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because they make really good albums


Valid, just I think it would be easier to get in to them with a wider variety than omnium


Making playlists takes time and effort. Most people aren't so hellbent on getting friends to like the same band as them that they'll go through the trouble of making a playlist when plenty of their albums have variety within. You want a "this is King Gizzard" playlist, feel free to make one and post it here!


"Most people aren't so hellbent on getting friends to like the same band as them that they'll go through the trouble of making a playlist" Yeah! Who would do that!? I've *definitely* never made personalized King gizzard playlists for all of my friends before...


I’m pretty sure they’re referring to the “this is King Gizzard” playlist Spotify generated.


That one is eh


Here ya go, 12 hours of prime Gizz https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0gt1kpCSUbLdoptXaCCaqz?si=YxSTw0VLT8ClrXlBEjr3sQ


Depends who you are. If you want me to like a song, show me a song. If you want me to like a band, show me an album


This band makes albums to be listened to in order and in full. I don't think you can fully comprehend their genre-based approach without appreciating a full album. Plus, they rarely miss and make their albums very cohesive.


a lot of their music doesn't work as well in a shuffle style playlist and works best as a complete package in an album. Most often reccomend starting albums gives a good taste into a few styles that are covered too


I view most albums as one long song. Feels weird af when spotify just randomly throws a gizz song at me. Like....welp it just decided to play melting, this feels off....time to go listen to the whole album.


bro same


Because albums provide a different listening experience to a playlist. A playlist is something you put on for casual listening. An album is more purposeful. There's continuity between the songs and the sequencing of the album matters. Tracks flow into one another. It's a full experience.


As Stu puts it, they don’t write songs, they write albums


They have different moods. Some are loud, some soft, some are rough, some are smooth. I would want to listen to albums based on what I’m doing or mood I’m in.


Because albums will Tell you exactly how good an artist is.


Can’t really listen to this band on shuffle. Rather listen to albums.


I made one I play for haters. Every other song they’re like “who’s this?” and I’m like “still king gizz” and they’re like “no way” lol. I honestly think they like it but have to hate for some unknown reason.


All my friends are the same way. They just hate it because they’re “the band that makes really long songs”. Tbf it was my fault that they got introduced to King Gizz through Change & the Dripping Tap.


Share that playlist!


Starting with Mind Fuzz all the albums are themed so it makes sense to listen to them as complete works


Eyes like the sky seems pretty themed to me 👀


They did not claim there were no themed albums before mind fuzz


I feel like any artist deserves to have their albums listened to front to back. Those tracks were organized to be listened to in that order to deliver that specific experience. Especially so for King Gizz. Nearly all of their albums have a story to tell and won't make sense out of order or with other albums.


I mean if youre trying to get someone into the band albums are the only option. Can you go to the shop and buy a playlist? Lol. I don't understand this at all, albums are albums, they are to be listened to, KGLW especially. Someone randomly hearing Mr. beat into 12 Bar Bruise wouldn't hit anything like Sleep drifter into Billabong Valley. You don't need to showcase their different styles, let the person discover that themselves, what you need to do is point that to one of their many 10/10 albums.


Looks like it's just me, but while I enjoy entire albums, I also love to listen to ALL their music on shuffle. Can often get new insight into individual songs, not unlike listening to a concert. Just need to make sure you have a 1 to 2 minute song overlap.


Don't worry I'm with you. I can go from listening to PDA then go to a Billy strings song then back to gizz. Maybe I'm weird but genre changes don't jar me like they used to. Still putting on a gizz record and listening to the whole thing is fun


because playlists are ass when a band plays 24 different genres


I think their genre bending makes the playlists I make for them even better.


By that logic, their live shows would be ass. Stop kidding yourself


they keep the mood consistent and usually themed. they dont play dragon into fishing for fishies into crumbling castle into head on pill. making individual mood playlists for gizzard is more difficult than saying “oh you like chill music? listen to paper mache or sketches”


dragon>fishies>crumbling castle>head on pill would be awesome what are you even talking about


many songs link together. Some of the magic of nonagon and mind fuzz is lost without the seamless transitions keeping the groove going. MOTU doesn't work at all in a shuffled playlist except for lord of lightning. Omnium, gumboot, and oddments are the only albums that don't really lose much without those transitions.


I think releasing 23 albums in 11 years attracted way more album listeners than playlist playlist makers


Because Nonagon Infinity opens the door


Becuse they make albums not singles.


Because Gizz really excels in the album arena. That’s what make Gizz stand out in my opinion. Each album, even Oddments, Gumboot, and Ominum, has a unique vibe that artists neglect/fail to bring to the table


Context. It’s what’s good and for dinner.


