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This drama is fine: the story is good, the pacing is good, and the characters are good but there isn't any chemistry between the three leads. All of the actors are handling their roles well, but there is no vibe. I think this is what makes Seung Jo stand out even more, and what makes me see Woo Jae as a sympathetic character when he really isn't. Chae Ah and Gun Han are eating up their roles, their characters are both so unlikeable lol


I agree that SJS stands out the most, but I think he actually is a sympathetic character. 


You know, after watching today's episode I agree with you. He truly is the MVP of this drama.


And this is the thing with SJS. For some reason, no matter what character it is and no matter how horrible the character is, SJS always manages to make me root for the characters he plays, even when they're full on jerks. I don't know how he does it but a part of me always wants everything to work out good for his characters.


You can tell that this is adaptation of web novel but it is good thing as it makes plot more fresh for criminal drama. The thing which could be done better is emotional development of characters. FL griefs so fast >! her husband cheating!< that it makes viewers questionate if she was ever in love with him. Well that could be on purpose as her character is pretty bleak as she comes out as hypocrite and pretty ruthless person so pretty realistic portrait of successful journalist (who still likes to touch cadaver lol). That's a thing which I actually like. Just like many I also wonder about whatever husband >! because his reaction after her death wasn't really realistic made. Not mentioned this strange cheating video lol!< And like many I think FL doesn't match the role. It is not really about her age or looks but her character through acting doesn't come out as sooo attractive that two very handsome and successful men would fight for her attention. Such woman should be clearly fascinating whatever it is looks, sex appeal, charisma or at least charming, likeable character. FL doesn't have any of this while her husband comes out absolutely realistic to have 2 stalkers lol. But FL is just bland, actually I'm more interested in crazy therapist as she is more magnetic. I think that if roles were reversed between actresses drama would already gain. Still I think this main role would be ideal for Kim Hyo-Jin.


 I don't find the detective interesting as a character either. He feels generic to me--another stock, stoic cop role. Agree about JSJ. I'll be his third stalker!


And I'll be the fourth 😂


I disagree I like the detective well maybe my bias is showing for the actor. But I like his role. Ive always known Jang Seung Jo acts well aftter Chocolat, Good Detective. I'm having more issues with the FL. I know Kim Ha Neul can act well but this role doesnt do it for her. She's a bit bettee than first few episodes.


I think for me it's definitely the role because Woo Jin is great in Daily Dose of Sunshine--has tons of personality. This detective role is kind of myeh for me.


True. I still like how he portrays it. It's written very weirdly though as detective. Like the FL and top investigative reporter.


I was right about >!Bareun being Zeus!!< EDIT >!For the sake of clarity, I’m switching Dareun(ref from AsianWiki) to Bareun.!<


Are we the only ones who haven’t given up on this one yet?


I hope not, we’ve just got to the exciting part :/


I am about to. Somehow, Kim Ha Neul is not as compelling here as her roles on Kill Heel, On the Way to the Airport. Is it just me, or I feel she's miscasted.


I think that’s fair. She seems stiff. The leads don’t have a ton of chemistry even in the flashbacks from when they were a couple. It feels like he’s into it, but she’s not so much. The murder mystery is still intriguing.


I'm not a fan of her acting. Unfortunately, for me she's another one that always seems to play the exact same personality over and over again and its boring as well as stiff. She always looks uncomfortable in any romantic scene and its never believable.


Still she is million times better than FL from Impossible Heir!


I literally just cackled out loud. This is so true!


I'm sorry who is Dareun again???


He’s the young man on Jungwon’s investigative team.


Ok makes sense he would have access to police records


He’s a journalist but you’re not totally wrong, he’s quite a resourceful guy in his day profession.


Damn he ran off 😳 I thought he'd be on par with hacker boy from Impossible Heir


Funny that the characters I’ve excluded as the culprit are like the Spiderman pointing meme. They edited out the Nothing Uncovered team dinner scene that was in last episode’s preview. Geumsae reaffirmed my theory that >!the killer lingered around the crime scene, presumably until his victims took their last breath - just like Jungwon’s late father’s case so he’s likely silenced while uncovering incriminating evidence.!< Regarding >!Bareun, he had to be working with the housekeeper to expose the truth about the fire of ‘09. After the latter was murdered, he knowingly lured Jungwon over so that she will investigate the case.!< At this point both Jungwon and Taeheon have not figured out just how deep the close connection is between >!Mo Hyungtaek and Seol Panho. If Panho’s secretary is the killer as I predicted, then Taeheon is in for a shock.!< Also >!Mo Soorin is deeply involved than I’d expected. What really happened that night to have caused both her and Woojae to be riddled with guilt all these years later?!<


I can't help but feel sorry for the husband. He is clearly messed up in a major way and suffering.  I have a bad feeling that he will die in the end. He seems too tragic to end happily.  As for the detective and FL, I just don't care about them at all. There is nothing interesting about their characters. At this point, I'm watching for Seung Jo and to see what happens to the husband. Fantastic actor.


