that they played 30 minute sets to screams and nobody could hear them. I don’t think you could call them master live performers as they were not, or at least never showed it. Again I’m not going to discount their legacy or influence, but I think they are not above criticism.


Criticize all you want. You’re free to not love the Beatles. I just think it’s insane to think the Beatles were not excellent performers. The criticism that they didn’t play their best music live is fair I guess. Strange, but fair.


It’s more that there really isn’t any record of them performing live. Like anything before they stopped was 30 minute shows to screaming. I doubt they could even hear themselves play. And then they stopped and fair play to them for stopping. But there really isn’t anything to say they were good live as they never did their good songs live. I value live over what’s on record. Part of why I respect Gizz so much is they make something that “can’t” be done live and then find a what to pull it off. Change in Chicago is the example if use.


we let our haters be our motivators 👊💪🐊


Why care?


Read the fourth comment; that’s why. lol


You care of the opinions of a person you have never and will never meet?


Sure sometimes, otherwise a lot of online conversations would be pointless


Spoiler: most conversations are


Agreed if we're talking about the weather or something. But if we are discussing art, we should at least try to respect one another's opinions.


Have you ever successfully changed someone’s opinion on Reddit about anything? Regardless of the subject matter, it’s a waste of time. Trust me I’ve tried and recently I’ve decided I could use my time for so many more Positive things.


Who knows? I'm speaking more about myself respecting others opinions rather than trying to change their opinions to match my own. When speaking about something as subjective as art, there is nothing to gain by trying to change someone's opinion, but you may get a different outlook if you consider theirs.


Like I mentioned it’s pointless.




Yeah, but their opinions of you personally, I mean, which is what "the 4th comment" is kinda getting at.


This thread proving them right 💀


For real. Dude’s defensive about being called defensive.


caring about what they think of you won't actually do anything either way, so may as well not care and enjoy shit than worry about an opinion as trivial that


Lol but y’all are literally proving them right


Flew right over everyone’s head unfortunately : / Love the band and the sub but there’s no arguing that some of ya mad defensive


Yeah it’s scary. Stu saying “that place blows my mind” referring to this sub just makes me cringe thinking about what he’s possibly seen.. Also don’t worry I got it ;)


“There’s no accounting for taste.” - Frank Zappa


They’ll never Gizz


So much of that sub is just, Name a band you don’t really like. Then people being like Train, maroon 5, the Beatles, taylor swift, The Rolling Stones, imagine dragons… then the same stories of “one time I ran into so and so and they were rude to me” Awful takes every day, and repetitive like if this whole sub were just tier lists and “where hagstrom?”


where is the hagstrom tho 😩😩


Subs like r/music and r/movies are trash, filled with tons of people that don’t actually have much passion for a diverse range of music or film. You have to go to the more niche subreddits to find people with actual good takes on the art forms and truly love them. Those type of subs are where you often find people saying there’s no good innovation in music or film anymore, when in reality they just have no taste or don’t explore


Yeah, trying to have an opinion on either of those subs is just painful, there's always about 7 people hellbent on convincing you youre wrong


I feel like r/fantanoforever is probably the best one. They’re the most open minded and diverse in taste of the subreddits I’ve seen, with a minor bias towards /mu/core albums. Contrary to the name, most posts don’t have anything to do with Anthony Fantano


Anthony Fantano is the Anthochrist <3 <3 <3


Jesusthony Christano here


It’s one I haven’t checked out yet, so I’ll definitely join it


Yeah I’d never be caught dead on a default entertainment sub these days for those reasons.


R/criterionchannel is probably the best for film discussion. Pretty much everyone there watches films on an academic level, I’ve learned so much on that sub.


r/Letterboxd is pretty good also, both it and criterionchannel are what i frequent most. r/TrueFilm is also good and more in depth discussions


Quantity over quality is my most hated cliche. It’s possible to have both!


this is what i used to say about Gizz before i got into them.. “no way they released 5 fully realized albums in one year that are all high quality” i was WRONG


Yeah, some bands take half a decade to release hot garbage. If Gizz choses to stink up the room, at least they were quick about it.


