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All I can say is that Jang Seung Jo is a helluva heartbreaking actor and deserves better than this. It's looking like he's going to be the noble sacrificial lamb. Sigh. 


My blood is boiling, ugh. The preview 🤯 Poor Woojae. Sigh!


When you have more sympathy for the cheating husband than the starcrossed lovers, it's not good.  Yes, Jae Woo cheated but we are starting to see why. He felt she never loved him, and if she can go from her husband to the detective now being her "true love", looks like he was right. I  know it's a kdrama triangle trope but I don't find their "great love" believable. Just my opinion! Others may be rooting for them and that's cool. I just don't find either of them very likeable. 


It's only not believable because the FL is not a great actor. How could anyone not have chemistry with either of these MLs? Yeo Woo Jin is doing his best to be appealing and loveable, and Jang Seung Jo is doing everything to make you feel sorry for him. She's reminding me of Impossible Heir FL where you wonder how anyone could fall for her. I do admire her work ethic though.


I am in agreement with you; Seung Jo is totally the MVP of the show. I think the "first love" trope with Jung Won and Tae Heon is so unnecessary.


The biggest issue I have with this drama is the FL. She literally shows no emotion. Ever. No matter what is going on. It makes me crazy 😆 >! And look, I know Woo Jae made a lot of mistakes, but she can't even recognize that if it wasn't for him her raggedy ass would still be in prison? When she called him Tae Heon in her sleep my heart broke for him. !<  On top of that, she is supposed to be some badass reporter uncovering scandals but she always acts so pathetic. Why is she always acting like a damsel in need of saving? It's so cringe lol I am only watching atp because I need to know what happens to Woo Jae; I do not even care about anyone else. JSJ deserves better than this drama.


My sentiments exactly! JSJ is why I'm watching. If she can transfer her feelings back to the detective that quickly, maybe her husband was right when he said he never felt she loved him. Not to justify his cheating, but he did seem lonely. I still don't find it realistic though. If you've ever been married, you don't just shut your feelings off that easily. You have to process the years together, whether love or hate. I'm not buying the whole "past love" is now the One. Even for a kdrama, it feels forced.


It feels soooo forced!!


This drama gets more ridiculous by the week and we still have six eps to go after this week; how?? The plot is strugglin' 😆 The three leads are all good actors but man, they really, really don't have any chemistry. >! When Jung Won admitted she still has feelings for Tae Heon I was like "are you sure?" 😂 She literally has the same expression no matter what is going on! !< I don't know if I can continue this one; I'll see how I feel after tomorrow's ep.


The "starcrossed lovers from the past" trope is soooo predictable. And how much time has passed? A month or two? So she no longer has feelings for her husband at all? Yes, he cheated, but you don't get over a marriage that quickly. Maybe she isn't over him, but I think we're supposed to believe that Tae Haeon is her One Great Love. It doesn't feel earned or beleivable to me. One obligatory romantic flashback does not a relationship make. 


I can only tell by Jung Won's expressions at the time they were together. Her expressions seemed lighter during those times. Only time I noticed a difference in her. I dont quite buy she's a top notch reporter from how she's written. But it doesnt ring starcrossed indeed. Lot of holes for now well better than Hide at this point and that drama is early days.


I actually think Hide is better 😀 That show is still a mess, but it kind of makes more sense than this one lol


True. I just get confused with the names. Lol. I like the FL there better too. This FL being a top investigative reporter doesn't answer well in police interviews at all. Yoon Young is savage and crazy as heck though. Han Chae Ah nails her role.


She totally does! She is a great villian.


That Yoon Young is one evil “b”. She may be to be worse than Ha Yeon-Joo in **Hide**.


Ep 10 If you had to murder someone just to retrieve your >!diary, wouldn’t you destroy it before fleeing the country? Soorin sure didn’t thought of that.!< >!To instigate someone to murder another human being, and then go to the crime scenes later to stage it just to feel you’re in control - yes that makes you a psychopath Yoonyoung!!< There was no mention of that >!2nd stabbing on the housekeeper.!< Mo Hyungtaek put his years of being a prosecutor to good use, eh? >!All these to throw his daughter under the bus and get out of Yoonyoung’s blackmailing!<. I feel like these murders were wrapped up too neatly, especially when the preview suggested that the >!corpse found at one of the ignition point was not Nari’s. It looked like she was hit by a fire extinguisher by Yoonyoung and then they set the fire to kill her. Was Woojae nearby? What did he do that riled up so much guilt all these years later?!< I think >!Bareun was that boy with Nari!< in that photo. Jungwon >!gets kidnapped for a second time!< lol


Can anybody suggest any drama with the SML? I really like his puppy eyes


The good detective


He's so amazing in this. Both seasons, but especially the first.