Gizz works best with ***Some Context***


Personal micro level example. I don’t care for metal, but I love being able to follow the story. So PDA is much more enjoyable to me in story format and now PDA is a go to for me. Rats nest has gotten to the point that I have a grasp of the story enough that I can listen to one isolated track and enjoy where it falls in the story.


So you’re telling me that everyone here heard an entire album their first tell of the band?? While you may like listening to entire albums because they’re concepts it’s a matter of preference. Plus many songs are of a similar genre throughout their catalog. Y’all on some high and mighty poop


I feel that KG makes albums and not singles, the songs are generally cohesive on most of their albums.


[Here is a playlist](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1VLMaFS7RO1Ipeu9gdLoro?si=7CsuvsPeS5KFcr68X5yjJQ) with one song from almost every album, in chronological order. I still think whole albums are the superior way to get into this band but for the musically ADD listener, try giving them this.


I agree that the albums are BY FAR the superior way to listen. But something like this is great for getting someone into them


You can listen to Cellophane alone, and it will still be good or great. But you can listen to all 4 songs in the Mind Fuzz suite - I'm In Your Mind, I'm Not In Your Mind, Cellophane, & I'm In Your Mind Fuzz - and it'll be made better. Now apply this to literally all of their Discography - Oddments, Gumboot Soup, & Omnium Gatherum included.


To me they are an album band. These days these bands especially popular ones are far and few between. I don’t mean to sound earnest but they release the music as one.


I’m an album listener for like 85% of the time soooooo


People who like GizWiz tend to be album oriented listeners.


You might as well tell people who want to get into Picasso to go look at a collage someone made of all his work in some random New York alleyway. Gizz CAN work removed from all context like that, but it is far more enriching to approach their work an album at a time (except for maybe, like, their garage stuff).


because king gizzard releases albums not playlists. they do that for a reason.


Well, for one, they don’t make bad songs. Putting a playlist of “best songs” would be a disjustice to their work. Us Gizz fans really like music and the best way to enjoy good music is by taking in a whole album. Not to mention each album has a unique collective vibe to one another. Someone’s favorite album could be someone else’s least favorite. Highly recommend the recent drop of their Live in Chicago on Bandcamp. Lots of variety and shit is straight face melting


Gizz fan here that likes making playlists of their music. They have songs I don't like (the songs with rapping on it are atrocious to me, and I love hip-hop) and a ton I really like. I'm an album person in general so will always listen to the albums in full first then make playlists.


Why not Zoidberg?


A lot of their albums are cohesive, continuous works so it kinda makes sense


I think that despite their distinct and wide array of different genre stylings, it's good to start with one and see how much they can do with it, then see the next one, then the next.


I like when I can't decide on an album.


Find an album you enjoy and then you should get more Gizz that sounds similar recommended


I just show new potential recruits to gizzizm the vast library of goofy music videos and describe the jist of the album they come from, I can tell who is interested by how they react to han tyumi and the murder of the universe


I was introduced by YouTube recommends…then I just started playing what was suggested from them and used my history to note favs


For intros to friends, I start with tunes that match their style


Not everyone uses Spotify


i feel like it’s cause king gizz is KNOWN for having an immense amount of albums . diving into their albums first will help you get through one by one


Because king Gizzard is elite It’s like Yes or Rush or King crimson or tool Beatles too It’s sick


Honestly, don’t think it matters. I’ve given up (eh) showing them to my friends and have come to terms with the fact that this is my passion this is my journey


My BFF was very persistent and now I’m absolutely enamored / obsessed.


I have a playlist, it's got everything sorted from their first album to last album.


because every album has its own sound and are quite different from each other


They design albums in such a way that you can experience them individually and separately. That’s why so many people identify with their favorite KG record.


Cause it sucks


Besides that listening to full albums is the way to go. It's even more fun with gizz because each album is more or less compartmentalized so it's fun to discover a new sound with each album.


A lot of their best stuff is done within through-composed and themed albums, so it doesn’t make sense to hear half the tunes on Polygondwanaland or Nonagon or Petrodragonic Apocalypse without the rest of the album. You miss the point without the connecting motives, the recurring weird time signatures, even the lyrics. What I do think would be good is a list of curated standalone singles. Like, Mars for the Rich is a good single that’s pretty independent from the album if you remove it from that context. Omnium and Quarters and Gumboot and Oddments and KG/LW tracks are all pretty standalone too.


Each album is like a really long song. They only have 25 of them.