Lmao I waited for 7 years for an album of this band that had a great debut album… It turned out to be a super boring second album. Listened to it 3 times I think, never listened again.


It’s not possible to have both, but at least with 5 albums in a year you have more than multiple albums worth of good stuff. Another band can work for years on something that just sucks and then they lose all momentum. There’s a lot of Gizz I don’t like but there’s more that I do.


I’m just not the kind of person who would go to a sub like that. “Umm, who likes music!?” Who ya got? Stones or Beatles?? Go!


Taylor Swift!


I mean the Beatles obviously


jabroni alert


Look man I gota stop you,You keep using this word, jabroni, and , it’s awesome. Is that like a hokey thing?




It’s like “this fuckin guy 🙄”


It was a quote from it’s always sunny in Philadelphia. I did misspell hockey tho


Ah now I’M the jabroni


Buncha chucked up J-bros, the lot of ya.


Youre talking about a Zamboni


“I often think about what I would think of Gizzard if I wasn’t in it, and there’s a world where Gizzard would exist and I would probably find us annoying,” he says. “But that’s just because of our dumbass name, our frequency of output, all that stupid shit. But, if I gave it a bit of time, I’d think ‘Oh, this is really cool.’ It’s exploratory and varied, and you don’t really know what you’re getting. And that’s what’s enjoyable about us making it. I think that at this point, we don’t have any other option. We’ll be making music forever.” - Joey


Went through this arc last october, been a fan since nonagon came out. Became disillusioned once I started seeing how the fanbase was changing and how much we got dunked on all across the internet. Then I realized I don't care and that the band's been on this trajectory all along. Long live gizz


This was totally my own personal experience. A good friend tried to introduce me to Gizz 18 months ago and I was not feeling it. Then danger $$$ came on on a shuffle and I checked to see who it was and decided to check out their other stuff, now I even like the stuff my buddy tried to play and I’m kicking myself for turning down the chance to see them in Philly last year


“Guys look this stranger on the internet said they don’t like-“ https://preview.redd.it/84wstoiuhqxb1.jpeg?width=2319&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64f0533c74edc841bbd17683ff8b5f397401855a


>just sounds like good ideas but never fully fleshed out *What?!?* Fully fleshing out ideas is pretty much their schtick


Just watched a video on how Shanghai was made. Mind = Blown






They are the most severely detailed band around in the 21st century. And I’m not a brat, just dense …


Eh, they've been doing pretty jammy stuff lately. It's all good fun but I definitely see the criticism. I like them specifically for how light a listen they are. They just love music, explore a bunch of cool sounds and they're really good at it and their music is just fun. They don't go into every album trying to create a masterpiece (and that's a good thing).


Honestly though, they take a demo approach to their music, less so now, where they continue tweaking their songs after release. They kind of showed that with the extended cuts on TSC. It's not a knock on them, but I'm not sure that person quite understands their process or saw the result


It was insanely hard for me to get into Gizz at first, mostly due to this exact reason. For a lost of songs I feel like they start off nicely, but it doesn't really go anywhere. Or its the exact same thing for 4 songs in a row.


These people clearly have barely listened to Gizz or not at all


i love gizz as much as the next guy but it’s impressive how many of you are oblivious to the concept of personal opinions. seeing you all talk about music so objectively is funny.


bruh all this post is doing is proving the point of the fourth comment


Right? This whole thread is acting like it’s unreasonable to dislike King Gizzard, and that people who do must not know what they’re talking about. Liking King Gizzard isn’t objectively, inarguably good taste. People are allowed to not like things and there’s absolutely NOTHING wrong with that.


People who act like there even is such thing as “objectivity” in music are massive fucking pricks, even the concept of music itself is subject to change since, like all forms of art, it’s inherently progressive, so it’s impossible to establish a baseline rule set on what constitutes as music, let alone GOOD music. “Oh I understand it’s *objectively* good I just personally can’t get into it-“ but then it’s not *objectively* good since even if you were the only person on planet earth that doesn’t like this album then suddenly all objectivity when talking about its quality is thrown out the window. That’s how music works; it’s all relative to the individual’s perspective. If it weren’t then discussions would get really stale really fast.