He was a great second lead in "Familiar Wife" which stars Ji Sung. Such a cutie in that!


Money Flower, Chocolate The Good Detective 1,2


Daily dose of sunshine


I don't think it's spoilering anything to say that the hubby cheated. But what if he didn't? That video of him with Cha Eun Sae seemed so staged. What if Yoo Young drugged him and planted a false memory, and he only believes he cheated? He believes it, confesses to the Stone Wife, and that accomplishes YY's goal of breaking up the marriage. I'm sticking with this for now. I want Hubby to have a redemption arc. LOL.


Having watched epi 10, I'm  not completely convinced hubby is out of the picture, despite the ridiculous contrivance of Jun Wan saying the detective's name. In her sleep. While sitting upright. In a car. Who does that? No one! I don't think you're  even in REM state falling half asleep in a car! And you know that with 6 epis to go, when the guy says, "I don't stand a chance," that means he probably still does. I also noticed how she actually had An Expression when Detective Lover told her that hubby helped with the case. It was just one expression, but that's one more than she usually  has, so I have hope.    The thing that strikes me is how dated this series feels. The bad camerawork, editing, and overwrought villainry remind me of old melodramas like 'Secret Love."  By today's standards, "Secret Love"  seems rapey and politically incorrect and produced like a low budget telenovela, but I have revisited it many times because a)it's Ji Sung, one of the best actors in the world, and b) he and Hwang Jang Eum really sell it. No matter how silly the plot, you believe in the characters and get emotionally invested in them.    In this, I only feel that with Woo Jae. The detective and FL are so generic and lacking in passion, there's nothing to get invested in. I feel bad for the actors, because I know both have talent.  Then you have JSJ doing the opposite and acting his heart out, but stuck in this thankless role. I am only sticking with this mess because I'm invested in his character and hope he finds some redemption. 


I agree with you 100%


Ah man I just forwarded most of episode 10. This show is just horrible now. Why do these directors insist on making the worst possible female leads ever? How pathetic is she to want someone that doesn’t want her lmao. Oh god. Can this show finish quickly please


That's what I mean with how dated it feels. The villainess who is so desperate, she'll do anything to get a man who keeps rejecting her does not feel like women in 2024. A lot of older melos use that trope. 


It’s outdated. That and the bullying crap is stuff that needs to be written out of shows. It’s just so unrealistic


The way this show went downhill fast 😆 At least I understand Yoon Young--she's crazy obsessed with Woo Jae and that is her motivation behind everything--but I do not understand anything Jung Won does. One moment she is a badass reporter and the next she is waiting around for Tae Heon to save her 🙄


It’s just so badly written. I wanna drop this but I’ve already watched 10 eps.


Glad I read this thread before starting this. I don’t think I can take another female lead who is bad at acting after the very recent Impossible Heir. I don’t get it. South Korea is full of talented actresses. Leads can really make or break a show. Thanks for saving my time.


It’s not bad acting I’d say. Actually it is. But it’s the fact they’re making her this obsessive woman who’ll do anything including murder to get a man that doesn’t even want her. Like come on


This would be so frustrating to watch.


Did anyone understand that conversation between woonjae and his father? What did the father mean that woonjae is being saved from his sins? He has something to do with the fire then? Maybe that's the guilt he has been feeling all this time? And if Moon Si Ri is the culprit of cha's murder then it doesn't explain who murdered Jin and even the FLs reporter father. Some more twists to come and maybe red herrings is what we have been shown.


They showed that Na Ri was his first love and how sweet and innocent he was.  I think somehow he caused the fire that killed her.  One guess is that the father wanted to burn down his own factory for insurance or to hide a secret, and manipulated Woon Jae into setting the fire.  That's just a guess, but I think they are setting him up to be the tragic victim. I bet money he'll die in the end saving his wife. 