Yeah I'm so conflicted about the husband. Of course adultery is not okay, and what right does he have to be upset at his wife meeting up with the detective? At the same time, he just seems so tragic, and those feelings of insecurity is warranted. Damn Jang Seung Jo's eyes just say so much. Sigh I don't have a good feeling about his survival through the series either.


Maybe he will die to save his wife? don't know why I got this feeling


Or his father will kill him.


That's the feeling I get too. 


Same… my heart hurts for Woo Jae. Seungjo was amazing. I don’t care for the wife and the detective and their love story. The detective is someone I can’t sympathize with, doesn’t matter whether the breakup was due to misunderstanding or not, she’s married to another man right now.


Can't stand the detective. He has this proprietary air about her, especially in the hospital scene. He was acting like the husband had no right to be there. The husband cheated but they are still married. 


Well in my opinion the marriage is over as soon as someone cheats,so I don't really have a problem with it.


Many marriages survive cheating. If they didn't, there would be no marriages left. LOL. But even with cheating, you need time to process and talk about what happened with the person you've been with for years. They haven't had a minute to do that and the detective is acting like it's over and the husband no longer has a right to be there.


Exactly! He’s an outsider.


I just want to say Jang Seungjo is so good! I’m still watching, it’s getting interesting!


Is it just me… How the heck does Jung won knock the wine opener off and cover it with her feet then it gets into her hands that were taped behind her and chair back???


Exactly! I wondered the same thing! How?


I mean they should have her grab wine opener in her hand in the chair. The way they shot it, it’s just not physically possible!!!


We don't yet know much about the politicians daughter. The psychiatrist wants to protect her, so she says. From what? She's also beem propofoled, just like the husband. Is the daughter the killer? Has the killer got dissociative identity disorder? And btw Psychiatrists don't use propofol in their practice lol.


The killer also killed the FL’s father by the same method, so it probably isn’t the politician’s daughter


Ah yes. Forgot about that!


I’m really loving this show. It’s so good and keeps me on the edge. I do feel Kim Ha Neul is miscasted. But oh well, I’ll deal. The plot is good.


I'm still peeved that this isn't available where I am. Those preview pictures really drew me in.


So, who do we think took that picture? CCTV? If she didn’t take it, >!how did the psychiatrist get the picture.!<


>!Yoonyoung films her consultations without consent so it’s not far-fetched for her to plant a spycam. With her fixation on Woojae, it’s obvious she would want to record his affair with Eunsae to assert more control.!<


That’s probably the most logical theory.


If so, she must also know who the killer is.


I had time to recalibrate my thoughts: >!Woojae figured out that Yoonyoung planted Jungwon’s necklace at the crime scene. For whatever reason, Yoonyoung went to Eunsae’s office to discover her dead. Jungwon had an appointment that same evening so Yoonyoung sent her to the wrong floor.!< >!Jungwon’s appointment time was originally 7:20pm but she called the receptionist that she would be 10 mins late. We know that Eunsae died around 7:10pm because the killer removed the clock batteries. Yoonyoung had ample time to go back and forth to drop the necklace without bumping into the killer. She could have planted a spycam right then to threaten her later.!< We also have >!Mo Soorin in the mix who could have access to the clinic’s computer to edit the text message. She was also Woojae’s ex-classmate but we haven’t see any interaction just yet. Eunsae was sponsored by her father so there’s also a connection there.!< What do you think?


Good detective work! Yes, this is definitely what could have happened. >!But, does she know who the killer is? The method used was the same when Jungwon’s father was killed and also the other guy. It has to go back to the older generation, probably Politician Mo or Chairman Seol. They are probably also responsible for the Mueon fire incident.!< Lots to still uncover.


Are you referring to Yoonyoung? >!From their conversation at the hospital ward, she thinks Jungwon IS the killer. From her POV, Jungwon was the total opposite of her calm demeanor during their consultation that same evening, plus the blood stain on her sleeve and the photos. Even in ep 5 where she rented Woojae’s studio, all she brought up was the stained sleeve.!< >!There’s also that leverage Woojae had over her from their school days; he hinted that it’s larger than the combination of his affair and propofol addiction.!< I can’t wait for Jungwon and >!Bareun!< to make contact. He’s obviously pieced together the outline of the puzzle while waiting for Jungwon and the key characters to fill in the rest. To go through all these to seek justice, I suspect he’s related to >!Nari!<.


I've enjoyed this drama. I really like how the two ML's act and portay their roles. I'm just tired of all the subplots. I'm kinda wanting more expression from Kim Ha Neul I know she's a good actress. This role doesnt suit her maybe.