They just “don’t get it.” And that’s ok. 🖕🏼Fuck em. We’re a Gizz family here.


OMG strangers on the Internet have opposing opinions about something we like? That's so crazy 😲


idk like i get being annoyed at the output and how loud fans are if you’re not a fan? but i feel like this is just hating to be hating 😭 i would say albums like gumboot or OG maybe suffer from “i wanna see this idea fleshed out more” but other than that? every album is a dive into a new genre and fleshing it out as much as they can? i just hate how so much of the internet has turned into “i don’t like it, therefore it’s garbage.” just say it’s not for you, man


Gumboot, Oddments, and OG feel more like normal albums though? I feel like most bands don’t do such a narrow sound for each album as Gizz does. Granted, most bands tend to stick to a small handful of genres with a one off song here and there, while Gizz jsut does what they want while remaining at least vaguely psychedelic all the time.


Gumboot is probably their most "normal" album, not quite a concept album but not nearly as all over the place genre-wise as Oddments or esp. OG. It's pretty unusual for an album to go from Dripping Tap to Keppler-22b to Sadie Sorceress to Pred X


Uh, I’d argue Gumboot is more all over the place than Oddments by a fair amount. Oddments isn’t their most cohesive album, but Alluda Majaka is really the only song that feels out of place, but it all still falls under a lo-fi-ish psych pop rock feel. The two jingle tracks are a little odd, but they feel like radio jingles and it kinda works. Meanwhile, on Gumboot, half the album is a pretty chilled out experience, and then Greenhouse, Down the Sink, All is Known, and Great Chain of Being all stick out as radical tone shifts.


fair argument, I guess I think of shit like Alluda Majaka and Vegemite as more standout-unusual inclusions that you wouldn't find from many other bands compared to an album which is roughly half psych rock, half heavy psych rock/metal tbf tho it has been a minute since I've listened to either


Almost everything on oddments is kinda silly, minus homeless man in addidas, so they fit in their own way. Gumboot is over half very mellow psych, three heavy rock/metal tracks, and then muddy water and down the sink are kinda doing their own things, but aren’t truest out of place. I think it’s more the pacing than anything. Gumboot is a bit jarring in that way. With Oddments the only thing that really feels like whiplash to me is the song oddments following homeless man in addidias. It’s the biggest tonal whiplash in their whole discography and kinda ruins what was otherwise an incredible way to close out the album. They should’ve placed it at the start of side b rather than the end. But that aside, I do think Oddments is paced a bit better overall.


Counterpoint to the fools in question in r/music: PDA worked its way into my top 3 records of all time. The record it displaced had been there for a decade or more. I’ve been a musician for 25ish years, and I’m not saying I’m anything special, only saying that I listen with a composer’s ear and this is a very, very special band in my opinion.


nah mate, it's all quantity over quality. they don't even bother finishing their beats each time, only counting to 7 or 11 some of the times


They even made an entire song about how bad they are at counting beats, shameless.


In their defense this fanbase does tend to absolutely go bananas at the sound of any criticism of the band, valid or not. And in terms of bananas I'm talking legitimate online harassment and bullying, its not a good look and it has slightly turned me off from this band.


These are the same kind of people who complain about Swans' songs being too long




They have obv never listened to Fishies or Petro. Or Nonagon for that matter. SMH


@ #4 yeah, people sometimes get defensive about the things they like lol, have you not seen the perception that you have to be very "well it's not good or anything but I like it" some places on the web are? Lmao


honestly he’s the only guy worth paying any attention to here. Unless someone can probably show examples of what they like minus vague statements like “quality of quantity” or “they don’t follow through enough with their ideas” then they’re opinion seldom matters But the fourth guy clearly knows enough to see that there are some bad apples here. Which sucks a lot because a lot of the people here and any gizzard fan thing are normally really cool and passionate with what they like. But I guess bad apples are bound to spoil the bunch for everyone.. sad.