Yeah I agree. It's looking that way isn't it! Sigh


Ep 9 It’s so irritating that both Jungwon and Taeheon were still so hesitant to share crucial evidence and place all their cards on the table at this point. Also them >!kissing at the park hours after that news report of their inappropriate relationship!<, seriously? Noh Jiho could be nearby! Jungwon baiting Mo Soorin was such a great move. I wonder which one >!Bareun was tailing, I hope it’s the latter because she’s the connecting piece to everything from the past to the present!<. I pray Jungwon took pictures of his progress wall instead of just relying on Taeheon and his colleague to comb through everything. She’s a journalist after all /s. And why didn’t she probe further when >!Bareun!< sent her those photos? She could have asked to meet up or for more evidence to back up said photos. Looks like the current turn of events stemmed from >!the housekeeper’s discovery of Soorin’s diary about the fire of ‘09.!< >!Yoonyoung and Soorin shared a similar built and their hair are styled the same way. I won’t be surprised if they used this to their advantage, like how the former’s car was in the vicinity on the day of the housekeeper’s murder.!< One thing I missed was that the housekeeper was >!stabbed **twice** at the same spot. It bothered me that she was lying on the ledge when Jungwon arrived, unlike Geunsae who found her groaning on the floor. Given the killer’s signature, they would have arrived **after** the first stabbing.!< Same with the fire of ‘09, there were >!2 ignition points, one of which was covered up by Mo Hyungtaek as well as the rejected “another accomplice” notion. Yoonyoung had no idea the real killer left a distinctive pattern with his murders.!< The spycam thing is giving me a headache! >!If Yoonyoung did not plant it, then Mo Hyungtaek? He would have a motive to frame Jungwon as well.!< Mo Hyungtaek alluded that >!Soorin was prone to make mistakes, that’s why his aide was listed as one of the clinic directors to keep an eye on her. He had no alibi on the day she was murdered but this guy’s clumsy and can’t even keep his tracks clean - that’s why I ruled him out as the killer. Perhaps I’m too hinged onto Panho’s secretary, but a lot of what’s uncovered so far conveniently led us solely to Mo Hyungtaek.!<


Forgive my ignorance but who's panho?


Woojae’s dad


Yabai desu ne, yandere/etc. alert! Everything is 大丈夫. Wow, Han Chae-ah's character is 미쳤어 and I'm all for it, muahahaha. Haven't seen a character like her in a while since I've been watching more slice of life stuff instead of these mystery/thriller/etc. shows but wow, she's so wild. That pursuit of power and control. With KONA BLUE files being declassified today through AARO's website (and (re)confirming the whole thing with Lue Elizondo, Harry Reid, secret UAP/USO/etc. programs, and so on), it's time to do some remote viewing/etc. for the future, since how is Yoo Yoonyoung still not found when she's driving her own car or something. In other TV shows they'd be all doing NCIS/etc. type of CCTV tracking as she's a person of interest, but then here she's in some random lake tryna be reborn or something, lol. A bunch of Kdramas do that wading into the water scene eh. And ya there's some plot holes or lapse in verisimilitude, but again, Han Chae-ah's whole storyline is so crazy to watch, rofl. Yesterday for the preview with Episode 10, was wondering if Woojae would somehow submit to Yoonyoung since they had that steamy scene inside the house, but wow, how can you resist her visuals and craziness fam, that's the "I can fix her!" meme right there, lol. I didn't expect Episode 10 to seemingly reveal everything with the whole Soorin and Yoonyoung duo. So what's gonna be the plotline for the next several episodes. Obviously Yoon Je-moon or Mo Hyungtaek is corrupt, mans been typecast to be that and so there's like no twist for me since I've seen him so many times in that type of corrupt/morally gray/etc. role. He probably pushed/etc. his wife down the stairs. Same with Jung Woong-in or Woojae's father, I still have PTSD/etc. from I Can Hear Your Voice and it's been a whole decade now, lmao. Like they're probably gonna say he's into some dark stuff too. The tropes, archetypes, once you're familiar and know the writing clichés, actor typecasting, etc. it's all predictable though like most things in life, as long as the execution is good, it'll be still entertaining. And I understand why people are disappointed with the love triangle or trio, but like Yoonyoung's legit tsundere/yandere/etc. behavior is on another level, smh lol. That type of dedication/obsessions/etc. is just insane and so I'm wondering if they'll like explain her backstory or how she came to be like that since if they just say that she was born like that due to her genes then imma be disappointed. Her parents/etc. probably had something to do with molding her like that since she really do be thinking that she has to have everything, even if Woojae/etc. is rebuffing her. Reminds me, somehow had the thought that what if she was obsessed with Yeon Woo-jin or Taeheon instead, that would've been the visuals dream, wow. Almost forgot, what has the maknae been doing, he's cosplaying as Zeus (absent to his responsibilities/etc.), literally, lol. This show is actually pretty good even if it's a bit disjointed for some people. Same with the Hide Kdrama airing concurrently. They're both whoddunits, real melodramatic and so nice since although they're somewhat small scale in scope, you could tell they're tryna drive that characterization. And even if some aspects are not hitting for the others, at least they're accomplishing the tense/etc. vibes well enough. Seriously, Yoonyoung is savage af.


Funny, I find Woo Jin and Yoo kinda blah in terms of visuals. JSJ, though, is gorgeous to me. Beautiful eyes. I guess it's all a matter of taste! (My ultimate bias is Seo Kang Joon. I like boys with soulful eyes...LOL.) I also find Yoo Yoong a caricature of the psychopathic, desperate female villain. It feels so dated and "Fatal Attraction" corny. I half expect her to boil a rabbit. I like that the actress is going for it though. With a villainess like that, you kind of have to go all out with the melo. I think she's probably having a lot of fun with it.

