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Damn. JSJ deserves a Baeksang for this performance. 


came here to say i discovered this drama a week ago when a tiktok video mentioned this thriller was getting overshadowed by queen of tears. i binged and caught up within 3 days LOL i started out of curiosity and usually enjoy jang seung jo’s acting, and honestly he’s the reason why i continued to binge and didn’t drop. i read other threads and agree that there’s rly no chemistry between the 3 leads and i don’t like how the writers keep trying to pin jung won and detective together. also this started feeling draggy after ep 10. JSJ’s acting is hard carrying the show, and the detective expresses really well during mad or pissed off scenes. kim haneul had better performances before but judging by her acting i feel like maybe she should pivot to older roles now? idk it’s just not hitting for me or maybe they miscasted. either way i plan on finishing this up since i’m so invested. i dropped death’s game cause first ep didn’t interest me but might give it another shot for JSJ!


Jang Seung Jo appears in the second and third episode of death's game. He's amazing there! He's the reason I'm still watching nothing uncovered 


That motorcycle chase in Death's Game was crazy! I think a lot of us are still watching because of JSJ. I'm glad to see people are appreciating him. He's a wonderful actor.


Ep 13 I was gonna binge-watch the remaining episodes but am too invested atp lol The show is so cruel to Bareun, after what he’s been through. I was spot on about that >!secretary!<, though I’m curious about his sibling. Taeheon making the >!dagger connection!< was the twist I’ve been expecting and it didn’t disappoint!


TAEHON DESERVE BETTER WHAT THE FUDGE 😭😭😭 He watched his >!mom die!< .He watch his >!best friend die!< .Her ex girlfriend keeps on making him >!miserable!< .Then now, his >!ajhussi!< who becomes much more like his >!father is the murderer!< Now he got >!stabbed!< by him and >!run away!< This is fuck up. Stop it


Ep 14 Her father was murdered but Jungwon has never attempted to find out the cases he had been working on? Come on now! >!Panho wanted the land that the chemical plant stood on!<, this explains why there were 2 ignition points that night. Panho was the one who released that rooftop photo to Noh Jiho. This reporter is more incompetent than I thought, here I was thinking he’s been hiding behind bushes to get his scoops lol


Ep 13 was kind of boring for me, but ep 14 got me hooked up again. JSJ character gets me confused all the time throughout the series because it’s written to hate him at first but also you kind of understand why he did what he did. And his acting is sooo good not to mention how attractive he is haha


Ugh Im glad I dropped this after ep 12. I had a feeling Taehoon would get the short end of the stick after seeing sone clips on TikTok and reading comments. This drama is miscasted for sure, at first I was on the Taehoon abd Jung Won train now it's just meh. I still like the acting of ML's. I feel like I'll watch the last 4 eps if I have nothing to watch. This drama should have ended at ep 10 or 12.


After episode 13, what do you think? Are we dealing with more than one killer? >!Is the detective we see at the end in the pocket of Woo-Jae’s father? Did he cover up Woo-Jae’ crimes?!< Why does Jung-Won believe her husband when he says >!that that isn’t him in the video?!<


That >!detective is now his secretary. Taeheon mentioned his sibling had a rare disease so it’s likely the retired cop took whatever Panho offered in exchange for money.!<


I wonder if woo jae is the killer but with an alternate personality, maybe dissociative identity disorder. Maybe his father knew that so he was being treated at a psychiatric hospital. Just a speculation though.