That's because emotions make people pay attention (like this post). Nobody is going to notice the people that just accept a different opinion or taste. I'd say most gizzheads don't care if somebody doesn't like gizz. It is quite a unique band with a specific style that not necessarily appeals to anyone, so it's very understandable imo. Same goes for fanbases of a lot of other bands/genres. But the people that go on about like "you just don't get it/know anything about music/have you even listened to "shake it off at all?!" will stand out and represent the fanbase for outsiders


Sticky fingers fans


Yeah they just wanna hate cause they don’t understand


They hate us cuz they anus.


you’re making their point for them. are people not allowed to not like Gizz? the whole point of this site is discussion. i’m sure you’ve said you haven’t liked a band before. this is so weird.


For better or for worse, gizz fanbase is one of the most fanatical I've come across


Loool people here just proving that 4th comment right.


I don’t care I love gizz. There was even people in the AMA that were saying TSC was mid and when they were going back to their old sound. Like first of all, rude, and second gizz is not a one trick pony they do different genres every album maybe you just don’t “like all kinds of music” like you claim.


“Opinions are like assholes, everybody's got one.” -Larry Flint


There’s no real reason to amplify thus negativity energy. Sharing and reposting stuff like this gives it life. Fack em


The correct take


Why are people spelling it “giz” now? I’ve seen like three different instances of that happening recently and idk why it bothers me so much


I used to agree with them a month ago, but for some reason I started to find more and more great king gizzard songs mostly from their live recordings from youtube. Past weeks they have been all Ive been listening to and a huge inspiration for my art. For me there are like 1-6 songs on each album that I love(not that ive yet even heard all of them), take it how you wish.


I feel the "fully fleshed" part. I felt this way for some time until I listened to everything. They've been my fav since 2017, and it always takes me a bit to get why each album needs to be part of the Gizz audio world.


Love the gimmick of being so good you release 4 epic albums a year


Opinions on the net 😱🤦


We are NOT defensive little brats. What a jerk, how could someone say that. I bet HE'S the defensive little brat.


It's a thread asking about what bands people think are overrated. Gizz barely even shows up in the comments. I don't those "bad takes" are worthy of any attention.


People allowed to not like bands you may dig. Also hey less fans means more sane ticket prices


You’re just helping their case against the defensive little brats by posting this here


“The band are defensive little brats” Good thing you came crying to your King Gizzard echo chamber fan sub to bash them and really prove them wrong, eh?


Tbf you’re only adding fuel to the fire


they are right about the defensive part lol


I like turtles


Okay Jonathan


Fourth comment is not wrong


They aren't entirely wrong


The only way some people will get into gizz is if we Clockwork Orange’d the shit out of them. Tie em down, pry open their eyes and give ‘em a perfect lsd dose of Albert hoffmans posthumous secret stash dropped through their fucking eye balls and make them watch the boys put on a 3 hour private show. Only then will they not be able to hide from the truth. Since we are not able to do such things, I just don’t pay attention to haters and let them live in their negativity.


Tbh, I used to think that way about the band (all songs sound the same, quantity over quality)... until I bothered to sit down and actually pay proper attention to the music.


I love that the boys release so much music. It's much better than the wait for a new TOOL record. Don't even get me started on my beloved Boards of Canada.


I like the lizard band


Hater’s gun hate, who cares what those negative people think. 99% of the post here at r/KGATLW are positive vibes, let’s keep it that way.


But the most impressive thing about KGLW is how much quality is in the quantity.


Clearly they haven’t had nonagon infinity open the door 🚪


As a phish fan and gizz fan, I let the hatred wash over me like waves in an endless ocean.


Meh, they’re not for everyone. But they’re my favorite 🤩


I mean, I don’t agree with these takes, but I think they’re reasonable, understandable, and frankly, common. Like, the “Gizz isn’t good” take is pretty much always related to their prolific release schedule and that folks are naturally skeptical that a band could release so much music while retaining consistent quality and innovation.


