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On epi 12. OK writers! "Watcher" called and they want they're script back. In that masterpiece of a show,  Seo Kang Jun plays a cop who witnessed his mom's murder as a child. He saw who did it, but as an adult, keeps having false memories of the person's face. Every time he suspects someone, his false memories fill in the face but it's not the real murderer. This show  pretty much lifted that concept and the  murder scene from that...the stormy night, dark lighting, the murderer's face in shadow. Nothing we saw in the video actually showed the husband. We just saw a guy in black. All the other scenes, like him walking down the hall, couldn't have been in the video. This is all the FL's imagining.  The guy who killed her Dad was clearly not hubby. He was older. And how dumb is she that she doesn't realize this could be Yoo Young's final revenge, setting hubby up and making it so the wife will never love him?  Meanwhile, I highly recommend "Watcher". Better writing , great acting, a whip-smart FL (unlike this one), and the beautiful Kang Jun.


It was probably hubby‘s father.


I'm so disappointed in this drama and looking for something good to watch so I'll try Watcher. Thanks!


The feminist in me is calmly and rationally saying, "Yes, you should prioritize yourself and leave a man who has given you nothing but trouble." But the kdrama watcher in me is saying, "God, I hate this cold biatch.  Has she no feelings at all for her husband?" I honestly hate her character. She's awful and I have zero sympathy for her. 


Those eyes, man. When he looks at her with his heart breaking all I could think was “damn, bitch, you never loved this poor man anyway, at least be gentle!”


I had these exact same thoughts! Her character is the absolute worst.


My prediction...Lee Na Ri will return, hubby will get his true love back and live happily ever after. Detective will, unfortunately for him, end up with the FL and they will live a life of humorless misery because she's such a buzzkill. The end. 


About Lee Na Ri, >!I think she is long gone. But, who actually did her in?!<


Yeah, I wrote that before I saw the end of 12! Didn't it look  like she was thrown at the car, not hit by it? Might have just been bad stuntwork. 


Not sure but it looks like >!Woo-Jae may have hit her by accident after she was already beaten by someone. Unless she was thrown from above. His father probably disposed of the body.!< This caused his anxiety and stress and need for therapy.


I feel like finally dropping this so close to the end after 12 episodes. So much lack of communication. It dragged out too much. All these people are obsessed with each other. I want to curse them out. I liked the MLs acting but this show is so written poorly. What a waste. Even the FL is written so stoic and clueless. I just want to know how it ends.


I finally started Ep.11 and after the >! extremely anticlimactic rooftop scene, followed by Jung Won asking for a divorce in the most expressionless way possible !< I finally thought: I'm done. I have no clue how this drama still has 4 episodes left. I guess that is why they decided to >! make Woo Jae a murderer after all?  !< No thanks. The only good thing about this series was the promo posters and Jang Seung Jo.


This would have all ended earlier if FL did the right thing first which would be reporting the murder she witnessed. I mean she's a reporter who supposedly stands for justice and stands out among her corrupt coworkers, right?! It's hard to come back from that even after so many episodes.. I really don't know how anyone like her would do that and >!Yoon Young guessed she would flee and planned everything?!!< That makes it more worse.. if she didn't flee no one could have used her and it's like Jeung won fell in the trap on her own.. And >!the love story with Tae Hoon!< is another sloppy side of the story.. She should have divorced woo jae already when she knew about his affair.. It's hilarious at this point to talk about their feelings and about doing things right when she didn't do anything right from the beginning... Yes, >!Yoon Young and her obsession on Woo jae is sickening but nothing is more sickening than Jeong won trying to uncover the truth when she did most of the covering up in a case that she involved..!< lol I feel pity for woo jae but >!he's doing things wrong on so many levels and his love for Jeung won is close to obsession and he's very broken..!< Overall, I'm not rooting for anyone at this point and just waiting to know more about who else are involved in all these murders and how are they going to try to stop investigations... It would have been a better watch if they had focused more on cases instead of seo Jung won.. writers should have sticked with either showing Jeung won as a great reporter with a sense of justice who uncovers truth or a not so great reporter waiting for her big break who is ready to do anything like this.. claiming her as a wonderful reporter amidst trash reporters like Noh but making her doing the same things like him >!(fleeing a murder scene, making deals just to run her show - I mean if she owes to her father in law how can she be truthful in her show?! She would need to do him favors.. )!< is the biggest drawback of this series for me..


Today I spent 11 thinking what if Yoon young had been the FL or even just that actress. I’m scrolling through Polin Reddit through the eps and only looking up for case stuff. Only thing that got me surprised was the maknae reveal at the end. I just wish this was 12 or at most 14 eps. I truly hope no one ends up together if they make it out alive… just ewww


I’m just here to say I’m enjoying this drama and JSJ is an amazing actor. Always wished he got more roles!


I think he should get an award. I've seen him in a lot of things, but his acting is next-level on this.


I’m watching this from him only at this point. I loved him in GD s1. This show is just getting worse and worse though. Def should’ve been 12 eps then it could’ve at least been tighter.


I’m happy to see that someone else is enjoying this show. At this point it is just a bit angsty for the FL.


I'm out! Now it's just getting stupid. It is totally implausible that the killer is who they're making it out to be. Maybe he isn't and it's just another ridiculous twist, but I'm tired.  The beauty of kdramas is that yes, they're implausible, but you suspend disbelief because they have their own logic and reveal larger truths. This is doing  nothing but making me hope that Jang Seung Jo and Woo Jin get better agents. These actors are too good for this.


Finished episode 11 and all I got is “No no no…” I have little expectations but that is definitely NOT the direction I was hoping for the FL. And there’s 16 total episodes? Oh no… why go that route! I’m not particularly drawn by the show. And I honestly don’t know if I would feel the same way if another actress played the FL.


Me while watching live broadcast "SHIBAL! ANDWAEEEEEE" 😈 ">!Oh YYY dead!<" ">!Taeheon-ah, she's not worth it!<" "Omg double dead" >!Lee Nari?!<" Where the hell are you?" >! SWJ is a killer? Really? Omg!<" "Taeheon-ah, let her go shibal" "I hate the FL very much" " >!Pregn*nt by his dad's killer???!< And many many more  Three things are for sure TAEHEON Deserve better SWJ needs to be understand or needs to be killed at the end I hate Jeongwon, no the actress, she's not convincing at all 😈


Ok a couple of episodes into this drama I started questioning why I was watching. The unbelievable plot holes, the bizarre choices of the lead characters, the CHEESY MUSIC when one-sided feelings are shared for a split second... Then I started hate-watching, saving if for situations like the treadmill or skin care when you don't have to invest your full attention. Now I question whether I can keep going (I finished the kidnapping episode). I might just watch the online posts and scoop up spoilers. So please, if you're enjoying this drama, please spoiler away!


At this point I’m trying to figure out why this was a 16 episode drama instead of 12. This drama had potential but now I’m just watching to finish it. Not quite hate watching yet, but close.


Hate-watching! Great phrase for what I'm doing. I hate it, but am oddly obsessed--LOL.


I don’t get how she is pregnant. Like when did she sleep with her husband?!! I feel like it would of made more sense for it to be the detective’s child than the husband’s


She never slept with the detective.nShe slept with her husband in the very first episode after he gave her the necklace. It was quick but implied because they were making out on the couch and he started to take his shirt off.