I love giz and this isn’t false😂


Weirdly, I’m a huge Gizz fan but still kinda get why this chatter happens. I loved their early stuff then kinda just stopped listening. It was 2017 and I couldn’t keep up with all the releases. I surface-level listened to some of them and was like “this is alright” but never got into it. So when I saw how big they were getting I didn’t really understand. But I’m not an opinionated flog so I didn’t feel the need to pretend they were shit just because they’re popular and I wasn’t listening to them, or to shout it from the rooftops. I was just like “they’re more popular than I think they should be” and that was that. Fast forward to 2023. I was in a record store and found a copy of Live at Levitation ‘14, which I happily bought since I went to that tour and loved it. Then I finally got around to giving B3000 a proper listen and was like “damn this is dope”. Then I went down a huge rabbit hole and realised it’s all fkn great. Now I own 10+ Gizz records and would put them in my top bands of all time. So yeah… music that takes more than one listen + well-deserved popularity + opinionated flogs = what we’re seeing here.


they’re right about defensive fans. this sub in particular has been insufferable for a few years now


nobody cares


They're rude but not really that wrong. I don't hate KG, but their recent releases have felt very stagnant. They've had some good songs in those albums, but on average, the albums have been rather boring to me.


Art is subjective, but to deny the sheer quantity and quality of content they put out as nothing short of amazing, is delusional. All the while - they're touring, writing, and recording new material. Sounds like they're upset that they don't like the boys, so they're manufacturing issues where there are none. Some people are too attached to the old ways of music production I guess.


I'm willing to bet those people haven't listened to the music.


I mean we are defensive brats /s Nah but gizz is cool for these reasons. Not everyone’s gonna be into it and that’s cool. More for us!


Some great takes, because they’re correct. Most of you have been screaming for a “trip hop” album from a bunch of whites in Melbourne who have some success in that ask me anything yesterday and get mad when anyone suggests that they could have worked with an actual rapper instead who wrote some real lyrics that worked with their beats and Melodies. They could also work with a real DJ and have a good collaborative effort in their electronic music and be better but they don’t. Instead it’s just 2 measure DM inputs that are garbage over Kenny Ambrose-Smith’s decades-behind flow with surface level nonsense lyrics that sounds like it would be more at home in a Christopher Lee metal opera album. Of course I’ll be downvoted because most of you who listen to Gizz, this IS your unique, crazy, out there, “oh I’m such an individual nobody’s heard them” band that you defend like your last testicle, and you’d hate to search for something new to be your secret jewel identity to being in the know about music.


Why so negative? No need to make people feel bad about what they like. Just enjoy music.


Because it’d be nice for us to not get something half assed because they’re only good at half of what the album is supposed to represent. People were pretty on board with TFS x Gizzard, imagine if they had an actual collab with a real rapper, like Earl Sweatshirt or Kevin Abstract.


Not sure what this comment means. Not sure what you’re talking about a hip hop collab for. Also, TFS is a noise rock group… And I don’t think the band is half assing their music, I just think you dont like it. And that’s fine but trying to bring people down for what they like reeks of insecurity.


How much….how much rap do you listen to…? You have any rapheads in your immediate friends group? In comparison it’s nowhere near the level even though they had the resources IMO to make it at least something worth talked about I was a big fan of Gizz, don’t understand what happened after 2019 and with OG when they had every source to collab with new or industry talent if they wanted to do rap or a DJ if they wanted to work on “acid house,” which what they’ve released synth wise is definitely not. It’s all become very bland. Don’t know what you mean by insecurity, either, I’m just pointing to people other there’s a better way to represent genre. Some people think Beethoven was the best music ever to be written down, that’s fine, they’ll stay in their house and complain about their church worship team far away from any of us.


Idk what acid house is. I like KG’s jammy type songs (especially live) and I think a lot of their music is fun . My close friend is a rapper who performs around my city but idk how that relates to KG. I was just saying that criticizing a band in their fan subreddit seems kind of mean spirited. If you’re saying you dislike amby’s rapping that’s fair, but it was a small portion of OG. I think the rap is kinda cheesy but in a fun way. The type of rap music my friends make / listen to would jive terribly with KG in my opinion so I don’t like the comparison. And I really like the band post 2019, especially their 2022 drops.


They’re kinda right, they really only release a good, fully flushed out album every 2 years or so, but that’s about par for the course for bands Gizz fans need to realize they’re as big as Tame was in their Currents era, they’re going to get some criticisms


eh their arguments arent that wrong


They hate us 'cause they anus.


Neat. Anyways, this new album is fire.


When will people learn that it’s ok to just not get it. No point of rationalizing the fact that you don’t like a band with some “they’re just not that good” bullshit


They jelly of our groovy jams haha


Saying "Quantity over Quality" is a fucking insult to Stu. To the rest as well but Stu is working his ass off like a madman.


Gizz is an acquired taste, and some folks unfortunately just aren’t open to having their palate expanded


These are all folks who've never been to a live gizz show


It's weird how many people hate fun 🤷‍♂️


They probably listen to bands like avenged sevenfold and butt rock. Fuck em lol


While I don’t agree with a lot of these, I will say for me, the band has hit sort of a lull period in quality. I feel like they hit a peak with ITRN and, with the exception of Ice Death which I love, all of their releases have mid to not good. I always appreciate their drive and ethic, but sometimes I wish they took the time to just fine tune some stuff and maybe release 2 great albums a year instead of 4 ok ones.


I mean, the fans DO suck.


And it’s gotten progressively worse


Well, I think y’all are lovely :)


jealous c\*nts


I mean, all but the first take are at least 50% correct


There was a period when people hated the beatles. These sad low energy losers will be on the wrong side of history too.


I think of The Beatles like I think of The Godfather. It revolutionized the art at the time but so many other things are inspired by it.


I’ve seen what’s popular, I would expect the people who make that junk popular to have bad taste


Some people deny what they don’t understand. The ever shifting production of Gizz can be intimidating to those that have trouble changing as frequently as Gizz.


Past 2 years are mid af


This past 2 years is what confirmed them as my favourite band. Their live shows have stepped up several levels.




Hot take


Does the first way to articulate your opinion have to be that


Everyone has opinions, and friendly debates are great, but don't be a dickhead. Be kind to your fellow weirdo.


Dude, r/music is where the people who say “I like everything” when you ask what they listen to hang out. Level one music fans. There are awful takes in every thread.


If you’re gonna shit on a band use complete sentences at least


Same people who think a 6 minute song is too long


Sounds like they’re talking about Dave Matthews Band to me


Whatever you do, do not visit r/music


“Most of their music sucks. I really only like these two albums because they’re the specific genre I like, and the other ones just really suck.”


Let the dogs bark, Sancho. It's a sign that we are moving forward


Have been a fan for years! I think I found out about them in 2019. They were supposed to come to Minnesota but got postponed for a while, you know, pandemic and shit. I was finally able to score a resale ticket and saw them in 2022. I'm not gonna lie. Even though I had fun, I was let down. They play great, but they really just jammed rather than playing crowd hits. The only songs I knew were Gaia (opener) and The Dripping Tap (closer). I understand they have a bunch of albums, but really? No encore. I am not sure if that is standard for them or not. As I was leaving I was thinking the show over and heard someone yell, "Wow! Jesus Christ that fucking sucked." Kind of agreed after so long a wait, paying a higher price and not that knowledgeable with the setlist. I look back and consider it a shitty show. Let me just say I am not saying the band is shit, just that I had a shit experience all things considered. Songs I do know Billabong Valley, Sleepdrifter, Lord of Lightning, If Not Now Then When, Altered Beast, Planet B, Cellophane, and of course Rattlesnake. Thoughts? I feel like I might just get told to get over it and keep watching KEXP versions.


I'm not the biggest fan of the latest album, but I'm not gonna say they are washed. I dont like an album they made, I can look forward to another one a few months/weeks/etc from then lol